834 resultados para Sector administrated by ANP


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The UK government has been promoting innovation in the construction sector to improve the sustainability of the built environment. It has the potential and strength in developing construction research in design and engineering, but the impact of these processes seems to be slow in reaching the residential sector. While funding remains a major constraint research show that a number of detrimental issues including; organisation, risk, mind sets of the stakeholders, planning constraints,reluctance to accept change and the unexploited markets are major contributing factors. Most of these barriers can be overcome with research, development and information and knowledge transfer techniques. Educating all stakeholders can act as an accelerator for innovation. Given the large stock of existing dwellings, the situation is compounded, by issues related to climate change, to the point that this problem can no longer be ignored and requires an urgent response from all sectors involved. This paper attempts to highlight some of the key issues that are important in accelerating innovation in the housing sector. It briefly looks at the process of innovation in housing and presents lessons learnt from two research projects. The drivers and barriers and the role played by the government are examined in relation to the housing context.


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Tras estudiar los pastizales de ambientes semitiridos de Almería, creemos que es conveniente designar una nueva asociación: Spergulo fallacis-Plantaginetum ovatae, que se presenta sobre suelos nitriticados y limosos de ombroclimna semiárido en el piso termomediterráneo.La comunidad se encuadra dentro de la alianza Stipion retortae Br.-BI. ex O. Bolós 1956 (Trachynietalia distachyae Rivas-Martínez 1978; Thero-Brachypodietea Br-BI. ex A. De Bolòs y Vayreda 1950) y se distingue de las demás por la presencia constante deSpergula fallax, taxon distribuido por zonas áridas desde el Norte de Africa hasta el centro de Asia, cuyas únicas poblaciones europeas se dan en la provincia de Almería.


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Se realiza una propuesta de división en subsectores del sector Setabense (Provincia biogeográfica Catalano- Valenciano-Provenzal). Las unidades reconocidas son: 1 subsector Valenciano;2 subseetor Enguerina-Cofrentino; 3 subsector Ayorano-Villenense; 4 subsector Alcoyano-Diánico. Para cada uno de ellos se aporta una breve descripción y caracterización de su flora, vegetación, paisaje vegetal, suelos, bioclimatología, usos del territorio, etc. Además se proponen dos nuevas combinaciones taxonómicas: Asperula paui Font Quer subsp. dianensis (Font Quer) de la Torre, Alcaraz & Crespo y Linaria depauperata Leresehe ex Lange subsp. hegelmaieri (Lange) de la Torre, Alcaraz & Crespo, y se valida la combinación Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel subsp. crassifol¡a (Br.-Bl.) Rivas-Martínez ex de la Torre, Alcaraz & Crespo.


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Se analiza el comportamiento fitosociológico de las comunidades vegetales caracterizadas por la presencia de los taxones Cheilanthes tinaei Todaro y Ch. hispanica Mett. en el Sector Orensano-Sanabriense (Provincia Carpetano-lbérico-Leonesa), proponiendo para ellas la asociación Linario glabrescentis-Cheilanthetum tinaei y las subasociaciones: Linario glabrescentis-Cheilanthetum tinaei cheilanthetosum hispanicae nova y Linario glabrescentis-Cheilanthetum tinaei cheilanthetosum guanchicae nova.Comentamos brevemente la asociación Phagnalo saxatile-Rumicetum indurati Rivas-Martínez inéd, que contacta topográficamente con la asociación anteriormente propuesta.Se aportan datos sobre el comportamiento fitosociológico de Cheilanthes pteridioides (Reichard) C. Chr.


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Se describe una nueva asociación (Rhamno myrtifoli-Juniperetum phoeniceae) de la alianza Rhamno-Quercion cocciferae distribuida en el sector Malacitano-Almijarense (provincia corológica Bética).


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Los autores presentan un ensayo de síntesis corológica del sector Murciano (provincia corológica Murciano-Almeriense) dentro del que reconocen dos subsectores y once distritos. Para ilustrar la diversidad de esta unidad corológica se presentan los cortes fitotopográficos de cinco macizos (Sierras de Orihuela, Carrascoy, Espuña, El Carche y Pajares) pertenecienes a otros tantos distritos.


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Se ha realizado un estudio fitosociológico de los enebrales rastreros oromediterráneos del Sistema Ibérico septentrional (Demanda, Neila, Urbión y Cebollera), en el que se comentan también aspectos relacionados con su ecologia y conservación. Se describen dos nuevas subasociaciones: Vaccinio-myrtilli-Juniperetum nanae minuartietosum recurvae y Vaccinio myrtilli-Juniperetum nanae vaccinietosum uliginosi.


