984 resultados para SOU 1999:37


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Calcareous algae such as Corallina pilulifera a Postels et Ruprecht can be one of the most potential candidates to be used in biological carbon dioxide assimilation to reduce greenhouse effect because of its calcification capacity as well as photosynthesis if utilized extensively and properly. The major elemental composition in C. pilulifera is as follows: sodium 0.13%, chloride 1.75%, magnesium 4.37%, calcium 18.4%, iron 0.31%, and carbonate 28.5%. Calcareous algae can be used as elemental provider for livestock or agriculture. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-37 unsaturated alkenones were analyzed on a core retrieved from the middle Okinawa Trough. The calculated U-37(K') displays a trend generally parallel with those of the oxygen isotopic compositions of two planktonic foraminiferal species, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globigerinoides sacculifer, suggesting that in this region, SST has varied in phase with global ice volume change since the last glacial -interglacial cycle. The U-37(K')-derived SST ranged from ca. 24.0 to 27.5 degrees C, with the highest value 27.5 degrees C occurring in marine isotope stage 5 and the lowest similar to 24.0 degrees C in marine isotope stage 2. This trend is consistent with the continental records from the East Asian monsoon domain and the marine records from the Equatorial Pacific. The deglacial increase of the U-37(K')-derived SST is similar to 2.4 degrees C from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An analysis of the water level and current data taken in Qiongzhou Strait in the South China Sea (SCS) over the last 37 years (1963 to 1999) was made to examine the characteristics of tidal waves and residual flow through the strait and their roles in the seasonal variation of the SCS circulation. The observations reveal that Qiongzhou Strait is an area where opposing tidal waves interact and a source of water transport to the Gulf of Beibu (Gulf of Tonkin), SCS. A year-round westward mean flow with a maximum speed of 10-40 cm s(-1) is found in Qiongzhou Strait. This accounts for water transport of 0.2-0.4 Sv and 0.1-0.2 Sv into the Gulf of Beibu in winter-spring and summer-autumn, respectively. The outflow from Qiongzhou Strait may cause up to 44% of the gulf water to be refreshed each season, suggesting that it has a significant impact on the seasonal circulation in the Gulf of Beibu. This finding is in contrast to our current understanding that the seasonal circulation patterns in the South China Sea are primarily driven by seasonal winds. Several numerical experiments were conducted to examine the physical mechanisms responsible for the formation of the westward mean flow in Qiongzhou Strait. The model provides a reasonable simulation of semidiurnal and diurnal tidal waves in the strait and the predicted residual flow generally agrees with the observed mean flow. An analysis of the momentum equations indicates that the strong westward flow is driven mainly by tidal rectification over variable bottom topography. Both observations and modeling suggest that the coastal physical processes associated with tidal rectification and buoyancy input must be taken into account when the mass balance of the SCS circulation is investigated, especially for the regional circulation in the Gulf of Beibu.


