914 resultados para Third-order correlation


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Among different phase unwrapping approaches, the weighted least-squares minimization methods are gaining attention. In these algorithms, weighting coefficient is generated from a quality map. The intrinsic drawbacks of existing quality maps constrain the application of these algorithms. They often fail to handle wrapped phase data contains error sources, such as phase discontinuities, noise and undersampling. In order to deal with those intractable wrapped phase data, a new weighted least-squares phase unwrapping algorithm based on derivative variance correlation map is proposed. In the algorithm, derivative variance correlation map, a novel quality map, can truly reflect wrapped phase quality, ensuring a more reliable unwrapped result. The definition of the derivative variance correlation map and the principle of the proposed algorithm are present in detail. The performance of the new algorithm has been tested by use of a simulated spherical surface wrapped data and an experimental interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) wrapped data. Computer simulation and experimental results have verified that the proposed algorithm can work effectively even when a wrapped phase map contains intractable error sources. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A Nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Brasileira (LDB 9.394/96) prevê que a educação superior promova criticidade, reflexibilidade, correlação de saberes, mas também o incentivo ao trabalho de pesquisa e investigação científica, visando ao desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia e da criação e difusão da cultura e, desse modo, desenvolver o entendimento do homem e do meio em que vive. (Artigo 43, inciso III). Entretanto, pouco se ouve sobre essas questões a partir da voz do orientador de pesquisas acadêmicas, o que esta pesquisadora considera um problema de ordem social, tendo em vista a importância desses atores sociais para o campo acadêmico. Os poucos trabalhos que abordam o tema limitam-se a identificar o orientador a partir das impressões empíricas dos orientandos e a refletir as atuações a partir de questões político-educacionais (FLECHA, 2003; MAZZILLI, 2003; BIANCHETTI & MACHADO, 2006). Neste sentido, o presente trabalho procura responder, através da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), o que os orientadores têm a dizer sobre sua prática social. De caráter interpretativo (ALVEZ-MAZZOTTI, 1999), conta com dados gerados por orientadores de mestrado em Linguística/Linguística Aplicada, das esferas federal, estadual e privada, do Rio de janeiro, sendo dois participantes de cada esfera. Na primeira etapa, os sujeitos responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada. A segunda etapa consta de: a) um questionário; b) correspondências eletrônicas; c) os regimentos dos programas de pós-graduação; e d) revisão histórica da orientação no Brasil. O caráter social deste estudo é a relação dialética entre linguagem e sociedade, já que a ACD considera qualquer evento discursivo ao mesmo tempo um texto (primeira dimensão), uma prática discursiva (segunda dimensão) e uma prática social (terceira dimensão): o modelo tridimensional (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001). O Sistema de Transitividade da LSF pautou a análise da primeira dimensão, confirmando outros estudos sobre o ranking da recorrência dos processos (LIMA LOPES, 2001). A interpretação dessa primeira dimensão aponta que os orientadores atuam na idiossincrasia, e que os principais atores sociais desse fazer são o orientador e o orientando, em relação assimétrica de poder. Na segunda dimensão, a interdiscursividade reforça essa idiossincrasia, mas inclui as pressões institucionais, que agem como reguladoras desse fazer. Na terceira dimensão, os resultados sugerem que aspectos históricos justificam a queda da qualidade dos mestrandos, associando a isso um interesse político, e as características da pós-modernidade a uma nova e híbrida atuação. Além disso, os resultados apontam para um discurso de resistência à hegemonia nas três dimensões de análise. A pesquisa possibilitou ainda a discussão em torno de aspectos práticos: a) a reflexão dos sujeitos sobre seus papeis e atribuições; e b) a atualização do aporte teórico, aplicado a um tema ainda pouco explorado. Deste trabalho, fica um convite a novas pesquisas sobre o discurso do orientador, trazendo à tona não apenas sua voz, conforme a fala literal de um dos entrevistados, mas também contribuições diretas e significativas aos estudos em Linguística e Linguística Aplicada no Brasil


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[EN] In the recent years a series of optical correlation techniques have been developed in order to be able to measure flow velocity with high spatial resolution while being non-invasive in order to be employed in-vivo on biological organisms. The technique employed in my thesis work, scanning laser image correlation (SLIC), is a powerful approach for the detection of flow motions because it overcomes some limitations of the classical spectroscopy techniques. SLIC method consists in repeated laser scans over a linear pattern and on the cross correlation of the signal emitted by the excited fluorophores in different positions along the scan line. Therefore, the resulting measurements for flow velocity are really accurate.