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Purpose The aim of this paper is to explore the issues involved in developing and applying performance management approaches within a large UK public sector department using a multiple stakeholder perspective and an accompanying theoretical framework. Design/methodology/approach An initial short questionnaire was used to determine perceptions about the implementation and effectiveness of the new performance management system across the organisation. In total, 700 questionnaires were distributed. Running concurrently with an ethnographic approach, and informed by the questionnaire responses, was a series of semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Findings Staff at all levels had an understanding of the new system and perceived it as being beneficial. However, there were concerns that the approach was not continuously managed throughout the year and was in danger of becoming an annual event, rather than an ongoing process. Furthermore, the change process seemed to have advanced without corresponding changes to appraisal and reward and recognition systems. Thus, the business objectives were not aligned with motivating factors within the organisation. Research limitations/implications Additional research to test the validity and usefulness of the theoretical model, as discussed in this paper, would be beneficial. Practical implications The strategic integration of the stakeholder performance measures and scorecards was found to be essential to producing an overall stakeholder-driven strategy within the case study organisation. Originality/value This paper discusses in detail the approach adopted and the progress made by one large UK public sector organisation, as it attempts to develop better relationships with all of its stakeholders and hence improve its performance. This paper provides a concerted attempt to link theory with practice.


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The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.


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The Chilean Cooperative Sector (SCCh) can be explained as a human activity system of high complexity, which seeks to maintain an independent existence, in example, be viable. From this perspective, the Viable System Model (MSV) as conceptual reference presents a real opportunity to study the organization of the cooperative sector in Chile.The central objective of the work refers to study the feasibility of SCCh in a context of sectorial organization, considering the social, legal and economic fabric of the country today.To do this, supported by a systemic methodology were performed: a characterization of the problem situation of the sector -identifying some relevant factors in the areas of market structure, legal regulations and inter cooperation-an organizational diagnosis and proposed a set guidelines for its development.From the above it is concluded that there is relevance between the characteristics of the case study theoretical and methodological approach. The methodology takes tested in other organizational practices such as VIPLAN tools, and applies the SCCh. Its contribution in the field of study is oriented around a holistic view of the organization and promotion of their viability, thereby generating an approach that delivers specific sectorial development strategies, surpassing the approximation of descriptive characterization. Thus, we provide a diagnostic model of the Chilean Cooperative Sector and propose guidelines to support their organizational development.


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Las cooperativas son entidades con una gran presencia económica y social en España, y tienen una gran influencia en la economía rural de las zonas donde están ubicadas. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de las cooperativas agroalimentarias, centrándose en las productoras de aceite de oliva para determinar los principales factores que condicionan su comportamiento en la Red. En el presente estudio se analizan sus sitios web y se determina qué tipo de información aporta, tanto datos generales como datos de comercialización. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se busca la relación que pueda existir entre el tamaño de la cooperativa, su actividad exportadora o la actividad de comercio electrónico con la presencia online, mediante una regresión logística. De esta manera podremos conocer si realmente la implantación de nuevas tecnologías en las cooperativas permite desarrollar una óptima actividad económica.


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In this paper, we present empirical results of a study on the creation of Sustainable Value among European manufacturing companies. As sustainable development is a future oriented concept we assess the use of environmental resources in companies in the light of the EU15 performance targets for 2010. By using the Sustainable Value approach and based on publicly available company data we measure in monetary terms how individual companies perform vis-a-vis the 2010 performance targets already today. This shows the specific exposure and vulnerability of companies to more stringent policy regimes, and allows meaningful comparisons between both companies and sectors.


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This article examines the national and regional pressures in Northern Ireland in the post-war period for parity in public sector pay with the rest of the UK. Northern Ireland had a devolved legislature and government within the UK from 192 1 and was constitutionality in all essentially federal relationship with the rest of the UK. However, the Stormont Government chose to use legislative devolution to minimize policy differences with the rest of the UK. The article highlights the national industrial relations environment as the backdrop for provincial developments in pay setting. It establishes the important role Played by the Social Services Agreement negotiated with the Labour Government at Westminster in triggering the principle of parity in public sector pay in the early post-war years. The principle of pay parity subsequently became a benchmark for regional trade union coercive comparisons in collective bargaining across the devolved public sector. The article highlights the Policy relevance of these developments both to the UK Treasury and to devolved Governments in the UK, as they address the issue of regional public sector pay.


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The move from cash to accruals accounting by many governments is viewed as an aspect of an ongoing New Public Management agenda designed to achieve a more business-like and performance-focused public sector. Proponents argue that accruals accounting provides more appropriate information for decision makers and ultimately leads to a more efficient and effective public sector. The transition from cash to accruals accounting for UK central government departments was announced in the early 1990s and was embedded within approximately ten years. At that time there were clear indications that analogous changes, following a similar timeline, would occur in the Republic of Ireland (RoI). In reality, the changes were significantly less extensive. Utilising document analysis and interviews with key actors, this paper considers why a functioning accruals system was established in the UK whereas in the RoI the change to accruals accounting was a ‘road not taken’.


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The EU’s Peace programmes in Ireland have promoted the cross-border activity of Third sector groups. Potentially, such activity gives substantive meaning to regional cross-border governance and helps to ameliorate ethno-national conflict by providing positive sum outcomes for ‘post-conflict’ communities. The paper mobilizes focused research conducted by the authors to explore this potential. It finds that while regional cross-border governance has indeed developed under the Peace programmes, the sustainability of the social partnerships underpinning this governance is uncertain and its significance for conflict resolution is qualified by difficulties in forming a stable power-sharing arrangement at the political elite level.