925 resultados para Quest simulointiohjelmisto
Diplomityö tehtiin Konecranes Oyj:lle, joka on nostureita valmistava ja niille kunnossapitopalveluita tarjoava suomalainen pörssiyhtiö. Työn kuluessa suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin siltanosturiavusteisiin automaattivarastoihin soveltuva simulointiohjelmisto ja varastonohjausjärjestelmä. Työssä keskityttiin pääsääntöisesti paperirullavarastoihin, mutta suunnitteluvaiheessa otettiin huomioon myös muut Konecranesin tarjontaan kuuluvat automaattivarastotyypit kuten vaakarulla ja kontti. Simulointiohjelmistolla mallinnetaan automaattivarastossa tapahtuvia liikkeitä. Käyttäjä pystyy näkemään nostureiden ja muiden varastossa olevien komponenttien liikkeet 3D- muotoisena simulaattorin käyttöliittymästä. Simulaattorin tavoitteena on helpottaa automaattivaraston suunnittelua ja nopeuttaa sen käyttöönottoa, sekä toimia myös vakuuttavana myyntityökaluna asiakaskontakteissa. Varastonohjausjärjestelmä tekee päätökset varaston tapahtumista ja ohjaa mm. nostureiden toimintaa. Diplomityön päämääränä oli perehtyä tarkasti nykyisen varastonohjausjärjestelmän toimintaan, kehittää uusi ratkaisumalli puutteiden sekä toiveiden perusteella ja lopulta osoittaa ratkaisumallin toimivuus ohjelmoimalla esittelyversio simulaattorista ja varastonohjausjärjestelmästä. Samaa varastonohjausjärjestelmää on määrä käyttää simulaattorissa ja tulevaisuudessa todellisen varaston ohjaamisessa. Asetetuista vaatimuksista johtuen järjestelmästä suunniteltiin mahdollisimman mukautuva. Työn lopputuloksena saatiin perusominaisuudet kattava 3D-simulaattori ja siihen liitetty varastonohjausjärjestelmä. Toteutuksen avulla oli mahdollista osoittaa ratkaisumallin toimivuus sekä esitellä ideaa laajamittaisemmin. Diplomityön kuluessa saatiin nykyisestä järjestelmästä kattavat tiedot ja pystyttiin määräämään suunta, kuinka kehitystyötä jatketaan.
The Swedish public health care organisation could very well be undergoing its most significant change since its specialisation during the late 19th and early 20th century. At the heart of this change is a move from using manual patient journals to electronic health records (EHR). EHR are complex integrated organisational wide information systems (IS) that promise great benefits and value as well as presenting great challenges to the organisation. The Swedish public health care is not the first organisation to implement integrated IS, and by no means alone in their quest for realising the potential benefits and value that it has to offer. As organisations invest in IS they embark on a journey of value-creation and capture. A journey where a costbased approach towards their IS-investments is replaced with a value-centric focus, and where the main challenges lie in the practical day-to-day task of finding ways to intertwine technology, people and business processes. This has however proven to be a problematic task. The problematic situation arises from a shift of perspective regarding how to manage IS in order to gain value. This is a shift from technology delivery to benefits delivery; from an ISimplementation plan to a change management plan. The shift gives rise to challenges related to the inability of IS and the elusiveness of value. As a response to these challenges the field of IS-benefits management has emerged offering a framework and a process in order to better understand and formalise benefits realisation activities. In this thesis the benefits realisation efforts of three Swedish hospitals within the same county council are studied. The thesis focuses on the participants of benefits analysis projects; their perceptions, judgments, negotiations and descriptions of potential benefits. The purpose is to address the process where organisations seek to identify which potential IS-benefits to pursue and realise, this in order to better understand what affects the process, so that realisation actions of potential IS-benefits could be supported. A qualitative case study research design is adopted and provides a framework for sample selection, data collection, and data analysis. It also provides a framework for discussions of validity, reliability and generalizability. Findings displayed a benefits fluctuation, which showed that participants’ perception of what constituted potential benefits and value changed throughout the formal benefits management process. Issues like structure, knowledge, expectation and experience affected perception differently, and this in the end changed the amount and composition of potential benefits and value. Five dimensions of benefits judgment were identified and used by participants when finding accommodations of potential benefits and value to pursue. Identified dimensions affected participants’ perceptions, which in turn affected the amount and composition of potential benefits. During the formal benefits management process participants shifted between judgment dimensions. These movements emerged through debates and interactions between participants. Judgments based on what was perceived as expected due to one’s role and perceived best for the organisation as a whole were the two dominant benefits judgment dimensions. A benefits negotiation was identified. Negotiations were divided into two main categories, rational and irrational, depending on participants’ drive when initiating and participating in negotiations. In each category three different types of negotiations were identified having different characteristics and generating different outcomes. There was also a benefits negotiation process identified that displayed management challenges corresponding to its five phases. A discrepancy was also found between how IS-benefits are spoken of and how actions of IS benefits realisation are understood. This was a discrepancy between an evaluation and a realisation focus towards IS value creation. An evaluation focus described IS-benefits as well-defined and measurable effects and a realisation focus spoke of establishing and managing an on-going place of value creation. The notion of valuescape was introduced in order to describe and support the understanding of IS value creation. Valuescape corresponded to a realisation focus and outlined a value configuration consisting of activities, logic, structure, drivers and role of IS.