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In order to study of the artificial propagation efficiency in white fish (Coregonus lavaretus) and its fingerlings producing in IRAN, a 9 mounts study project was been done which during it, the characteristics of the matures and brood stocks fishes, the condition of their natural and artificial propagation, and the characteristics of produced frys, were been studied. Throughout the total 82 pieces caught fishes during September til February 2003, 10 pieces of them were the female brood stocks which during the catch time did not have spouse. The study of these fishes showed that there was no significant correlation between their weight and their length. The most and the least absolute fecundity of these brood stocks were 19120 and 11496 respectively. The artificial propagation was been done by 5 males and 4 females broods took which 57602 ova, with 89/2% fertilization rate, earned from them. The incubation period prolonged 55 days in 8°c. At the end of the incubation, 23913 larvae released. So the artificial propagation efficiency was calculated 41/51% in this study. Yolk sack absorption prolonged 4 days. 3 different food treatment were considered for fry breeding which contain of Brachiouns plicatilis as live food, salmon starter food as commercial food, and the mixed of equal amounts of live and commercial foods as third treatment. For each treatment, 3 repeat has been considered. Breeding duration prolonged 13 weeks throughout this period, different characteristics of fry were been studied weekly. The breeding results showed that there was very significant correlation between the weight and the length of frys. However the live food provided better results in growth and survival rate of frys during breeding initial 6 weeks. More ever, commercial food, in some characteristics, provided more acceptable results in comparing the live food after sixth week. The results of this study project showed that the artificial propagation in whitefish is possible in IRAN and the producing of its frys in order to restocking or introducing this species to the other Iranian suitable water resources is executable. Based on the earned information from this study, the suitable time for natural spawning of whitefish in IRAN (Amirkabir dam lake) determined between 10th January til 20th February.


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Schizothorax zarudnvi, is an endemic fish of east country waters. (Triple lagoons of Hamoon and relevant water resources) that in the world it is reported in this resource specially. This fish named Hamoon mahi is one of the most economically valuable species in this region. Because of the recent years droughts, Hamoon logoon has been drive since 2000. Also, semi-wells (a semi natural resource) were affected drastically by recent drought years and their volume reduced to nearly one third of their real volume and resulted in changing at growth and reproduction physiology process in Schizothorax zanidnyi, brood stocks. Beginning of this project was done from October 2003. It's field studies begun (brood catching) since November 2001 by two methods including entangling gairs and at semi wells of Sistan that (Beach seine) had maximum rate of preparing qualified brood stocks. Broods transferred to Cyprinidea reproduction work shop of Zahak and after taking primary measures they stored in to the edaphic pools. Increasing the success safety factor (coefficient) for artificial reproduction of Sthizothorax zarudnyi , identifying the appropriate tune for Hormonal acceptance (physiological preparation of broods) is needed , so this important work was done regularly by histological studies and GSI measurements since November. Highest GSI rates of females (%80.51) and highest IV stage abundance of sexual maturity (%l 00) were observed an march. On the base of this date, Hormone therapy was done on broods on march. The used hormones are as follows Hypophysis. extraction, GnRHa and Anti Dopamin at the dozes of 3-6 ml, 20-30kg and 10-15 ml per kg body weight respectively and 2-3 times from 11-12-80 they were injected. Injected broods kept in to two circumstances, flow-through (rounded pool) and stagnant systems. In stagnant system 14 and 19 individuals of female and male (Schizothorax zauiulnri) broods, respectively injected in 11th, 15111, 19th, and 24th of march 1380. Non of the injected broods in 11 and 15 and 19th march (in stagnant Condition) answered to Hormone therapy. After final injection broods had general less activity and a few of them died. Mean temperature of brood pond waters (daily) which were injected. Fluctuated between 10-25-13. 