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本论文研究了胶洲湾、东海和渤海的蓝细菌(Synechococcus)、生物量、异养细菌生物量和生产力的生态学特点。并在汇泉湾、渤海和东海用分极增减法对海洋蓝细菌在微型食物环(the microbial loop)中的作用进行了初步研究。在以上海区调查研究的时间如下:胶州湾:1993年2月、5月、9月11月,1996年5月、1999年3月、5月和12月。汇泉湾:1996年4月至1998年4月。东海:1997年2-3月,1998年7月。渤海1998年9-10月,1999年4-5月。研究结果如下:胶州湾:蓝细菌生物量的变化范围是11.4-0.03 mgC/m~3,季节变化是夏季>秋季和春季>冬季。其水平分布是除夏季蓝细菌生物量是沿岸浅水区向湾外递减外,其它三季(春、秋和冬季)是由湾外向湾内至沿岸浅水区递减。蓝细菌生物量与海水温度周年变化正相关,与季节海水温度的关系是秋、冬季分布变化一致,春、夏季分布变化相反。海水温度是影响胶州湾蓝细菌生物量分布变化的主要原因。异养细菌生物量和生产力的变化范围分别是29.8-1.62 mgC/m~3; 129.12-1.92 mgC/m~3.d。季节变化都是夏季>秋季、春季>冬季。夏季的异养细菌生物量和生产力水平分布趋势与蓝细菌生物量的分布变化相同。海水温度对异养细菌生产力的影响较对异养细菌生物量的影响大。异养细菌生产力相比(BP:PP)的变化在0.58-0.02之间,季节分布变化是夏季>秋季、春季>冬季。夏季表层的BP:PP由沿岸浅水区向湾心、湾口和湾外递减。东海:蓝细菌生物量的变化范围是46.72-0.011 mgC/m~3,夏季高平均是23.59 mgC/m~3,冬季低平均是3.61 mgC/m~3。冬季蓝细菌生物量的水平分布明显受黑潮的影响,在表面和20米层是由东南向西北方向递减。其垂直分布是冬季表层和20米层>底层,夏季是20米层>表层>底层;在连续站冬111站和410站变化都是中层>底层>表层。异养细菌生物量和生产力的变化范围分别是17.2-4.4 mgC/m~3(1997.2);376.8-7.2 mgC/m~3.d。异养细菌生产力夏季高平均是35.1 mgC/m~3.d。异养细菌生物量的水平分布是由沿岸向外海递增(1997.2),异养细菌生产力的水平分布是冬季异养细菌生产力在32度断面有由沿岸向外递减趋势,PN断面的变化与冬季相似。垂直分布,冬季和夏季的异养细菌生产力的垂直变化在2断面是底层大于表面,PN断面则是表层大于底层,32度断面大多断站是底层大于表层。在连续站冬季111站异养细菌生产力的变化是底层>中层>表层,409站的变化是中层>底层>表层,夏季111站和410站都是中>底层>表层。异养细菌生物量(1997.2)表层分布变化与海水温度分布变化相似,底层变化相反。异养细菌生产力与初级生产力相比(BP:PP),冬季在0.04-0.30之间,平均为0.17;夏季在0.20-0.43之间平均0.32。冬季在长江口附近BP:PP有一个高值区是0.30,夏季在111站附近有一个高值区是0.43。从连续站111站和409’站观测发现底层的BP:PP明显高于表层。渤海:蓝细菌生物量秋季(16.6-0.37 mgC/m~3)比春季(0.44-0.015 mgC/m~3)高。其秋季的水平分布与海水盐度水平分布相同,与海水温度水平分布相反。异养细菌生产力秋季(189-62.2 mgC/m~3.d)与春季(193.2-49.8 mgC/m~3.d)相当。但秋季捕层BP普遍小于底层,而春季是表层普遍大于底层。根据颗粒分级培养实验结果,海洋蓝图细菌在微型食物环中的作用如下:在汇泉湾的春季和秋季蓝细菌可能主要被小型浮游动物(microzooplankton 20-200 μm)捕食。在渤海的春季和秋季也是同样结果。但在东海夏季的111站和410站附近(东海大陆架中部)微型浮游动物(nanozooplankton 2-20 μm)对蓝细菌的捕食压力明显。


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海洋污损苔虫(marine fouling bryozoans或bryozoan foulers)是海洋污损生物群落的一个重要组成部分。在海洋污损动物中,海洋污损苔虫是仅次于软体动物和甲壳动物的主要污损生物。海洋污损苔虫有独特的群体生长方式,既有能利用表面积宽阔的附着基形成单层片状、多层结核状或丘状群体的成员;也有能利用表面积狭窄的附着基形成树枝状、树丛状或中空管状群体的成员;某些污损苔虫还能随附着基表面积的改变而改变其群体生长方式,即同一种污损苔虫在表面积宽阔的附着基上形成片状被覆群体,而在表面积狭窄的附着基上或空间竞争激烈的环境中则形成被覆和直立两种生长方式式兼有的被覆-直立群体。随着海水养殖事业的发展,各种养殖生物尤其是养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的投入为海洋污损生物提供了极其丰富的附着基。而与其它污损生物相比污损苔虫更能充分利用养殖贝类及其养殖笼网作为附着基,从而成为养殖贝类及其养殖笼网污损生物群落的优势类群,给贝类养殖业带来极大危害。近年来对养殖贝类污损苔虫的研究已开始受到人们的重视,但由于污损苔虫的调查一直是与其它污损生物调查同时进行的,污损生物学家在对污损苔虫的分类鉴定中面临着许多困难。作者对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来所收集的中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的污损苔虫标本进行了系统的分类研究,并对中国学者曾报道过的中国沿岸水域工污损苔虫进行了对比分析,得到的结果如下:1.中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的污损苔虫现有143种,分隶于2纲3目9亚目46科76属。其中养殖贝类的污损苔虫122种,分隶于44科68属;养殖笼网的污损苔虫90种,分隶于37科53属。养殖贝类和养殖笼网两类物体上的污损苔虫科属组成几乎相同,主要优势种组成几乎相同,膜孔苔虫Membranipora、琥珀苔虫Electra、草苔虫 Bugula、三胞苔虫 Tricellaria、软苔虫 Alcyonidium、隐槽苔虫 Cryptosula、血苔虫 Watersipora 拟分胞苔虫Celleporaria、和仿分胞苔虫 Celleporina等属的成员常形成污损苔虫生物群落的优势类群。