999 resultados para Roberto Schwarz


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A 33-year-old woman complained of unilateral eyelid edema and blurred vision. Initial ophthalmic examination disclosed anterior chamber reaction with keratic precipitates on the cornea, without posterior abnormalities. Anterior uveitis was treated. Despite that, patient showed rapidly progressive unilateral vision loss with optic nerve swelling. Systemic workup was inconclusive, as well as cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid examination. Based on the hypothesis of optic neuritis, intravenous methylprednisolone pulse was performed with no success. During the following days, the patient presented pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade, progressing to death. Necropsy was performed and diagnosis of extranodal natural killers/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type with ocular involvement was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a participação da protrusão mandibular ortopédica e da posição condilar na prevalência de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). METODOLOGIA: a amostra foi composta por 60 indivíduos divididos em 3 grupos, sendo o grupo I correspondente a indivíduos não tratados; o grupo II composto por jovens em tratamento com o Bionator; e o grupo III por jovens já tratados com este aparelho. Os indivíduos da amostra responderam a um questionário relativo aos principais sintomas de DTM, permitindo a classificação dos mesmos de acordo com a presença e severidade dessas disfunções. Esses jovens também se submeteram à avaliação da movimentação mandibular, palpação dos músculos mastigatórios e inspeção de ruídos articulares. Radiografias transcranianas padronizadas das ATMs direita e esquerda foram realizadas, para obtenção do grau de concentricidade condilar. RESULTADOS: os testes ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis e qui-quadrado foram utilizados para análise dos dados. De acordo com os resultados do questionário anamnésico, 66,67% da amostra foram classificados com ausência de DTM; 30% com DTM leve e apenas 3,33% com DTM moderada, sem diferença entre os grupos estudados (p > 0,05). Quanto à concentricidade condilar, o grupo II apresentou os valores de menor concentricidade (côndilos mais anteriorizados), com diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao grupo I (p < 0,05). Uma associação entre a concentricidade condilar e a prevalência de DTM, no entanto, não foi encontrada. CONCLUSÃO: a protrusão ortopédica, apesar de alterar a posição dos côndilos, não aumentou a prevalência de DTM na população estudada.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the skeletal, dental and soft tissue characteristics of Caucasian and Afro-Caucasian Brazilian subjects with normal occlusion and to evaluate sexual dimorphism within the groups. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample comprised lateral cephalograms of untreated normal occlusion subjects, divided into 2 groups. Group 1 included 40 Caucasian subjects (20 of each sex), with a mean age of 13.02 years; group 2 included 40 Afro-Caucasian subjects (20 of each sex), with a mean age of 13.02 years. Groups 1 and 2 and males and females within each group were compared with t tests. RESULTS: Afro-Caucasian subjects presented greater maxillary protrusion, smaller upper anterior face height and lower posterior face height, larger upper posterior face height, greater maxillary and mandibular dentoalveolar protrusion as well as soft tissue protrusion than Caucasian subjects. The Afro-Caucasian female subjects had less mandibular protrusion and smaller total posterior facial height and upper posterior facial height than males. CONCLUSIONS: Brazilian Afro-Caucasian subjects have greater dentoalveolar and soft tissue protrusion than Brazilian Caucasian subjects, with slight sexual dimorphism in some variables.


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OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos esqueléticos e dentoalveolares do tratamento de pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II com o aparelho Jasper Jumper associado ao aparelho ortodôntico fixo, comparados a um grupo controle não-tratado. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi constituída por 47 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1, contendo 25 pacientes com idade média de 12,72 anos, tratados com o aparelho Jasper Jumper por um tempo médio de 2,15 anos; Grupo 2 (controle), composto por 22 indivíduos com idade média de 12,67 anos, não-submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico e com má oclusão de Classe II, observados por um período médio de 2,12 anos. Foram avaliadas as telerradiografias ao início e ao final do tratamento ortodôntico para o Grupo 1 e do período de observação para o Grupo 2. As variáveis cefalométricas iniciais, finais e as alterações com o tratamento foram comparadas entre os grupos por meio do teste t independente. RESULTADOS: em comparação ao grupo controle, o grupo Jasper Jumper apresentou maior restrição do deslocamento anterior da maxila e maior retrusão maxilar, melhora da relação maxilomandibular, diminuição da convexidade facial, maior protrusão e intrusão dos incisivos inferiores e maior extrusão dos molares inferiores, além de maior diminuição dos trespasses horizontal e vertical e maior melhora da relação molar. CONCLUSÃO: a correção da Classe II no grupo tratado com o Jasper Jumper e aparelhagem fixa se deu principalmente devido à restrição do crescimento maxilar, protrusão e intrusão dos incisivos inferiores e extrusão dos molares inferiores.


