929 resultados para Rereading of literary cânon


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Este estudo enfoca a transposição da obra literária Estação Carandiru, de Drauzio Varella, para o cinema, no que tange à construção de suas personagens. Para tanto, fez-se um levantamento das personagens e de suas características, de ambas as obras. O objetivo maior é compreender as escolhas feitas durante este diálogo entre mídias, que originou o filme Carandiru, de Hector Babenco, visto que houve uma grande redução no número de personagens. Para esta análise, adotou-se a pesquisa descritiva como procedimento metodológico. Constatou-se que a maior parte das origens das personagens cinematográficas vem de fusões de personagens literárias. Mas também foram encontradas personagens literárias que foram desmembradas e algumas que foram eliminadas. Não se encontrou nenhuma personagem acrescentada.(AU)


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Com caráter propositivo, este estudo interliga duas áreas aparentemente sem conexões do campo jornalístico: jornalismo literário e imprensa alternativa. Visa verificar possíveis contribuições das técnicas literárias para o aprofundamento qualitativo das reportagens nos veículos alternativos, no sentido de uma maior colaboração para o diálogo social e o protagonismo humano. Utilizando-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, ancora-se na hipótese de que o JL pode auxiliar a imprensa alternativa a humanizar os personagens de suas narrativas, recorrendo a exemplos inspiradores de jornalismo literário na prática, em diferentes suportes, antes de efetuar a confluência entre recursos literários e reportagens de duas publicações alternativas reconhecidas nacionalmente na atualidade o jornal Brasil de Fato e a revista Caros Amigos -, por meio de análise de conteúdo. Conclui que a contribuição do jornalismo literário para a imprensa alternativa é possível tendo como sustentação os pilares da imersão do repórter na realidade e da humanização.


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Este estudo tem por finalidade promover a reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica, analisando-a por meio do registro de um projeto de leitura e escrita, desenvolvido junto a uma turma de 4ª série (atual 5º ano) do Ensino Fundamental, realizado em uma Escola da Rede Pública Estadual de SP, Iracema de Barros Bertolaso, no município de Mauá. Tem também, a intenção de sensibilizar educadores sobre a importância do trabalho compartilhado com os alunos, do respeito às ideias infantis e da convicção do quanto se faz necessário atrelar o ensino e a aprendizagem ao prazer. O projeto em questão deu origem ao livro Histórias hilárias de uma 4ª série (e outros resgates), editado pela SCORTECCI e lançado no ano de 2008. Para reconstruir essa história, foram recuperados os registros de percurso do trabalho docente realizado por mim no ano de 2006 e realizado o levantamento de documentos como fotos, relatos, produções de alunos e matérias publicadas em jornais das quais os mesmos participaram. A pesquisa me levou a uma reaproximação com alguns ex alunos para compor, também por meio de entrevistas, este quadro onde o intento é dimensionar o alcance do trabalho realizado. Retratar a própria prática e coloca-la em situação de pesquisa configurou-se em ferramenta valiosa para a reconstrução do sentido de nossas ações à medida que nos ofereceu dados significativos a reflexão. Vincular esta análise ao estudo da trajetória formativa pessoal, feita por meio da abordagem biográfica, permitiu-nos ampliar nossa compreensão do quanto, e em que medida, trazemos para o exercício docente as influência do vivido. Acreditamos que a análise da trajetória formativa pessoal e da experiência vivida junto a um grupo de alunos, nesta pesquisa, justifica-se à medida que contribui para os estudos que se ocupam desta questão.


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Este trabalho busca apresentar as vivências de três pessoas ouvintes, além do próprio autor, filhas de pais surdos, discutindo as relações familiares entre pais e filhos, mostrando as diferenças em relação às famílias que não possuem pessoas surdas no seu âmago, desmistificando preconceitos e pré-conceitos. Devido as barreiras comunicacionais e pelo preconceito, muitos surdos acabavam sendo privados do direto de serem pais. Nos relatos apresentados nesta dissertação, houve momentos em que isso quase aconteceu na vida dos sujeitos entrevistados para esta pesquisa. Porém, com força e consciência dos direitos adquiridos, esses pais surdos não permitiram que tal coisa acontecesse. O texto inicia com a trajetória formativa e profissional do autor para, em seguida, trazer os autores que abordam temas como surdez (Wrigley, 1996; Lacerda, 1998; Perlin, 1998; Moura, 2000; Sá, 2002; Quadros, 2004; Sacks, 2007), antropologia (Hall, 1992; Gomes, 2008), relações familiares (Lacan, 1987) e autobiografia (Ferraroti, 1991; Pineau, 2006; demartini, 2008). A língua de sinais e a história educacional dos surdos também são discutidas neste trabalho. Por último, são apresentados os relatos de história de vida feitos na pesquisa de campo de forma literária, com as análises dos depoimentos colhidos pelos sujeitos entrevistados (filhos ouvintes e pais surdos) os quais evidenciam que ser filho de pais surdos pode ser tão normal quanto ser filho de pais ouvintes.


