918 resultados para The Burnet Institute


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The Sesame dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected during October 2008 in the Levantine Basin (between 33.20 and 36.50 N latitude and between 30.99 and 31.008 E longitude). Mesozooplankton samples were collected by using a WP-2 closing net with 200 µm mesh size during day hours (07:00-18:00). Samples were taken from 0-50, 50-100, 100-200 m layer at 5 stations in Levantine Basin The dataset includes samples analyzed for mesozooplankton species composition, abundance and total mesozooplankton biomass. The entire sample (1/2) or an aliquot was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Minimum 500 individuals of mesozooplankton were identified and numerated at higher taxonomic level. Taxonomic identification was done at the METU- Institute of Marine Sciences by Alexandra Gubanova,Tuba Terbiyik using the relevant taxonomic literatures. Mesozooplankton abundance and biomass were estimated by Zahit Uysal and Yesim Ak Örek. Specification via marine planktonic copepods database (http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en/).


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The Sesame dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected during March 2008 in the Cilician Basin (between between 35.40'- 36.79 N latitude and 33.19- 36.07 E ). Mesozooplankton samples were collected by using a WP-2 closing net with 200 micron mesh size during day hours (07:00-18:00). Samples were taken in the 0-50, 50-100, 100-200 m layer at 6 stations in the Cilician Basin. The dataset includes samples analyzed for mesozooplankton species composition, abundance and total biomass (Dry weight(mg/m**3)). Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance: 1/2 sample or an aliquot was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Copepod species were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Taxonomic identification was done at the METU-Institute of Marine Sciences by Tuba Terbiyik using the relevant taxonomic literatures. Mesozooplankton total abundance: 1/2 sample or an aliquot was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Copepod species were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Taxonomic identification was done at the METU-Institute of Marine Sciences using the relevant taxonomic literatures


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The Sesame dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected during April 2008 in the Marmara Sea (between 40°15' - 34°00N latitude and 19°00 - 23°10'E longitude). Sampling was always performed in day hours (07:00-18:00 local time). Samples were taken at 6 stations in the Marmara Sea. Mesozooplankton samples were collected by using a WP-2 closing net with 200 µm mesh size. Sample was immediately fixed and preserved in a formaldehyde-seawater solution (4% final concentration) to be successively analyzed in the laboratory for species composition, abundance and total biomass. The algal organisms materials were then seperated from the mesozooplankton subsample at the dissecting microscope in the laboratory because of the contamination of the net samples with large-sized algae and mucilaginous organic matters. Afterwards, each samples were filtered on GF/C (pre combusted and weighed) for biomass measurements for dry weight. The dataset includes samples analyzed for mesozooplankton species composition, abundance and total mesozooplankton biomass. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Sampling biomass was measured by weighing filters and then determined according to sampling volume. 1/2 sample or an aliquot was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Copepod species were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Taxonomic identification was done at the METU-Institute of Marine Sciences by Tuba Terbiyik using the relevant taxonomic literatures.


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IBAMar (http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar) is a regional database that puts together all physical and biochemical data obtained by multiparametric probes (CTDs equipped with different sensors), during the cruises managed by the Balearic Center of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (COB-IEO). It has been recently extended to include data obtained with classical hydro casts using oceanographic Niskin or Nansen bottles. The result is a database that includes a main core of hydrographic data: temperature (T), salinity (S), dissolved oxygen (DO), fluorescence and turbidity; complemented by bio-chemical data: dissolved inorganic nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate) and chlorophyll-a. In IBAMar Database, different technologies and methodologies were used by different teams along the four decades of data sampling in the COB-IEO. Despite of this fact, data have been reprocessed using the same protocols, and a standard QC has been applied to each variable. Therefore it provides a regional database of homogeneous, good quality data. Data acquisition and quality control (QC): 94% of the data are CTDs Sbe911 and Sbe25. S and DO were calibrated on board using water samples, whenever a Rossetta was available (70% of the cases). All CTD data from Seabird CTDs were reviewed and post processed with the software provided by Sea-Bird Electronics. Data were averaged to get 1 dbar vertical resolution. General sampling methodology and pre processing are described in https://ibamardatabase.wordpress.com/home/). Manual QC include visual checks of metadata, duplicate data and outliers. Automatic QC include range check of variables by area (north of Balearic Islands, south of BI and Alboran Sea) and depth (27 standard levels), check for spikes and check for density inversions. Nutrients QC includes a preliminary control and a range check on the observed level of the data to detect outliers around objectively analyzed data fields. A quality flag is assigned as an integer number, depending on the result of the QC check.