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OBJECTIVE: This epidemiological survey assessed the dental caries profile in Monte Negro, a small town in the Amazonian state of Rondônia, Brazil, and its relationship with the northern region, national and global goals for oral health in the years 2000 and 2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The groups randomly examined were composed of individuals aged 5, 12, 15 to 19, 35 to 44, 65 to 74 years, living in both rural and urban areas. RESULTS: The means dft (standard deviation) and DMFT (standard deviation) for the groups were, respectively, 3.15 (3.12), 3.41 (2.69), 5.96 (4.19), 16.00 (7.30) and 25.96 (9.82). Caries-free individuals were 34.42%, 14.81% and 8.16% in the preschoolchildren, schoolchildren and adolescent groups, respectively. The Significant Caries Index percentages applied to the two younger groups were 6.65 and 6.70, and they increased to 32.00 in the individuals aged 65 to 74 years. Care Index percentages for adolescents, adults and elderly groups were, respectively, 29.40, 25.00 and 1.41. The dental caries profile in Monte Negro in 2008 shows that, 8 years after the year 2000, no FDI/WHO goal for any age settled in 1982 has been achieved. Dental caries increased with age and the main dental problem of adult and elderly groups was tooth loss. CONCLUSION: Oral health promotion and prevention of oral disease policies are urgent needs. Setting of oral health goals and targets to people living in Monte Negro or Amazonia to be pursuit and achieved in a near future is an important action to do because of the culture, sanitary conditions and socioeconomic aspects of this particular population.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue characteristics in white and black Brazilian subjects presenting normal occlusions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample comprised the lateral cephalograms of 106 untreated Brazilian subjects with normal occlusion, divided into two groups: Group 1- 50 white subjects (25 of each gender), at a mean age of 13.17 years (standard deviation 1.07); and Group 2- 56 black subjects (28 of each gender), at a mean age of 13.24 years (standard deviation 0.56). Variables studied were obtained from several cephalometric analyses. Independent t tests were used for intergroup comparison and to determine sexual dimorphism. RESULTS: black subjects presented a more protruded maxilla and mandible, a smaller chin prominence and a greater maxillomandibular discrepancy than white subjects. Blacks presented a more horizontal craniofacial growth pattern than whites. Maxillary and mandibular incisors presented more protruded and proclined in black subjects. The nasolabial angle was larger in whites. Upper and lower lips were more protruded in blacks than in whites. CONCLUSIONS: The present study found a bimaxillary skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue protrusion in black Brazilian subjects compared to white Brazilian subjects, both groups with normal occlusion. Upper and lower lips showed to be more protruded in blacks, but lip thickness was similar in both groups.


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This article reports the case of a 19-year-old young man with Class III malocclusion and posterior crossbite with concerns about temporomandibular disorder (TMD), esthetics and functional problems. Surgical-orthodontic treatment was carried out by decompensation of the mandibular incisors and segmentation of the maxilla in 4 pieces, which allowed expansion and advancement. Remission of the signs and symptoms occurred after surgical-orthodontic intervention. The maxillary dental arch presented normal transverse dimension. Satisfactory static and functional occlusion and esthetic results were achieved and remained stable. Three years after the surgical-orthodontic treatment, no TMD sign or symptom was observed and the occlusal results had not changed. When vertical or horizontal movements of the maxilla in the presence of moderate maxillary constriction are necessary, segmental LeFort I osteotomy can be an important part of treatment planning.