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Since the 1950s, pedagogical stylistics has been intrinsically linked with the teaching of written texts (and especially literary texts) to speakers of English as a second language. This is despite the fact that for decades many teachers have also structured their lessons in L1 classrooms to focus upon the linguistic features of literary texts as a means of enhancing their students’ understanding of literature and language. Recognizing that instructors in both L1 and L2 settings were often employing related pedagogical techniques without realizing that their colleagues in the other context were facing similar challenges, the PEDSIG group of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) has sought to add a theoretical dimension to research undertaken into practice in the stylistics classroom. Its goals, then, were: to establish a working definition of pedagogical stylistics; to identify the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of the discipline shared by L1 and L2 practitioners; to point if possible towards any emerging consensus on good practice. The group determined that the principal aim of stylistics in the classroom is to make students aware of language use within chosen texts, and that what characterizes pedagogical stylistics is classroom activities that are interactive between the text and the (student) reader. Preliminary findings, from a pilot study involving a poem by Langston Hughes, suggest that the process of improving students’ linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action: i.e. upon the mental processing which is such a proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements – pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic – function within quite specific social and cultural contexts.


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Sexualidad y Escritura (1850-2000) is a collection of thirteen essays which focus on the complex relationship between gender and writing in Spain from 1850 to 2000. This collection aims to provide a specifically Spanish cultural and historical context to the study of gender and writing and to challenge the effectiveness and validity of applying and adapting some feminist theory (based mainly in French and Anglo literary traditions) to works by both male and female Spanish writers. The introduction sets the tone of the essays it contains by discussing the Gilbert and Guar’s concept of female authors anxiety of authorship, and the reasons why their notions of the male dominated writing profession does not necessarily apply to Spanish literature of the nineteenth century in particular. The notable presence and success of female writers during the Romantic period and the way in which they in effect managed to feminize the writing profession illustrates how very different the Spanish literary context is from French, English or American models. The editors state that, rather than needing to work up the courage to take up the pen and publish their works, the issue facing Spanish women writers during parts of the last 150 years has been how to either maintain or regain their authorial voice and their place in letters, fighting to keep their heads above the rising and falling tides of literary trends.


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Towards the end of the university stage, students residing in the United Arab Emirates and specialising in subjects other than English are expected- amongst other university requirements- to have acquired adequate communicative competence as well as a repertoire of critical thinking skills. Despite the efforts made within the field of teaching English to EFL university students in the country, the output gained in terms of acquired skills and competencies is still below expectations. The main concerns of the current thesis are, therefore, a) to investigate the factors which inhibit EFL university students’ progress in the areas of acquiring adequate communicative competence as well as critical thinking skills, and b) to propose a course book and pedagogic methods to improve students’ progress in the areas of acquiring adequate communicative competence as well as critical thinking skills. Believing in the essential role literature plays in enhancing critical thinking and promoting communicative competence on the part of EFL learners, the current study introduces a course, designed and implemented by the researcher: LEARN AND GAIN. The proposed course is fiction-based language teaching, adopting the view that literature is a resource rather than an object, thus advocating the use of literature as one of the main resources in foreign/second language acquisition. Investigating whether or not the proposed course was effective in promoting EFL university students’ communicative competence as well as enhancing their critical thinking skills, a study sample taken from the study population was selected. Adopting an experimental design, the research project involved two groups: experimental and control. The experimental group students were exposed to the proposed course whilst the control group students were exposed to a general English language course. To examine treatment effectiveness, the researcher set and administered a pre-post test. Divided into two main parts, communicative critical reading competence and communicative critical writing competence, the pre-post test measured subjects’ communicative critical reading competence and subjects’ communicative critical writing competence. In addition, a pre-post questionnaire was administered and a semi-structured interview was conducted involving the experimental group students, to gain an awareness of students’ attitudes towards learning literary texts in general, and the proposed course in particular. To examine issues of interest and relevance, gender differences: male vs. female, and university major: science vs. non-science, were also examined for enrichment purposes. For the purpose of gathering sufficient data about subjects’ achievements on the pre-post, the following statistical tests were conducted: Mann-Whitney test, and paired data t-test. Based on the statistical findings, the experimental group students’ performance on the communicative critical reading competence pre-post test and the communicative critical writing competence pre-post test was significantly better than their counterparts of the control group students. Speaking of gender differences in relation to language performance on the communicative critical reading competence pre-post test and the communicative critical writing competence pre-post test, no significant differences were cited. Neither did the researcher cite any significant performance differences between science/non-science students on the communicative critical reading competence pre-post test and the communicative critical writing competence pre-post test. As far as the questionnaire’s findings are concerned, the experimental group students’ responses to the post-questionnaire’s items were more positive than those of their responses to the pre-questionnaire’s, thus indicating some positive attitudes towards literature, which students possibly gained throughout the course of implementation. Relating the discussion to the interview’s results, students conveyed their satisfaction with the proposed course, emphasising that promoting English language skills through the use of literary texts was rewarding. In the light of findings and conclusions, a number of recommendations as well as implications have been proposed. The current study aimed to arrive at some appropriate suggestions to a number of enquiries, yet concluding with some areas of enquiry to be explored for further research.