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Neogene stratigraphy of the tropical and subtropical Pacific on radiolaria is studied in the book. A detailed comparison of coeval systems from tropics and subtropics is given. A possibility of use of a uniform zonal scale in these areas is proved. Magnitude of changes of complexes on borders of Neogene zones is studied in detail. Six stages in development of radiolarians are identified in the tropics in Neogene. Stratigraphic levels, where the greatest changes of fauna occurred, are natural boundaries of these stages. 72 species of radiolarians (two of which are new) are described in the book.


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According to the drilling probes of the Deep Waier Drilling Project, Neogene sediments in a tropical area of the Pacific Ocean are divided into 15 zones based on diatoms. The author shows that a unique zonation may be applied for the entire region. Identification of diatoms zones boundaries was conducted through their direct correlation with nannoplancton, radiolarian and foraminiferal zonal sceals. Their ultra-structure and morphological relationship are being analysed. The mode of siliceous accumulation within the equatorial belt differed through the western central and eastern region since the early Miocene and the difference become more evident from the end of Middle Miocene. The distribution of Neogene diatomaceous silt in the tropical area is controlled by the character of gyre-water circulation and agrees with the modern geographical zonation.


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The book is devoted to stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits from high latitudes of the southern hemisphere (subantarctic part of the ocean), as well as to geological and climatic Cretaceous history of the area. Correlation with Cretaceous sediments from warm water regions is carried out. Description and photos of characteristic species of planktonic and benthic foraminifera and calcispherulides are given.


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The study on invertebrate communities in East- and West-Greenland shelf waters was embedded in a fisheries survey carried out during the 379th expedition of the German fisheries vessel Walther Herwig III of the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Hamburg, Germany. The aim of the study was a coarse classification of the bycatch comprising macrobenthic organisms. On the one hand the marine ecosystem of this area provides food for commercially valuable fish stocks and plays, potentially an important role in the remineralisation of nutrients. On the other hand it experiences stress by traditional bottom trawling as well as anthropogenic and natural climate variability. As a consequence the study can provide a baseline to detect further changes in the composition of this component of a sub-arctic marine ecosystem.


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Understanding species distribution patterns and the corresponding environmental determinants is a crucial step in the development of effective strategies for the conservation and management of plant communities and ecosystems. Therefore, a central prerequisite is the biogeographical and macroecological analysis of factors and processes that determine contemporary, potential, as well as future geographic distribution of species. This thesis has been conducted in the framework of the BIOMAPS-BIOTA project at the Nees Institute of Biodiversity of Plants, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The study investigated patterns of plants species richness and phytogeographic regions under contemporary environmental conditions and forecasted future climate change in the area of West Africa covering five countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo. Firstly, geographic patterns of vascular plant species richness have been depicted at a relatively fine spatial resolution based on the potential distribution of 3,393 species. Species richness is closely related to the steep climatic gradient existing in the region with a high concentration of species in the most humid areas in the south and decreases towards the northern drier areas. The investigation of the effectiveness of the existing network of protected areas shows an overall good coverage of species in the study area. However, the proportion of covered species is considerably lower at national extent for some countries, thus calling for more protected areas in order to cover adequately a maximum number of plants species in these countries. Secondly, based on the potential distribution range of vascular plant species, seven phytogeographic regions have been delineated that broadly reflect the vegetation zones as defined by White (1983). However notable differences to the delineation of White (1983) occur at the margins of some regions. Corresponding to a general southward shifted of all regions. And expansion of the Sahel vegetation zone is observed in the north, while the rainforest zone is decreased in the very south.This is alarming since the rainforest shelters a high number of species and a high proportion of range-restricted or endemic species, despite their relatively small extent compared to the other regions. Finally, the evaluation of the potential impact of climate change on plant species richness in the study area, results in a severe loss of future suitable habitat for up to 50% of species per grid cell, particularly in the rainforest region. Moreover, the analysis of the possible shift of phytogeographic regions shows in general a strong deterioration of the West African rainforest. In contrast the drier areas are expanding continuously, although a slight gain in species number can be observed in some particular regions. The overall lesson to retain from the results of this study is that the West African rainforest should be fixed as a high priority area for the conservation of biodiversity of plants, since it is subject to severe contemporary and projected future threats.


