493 resultados para Purple ipe


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicações e Transportes


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The Australian Sweetpotato Growers Association partnered researchers from Agri-Science Queensland (with co-funding from Horticulture Australia Limited) to identify new, high performing sweetpotato cultivars with diverse colours and tastes. The project evaluated a mix of purple, red, orange and white skin and flesh, tailored for Australian growers and consumers. Australia's sweetpotato market currently relies on one gold cultivar for 90% of national production. Major retailers were requesting a reliable supply of quality sweetpotatoes in emerging categories such as red or white skin or purple flesh. To identify suitable cultivars, over 40 new sweetpotato cultivars were virus tested, and extensively evaluated in multiple experiments in Queensland and northern New South Wales. Larger-scale plantings by growers, using standard agronomy, provided additional performance feedback under commercial conditions. In partnership with growers and wholesalers, cultivars were evaluated in field and laboratory for desired characteristics such as shape, size range, skin and flesh colour, estimates of productivity and suitability for commercial production, cooking characteristics and taste. New high performing gold cultivars had better soil insect and nematode tolerance than the current cultivars. The new colours offered diverse health-related opportunities for consumers, more anthocyanins in purple-fleshed cultivars; higher beta carotene content in new gold fleshed cultivars; and potentially lower GI in white-fleshed cultivars. To enhance adoption, the industry/research partnership will tailor agronomic guidelines to maximise on-farm performance and identify niche marketing pathways for each of the cultivars. Increased consumption of this versatile vegetable will drive sweetpotato industry development and expansion into the future.


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The development of molecular markers for genomic studies in Mangifera indica (mango) will allow marker-assisted selection and identification of genetically diverse germplasm, greatly aiding mango breeding programs. We report here our identification of thousands of unambiguous molecular markers that can be easily assayed across genotypes of the species. With origin centered in Southeast Asia, mangos are grown throughout the tropics and subtropics as a nutritious fruit that exhibits remarkable intraspecific phenotypic diversity. With the goal of building a high density genetic map, we have undertaken discovery of sequence variation in expressed genes across a broad range of mango cultivars. A transcriptome sequence reference was built de novo from extensive sequencing and assembly of RNA from cultivar 'Tommy Atkins'. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in protein coding transcripts were determined from alignment of RNA reads from 24 mango cultivars of diverse origins: 'Amin Abrahimpur' (India), 'Aroemanis' (Indonesia), 'Burma' (Burma), 'CAC' (Hawaii), 'Duncan' (Florida), 'Edward' (Florida), 'Everbearing' (Florida), 'Gary' (Florida), 'Hodson' (Florida), 'Itamaraca' (Brazil), 'Jakarata' (Florida), 'Long' (Jamaica), 'M. Casturi Purple' (Borneo), 'Malindi' (Kenya), 'Mulgoba' (India), 'Neelum' (India), 'Peach' (unknown), 'Prieto' (Cuba), 'Sandersha' (India), 'Tete Nene' (Puerto Rico), 'Thai Everbearing' (Thailand), 'Toledo' (Cuba), 'Tommy Atkins' (Florida) and 'Turpentine' (West Indies). SNPs in a selected subset of protein coding transcripts are currently being converted into Fluidigm assays for genotyping of mapping populations and germplasm collections. Using an alternate approach, SNPs (144) discovered by sequencing of candidate genes in 'Kensington Pride' have already been converted and used for genotyping.


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O maracujá-roxo é um fruto tropical que tem ganho destaque devido ao seu valor nutricional, organolético e às emergentes descobertas acerca das suas propriedades farmacêuticas e antioxidantes. Durante o processo de maturação decorrem várias reações de ordem física e química, e no intuito de enriquecer o conhecimento acerca de como a composição química e as propriedades do maracujá-roxo evoluem ao longo da maturação, este trabalho consistiu na caracterização física do fruto inteiro e na caracterização química geral das sementes, casca e polpa em frutos separados em cinco graus de maturação diferentes (G1 a G5). Foi também avaliada a atividade antioxidante (atividade antiradicalar e poder redutor), e o teor em compostos fenólicos (fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis) das diferentes matrizes que compõem o fruto ao longo da maturação. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se na casca que o teor em cinza bruta aumenta essencialmente entre G1 e G2 enquanto se verificou uma diminuição da proteína. Em relação à semente, o teor em cinza bruta aumenta gradualmente, e o teor em proteína aumenta de G1 para G2, estabilizando posteriormente nos 8% (base seca). O teor em gordura aumenta gradualmente ao longo da maturação, verificando-se um maior acumulo entre G1 e G2 (9,9 e 19,1% respetivamente). No que respeita à polpa, há uma diminuição nos teores de cinza e proteína e aumento dos sólidos solúveis totais.Verificou-se um aumento ligeiro do pH ao longo da maturação (entre 2,8 a 3,1) e uma diminuição da acidez (entre 12,1 e 6,7 g de ácido cítrico 100 mL-1). Constatou-se que os açúcares predominantes na polpa foram a sacarose, frutose e glucose. Quanto aos ácidos orgánicos, o ácido cítrico foi o maioritário em todos os graus de maturação e teores mais baixos foram quantificados para os ácidos málico e ascórbico. Entre as diferentes partes do fruto estudadas, as cascas foram a matriz mais antioxidante, aumentando o seu potencial bioativo durante a maturação. As sementes apresentaram valores mais elevados de fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis. Foi verificado que a atividade antioxidante esteve correlacionada com os valores de fenóis totais presentes nas diferentes partes do fruto ao longo da maturação. De acordo com o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro estudo que toma em consideração as alterações sofridas pelas diferentes partes do maracujá-roxo produzido em Portugal, ao longo da maturação.


