959 resultados para Polemis, Ioannis D.: Theophanes of Nicea


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Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) suppresses adaptive immunity. T-cell proliferation and differentiation to effector cells require increased glucose consumption, aerobic glycolysis and glutaminolysis. The effect of IDO on the above metabolic pathways was evaluated in alloreactive T-cells. Mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) in the presence or not of the IDO inhibitor, 1-DL-methyl-tryptophane (1-MT), was used. In MLRs, 1-MT decreased tryptophan consumption, increased cell proliferation, glucose influx and lactate production, whereas it decreased tricarboxylic acid cycle activity. In T-cells, from the two pathways that could sense tryptophan depletion, i.e. general control nonrepressed 2 (GCN2) kinase and mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1, 1-MT reduced only the activity of the GCN2 kinase. Additionally 1-MT treatment of MLRs altered the expression and/or the phosphorylation state of glucose transporter-1 and of key enzymes involved in glucose metabolism and glutaminolysis in alloreactive T-cells in a way that favors glucose influx, aerobic glycolysis and glutaminolysis. Thus in alloreactive T-cells, IDO through activation of the GCN2 kinase, decreases glucose influx and alters key enzymes involved in metabolism, decreasing aerobic glycolysis and glutaminolysis. Acting in such a way, IDO could be considered as a constraining factor for alloreactive T-cell proliferation and differentiation to effector T-cell subtypes.


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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of rumen-protected tryptophan (125g tryptophan per day) in heifers and dairy cows. Blood samples from dairy cows and heifers were collected for 24h in 3-h intervals on the day before tryptophan supplementation, on day 2, 5 and 7 of tryptophan supplementation, and in heifers additionally on d 14 after tryptophan supplementation was ceased. Plasma tryptophan, melatonin, serotonin, and prolactin concentrations were determined. Tryptophan plasma concentrations on d 5 were augmented at day (11:00h) and nighttime (02:00h), (P<0.05) in response to tryptophan supplementation in heifers by 119% and in dairy cows by 47%, respectively, as compared with d 0. Melatonin increased (P<0.05) in response to tryptophan supplementation in heifers, but not in cows. The effect of tryptophan supplementation on plasma tryptophan and melatonin was reversible as demonstrated in heifers on d 14 after cessation of tryptophan supplementation. Serotonin and prolactin in plasma did not respond to tryptophan supplementation. However, milk yield during morning milking increased significantly in tryptophan supplemented cows on d 1, 3 and 4 as compared to the day before tryptophan supplementation. Additional blood samples were taken during afternoon milking in cows at 1-min intervals for the analyses of oxytocin and prolactin on the day before the start and on d 7 of tryptophan supplementation. Milk flow curves were recorded during milking. No effect of tryptophan supplementation on the milking related release of oxytocin and prolactin and on any characteristic of milk flow was observed. In conclusion, tryptophan supplementation caused increased plasma tryptophan in cows and heifers and plasma melatonin in heifers. However, plasma serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin release in cows remained unchanged by tryptophan supplementation. Milk yield at morning milking increased slightly and transiently in response to tryptophan supplementation.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between the 3-dimensional (3-D) motion pattern of the caudal lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the canine vertebral column and the morphology of vertebrae, facet joints, and intervertebral disks. SAMPLE POPULATION: Vertebral columns of 9 German Shepherd Dogs and 16 dogs of other breeds with similar body weights and body conditions. PROCEDURE: Different morphometric parameters of the vertebral column were assessed by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging. Anatomic conformation and the 3-D motion pattern were compared, and correlation coefficients were calculated. RESULTS: Total range of motion for flexion and extension was mainly associated with the facet joint angle, the facet joint angle difference between levels of the vertebral column in the transverse plane on CT images, disk height, and lever arm length. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Motion is a complex process that is influenced by the entire 3-D conformation of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column. In vivo dynamic measurements of the 3-D motion pattern of the lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the vertebral column will be necessary to further assess biomechanics that could lead to disk degeneration in dogs.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of native engineered amniotic scaffolds (AS) and polyesterurethane scaffolds (DegraPol) and document wound healing response when sealing iatrogenic fetal membrane defects in the rabbit model. STUDY DESIGN: Native AS were engineered from freshly harvested membranes of 23 days' gestational age (GA; term = 31-2 d). Acellularity of AS was assessed by histology, light and scanning electron microscopy. Fetal membrane defects were created by 14 gauge-needle puncture at GA 23 days and primarily closed with AS (n = 10) or DegraPol (n = 10) or left unclosed (positive controls; n = 10). Sixty-one sacs served as negative controls. At GA 30 days a second look hysterotomy was performed to assess presence of amniotic fluid (AF) and harvest plugging sites for microscopic evaluation. RESULTS: Engineered AS had a cell-free collagenous fiber network. AF was significantly higher only in the DegraPol group (78%; P < .05) compared to the AF in positive controls (17%). Integration of plugs in the fetal membrane defect was better with AS than DegraPol, with higher reepithelialization rates (AS: 52.5% +/- 6.5%; DegraPol: 11.6% +/- 2.6%; P < .001) and proliferation indices (AS: 0.47 +/- 0.03; DegraPol: 0.28 +/- 0.04; P = .001). In both treatment groups, cell proliferation in the myometrium was increased (P < .05). CONCLUSION: Native AS seal iatrogenic fetal membrane defects better than DegraPol. Within a week, there is abundant reepithelilization and minimal local inflammation. This yields the proof of principle that engineered native, amniotic membrane scaffolds enhance fetal membrane wound healing response.