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The present data set was used as a training set for a Habitat Suitability Model. It contains occurrence (presence-only) of living Lophelia pertusa reefs in the Irish continental margin, which were assembled from databases, cruise reports and publications. A total of 4423 records were inspected and quality assessed to ensure that they (1) represented confirmed living L. pertusa reefs (so excluding 2900 records of dead and isolated coral colony records); (2) were derived from sampling equipment that allows for accurate (<200 m) geo-referencing (so excluding 620 records derived mainly from trawling and dredging activities); and (3) were not duplicated. A total of 245 occurrences were retained for the analysis. Coral observations are highly clustered in regions targeted by research expeditions, which might lead to falsely inflated model evaluation measures (Veloz, 2009). Therefore, we coarsened the distribution data by deleting all but one record within grid cells of 0.02° resolution (Davies & Guinotte 2011). The remaining 53 points were subject to a spatial cross-validation process: a random presence point was chosen, grouped with its 12 closest neighbour presence points based on Euclidean distance and withheld from model training. This process was repeated for all records, resulting in 53 replicates of spatially non-overlapping sets of test (n=13) and training (n=40) data. The final 53 occurrence records were used for model training.


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A large number of later Neolithic sites (3900–3500BC) in Switzerland, Southern Germany and Eastern France offer outstandingly well preserved archaeological materials from cultural layers. Due to the wide use of dendrochronology, settlement remains and artefact assemblages can now be placed into a precise and fixed chronological framework, thus presenting a unique case within prehistoric archaeology. In earlier research, chronological and regional units were constructed on the basis of pottery. These spacial and temporal units of typical pottery sets were understood as Neolithic cultures, as culturally more or less homogenous entities connected with (ethnic) identities. Today, with a larger data corpus of excavated settlements at hand, we can begin to understand that this period of the past was in fact characterised by a multitude of cultural entanglements and transformations. This is indicated by the occurrence of local and non-local pottery styles in one and the same settlement: for example typically local Cortaillod pottery is found together with NMB-styled pottery in settlements at Lake Neuchâtel or Michelsberg pottery is regularly occurring in settlements at Lake Constance where Pfyn pottery style is the typical local one. These and many more examples show that there must have been complex entanglements of social ties expanding between Eastern France, Southern Germany and the Swiss Plateau. Given these circumstances the former notions of Neolithic culture should be critically revised. Therefore, in late 2014, the Prehistoric Archaeology Department at the Archaeological Institute of University of Berne started a four-year research project funded by Swiss National Science Foundation in late 2014: ‘Mobilities, Entanglements and Transformations in Neolithic Societies of the Swiss Plateau (3900-3500 BC)’. It’s objective is to address the topic sketched above by adopting a mixed methods research (MMR)-design combining qualitative and quantitative approaches from archaeology and archaeometry. The approach is theoretically based on Pierre Bourdieu’s reflexive sociology and his concept of habitus but includes further concepts of practice theories. By shifting the focus to the movement of people, ideas and things – to pottery production practices in contexts of mobility – a deeper understanding of the transformative capacities of encounters can be achieved. This opens the path for new insights of Neolithic societies including social, cultural and economic dynamics that were underestimated in former research.


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AnewRelativisticScreenedHydrogenicModel has been developed to calculate atomic data needed to compute the optical and thermodynamic properties of high energy density plasmas. The model is based on anewset of universal screeningconstants, including nlj-splitting that has been obtained by fitting to a large database of ionization potentials and excitation energies. This database was built with energies compiled from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database of experimental atomic energy levels, and energies calculated with the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). The screeningconstants have been computed up to the 5p3/2 subshell using a Genetic Algorithm technique with an objective function designed to minimize both the relative error and the maximum error. To select the best set of screeningconstants some additional physical criteria has been applied, which are based on the reproduction of the filling order of the shells and on obtaining the best ground state configuration. A statistical error analysis has been performed to test the model, which indicated that approximately 88% of the data lie within a ±10% error interval. We validate the model by comparing the results with ionization energies, transition energies, and wave functions computed using sophisticated self-consistent codes and experimental data.