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A l’heure actuelle, les biocarburants renouvelables et qui ne nuit pas à l'environnement sont à l'étude intensive en raison de l'augmentation des problèmes de santé et de la diminution des combustibles fossiles. H2 est l'un des candidats les plus prometteurs en raison de ses caractéristiques uniques, telles que la densité d'énergie élevée et la génération faible ou inexistante de polluants. Une façon attrayante pour produire la H2 est par les bactéries photosynthétiques qui peuvent capter l'énergie lumineuse pour actionner la production H2 avec leur système de nitrogénase. L'objectif principal de cette étude était d'améliorer le rendement de H2 des bactéries photosynthétiques pourpres non sulfureuses utilisant une combinaison de génie métabolique et le plan des expériences. Une hypothèse est que le rendement en H2 pourrait être améliorée par la redirection de flux de cycle du Calvin-Benson-Bassham envers du système de nitrogénase qui catalyse la réduction des protons en H2. Ainsi, un PRK, phosphoribulose kinase, mutant « knock-out » de Rhodobacter capsulatus JP91 a été créé. L’analyse de la croissance sur des différentes sources de carbone a montré que ce mutant ne peut croître qu’avec l’acétate, sans toutefois produire d' H2. Un mutant spontané, YL1, a été récupéré qui a retenu l'cbbP (codant pour PRK) mutation d'origine, mais qui avait acquis la capacité de se développer sur le glucose et produire H2. Une étude de la production H2 sous différents niveaux d'éclairage a montré que le rendement d’YL1 était de 20-40% supérieure à la souche type sauvage JP91. Cependant, il n'y avait pas d'amélioration notable du taux de production de H2. Une étude cinétique a montré que la croissance et la production d'hydrogène sont fortement liées avec des électrons à partir du glucose principalement dirigés vers la production de H2 et la formation de la biomasse. Sous des intensités lumineuses faibles à intermédiaires, la production d'acides organiques est importante, ce qui suggère une nouvelle amélioration additionnel du rendement H2 pourrait être possible grâce à l'optimisation des processus. Dans une série d'expériences associées, un autre mutant spontané, YL2, qui a un phénotype similaire à YL1, a été testé pour la croissance dans un milieu contenant de l'ammonium. Les résultats ont montré que YL2 ne peut croître que avec de l'acétate comme source de carbone, encore une fois, sans produire de H2. Une incubation prolongée dans les milieux qui ne supportent pas la croissance de YL2 a permis l'isolement de deux mutants spontanés secondaires intéressants, YL3 et YL4. L'analyse par empreint du pied Western a montré que les deux souches ont, dans une gamme de concentrations d'ammonium, l'expression constitutive de la nitrogénase. Les génomes d’YL2, YL3 et YL4 ont été séquencés afin de trouver les mutations responsables de ce phénomène. Fait intéressant, les mutations de nifA1 et nifA2 ont été trouvés dans les deux YL3 et YL4. Il est probable qu'un changement conformationnel de NifA modifie l'interaction protéine-protéine entre NifA et PII protéines (telles que GlnB ou GlnK), lui permettant d'échapper à la régulation par l'ammonium, et donc d'être capable d'activer la transcription de la nitrogénase en présence d'ammonium. On ignore comment le nitrogénase synthétisé est capable de maintenir son activité parce qu’en théorie, il devrait également être soumis à une régulation post-traductionnelle par ammonium. Une autre preuve pourrait être obtenue par l'étude du transcriptome d’YL3 et YL4. Une première étude sur la production d’ H2 par YL3 et YL4 ont montré qu'ils sont capables d’une beaucoup plus grande production d'hydrogène que JP91 en milieu d'ammonium, qui ouvre la porte pour les études futures avec ces souches en utilisant des déchets contenant de l'ammonium en tant que substrats. Enfin, le reformage biologique de l'éthanol à H2 avec la bactérie photosynthétique, Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 a été examiné. La production d'éthanol avec fermentation utilisant des ressources renouvelables microbiennes a été traitée comme une technique mature. Cependant, la plupart des études du reformage de l'éthanol à H2 se sont concentrés sur le reformage chimique à la vapeur, ce qui nécessite généralement une haute charge énergetique et résultats dans les émissions de gaz toxiques. Ainsi le reformage biologique de l'éthanol à H2 avec des bactéries photosynthétiques, qui peuvent capturer la lumière pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques de cette réaction, semble d’être plus prometteuse. Une étude précédente a démontré la production d'hydrogène à partir d'éthanol, toutefois, le rendement ou la durée de cette réaction n'a pas été examiné. Une analyse RSM (méthode de surface de réponse) a été réalisée dans laquelle les concentrations de trois facteurs principaux, l'intensité lumineuse, de l'éthanol et du glutamate ont été variés. Nos résultats ont montré que près de 2 moles de H2 peuvent être obtenus à partir d'une mole d'éthanol, 33% de ce qui est théoriquement possible.