2.本项研究中,我们发现一新科、一新属和7新种。新科为:太平洋苔虫科,新科Pacificincolidae fam. nov.。新属为:太平洋苔虫属,新属Pacificincola gen. nov.。7个新种分别为:(1)空穴拟小孔苔虫,新种Microporella vacuatus sp. nov.;(2)小筛网拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella cribellata sp. nov.;(3)无齿拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella inermis sp. nov.;(4)异北方拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella antiborealis sp. nov.;(5)项链拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella monilifera sp. nov.;(6)中华斑孔苔虫,新种 Fenestrulina sinica sp. nov.;(7)东方斑孔苔虫,新种 Fenestrulina orientalis sp. nov.。3. 笔者发现,本项研究以前其他中国学者所报道的污损苔虫在分类鉴定中存在许多异物同名和同物异名现象。例如,过去许多学者所报道的大室膜孔苔虫实际上包括3个不同的独立种;而过去一直被标定为聚合软苔虫的污损苔虫经鉴定为迈氏软苔虫。笔者对在本项研究以前的污损调查报告中所出现的污损苔虫的分类鉴定错误进行了适当的更正,并在系统分类研究的基础上编制了中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网143种污损苔虫的分类检索表。


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本课题组自1999年以来,将培养条件优化、生物活性跟踪及化学跟踪技术应用到胶州湾海洋放线菌的次级代谢产物研究中,发现了一批具有生物活性的新结构化合物。 本研究从青岛胶州湾分离出各类海洋微生物423株,包括海洋放线菌287株,海洋细菌116株,海洋真菌20株,对胶州湾海洋微生物的资源和分布规律有了基本的认识。对其中海洋放线菌的次级代谢产物进行了活性和化学筛选,获得了它们对八种病原微生物的抑制活性数据。发现胶州湾海洋放线菌对至少一种受试微生物具有中等以上拮抗能力的比例为50%。 从三株海洋放线菌的发酵粗提物中鉴定出7个新结构化合物和31个已知化合物。具体是:①从菌株M518中鉴定出21个化合物,包括3个新结构天然化合物:N-Foramidostaurosporine,5,7-Dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-azocin-2-one,Selina-4(14),7(11)-diene-8,9-diol和1个新结构衍生物Trimer 3。其中化合物5,7-Dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-azocin-2-one为新骨架类型的天然化合物。② 从菌株M491 中鉴定出10个化合物,包括3个新结构化合物10α-14-Dihydroxyamorph-4-en-3-one,10α,11-Dihydroxyamorph-4-ene,5α,10α,11-Triydroxyamorphan-3-one; 并首次从微生物中分离得到已知化合物10α-Hydroxyamorph-4-en-3-one;③从菌株M311中鉴定出7个已知化合物。 发现天然化合物5,7-Dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-azocin-2-one很容易发生重排反应,分离出了两个重排反应产物,并得出该化合物可能的重排反应过程及三聚体形成的方式。 生物活性实验结果表明新型星形孢菌素N-Formamidostaurosporine具有很强的抗肿瘤活性:对于37株人类肿瘤细胞的平均IC50,IC70和IC90分别为0.016µg/ml,0.171µg/ml和2.352µg/ml。对37株肿瘤细胞株的抗肿瘤选择性为27%。还首次发现Staurosporine类化合物具有抑制微藻生长的活性。 对产生新化合物的菌株M518 和M491 进行了形态、生理生化及分子鉴定,提交两株菌的16S rDNA 序列到GenBank(DQ184649 和DQ184648)。结合形态、生理生化特征及系统 发育树分析表明:菌株M518 属于链霉菌属,并可能属于该属中的粉红孢类群;菌株M491属于链霉菌属,并可能属于该属中的青色类群。


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During spring (April/May 1999) and autumn (September/October 1998) cruises in the Bohai Sea, China, copepods were the dominant components of mesozooplankton, the most abundant species being Calanus sinicus, Centropages mcmurrichi, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bifilosa and Oithona similis. Pigment ingestion rates by three size classes of copepods (200-500, 500-1000 and > 1000 mum) were measured. In the south of the investigation area, gut pigment content (GPC), individual pigment-specific ingestion