771 resultados para Social politics
This paper explores alterations in social dynamics caused by coca crops in Curvaradó and Jiguamiandó, at Choco department in the Colombian Pacific region. The research analyzes the role of armed actors such as paramilitaries and guerrillas in the conformation of new social spaces where local people find resistance as the main tool to survive in chaotic environments. Local power as a politics of resistance is also analyzed. Non-governmental organizations are a key tool to comprehend new social configurations. By doing the analysis and comparison using political ecology as the theoretical background along with concepts of moral economy and everyday resistance, with qualitative research methods. The paper aims to interpret and provide a better understanding of those changes considering social-environmental relations. Findings suggest that those changes in social structure are leading to an understanding, not just of the organization of the area, but also that social dynamics and coca crops cannot be generalized in the country.
In the 1990s, a catastrophic famine engrossed North Korea. The famine not only claimed thousands of innocent lives but also the social, economic and political principles which had governed the nation since its founding. This paper contends that the famine engendered the rise of a rights-consciousness among North Korean working class citizens. In particular, the famine compelled the rise of bottom-up markets among common North Koreans, as the state failed to uphold its end of caloric compact, which then radically shifted the moral frameworks of the people. The nature in which these frameworks shifted is the focus of my paper. Chronicling the market protests which transpired during the late 2000s, this paper unveils the emergence of a novel constellation of power between the private citizen and the state in consequence of the markets engendering a rights-consciousness.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Influenced by both conservative and left wing communitarian thinking, current debate about welfare governance in Australia reflects an inflated evaluation of the potential role of the third sector or civil society organisations in the production fo welfare. This paper gives an overview of twentieth century Australian Catholics social thinking about state, market and civil society relations in the production of welfare. It highlights the neglected, historical role of the Catholic Church in promoting a 'welfare society' over a 'welfare state' in Australia. It points to the reasons for the Church's later embrace of the welfare state and suggests that these reasons should make us deeply sceptical of the current communitarian fad.
This article argues that since 2000 successive Croatian governments have shown themselves increasingly dedicated to reforming civil-military relations. However, their efforts have been hampered by four key obstacles. First, the need to implement defence reforms in the context of an unwieldy set of civil-military relationships, political and institutional rivalries, a lack of civil and military defence expertise and a continuing legacy of politicisation. Second, the need to cut defence spending as a proportion of the overall budget whilst taking on new military roles and improving the capability of the armed forces. Third, the need to balance the demands of the NATO accession process while implementing a balanced and fundamental reform of the armed forces as a whole. Finally, the need to implement root and branch personnel reforms and downsizing in the OSRH while simultaneously recruiting and retaining quality personnel and addressing the wider social issue of unemployment.
International donors and state bureaucrats in the developing world have promoted decentralization reform as the primary means to achieve equitable, efficient and sustainable natural resource management. Relatively few studies, however, consider the power interests at stake. Why do state agencies decentralize power, what political patterns unfold, and how do outcomes affect the responses of resource users? This paper explores decentralization reform by investigating the political processes behind the Philippine state's decisions to transfer authority over national parks management to local government units. Drawing on a case of devolved management at Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan Island, we examine how political motives situated at different institutional scales affect the broader process of decentralization, the structure of management institutions, and overall livelihood security. We demonstrate how power struggles between the Philippine state and City Government of Palawan over the right to manage the national park have impacted the livelihood support offered by community-based conservation. We conclude that decentralization may offer empowering resu
The aim of this book is to assist those who want to understand and analyse social, political and economic issues. In this project we have drawn upon the resources of political science, which typically examines the interaction between political ideas, institutions and policies in its attempt to make sense of the society in which we live. The perspectives offered by political science are evident in the structure of contributions to the volume. The organising framework we have adopted emphasises the importance of political ideas in shaping the way we comprehend political issues; the centrality of political institutions in influencing the possibilities for and limits on politics; and how present and past policies determine the context and direction of the solutions to political problems. This second edition expands upon out original brief. Where we have retained certain topics, the chapters have all been revised and updated. There are also a number of new chapters in each section that deal with significant political doctrines, institutions and policies.