This study discusses the procedures of value co-creation that persist in gaming industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the procedures that persist in current video gaming industry which answers the main research problem how value is co-created in video gaming industry followed by three sub questions: (i) What is value co-creation in gaming industry? (ii) Who participates in value co-creation in gaming industry? (iii) What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in gaming industry? The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the theory of marketing i.e., notion of value, conventional understanding of value creation, value chain, co-creation approach, co-production approach. The research adopted qualitative research approach. As a platform of relationship researcher used web 2.0 tool interface. Data were collected from the social networks and netnography method was applied for analyzing them. Findings show that customer and company both co-create optimum level of value while they interact with each other and within the customers as well. However mostly the C2C interaction, discussions and dialogues threads that emerged around the main discussion facilitated to co-create value. In this manner, companies require exploiting and further motivating, developing and supporting the interactions between customers participating in value creation. Hierarchy of value co-creation processes is the result derived from the identified challenges of value co-creation approach and discussion forums data analysis. Overall three general sets and seven topics were found that explored the phenomenon of customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) interaction/debating for value co-creation through user generated contents. These topics describe how gamer contributes and interacts in co-creating value along with companies. A methodical quest in current research literature acknowledged numerous evolving flows of value in this study. These are general management perspective, new product development and innovation, virtual customer environment, service science and service dominant logic. Overall the topics deliver various realistic and conceptual implications for using and handling gamers in social networks for augmenting customers’ value co-creation process.
An attempt to delineate rather than to precisely define what we mean by "ecophysiology" is based on a brief historical overview of what eventually led to development of instrumentation and sampling strategies for analyses that allow description of physiological performance in the field. These techniques are surveyed. Ecophysiology originally is aut-ecology dedicated to the behaviour of individual plants, species or higher taxa, viz. "physiotypes", in particular habitats. Examples of ecophysiological diversity are developed, which illustrate gradual merging with more integrative considerations of functions and dynamics of habitats or ecosystems, i.e. a trend of research towards physiological syn-ecology. The latter is exemplified by studies with comparisons of a variety of morphotypes and physiotypes within a given habitat or ecosystem and across a range of habitats or ecosystems. The high demand and complexity as well as the excitement of ecology and ecophysiology arise from the quest to cover all conditions of the existence of organisms according to Ernst Haeckel's original definition of "ecology".
Este artigo analisa os processos de expansão da religião ayahuasqueira do Santo Daime da Amazônia para o mundo. O crescimento e internacionalização daimistas são explicados em função de suas características estruturais, a psicoatividade e miscibilidade. Essa expansão é contextualizada dentro do movimento diaspórico das religiões do sul global, isto é, responde ao crescente papel do Brasil e da América Latina no cenário religioso global contemporâneo. Tal crescimento, contudo, foi conflituoso e permeado de tensões nos vários locais em que ocorreu. A expansão também produziu varias consequências nas comunidades tradicionais amazônicas. Argumenta-se que a internacionalização do Santo Daime ilustra as controvérsias e ambivalências religiosas de nosso tempo, estimulando o debate sobre questões fundamentais relacionadas ao contexto religioso global e à própria modernidade.
Este artigo apresenta uma visão geral da temática de “religião e mídia”, um campo interdisciplinar de investigação e de pesquisa que reúne estudiosos em antropologia, comunicação, história da arte e ciências da religião, entre outros. O artigo fornece um relato do estado atual do campo e também delineia alguns dos principais temas, questões e debates que determinaram a pesquisa nesta área. O artigo conclui colocando algumas questões e propostas para novas direções de pesquisa em religião e mídia.
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a relação pesquisador-pesquisado durante a prática da pesquisa etnográfica. Busca-se problematizar questões tais como as relações de intersubjetividade entre pesquisador e nativo, a agência do nativo durante a pesquisa de campo e a experiência de “ser afetado” (Favret-Saada 2005), que é passível de ser experimentada pelo pesquisador no decorrer do trabalho de campo. O ponto de partida da reflexão é um fato ocorrido comigo durante pesquisa de campo sobre um dos rituais das romarias de Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brasil, conhecido como “visita ao Horto”. Como é relatado no texto e já explicitado no título, o fato em questão envolveu a mim (etnógrafo), umas das minhas principais informantes e uma pedra.