rates and grazing impacts on phytoplankton were lower in spring than in autumn. In the central area, GPC and individual pigment-specific ingestion rates were higher in spring than in autumn. The grazing impact on phytoplankton by the copepod assemblages was lower in spring than in autumn, however, because of the relatively smaller biomass in spring. In the western area where the Bohai Sea joins the Yellow Sea, GPC, individual pigment-specific ingestion rates and grazing impacts on phytoplankton were higher in spring than in autumn. Among the three size groups, the small-sized animals (200-500 mum) contributed more than 50% (range 38-98%) of the total copepod grazing during both cruises. The grazing impact on phytoplankton by copepods was equivalent to 11.9% (range 3.0-37.1%) of the chlorophyll-a standing stock and 53.3% (range 21.4-91.4%) of the primary production during the spring cruise. Grazing impact was equivalent to 6.3% (range 2.0-11.6%) of the chlorophyll-a standing stock and >100% (range 25.7-141.6%) of the primary production during the autumn cruise. The copepod community apparently consumed only a modest proportion of the standing stock of phytoplankton during spring and autumn blooms. They did, however, sometimes graze a significant proportion of daily primary production and hence were presumably able to limit the rate of further accumulation of phytoplankton, or even to prevent it. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The vertical distribution and stage-specific abundance of Calanus sinicus were investigated on three key transects in the southern Yellow Sea and the northern East China Sea in August 1999. The results showed that in summer C. sinicus shrank its distribution area to the central cold (less than or equal to10degreesC) bottom water in the Yellow Sea, i.e. the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water, remaining in high abundance (345.7 ind m(-3)). In the northern East China Sea on a transect from the mouth of the Yangtze River to the Okinawa trench, only a few individuals appeared in the inner side and none had been found either in the upper layer or in the deep layer of the outer shelf area. The population of C. sinicus in YSCBW consisted of mainly adults (46.83%) and C5 (37.41%). C1-C4 only accounted for 15.76%. The low proportion of the earlier copepodite stages and the high female:male ratio (11.39) indicated that the reproduction of C. sinicus in YSCBW was at a very low level due to the low temperature and low food concentration. It is concluded that the dramatic decrease of C. sinicus population in the shelf area of China seas in summer is caused by the shrinkage of its distribution area and the YSCBW served as an oversummering site.