63°c but injected broods on 24th march had different characteristics. They had pale color and had few fecundity. In this stage of injection they hadn't any successful vulation. After injection, Mean daily water temperature was 15, 88-17, 54°c. In Flowing system, 13-16 individual of males and females respectively were injected on 15th, 19th, 22th and 23th march. None of injected producers on 15th and 19th march with mean daily water temperature of 10, 25-12°c were prepared for spawning but injected producers on 22nd an 23th march with mean daily water temperature of 13.5-1 rc responded about 75-100 percent. (Schizothorax zarudnyi) brood stocks were prepared for spawning after 353-428 hours/day from final injection. Diameter of obtained eggs (before fertilization) was between 1.9-2.3 min and of fertilized eggs was 3.8mm. Fertilized eggs of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) were hatched after 6-7 days with mean water temperature of 17.08°c. Mean length of on one day larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae adsorbed the whole yolk sac after , 5-6 days at 17- 1°c and were prepared for releasing in to edaphic pools. Because of the lack of necessary and complementary facilities in the region , they had to release them in to veniros and growing them for 8 days. At the end of 18th day , 35000 larvae (at first) released into an edaphic pond with a volume of 150m2. After growing them for one moth , mean length and weight of new hatched larvae was 29.41 mm and 1.12►r , respectively. With respect to results of this investigation , artificial reproduction of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) Can be possible at 14-17°C and flowing water with Hormonal treatment. It -s breeding has increased development than other cultural specious in the region. Due to high economical value of this specious in Sistan and ti-s specialization east waters of Iran and having high resistance and proper growth There is a need of it's development and reproduction and culture in fish culture fanns (edaphic ponds• two-purpose pools) at the region and country.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD can be used as a powerful tool supporting engineers throughout the steps of the design. The combination of CFD with response surface methodology can play an important role in such cases. During the conceptual engineering design phase, a quick response is always a matter of urgency. During this phase even a sketch of the geometrical model is rare. Therefore, the utilisation of typical response surface developed for congested and confined environment rather than CFD can be an important tool to help the decision making process, when the geometrical model is not available, provided that similarities can be considered when taking into account the characteristic of the geometry in which the response surface was developed. The present work investigates how three different types of response surfaces behave when predicting overpressure in accidental scenarios based on CFD input. First order, partial second order and complete second order polynomial expressions are investigated. The predicted results are compared with CFD findings for a classical offshore experiment conducted by British Gas on behalf of Mobil and good agreement is observed for higher order response surfaces. The higher order response surface calculations are also compared with CFD calculations for a typical offshore module and good agreement is also observed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper is the third part of a report on systematic measurements and analyses of wind-generated water waves in a laboratory environment. The results of the measurements of the turbulent flow on the water side are presented here, the details of which include the turbulence structure, the correlation functions, and the length and velocity scales. It shows that the mean turbulent velocity profiles are logarithmic, and the flows are hydraulically rough. The friction velocity in the water boundary layer is an order of magnitude smaller than that in the wind boundary layer. The level of turbulence is enhanced immediately beneath the water surface due to micro-breaking, which reflects that the Reynolds shear stress is of the order u *w 2. The vertical velocities of the turbulence are related to the relevant velocity scale at the still-water level. The autocorrelation function in the vertical direction shows features of typical anisotropic turbulence comprising a large range of wavelengths. The ratio between the microscale and macroscale can be expressed as λ/Λ=a Re Λ n, with the exponent n slightly different from -1/2, which is the value when turbulence production and dissipation are in balance. On the basis of the wavelength and turbulent velocity, the free-surface flows in the present experiments fall into the wavy free-surface flow regime. The integral turbulent scale on the water side alone underestimates the degree of disturbance at the free surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The two-point spatial correlation of the rate of change of fluctuating heat release rate is central to the sound emission from open turbulent flames, and a few attempts have been made to address this correlation in recent studies. In this paper, the two-point correlation and its role in combustion noise are studied by analysing direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of statistically multi-dimensional