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The central aim of this interdisciplinary book is to make visible the intentionality behind the 'forgetting' of European women's contributions during the period between the two world wars in the context of politics, culture and society. It also seeks to record and analyse women's agency in the construction and reconstruction of Europe and its nation states after the First World War, and thus to articulate ways in which the writing of women's history necessarily entails the rewriting of everyone's history. By showing that the erasure of women's texts from literary and cultural history was not accidental but was ideologically motivated, the essays explicitly and implicitly contribute to debates surrounding canon formation. Other important topics are women's political activism during the period, antifascism, the contributions made by female journalists, the politics of literary production, genre, women's relationship with and contributions to the avant-garde, women's professional lives, and women's involvement in voluntary associations. In bringing together the work of scholars whose fields of expertise are diverse but whose interests converge on the inter-war period, the volume invites readers to make connections and comparisons across the whole spectrum of women's political, social, and cultural activities throughout Europe.


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The Profiles that ran in the New Yorker magazine from its inception in 1925 are valuable examples of literary journalism and are of lasting value to scholars both as texts and as cultural artifacts. This thesis assembles a bibliography of all Profiles that appeared under the magazine's first three editors, with some explanation of their importance to biographical and literary studies. ^


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Rather than focus on the Afro-Catholic syncretism in Santeria, which other scholars have explored extensively, this thesis treats a related but relatively obscure area of study: a syncretic religious movement that arose in Havana, Cuba in the second half of the twentieth century. The José Movement revolves around the belief in José, a spirit who communicated with people through an acclaimed medium named Leocadia Pérez. Since Pérez's death in 1962, however, the legacy of José has not only spread to Miami among the exile Cuban community, but it has taken on a new direction in Cuba. Given the scarcity of literary sources that contain references to José or Leocadia, the principal methodology used in this investigation is based on oral accounts of those who met and/or knew the leaders, as well as on field observations of those who continue to venerate the spiritual forces these charismatic figures reflect. ^


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This paper examines the ways in which subject identity obtains in either philosophical or psychoanalytical theory, which subject may be duplicated—and disclosed—in literary narratives via their principles and ideas. ^ The technique has a double approach. First, the thesis examines subject formation in (and by) language, through psychoanalysis as it draws upon abiding mythic resources, phenomenological methods and aims (e.g., the subject as consciousness intending its object), and the existentialist turn. It then brings these ideas and principles to bear upon an analysis of literary works as cultural expressions of these identities. ^ Beginning with scientific and philosophical referents (as opposed to the somewhat ‘inclusive’ analysis of, for example, the New Criticism or explication de texte), allows for alternative readings not previously available to either author or reader. ^ Access to extra-literary sources, theories, and ideas enables a ‘reading’ of the subject on a par with one existing in the Life-World. ^


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the collection of poems Versos libres written by José Martí, as a cycle of literary expression closely connected with the origins and development of the modernist movement, as well as to the emergence of what has been later termed the modernism of Hispanic-American literature. ^ The poetics of Versos libres is based on the liberating function attributed to them by their author, who was determined to reach with this cycle a level of expression where literary modernism and radical Americanism would be fully integrated, in order to enrich the communicative capabilities of poetic language, making it penetrate deep and complex realities: Man's conscience, psyche and creative effort, nature and history. ^ This study of the Versos libres as a cycle, allows us to characterize the contribution of such a work to Hispanic-American poetry as a result of a literary praxis whose tone makes Versos libres a piece of work that, in its best-realized moments, surpasses the limits of the turn-of-the-century Hispanic-American poetry; thus laying a bridge towards modern poetry in the Spanish language. ^ The dissertation is based on the direct and complete transcription of Martí's own handwritings of the Versos libres, included in his Poesía completa. Edición Crítica (1985), edited by Cintio Vitier, Fina García Marruz and the present author. ^