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通过对牦牛放牧率与小嵩草Kobrecia parva高寒草甸暖季草地地上、地下生物量相关分析得出,牦牛放牧率对小嵩草高寒草甸地上、地下生物量有显著的影响.随着放牧率的增加, 总地上生物量和优良牧草地上生物量及其比例减小,杂类草比例增加;总地上生物量和优良牧草地上生物量与放牧率呈线性回归关系, 杂类草地上生物量与放牧率呈二次回归关系,且当放牧率为2.30头/hm2时, 1998年杂类草的地上生物量达到最大;放牧率为2.04头/hm2时, 1999年杂类草的地上生物量达到最大.各土壤层地下生物量与放牧率呈线性回归关系;1998和1999年对照组0~30 cm地下生物量分别是轻度、中度和重度放牧的1.1,1.4,1.5倍和1.1,1.6,1.7倍;1998年各放牧处理不同土壤层地下生物量占0~30 cm地下生物量的比例为:0~10 cm占87.18%~88.38%,10~20 cm占8.19%~9.55%,20~30 cm占2.87%~3.44%;1999年各放牧处理0~10 cm地下生物量占0~30 cm总地下生物量的88.04%~89.37%,10~20 cm占7.14%~9.34%,20~30 cm占2.25%~3.5%;另外,1999年各处理组0~10 cm地下生物量的比例均高于1998年,而10~20和20~30 cm地下生物量的比例均低于1998年.不同土壤层地下生物量与地上生物量呈线性回归关系.


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基于1997~1999年野外实验,对高寒草甸小云雀和黄嘴朱顶雀两种雀形目鸟的窝雏数进行增减处理。结果表明,对照组的幼鸟生长率和离巢体重都大于增加组,说明窝雏数增加后,幼鸟质量下降。随着窝雏数增加,这两种幼鸟生长率显著下降(小云雀:r = -0.965, P = 0.035 < 0.05;朱顶雀:r = -0.828, P = 0.022 < 0.05)。窝雏数改变对小云雀幼鸟出飞重影响不显著(r = -0.418, P = 0.528 > 0.05),而对黄嘴朱顶雀有显著的影响(r = -0.901,P = 0.014 < 0.05)。


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Emodin, a natural anthraquinone compound isolated from the rhizome of rhubarb, is reported to suppress the growth of tumor in many clinical situations. In this study, we focused on the effect of emodin in human breast cancer BCap-37 cells and further understand the underlying molecular mechanism in treating breast cancer. Using MTT assay and flow cytometry, we demonstrated the critical role of emodin in the suppression of the proliferation of BCap-37 cells based on a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The increase of apoptotic rate was also observed after incubation of BCap-37 cells on emodin at 20 mu M and 50 mu M for 48 h. The cells exhibited typical apoptotic features including cellular morphological change, chromatin condensation and membrane blebbing. The results of the study further showed that Bcl-2 level decreased, while Bax and cytosolic cytochrome c levels in sample cells increased after the emodin treatment by using Western blot. The decline in the Bcl-2/Bax ratio and the increase of cytosolic cytochrome c concentration were consistent with the increase of the apoptotic ratio. The results strongly suggest that the disruption of the mitochondrial signaling pathway was involved in emodin-induced apoptosis in BCap-37 cells.