turbulent premixed flames. The results suggest that this correlation function depends on the separation distance and direction but, not on the positions inside the flame brush. This correlation can be modelled using a combination of Hermite-Gaussian functions of zero and second order, i.e. functions of the form (1-Ax2)e-Bx2 for constants A and B, to include its possible negative values. The integral correlation volume obtained using this model is about 0.2δL3 with the length scale obtained from its cube root being about 0.6δ L, where δ L is the laminar flame thermal thickness. Both of the values are slightly larger than the values reported in an earlier study because of the anisotropy observed for the correlation. This model together with the turbulence-dependent parameter K, the ratio of the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the rate of change of reaction rate to the mean reaction rate, derived from the DNS data is applied to predict the far-field sound emitted from open flames. The calculated noise levels agree well with recently reported measurements and show a sensitivity to K values. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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Aircraft emissions of black carbon (BC) contribute to anthropogenic climate forcing and degrade air quality. The smoke number (SN) is the current regulatory measure of aircraft particulate matter emissions and quantifies exhaust plume visibility. Several correlations between SN and the exhaust mass concentration of BC (CBC) have been developed, based on measurements relevant to older aircraft engines. These form the basis of the current standard method used to estimate aircraft BC emissions (First Order Approximation version 3 [FOA3]) for the purposes of environmental impact analyses. In this study, BC with a geometric mean diameter (GMD) of 20, 30, and 60 nm and filter diameters of 19 and 35 mm are used to investigate the effect of particle size and sampling variability on SN measurements. For BC with 20 and 30 nm GMD, corresponding to BC emitted by modern aircraft engines, a smaller SN results from a given CBC than is the case for BC with 60 nm GMD, which is more typical of older engines. An updated correlation between CBC and SNthat accounts for typical size of BC emitted by modern aircraft is proposed. An uncertainty of ±25% accounts for variation in GMD in the range 20-30 nm and for the range of filter diameters. The SN-CBC correlation currently used in FOA3 underestimates by a factor of 2.5-3 for SN <15, implying that current estimates of aircraft BC emissions derived from SN are underestimated by the same factor. Copyright © American Association for Aerosol Research.


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An analytic closed form for the second- order or fourth- order Markovian stochastic correlation of attosecond sum- frequency polarization beat ( ASPB) can be obtained in the extremely Doppler- broadened limit. The homodyne detected ASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light. fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The physical explanation for this is that the Gaussian- amplitude. field undergoes stronger intensity. fluctuations than a chaotic. field. On the other hand, the intensity ( amplitude). fluctuations of the Gaussian- amplitude. field or the chaotic. field are always much larger than the pure phase. fluctuations of the phase-diffusion field. The field correlation has weakly influence on the ASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the ASPB signal shows resonant- nonresonant cross correlation, and the sensitivities of ASPB signal to three Markovian stochastic models increase as time delay is increased. A Doppler- free precision in the measurement of the energy- level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. The advantage of ASPB is that the ultrafast modulation period 900as can still be improved, because the energy- level interval between ground state and excited state can be widely separated.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we obtained an analytic closed form for the second-order or fourth-order Markovian stochastic correlation of the four-level attosecond sum-frequency polarization beat (FASPB) in the extremely Doppler-broadened limit. The homodyne-detected FASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The different roles of the amplitude fluctuations and the phase fluctuations can be understood physically in the time-domain picture. The field correlation has a weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonant-nonresonant cross-correlation, and drastic difference for three Markovian stochastic fields. The maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time delay to the opposite direction, and the signal exhibits damping oscillation when the laser frequency is off-resonant from the two-photon transition. A Doppler-free precision in the measurement of the energy-level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum frequency of energy levels.