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Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living bacillus, Gram-negative commonly found in water and sand of tropical and subtropical regions. One of its main characteristic it's the ability to produce the purple pigment named violacein, that shows countless biological activities. In 2003, the genome of this organism was totally sequenced and revealed important informations about the physiology of this bacteria. However, few post-genomics studies had been accomplished. This work evaluated the protein profile of C. violaceum cultivated in LB medium at 28ºC that allowed the identification and characterization of proteins related to a possible secretion system that wasn't identified and characterized yet in C. violaceum, to the quorum sensing system, to regulatory process of transcription and translation, stress adaptation and biotechnological potential. Moreover, the response of the bacteria to UVC radiation was evaluated. The comparison of the protein profile, analyzed through 2-D electrophoresis, of the control group versus the treatment group allowed the identification of 52 proteins that arose after stress induction. The obtained results enable the elaboration of a stress response pathway in C. violaceum generated by the UVC light. This pathway, that seems to be a general stress response, involves the expression of proteins related to cellular division, purine and pirimidine metabolism, heat chock or chaperones, energy supply, regulation of biofilm formation, transport, regulation of lytic cycle of bacteriophages, besides proteins that show undefined function. Despite the response present similarities with the classic SOS response of E. coli, we still cannot assert that C. violaceum shows a SOS-like response, mainly due to the absence of characterization of a LexA-like protein in this organism


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The phytochemical profiles and bioactivities of red, white and pink globe amaranth (Gomphrena haageana K., Gomphrena globosa var. albiflora and Gomphrena sp., respectively), much less studied than the purple species (G. globosa L.), were compared. The chemical characterization of the samples included the analysis of macronutrients and individual profiles of sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, tocopherols, and phenolic compounds. Their bioactivity was evaluated by determining the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities; the absence of cytotoxicity was also determined. Red and pink samples showed the highest sugar content. Otherwise, the white sample gave the highest level of organic acids, and together with the pink one showed the highest tocopherol and PUFA levels. Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside was the major flavonol in white and pink samples, whereas a tetrahydroxy-methylenedioxyflavone was the major compound in the red variety, which revealed a different phenolic profile. The pink globe amaranth hydromethanolic extract revealed the highest antioxidant activity, followed by those of red and white samples. The anti-inflammatory activity was more relevant in red and pink varieties. None of the samples presented toxicity in liver cells. Overall, these samples can be used in bioactive formulations against inflammatory processes and in free radical production.