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Single-screw extrusion is one of the widely used processing methods in plastics industry, which was the third largest manufacturing industry in the United States in 2007 [5]. In order to optimize the single-screw extrusion process, tremendous efforts have been devoted for development of accurate models in the last fifty years, especially for polymer melting in screw extruders. This has led to a good qualitative understanding of the melting process; however, quantitative predictions of melting from various models often have a large error in comparison to the experimental data. Thus, even nowadays, process parameters and the geometry of the extruder channel for the single-screw extrusion are determined by trial and error. Since new polymers are developed frequently, finding the optimum parameters to extrude these polymers by trial and error is costly and time consuming. In order to reduce the time and experimental work required for optimizing the process parameters and the geometry of the extruder channel for a given polymer, the main goal of this research was to perform a coordinated experimental and numerical investigation of melting in screw extrusion. In this work, a full three-dimensional finite element simulation of the two-phase flow in the melting and metering zones of a single-screw extruder was performed by solving the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy. The only attempt for such a three-dimensional simulation of melting in screw extruder was more than twenty years back. However, that work had only a limited success because of the capability of computers and mathematical algorithms available at that time. The dramatic improvement of computational power and mathematical knowledge now make it possible to run full 3-D simulations of two-phase flow in single-screw extruders on a desktop PC. In order to verify the numerical predictions from the full 3-D simulations of two-phase flow in single-screw extruders, a detailed experimental study was performed. This experimental study included Maddock screw-freezing experiments, Screw Simulator experiments and material characterization experiments. Maddock screw-freezing experiments were performed in order to visualize the melting profile along the single-screw extruder channel with different screw geometry configurations. These melting profiles were compared with the simulation results. Screw Simulator experiments were performed to collect the shear stress and melting flux data for various polymers. Cone and plate viscometer experiments were performed to obtain the shear viscosity data which is needed in the simulations. An optimization code was developed to optimize two screw geometry parameters, namely, screw lead (pitch) and depth in the metering section of a single-screw extruder, such that the output rate of the extruder was maximized without exceeding the maximum temperature value specified at the exit of the extruder. This optimization code used a mesh partitioning technique in order to obtain the flow domain. The simulations in this flow domain was performed using the code developed to simulate the two-phase flow in single-screw extruders.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop a novel application of a tool for semi-automatic volume segmentation and adapt it for analysis of fetal cardiac cavities and vessels from heart volume datasets. METHODS: We studied retrospectively virtual cardiac volume cycles obtained with spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) from six fetuses with postnatally confirmed diagnoses: four with normal hearts between 19 and 29 completed gestational weeks, one with d-transposition of the great arteries and one with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The volumes were analyzed offline using a commercially available segmentation algorithm designed for ovarian folliculometry. Using this software, individual 'cavities' in a static volume are selected and assigned individual colors in cross-sections and in 3D-rendered views, and their dimensions (diameters and volumes) can be calculated. RESULTS: Individual segments of fetal cardiac cavities could be separated, adjacent segments merged and the resulting electronic casts studied in their spatial context. Volume measurements could also be performed. Exemplary images and interactive videoclips showing the segmented digital casts were generated. CONCLUSION: The approach presented here is an important step towards an automated fetal volume echocardiogram. It has the potential both to help in obtaining a correct structural diagnosis, and to generate exemplary visual displays of cardiac anatomy in normal and structurally abnormal cases for consultation and teaching.