Resumo Este trabalho tem o objetivo de empreender uma investigação preliminar sobre o processo de fundação dos terreiros de candomblé, partindo das narrativas etnográficas de um estudo de caso em que pude acompanhar a transformação de uma adepta em mãe de santo. O texto se desdobra em três eixos principais, abrangendo a construção material da casa de santo, o seu sentido ritual e espiritual, assim como a sua inserção na esfera legal/jurídica enquanto associação religiosa. A intenção é mostrar que essas dimensões são interligadas, tocando também em questões de ordem econômica, política e no debate sobre propriedade nos terreiros de candomblé.
The aim of this caring science thesis is to deepen the understanding for the long-term ill adolescents care. In particular it aims to reach a better understanding of transition in health care, with a focus on how young people perceive health care. The goal is to build a model, a consistent theoretical framework that makes it possible to listen to the adolescent´s own voice, providing a better understanding of what good care consists in from their point of view. This Master's thesis consists of a literature overview on the concept of transition and a themed interview with young patients regarding transition of health care. The overall issue is 1. What is good care during the transition according to the adolescents themselves? 2. How does transition affect the young people's health and lives? The theoretical perspective of this thesis lies in the caring science tradition that has been developed at the Åbo Akademi University department of caring science with the caritative nursing theory as a basis. The epistemological and ontological assumptions are based on the caritative nursing theory, which in itself is ethical. Understanding of the concept of transition is based on A. Meleis transitions theory. The methodological approach is hermeneutical. The theme interview has been analyzed by using S. Kvales method. The material consists of a thematic interview with 10 long-term ill adolescents, about their views of the care received. This thesis research even in how NOBABs standards appears in the litterature as well as how they are implemented from the point of view of young people. The findings of this thesis shows that good care for the adolescent is a true presence with the young and an understanding of the direction in which the young move toward during the transition of care. Good care for an adolescent consists in being recognized as a person who is seen, known, appreciated and understood. Good care for the young involves recognizing her strength and joy of life including the contrast she experiences between health and suffering. To recognize their personal strength and courage supports the adolescents during the process of transitions of care Good care for the young involves responsibility for the individual person and humility in approaching her, giving attention to her view of life and aspirations. Openness and humility in the approach lays the foundation for a trusting relation during the transition of care. A unified theoretical framework is needed to promote the long-term ill adolescents care during transition of care. When the young and her individual needs is the centerpiece of healthcare creates this the basis for empowering care that supports the young in her quest for health. This master thesis adds a given model to the long-term ill adolescents` healthcare.
Malaria continues to infect millions and kill hundreds of thousands of people worldwide each year, despite over a century of research and attempts to control and eliminate this infectious disease. Challenges such as the development and spread of drug resistant malaria parasites, insecticide resistance to mosquitoes, climate change, the presence of individuals with subpatent malaria infections which normally are asymptomatic and behavioral plasticity in the mosquito hinder the prospects of malaria control and elimination. In this thesis, mathematical models of malaria transmission and control that address the role of drug resistance, immunity, iron supplementation and anemia, immigration and visitation, and the presence of asymptomatic carriers in malaria transmission are developed. A within-host mathematical model of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria is also developed. First, a deterministic mathematical model for transmission of antimalarial drug resistance parasites with superinfection is developed and analyzed. The possibility of increase in the risk of superinfection due to iron supplementation and fortification in malaria endemic areas is discussed. The model results calls upon stakeholders to weigh the pros and cons of iron supplementation to individuals living in malaria endemic regions. Second, a deterministic model of transmission of drug resistant malaria parasites, including the inflow of infective immigrants, is presented and analyzed. The optimal control theory is applied to this model to study the impact of various malaria and vector control strategies, such as screening of immigrants, treatment of drug-sensitive infections, treatment of drug-resistant infections, and the use of insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor spraying of mosquitoes. The results of the model emphasize the importance of using a combination of all four controls tools for effective malaria intervention. Next, a two-age-class mathematical model for malaria transmission with asymptomatic carriers is developed and analyzed. In development of this model, four possible control measures are analyzed: the use of long-lasting treated mosquito nets, indoor residual spraying, screening and treatment of symptomatic, and screening and treatment of asymptomatic individuals. The numerical results show that a disease-free equilibrium can be attained if all four control measures are used. A common pitfall for most epidemiological models is the absence of real data; model-based conclusions have to be drawn based on uncertain parameter values. In this thesis, an approach to study the robustness of optimal control solutions under such parameter uncertainty is presented. Numerical analysis of the optimal control problem in the presence of parameter uncertainty demonstrate the robustness of the optimal control approach that: when a comprehensive control strategy is used the main conclusions of the optimal control remain unchanged, even if inevitable variability remains in the control profiles. The results provide a promising framework for the design of cost-effective strategies for disease control with multiple interventions, even under considerable uncertainty of model parameters. Finally, a separate work modeling the within-host Plasmodium falciparum infection in humans is presented. The developed model allows re-infection of already-infected red blood cells. The model hypothesizes that in severe malaria due to parasite quest for survival and rapid multiplication, the Plasmodium falciparum can be absorbed in the already-infected red blood cells which accelerates the rupture rate and consequently cause anemia. Analysis of the model and parameter identifiability using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is presented.