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The Grove Mountains, including 64 nunataks, is situated on an area about 3200km2 in the inland ice cap of east Antarctica in Princess Elizabeth land (72o20'-73°101S, 73°50'-75o40'E), between Zhongshan station and Dome A, about 450km away from Zhongshan station (69°22'S, 76°22'E). Many workers thought there was no pedogenesis in the areas because of the less precipitation and extreme lower temperature. However, during the austral summer in 1999-2000, the Chinaer 16 Antarctic expedition teams entered the inland East Antarctica and found three soil spots in the Southern Mount Harding, Grove Mountains, East Antarctica. It is the first case that soils are discovered in the inland in East Antarctica. Interestingly, the soils in this area show clay fraction migration, which is different from other cold desert soils. In addition, several moraine banks are discovered around the Mount Harding. The soil properties are discussed as below. Desert pavement commonly occurs on the three soil site surfaces, which is composed of pebbles and fragments formed slowly in typical desert zone. Many pebbles are subround and variegated. These pebbles are formed by abrasion caused by not only wind and wind selective transportation, but also salt weathering and thaw-freezing action on rocks. The wind blows the boulders and bedrocks with snow grains and small sands. This results in rock disintegration, paved on the soil surface, forming desert pavement, which protects the underground soil from wind-blow. The desert pavement is the typical feature in ice free zone in Antarctica. There developed desert varnish and ventifacts in this area. Rubification is a dominant process in cold desert Antarctic soils. In cold desert soils, rubification results in relatively high concentrations of Fed in soil profile. Stained depth increases progressively with time. The content of Fed is increasing up to surface in each profile. The reddish thin film is observed around the margin of mafic minerals such as biotite, hornblende, and magnetite in parent materials with the microscope analyzing on some soil profiles. So the Fed originates from the weathering of mafic minerals in soils. Accumulations of water-soluble salts, either as discrete horizons or dispersed within the soil, occur in the soil profiles, and the salt encrustations accumulate just beneath surface stones in this area. The results of X-ray diffraction analyses show that the crystalline salts consist of pentahydrite (MgSO4-5H2O), hexahydrite (MgSO4-6H2O), hurlbutite (CaBe2(PO4)2), bloedite (Na2Mg(S04)2-4H2O), et al., being mainly sulfate. The dominant cations in 1:5 soil-water extracts are Mg2+ and Na+, as well as Ca2+ and K+, while the dominant anion is SO42-, then NO3-, Cl- and HCO3-. There are white and yellowish sponge materials covered the stone underside surface, of which the main compounds are quartz (SiO2, 40.75%), rozenite (FeSOKkO, 37.39%), guyanaite (Cr2O3-1.5H2O, 9.30%), and starkeyite (MgSO4-4H2O, 12.56%). 4) The distribution of the clay fraction is related to the maximum content of moisture and salts. Clay fraction migration occurs in the soils, which is different from that of other cold desert soils. X-ray diffraction analyses show that the main clay minerals are illite, smectite, then illite-smectite, little kaolinite and veirniculite. Mica was changed to illite, even to vermiculite by hydration. Illite formed in the initial stage of weathering. The appearance of smectite suggests that it enriched in magnesium, but no strong eluviation, which belongs to cold and arid acid environment. 5) Three soil sites have different moisture. The effect moisture is in the form of little ice in site 1. There is no ice in site 2, and ice-cement horizon is 12 cm below the soil surface in site 3. Salt horizon is 5-10 cm up to the surface in Site 1 and Site 2, while about 26cm in site 3. The differentiation of the active layer and the permafrost are not distinct because of arid climate. The depth of active layer is about 10 cm in this area. Soils and Environment: On the basis of the characteristics of surface rocks, soil colors, horizon differentiation, salt in soils and soil depth, the soils age of the Grove Mountains is 0.5-3.5Ma. No remnants of glaciations are found on the soil sites of Mount Harding, which suggests that the Antarctic glaciations have not reached the soil sites since at least 0.5Ma, and the ice cap was not much higher than present, even during the Last Glacial Maximum. The average altitude of the contact line of level of blue ice and outcrop is 2050m, and the altitude of soil area is 2160m. The relative height deviation is about 110m, so the soils have developed and preserved until today. The parental material of the soils originated from alluvial sedimentary of baserocks nearby. Sporepollen were extracted from the soils, arbor pollen grains are dominant by Pinus and Betula, as well as a small amount Quercus, Juglans, Tilia and Artemisia etc. Judging from the shape and colour, the sporepollen group is likely attributed to Neogene or Pliocene in age. This indicates that there had been a warm period during the Neogene in the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica.


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