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The accuracy of simulating the aerodynamics and structural properties of the blades is crucial in the wind-turbine technology. Hence the models used to implement these features need to be very precise and their level of detailing needs to be high. With the variety of blade designs being developed the models should be versatile enough to adapt to the changes required by every design. We are going to implement a combination of numerical models which are associated with the structural and the aerodynamic part of the simulation using the computational power of a parallel HPC cluster. The structural part models the heterogeneous internal structure of the beam based on a novel implementation of the Generalized Timoshenko Beam Model Technique.. Using this technique the 3-D structure of the blade is reduced into a 1-D beam which is asymptotically equivalent. This reduces the computational cost of the model without compromising its accuracy. This structural model interacts with the Flow model which is a modified version of the Blade Element Momentum Theory. The modified version of the BEM accounts for the large deflections of the blade and also considers the pre-defined structure of the blade. The coning, sweeping of the blade, tilt of the nacelle and the twist of the sections along the blade length are all computed by the model which aren’t considered in the classical BEM theory. Each of these two models provides feedback to the other and the interactive computations lead to more accurate outputs. We successfully implemented the computational models to analyze and simulate the structural and aerodynamic aspects of the blades. The interactive nature of these models and their ability to recompute data using the feedback from each other makes this code more efficient than the commercial codes available. In this thesis we start off with the verification of these models by testing it on the well-known benchmark blade for the NREL-5MW Reference Wind Turbine, an alternative fixed-speed stall-controlled blade design proposed by Delft University, and a novel alternative design that we proposed for a variable-speed stall-controlled turbine, which offers the potential for more uniform power control and improved annual energy production.. To optimize the power output of the stall-controlled blade we modify the existing designs and study their behavior using the aforementioned aero elastic model.


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Cathepsin D (Cath-D) expression in human primary breast cancer has been associated with a poor prognosis. In search of a better understanding of the Cath-D substrates possibly involved in cancer invasiveness and metastasis, we investigated the potential interactions between this protease and chemokines. Here we report that purified Cath-D, as well as culture supernatants from the human breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and T47D, selectively degrade macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha (CCL3), MIP-1 beta (CCL4), and SLC (CCL21). Proteolysis was totally blocked by the protease inhibitor pepstatin A, and specificity of Cath-D cleavage was demonstrated using a large chemokine panel. Whereas MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta degradation was rapid and complete, cleavage of SLC was slow and not complete. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that Cath-D cleaves the Leu(58) to Trp(59) bond of SLC producing two functionally inactive fragments. Analysis of Cath-D proteolysis of a series of monocyte chemoattractant protein-3/MIP-1 beta hybrids indicated that processing of MIP-1 beta might start by cleaving off amino acids located in the C-terminal domain. In situ hybridization studies revealed MIP-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta, and Cath-D gene expression mainly in the stromal compartment of breast cancers whereas SLC transcripts were found in endothelial cells of capillaries and venules within the neoplastic tissues. Cath-D production in the breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and T47D, as assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of culture supernatants and cell lysates, was not affected by stimulation with chemokines such as interleukin-8 (CXCL8), SDF-1 (CXCL12), and SLC. These data suggest that inactivation of chemokines by Cath-D possibly influences regulatory mechanisms in the tumoral extracellular microenvironment that in turn may affect the generation of the antitumoral immune response, the migration of cancer cells, or both processes.


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A 106-day demonstration utilizing yearling steers to measure feedlot performance and carcass response to implant strategies was conducted at the ISU Allee Demonstration Farm. Treatments were: 100 mg progesterone + 10 mg estradiol benzoate (ComponentÒ EC) on day 0 followed by 120 mg trenbolone acetate + 24 mg estradiol (ComponentÒ TES) implant 57 days later, or 120 mg trenbolone acetate + 24 mg estradiol (ComponentÒ TES) only on day 0. The control group received no implant. The steers were weighed every 28 days and ultrasound data were collected from demonstration initiation until slaughter. The cattle were marketed as one group on d 106 of the demonstration. Implanted cattle had higher average daily gains, heavier carcass weights, larger rib eye areas, and tended to have improved feed efficiency over control steers. Additionally, the reimplanted steers had higher marbling scores than controls, but no differences existed between once and twice-implanted steers.


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The haem detoxification pathway of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is a potential biochemical target for drug development. Free haem, released after haemoglobin degradation, is polymerized by the parasite to form haemozoin pigment. Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein-2 (Pfhrp-2) has been implicated as the catalytic scaffold for detoxification of haem in the malaria parasite. Previously we have shown that a hexapeptide repeat sequence (Ala-His-His-Ala-Ala-Asp), which appears 33 times in Pfhrp-2, may be the major haem binding site in this protein. The haem binding studies carried out by ourselves indicate that up to 18 equivalents of haem could be bound by this protein with an observed K(d) of 0.94 microM. Absorbance spectroscopy provides evidence that chloroquine is capable of extracting haem bound to Pfhrp-2. This was supported by the K(d) value, of 37 nM, observed for the haem-chloroquine complex. The native PAGE studies reveal that the formation of the haem-Pfhrp-2 complex is disrupted by chloroquine. These results indicate that chloroquine may be acting by inhibiting haem detoxification/binding to Pfhrp-2. Moreover, the higher affinity of chloroquine for haem than Pfhrp-2 suggests a possible mechanism of action for chloroquine; it may remove the haem bound to Pfhrp-2 and form a complex that is toxic to the parasite.