Inglehart’s thesis of postmaterial value change is one of the most influential accounts of social and political change in advanced Western nations. This paper uses data from the World Values Survey and the Australian Election Surveys to reexamine the relationship between age and values in 19 advanced industrial nations. We find evidence of a monotonic age structuring of values in a number of countries, but in others, the relationship between age and values is not as Inglehart would predict. In addition, the impact of birth cohort on values differs between countries that are dominated by two major parties and those where there are many smaller parties. The presence of successful Green parties is also important for enhancing the uptake of postmaterialist values. These findings suggest that Inglehart’s arguments about generational value change should be modified to take into account national political institutions and political cultures that might enhance or impede generational-based values change.
This paper examines idiosyncrasies of tea plantation culture and politics in relation to Sri Lankan national and popular cultural typologies, with special reference to female tea plantation workers. Tea production in Sri Lanka is heavily based on manual labour, and it is the largest industry that provides accommodation for employees and their families. In this paper, it is argued that politico-cultural production relations have dominated labour productivity in tea plantations. Ways in which female workers have been marginalized, through patriarchal politics, ethnicity, religion, education, elitism, and employment are explained. This culture of the plantation community operates negatively with respect to the management agenda. It is also argued that social capital development in tea plantations is important not only for productivity improvement, but also for reasons of political and social obligation for the nation, because migrant plantation workers have been working and living in plantations over 150 years.
The contributions to environmental politics of Torgerson, Oelschlager, Dryzek, Harrè and others, converge in their respective acknowledgements that the shift towards an ‘ecologically situated’ approach to environmental policy, including resource governance, will require the emergence and consolidation of a new lingua franca of environmental discourse. In this paper, I suggest that an extrapolation of permaculture ethics may provide a gambit through which such a discourse may be assembled and organised. I examine six key signifying elements derived from Orr and Capra’s approach to ecological literacy – network, nested system, flow, cycle, development and dynamic balance – and explore the implications that these might have for resource governance and policy, including the (re)framing of assessment indicators, energy auditing, resource management and integrated planning and development.
A proposta do presente estudo é verificar a ação pastoral da Igreja Católica junto ao povo de rua da cidade de São Paulo, tendo como objetivo formar um conceito teórico sobre a contribuição social da pastoral em um contexto urbano, a partir da ação de Entid ades de apoio ao povo de rua. A metodologia utilizada foi a bibliográfica. As implicações do estudo foram o direcionamento que a práxis pastoral está direcionada à priorização da superação e do reconhecimento da necessidade material e psicossocial de quem está morando na rua. A concretização da práxis se dá por meio de uma prática interventora sócio-politica, a qual visa a efetivação de medidas públicas para uma demanda de pessoas que usam a rua como moradia. A ação pastoral contribui ao mostrar a ausência de política pública que dificulta o reconhecimento deste grupo social como pessoas capacitadas a produzir e pertencer a sociedade em geral. E, ao mesmo tempo em que aponta a lacuna exposta pelo poder público, o agir pastoral sinaliza alternativa para o reconhecimento de pessoas que moram na rua com parcerias entre entidades não governamentais e movimentos sociais, como o MST, sendo assim uma via de reinserção social, além da promoção de Fóruns para a criação de medidas públicas com participação direta de pessoas que vivem na rua e albergues da cidade de São Paulo. Portanto, verifica-se uma práxis pastoral fundamentada por uma responsabilidade social dinamizada pela prática de parceria participativa que envolva as diversas esferas sociais para efetivação concreta dos direitos sociais da pessoa em situação de rua que vive em áreas urbana como a Cidade de São Paulo.
O presente estudo tem por objetivo examinar o papel do Conselho de Comunicação Social no processo de democratização da comunicação no Brasil. Faz-se, então, necessária uma retrospectiva histórica sobre o movimento pela democratização da comunicação no Brasil, a qual antecede à Constituição Federal de 1988. Discute a longa trajetória percorrida para a instalação do CCS e analisa a atuação desse órgão durante seu primeiro mandato (2002/2004). Para alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos, o trabalho utilizou-se do Estudo de Caso de natureza qualitativa, tendo como método principal a Análise Retórica. O eixo central de análise foram as atas, por meio das quais foi possível examinar as estratégias discursivas dos grupos de interesse que atuaram no Conselho. A proposta de Regionalização da Programação foi o objeto principal deste estudo. Os resultados alcançados indicam que a baixa representatividade da Sociedade Civil e as estratégias utilizadas pelos concessionários da mídia transformaram esse espaço em mais uma extensão do lobby empresarial, a fim de impedir a implementação de novas propostas para a democratização da comunicação. Esse predomínio do interesse privado sobre o interesse público aponta para a necessidade de se repensar a atuação do CCS.