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From the research and awareness of literary work, this thesis discusses aspects related to the study of homoeroticism and lifestyles in the works Dancer from the Dance (2001) by Andrew Holleran and Pela noite (2010) by Brazilian author Caio Fernando Abreu. Whereas issues about beauty, desire and lifestyle shape cutouts important to the narrative, I propose a discussion by examining the works that mark from the first moments of sexual release party in New York with the peculiarities of their own styles that characterized the Andrew Holleran characters rostificadas by an ethos that he composed during this time opening for freedom of sexual deviant sexualities. In Pela noite, we reiterate a continuation of opening moment in Brazil for gay characters Caio , assuming the early 1980s for those characters is the first " shadows " of AIDS and knowledge of self , in which his characters living with fear, anonymity and reminiscences of homophobia as a backdrop to the discussions that are triggered off by the author . To compose a theoretical framework to subsidize this work , we selected the works of Michel Foucault (2007 , 2010a , 2010b ) , Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (2008 ) , Didier Eribon (2008 ) , David Cartier (2004 ) , David Eisenbach (2006 ) and other contributions that were undoubtedly essential to this endeavor


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In the context of poetic productions of modernity and postmodernity (Hutcheon, 1999), this paper, from the concept of nomadism (Deleuze, 2012), together with the philosopher Derrida's notion of writing (2009), has the objective to study Harmada the novel (1993), written by artist Joao Gilberto Noll, the aspect of Nolliana nomadic scripture and boredom towards deconstruction of the Romanesque style. The narrative focus on introducing a transit fiction, promoted by nomadisms scripture of the wandering narrator who, in the work constitution, will the conduct of language, a plot that invades the body of the characters full of boredom and foreigners themselves, moving in fragmented and fluid spatiality of narrating. In this perspective, the research is limited with theoretical and methodological foundation in poststructuralist discussions in relation to considerations of literary aesthetics and concerning the thinkers-teóricos- critics: Derrida (2009), Deleuze (1995), Foucault (1996, 2001), Barthes (1977), Svendsen (2006). Against the background of critical understanding, the nomadic writing Harmada interlace in three stages: first, in the author's language; Second, the characters, the narrator-protagonist leading, unnamed, living overwhelming crises and painful existential ambiguity, placed through the artist's metaphor failed under the sign of "missing" while searching for other possible artistic ways of being in the world; and, finally, the nomadic reading instance as presentification effect (GUMBRECHT, 2010) for a reader experimentation. Finally, our work addresses the relationship between the nomadic scripture and the experience of boredom as a strategic power in the literature do Noll gear.


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This master thesis aims to research the tension established between the judicial review and democratic theory which was always present in the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers. In this regard, the expansion of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction checked after the occurrence of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the inertia of the Legislature in disciplinary relevant legal aspects of Brazilian society contributed to a hyperactivity of the Supreme Court. However, in a complex society of context, as is the Brazilian society, there are contained demands and political controversies that hardly would be well represented or resolved through the action of the Court of ministers at the expense of other government bodies. Among the supremacy of Parliament and the legitimacy deficit of these magistrates, is the constitutional text and the social fabric that makes this legal status of the political. Participatory democracy established by the guidelines of the Federal Constitution requires this perspective when the Supreme Court acting in place of concentrated constitutionality control. In a plural society, there is no reason to get rid of state decision moments popular participation. Lack the Supreme Court, this time, the democratizing perception that the institute brings to the interior of the Court, as state determination of space in which to come together and meet the aspirations of society and state claims. The dissertation investigates thus the possibility of amicus curiae Institute serve as a mediator of the democratic debate, to assist the Supreme Court in the preparation of the decision is, historically, that which is of greater legitimacy, from the perspective of a theory participatory democracy. Analyzes, likewise, the unfolding of abstract judicial review in the context of Brazilian law. Proposes, incidentally, a rereading of the separation of powers, with the call for the Judiciary be careful not to become the protagonist of national political decisions. It maintains, finally, that procedural opening the interpreters of the constitution, through the amicus curiae Institute, shows up as able to decrease the legitimacy deficit in the performance of the Brazilian Supreme Court.