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Dilatation of the ascending aorta is an important sequel in conotruncal anomalies, such as tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) or d-transposition of the great arteries (TGA). We measured dimensions and their progression at different levels of the ascending aorta in 80 patients. In TOF patients, mean z-score for aortic annulus was 1.65 (range -3.16-6.47), for sinus 1.93 (range -2.28-5.39), for st-junction 4.15 (range 0.0-8.18), and for ascending aorta 3.51 (range -1.23-6.36). Over time, annulus z-scores increased in the univariate analysis [0.07/year, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.01-0.14; p = 0.02], and this was unique to male patients (0.08/year, 95 % CI 0.00-0.15; p = 0.05). z-scores of the ascending aorta decreased (-0.1/year, 95 % CI -0.18 to -0.02; p = 0.02), and this was confined to patients without aortic regurgitation (AR; -0.09/year, 95 % CI -0.18 to -0.01; p = 0.04). In TGA, mean z-score for the aortic annulus was 2.13 (range -3.71-8.39), for sinus 1.77 (range -3.04-6.69), for st-junction 1.01 (range -5.44-6.71), and for ascending aorta 0.82 (range -4.91-6.46). In bivariate analysis, annulus z-scores decreased in females (-0.14/year, 95 % CI -0.25 to -0.03; p = 0.01) and in patients without AR (-0.07/year, 95 % CI -0.14-0.0; p = 0.03). z-scores of the ascending aorta increased significantly in males (0.08/year, 95 % CI 0.0 to 0.16; p = 0.05) and in patients with AR (0.12/year, 95 % CI 0.03-0.21; p = 0.01). In conclusion, TOF and TGA z-scores of the ascending aorta differ significantly from those of the normal population. Progression of z-scores over time is influenced by diagnosis, sex, and presence of AR.


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Aims: To evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of aortic annulus sizing using a multislice computed tomography (MSCT) based aortic root reconstruction tool compared with conventional imaging among patients evaluated for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Methods and results: Patients referred for TAVR underwent standard preprocedural assessment of aortic annulus parameters using MSCT, angiography and transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of MSCT images of the aortic root was performed using 3mensio (3mensio Medical Imaging BV, Bilthoven, The Netherlands), allowing for semi-automated delineation of the annular plane and assessment of annulus perimeter, area, maximum, minimum and virtual diameters derived from area and perimeter (aVD and pVD). A total of 177 patients were enrolled. We observed a good inter-observer variability of 3-D reconstruction assessments with concordance coefficients for agreement of 0.91 (95% CI: 0.87-0.93) and 0.91 (0.88-0.94) for annulus perimeter and area assessments, respectively. 3-D derived pVD and aVD correlated very closely with a concordance coefficient of 0.97 (0.96-0.98) with a mean difference of 0.5±0.3 mm (pVD-aVD). 3-D derived pVD showed the best, but moderate concordance with diameters obtained from coronal MSCT (0.67, 0.56-0.75; 0.3±1.8 mm), and the lowest concordance with diameters obtained from TEE (0.42, 0.31-0.52; 1.9±1.9 mm). Conclusions: MSCT-based 3-D reconstruction of the aortic annulus using the 3mensio software enables accurate and reproducible assessment of aortic annulus dimensions.


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We develop a modulus method for surface families inside a domain in the Heisenberg group and we prove that the stretch map between two Heisenberg spherical rings is a minimiser for the mean distortion among the class of contact quasiconformal maps between these rings which satisfy certain boundary conditions.


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We present the first-order corrected dynamics of fluid branes carrying higher-form charge by obtaining the general form of their equations of motion to pole-dipole order in the absence of external forces. Assuming linear response theory, we characterize the corresponding effective theory of stationary bent charged (an)isotropic fluid branes in terms of two sets of response coefficients, the Young modulus and the piezoelectric moduli. We subsequently find large classes of examples in gravity of this effective theory, by constructing stationary strained charged black brane solutions to first order in a derivative expansion. Using solution generating techniques and bent neutral black branes as a seed solution, we obtain a class of charged black brane geometries carrying smeared Maxwell charge in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity. In the specific case of ten-dimensional space-time we furthermore use T-duality to generate bent black branes with higher-form charge, including smeared D-branes of type II string theory. By subsequently measuring the bending moment and the electric dipole moment which these geometries acquire due to the strain, we uncover that their form is captured by classical electroelasticity theory. In particular, we find that the Young modulus and the piezoelectric moduli of our strained charged black brane solutions are parameterized by a total of 4 response coefficients, both for the isotropic as well as anisotropic cases.