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Cd in GaAs is an acceptor atom and has the largest atomic diameter among the four commonly-used group-II shallow acceptor impurities (Be, Mg, Zn and Cd). The activation energy of Cd (34.7 meV) is also the largest one in the above four impurities, When Cd is doped by ion implantation, the effects of lattice distortion are expected to be apparently different from those samples ion-implanted by acceptor impurities with smaller atomic diameter. In order to compensate the lattice expansion and simultaneously to adjust the crystal stoichiometry, dual incorporation of Cd and nitrogen (N) was carried out into GaAs, Ion implantation of Cd was made at room temperature, using three energies (400 keV, 210 keV, 110 keV) to establish a flat distribution, The spatial profile of N atoms was adjusted so as to match that of Cd ones, The concentration of Cd and N atoms, [Cd] and [N] varied between 1 x 10(16) cm(-3) and 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). Two type of samples, i.e., solely Cd+ ion-implanted and dually (Cd+ + N+) ion-implanted with [Cd] = [N] were prepared, For characterization, Hall effects and photoluminescence (PL) measurements were performed at room temperature and 2 K, respectively. Hall effects measurements revealed that for dually ion-implanted samples, the highest activation efficiency was similar to 40% for [Cd] (= [N])= 1 x 10(18) cm(-3). PL measurements indicated that [g-g] and [g-g](i) (i = 2, 3, alpha, beta,...), the emissions due to the multiple energy levels of acceptor-acceptor pairs are significantly suppressed by the incorporation of N atoms, For [Cd] = [N] greater than or equal to 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), a moderately deep emission denoted by (Cd, N) is formed at around 1.45-1.41 eV. PL measurements using a Ge detector indicated that (Cd, N) is increasingly red-shifted in energy and its intensity is enhanced with increasing [Cd] = [N], (Cd, N) becomes a dominant emission for [Cd] = [N] = 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). The steep reduction of net hole carrier concentration observed for [Cd]/[N] less than or equal to 1 was ascribed to the formation of (Cd, N) which is presumed to be a novel radiative complex center between acceptor and isoelectronic atoms in GaAs.


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A novel accurate numerical model for shallow water equations on sphere have been developed by implementing the high order multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method on the icosahedral geodesic grid. High order reconstructions are conducted cell-wisely by making use of the point values as the unknowns distributed within each triangular cell element. The time evolution equations to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constrained conditions for two types of moments, i.e. the point values on the cell boundary edges and the cell-integrated average. The numerical conservation is rigorously guaranteed. in the present model, all unknowns or computational variables are point values and no numerical quadrature is involved, which particularly benefits the computational accuracy and efficiency in handling the spherical geometry, such as coordinate transformation and curved surface. Numerical formulations of third and fourth order accuracy are presented in detail. The proposed numerical model has been validated by widely used benchmark tests and competitive results are obtained. The present numerical framework provides a promising and practical base for further development of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study the non-Gaussianity induced by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuation maps. If a CMB map is contaminated by the SZ effect of galaxies or galaxy clusters, the CMB maps should have similar non-Gaussian features to the galaxy and cluster fields. Using the WMAP data and 2MASS galaxy catalogue, we show that the non-Gaussianity of the 2MASS galaxies is imprinted on WMAP maps. The signature of non-Gaussianity can be seen with the fourth-order cross-correlation between the wavelet variables of the WMAP maps and 2MASS clusters. The intensity of the fourth-order non-Gaussian features is found to be consistent with the contamination of the SZ effect of 2MASS galaxies. We also show that this non-Gaussianity can not be seen by the high-order autocorrelation of the WMAP. This is because the SZ signals in the autocorrelations of the WMAP data generally are weaker than the WMAP-2MASS cross-correlations by a factor f(2), which is the ratio between the powers of the SZ-effect map and the CMB fluctuations on the scale considered. Therefore, the ratio of high-order autocorrelations of CMB maps to cross-correlations of the CMB maps and galaxy field would be effective to constrain the powers of the SZ effect on various scales.


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We report observation of inverted phases consisting of spheres and/or cylinders of the majority fraction block in a poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) (SBS) triblock copolymer by solvent-induced order-disorder phase transition (ODT). The SBS sample has a molecular weight of 140K Da and a polystyrene (PS) weight fraction of 30%. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were utilized to study the copolymer microstructure of a set of solution-cast SBS films dried with different solvent evaporation rates, R. The control with different R leads to kinetic frozen-in of microstructures corresponding to a different combination parameter chi (eff)Z of the drying films (where chi (eff) is the effective interaction parameter of the polymer solution in the cast film and Z the number of "blobs" of size equal to the correlation length one block copolymer chain contains), for which faster evaporation rates result in microstructures of smaller chi (eff)Z. As R was decreased from rapid evaporations (similar to0.1 mL/h), the microstructure evolved from a totally disordered one sequentially to inverted phases consisting of spheres and then cylinders of polybutadiene (PB) in a PS matrix and finally reached the equilibrium phase, namely cylinders of PS in a PB matrix. We interpret the formation of inverted phases as due to the increased relative importance of entropy as chi (eff)Z is decreased, which may dominate the energy penalty for having a bigger interfacial area between the immiscible blocks in the inverted phases.