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In salmonids, the release of hatchery-reared fish has been shown to cause irreversible genetic impacts on wild populations. However, although responsible practices for producing and releasing genetically diverse, hatchery-reared juveniles have been published widely, they are rarely implemented. Here, we investigated genetic differences between wild and early-generation hatchery-reared populations of the purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (a commercially important species in Europe) to assess whether hatcheries were able to maintain natural levels of genetic diversity. To test the hypothesis that hatchery rearing would cause bottleneck effects (that is, a substantial reduction in genetic diversity and differentiation from wild populations), we compared the levels and patterns of genetic variation between two hatcheries and four nearby wild populations, using samples from both Spain and Ireland. We found that hatchery-reared populations were less diverse and had diverged significantly from the wild populations, with a very small effective population size and a high degree of relatedness between individuals. These results raise a number of concerns about the genetic impacts of their release into wild populations, particularly when such a degree of differentiation can occur in a single generation of hatchery rearing. Consequently, we suggest that caution should be taken when using hatchery-reared individuals to augment fisheries, even for marine species with high dispersal capacity, and we provide some recommendations to improve hatchery rearing and release practices. Our results further highlight the need to consider the genetic risks of releasing hatchery-reared juveniles into the wild during the establishment of restocking, stock enhancement and sea ranching programs.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, 2016.


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La evaluación de los bancos naturales, se realizó entre 07°10’27”S, 79°41’18”W (Punta Chérrepe) y 08°45’44,9”S, 78°47’42,2”W (Isla Chao), del 13 al 24 de diciembre 2011. Se evaluó ocho especies de invertebrados de importancia comercial en 15 bancos naturales. Las especies fueron: Platyxanthus orbignyi cangrejo violáceo, Stramonita chocolata caracol negro, Octopus mimus pulpo, Argopecten purpuratus concha de abanico, Semele sp. almeja, Emerita analoga muy muy, Pattalus molli pepino de mar, Donax sp. palabritas.


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Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a biennial plant that accumulates considerable amounts of carotenoid pigments in the storage root. To better understand the molecular mechanisms for carotenoid accumulation in developing storage roots, plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) cDNA was isolated and selected for reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Present in photosynthetic species, PTOX is a plastid-located, nucleus encoded plastoquinone (PQ)-O2 oxidoreductase (plastioquinol oxidase). The enzyme is known to play a role as a cofactor for phytoene desaturase, and consequently plays a key role in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. A single PTOX gene was identified (DcPTOX) in carrot. DcPTOX encodes a putative protein with 366 amino acids that contains the typical structural features of PTOXs from higher plants. The expression of DcPTOX was analysed during the development of white, yellow, orange, red, and purple carrot roots, along with five genes known to be involved in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway, PSY2, PDS, ZDS1, LCYB1, and LCYE. Expression analysis revealed the presence of DcPTOX transcripts in all cultivars, and an increase of transcripts during the time course of the experiment, with differential expression among cultivars in early stages of root growth. Our results demonstrated that DcPTOX showed a similar profile to that of other carotenoid biosynthetic genes with high correlation to all of them. The preponderant role of PSY in the biosynthesis of carotenoid pigments was also confirmed.


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The glaze and in-glaze pigments of the historical nineteenth-century glazed tiles from the Pena National Palace (Sintra, Portugal) were characterized using a multi-analytical approach. Chemical composition and microstructural characterization were ascertained by µ-PIXE, µ-Raman, optical microscopy and VP-SEM–EDS. The manufacturing technique and colour palette in these tiles were found to be close to the ceramic pigments used in traditional majolica. The blue and purple colours derive from cobalt oxide and manganese oxide, respectively. A mixture of Pb–Sn–Sb yellow with cobalt oxide and iron oxide was used for green and dark yellow, respectively, while grey tonalities consist of a complex mixture of cobalt oxide, manganese oxide and Pb–Sn–Sb yellow in different proportions. Results obtained allowed the determination of the oxides and elements used in pigments as well as production techniques, resorting to traditional majolica manufacture, although the tiles were produced by the end of the nineteenth century.


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The seasonal climate drivers of the carbon cy- cle in tropical forests remain poorly known, although these forests account for more carbon assimilation and storage than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Based on a unique combina- tion of seasonal pan-tropical data sets from 89 experimental sites (68 include aboveground wood productivity measure- ments and 35 litter productivity measurements), their asso- ciated canopy photosynthetic capacity (enhanced vegetation index, EVI) and climate, we ask how carbon assimilation and aboveground allocation are related to climate seasonal- ity in tropical forests and how they interact in the seasonal carbon cycle. We found that canopy photosynthetic capacity seasonality responds positively to precipitation when rain- fall is < 2000 mm yr-1 (water-limited forests) and to radia- tion otherwise (light-limited forests). On the other hand, in- dependent of climate limitations, wood productivity and lit- terfall are driven by seasonal variation in precipitation and evapotranspiration, respectively. Consequently, light-limited forests present an asynchronism between canopy photosyn- thetic capacity and wood productivity. First-order control by precipitation likely indicates a decrease in tropical forest pro- ductivity in a drier climate in water-limited forest, and in cur- rent light-limited forest with future rainfall < 2000 mm yr-1.