Até o momento, não há um método único capaz de diagnosticar com fidedignidade a condição nutricional do paciente com doença renal crônica (DRC). Por essa razão, tem se recomendado o emprego de vários marcadores nutricionais. A avaliação global subjetiva (AGS) se baseia na história física e no exame clínico do paciente e, desde sua criação, novas versões foram elaboradas. A partir da AGS, foi criado o malnutrition inflammation score (MIS), composto por 70% das questões comuns à AGS acrescido de questões objetivas do estado nutricional. Como muitas modificações foram feitas na forma original da AGS e o emprego tanto da AGS quanto do MIS em pacientes com DRC aumentou significativamente na prática clínica, este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão sobre a aplicabilidade desses métodos para avaliação do estado nutricional em pacientes com DRC.
Illnesses related to the heart are one of the major reasons for death all over the world causing many people to lose their lives in last decades. The good news is that many of those sicknesses are preventable if they are spotted in early stages. On the other hand, the number of the doctors are much lower than the number of patients. This will makes the auto diagnosing of diseases even more and more essential for humans today. Furthermore, when it comes to the diagnosing methods and algorithms, the current state of the art is lacking a comprehensive study on the comparison between different diagnosis solutions. Not having a single valid diagnosing solution has increased the confusion among scholars and made it harder for them to take further steps. This master thesis will address the issue of reliable diagnosing algorithm. We investigate ECG signals and the relation between different diseases and the heart’s electrical activity. Also, we will discuss the necessary steps needed for auto diagnosing the heart diseases including the literatures discussing the topic. The main goal of this master thesis is to find a single reliable diagnosing algorithm and quest for the best classifier to date for heart related sicknesses. Five most suited and most well-known classifiers, such as KNN, CART, MLP, Adaboost and SVM, have been investigated. To have a fair comparison, the ex-periment condition is kept the same for all classification methods. The UCI repository arrhythmia dataset will be used and the data will not be preprocessed. The experiment results indicates that AdaBoost noticeably classifies different diseases with a considera-bly better accuracy.
Hirschman e a profanação do desenvolvimento épico na visão de um desenvolvimentista. O ensaio apresenta uma leitura da obra de Albert Hirschman "com o objetivo de destacar a sua abordagem diferenciada para o desenvolvimento econômico, enquanto explora as dimensões econômicas, sociais e políticas envolvidas na junção do crescimento econômico e da equidade social. Alguns conceitos e referências ganham importância neste esforço, como o possibilismo, racionalidades ocultas, crescimento desequilibrado, conflitos sociais, consequências não intencionais e soluções abertas. Países latino-americanos são a principal referência empírica, com preocupações específicas sobre a questão de alimentos envolvida em processos de desenvolvimento.
O artigo argumenta que é possível se falar em uma 'tradição' no campo de filosofia social e econômica unindo as obras de J.S. Mill e Alfred Marshall e J.M. Keynes. Essa 'tradição' pode ser caracterizada pelas seguintes concepções: (a) pela rejeição moral aos valores aquisitivos do capitalismo; (b) pela visão de que o sistema capitalista seria incapaz de resolver de forma espontânea as questões das desigualdades de renda e riqueza e da pobreza; (c) pela ideia de que, por uma questão de garantia de liberdade e da diversidade, além de por questões de eficiência econômica, dever-se-ia deixar a iniciativa individual agir livremente nas esferas em que é capaz de engendrar bons resultados, mas que o Estado deveria intervir, quando essa falha, atuando em benefício da coletividade; (d) pela crença de que seria possível melhorar significativamente esse sistema por meio de mudanças pontuais e graduais.
ABSTRACTThe international financial system has undergone deep changes since the 1970s and its stability cannot be reached in spite of actor's interests or the existence of countless coordination fora. Analyzing the system's incentive structure, one can note that its stability depends on the control of imbalances, which are not always harmful for States, creating, thus, a disturbing component in the quest for international financial management. Furthermore, non-state actors have acquired a disproportional share of power following financial globalization, escaping the control of States and of the international community.