919 resultados para Placement trajectory
This paper discusses social housing policy in Brazil since the 1990s by analyzing government programs’ institutional arrangements, their sources of revenues and the formatting of related financial systems. The conclusion suggests that all these arrangements have not constituted a comprehensive housing policy with the clear aim of serving to enhance housing conditions in the country. Housing ‘policies’ since the 1990s – as proposed by Fernando Collor de Mello, Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso and ´ Luis Inacio Lula da Silva’s governments (in the latter case, despite much progress towards subsidized investment programs) – have sought to consolidate financial instruments in line with global markets, restructuring the way private interests operate within the system, a necessary however incomplete course of action. Different from rhetoric, this has resulted in failure as the more fundamental social results for the poor have not yet been achieved.
Les recherches recensées sur les variables sociofamiliales associées au placement d'enfants nous apprennent que ces familles sont pauvres, monoparentales, dirigées par des femmes et qu'elles présentent de multiples problèmes tant au niveau familial que personnel des parents. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de comparer les caractéristiques des familles des enfants (6-11 ans) placés en centre de réadaptation (FEP) (25 enfants) à celles des familles des enfants suivis en services externes (FEE) (25 enfants) et d'identifier, parmi les variables sociofamiliales qui permettent de distinguer ces deux groupes, celles qui prédisent le mieux le placement des enfants en centre de réadaptation. Les résultats obtenus révèlent qu'il n'y a pas de différences significatives entres les deux groupes (FEP et FEE) sur la majorité des variables étudiées, seule la relation avec le voisinage est perçue plus négativement par le groupe (FEE). L'ensemble des familles de notre échantillon présente un portrait similaire à celui des familles d'enfants placés recensé dans la littérature. Ces résultats permettent de mettre en évidence que les variables sociofamiliales ne seraient peut-être pas, comme le laissent entendre la littérature, de si bons prédicteurs de placement d'enfants en milieu substitut.
Problématique La réduction du taux de placement d'enfants en milieu substitut et la mise en place de solutions de rechange constituent depuis la fin des années 80 des préoccupations de première importance pour le Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux (MSSS) du Québec. Différents groupes de travail (Conseil des affaires sociales, 1990; Groupe de travail pour les jeunes, 1991; Groupe de travail sur l'application des mesures de protection de la jeunesse, 1991; Groupe de travail sur l'évaluation de la loi de la protection de la jeunesse, 1992) ont été mis sur pied et mandatés par le MSSS pour étudier les aspects législatifs et structurels des services offerts aux jeunes québécois présentant des difficultés d'adaptation et à leurs parents. Un consensus se dégage des différents rapports produits par ces comités: il faut prévenir le plus possible le placement d'enfants en milieu substitut et rationaliser son utilisation. Cette recommandation unanime a amené le MSSS à mandater un cinquième comité pour étudier les mesures alternatives au placement; il s'agit du comité consultatif sur le développement de solutions de rechange en matière de placement d'enfants (1994). Une des cinq recommandations formulées par ce comité dans son rapport final est que des études soient prioritairement réalisées pour mieux connaître les dimensions entourant le placement des enfants en milieu substitut, dont, entre autres, le portrait des enfants placés, leurs besoins et les caractéristiques de leur famille. En ce qui concerne les études réalisées jusqu'à maintenant portant sur les facteurs sociaux, familiaux et personnels des enfants associés au placement, il ressort, selon Pauzé, Déry et Toupin (1995) que ces études présentent des limites méthodologiques importantes: absence de groupes comparatifs, utilisation d'instruments d'évaluation non standardisés et non prise en compte de variables telles que l'âge et le sexe des enfants. Ces auteurs soulignent également que les résultats des études recensées ne sont pas directement applicables à la réalité des jeunes québécois placés en milieu substitut puisque la majorité de ces études a été réalisée dans des contextes sociaux, politiques et juridiques qui diffèrent parfois de façon considérable de ceux qui existent Québec. Ces auteurs recommandent donc, à l'instar de Roberge (1994) du Service de l'évaluation des politiques et des programmes (Direction générale de l'évaluation et de la planification du Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux), que des études rigoureuses sur le plan scientifique soient menées pour mieux connaître les différentes clientèles desservies par les services de placement au Québec. La présente recherche s'inscrit précisément dans cette lignée. L'objectif de notre étude vise à identifier les problèmes psychologiques associés au placement d'enfants (âgés de 6 à 11 ans) en centre de réadaptation pour jeunes en difficulté d'adaptation (CRJDA). De façon plus spécifique, nous comparerons, sur la base des problèmes psychologiques qu'ils présentent, des enfants placés en CRJDA à des enfants suivis par les services externes de ces mêmes CRJDA puis à des enfants de la population générale. Nous espérons ainsi mieux cerner les problèmes psychologiques présentés par les enfants bénéficiant d'un placement en CRJDA afin, espérons-nous, de mieux répondre aux besoins présentés par ces jeunes. Enfin, il est important de mentionner que la présente étude s'inscrit dans une recherche plus vaste portant sur les variables associées au placement d'enfants (âgés de 6 à 11 ans) en milieu substitut.
This paper addresses the construction and structuring of a technological niche – i.e. a protected space where promising but still underperforming technologies are stabilized and articulated with societal needs – and discusses the processes that influence niche development and may enable niche breakout. In theoretical terms the paper is grounded on the multi-level approach to sustainability transitions, and particularly on the niche literature. But it also attempts to address the limitations of this literature in what concerns the spatial dimension of niche development. It is argued that technological niches can transcend the narrow territorial boundaries to which they are often confined, and encompass communities and actions that span several spatial levels, without losing some territorial embeddedness. It is further proposed that these features shape the niche trajectory and, therefore, need to be explicitly considered by the niche theoretical framework. To address this problem the paper builds on and extends the socio-cognitive perspective to technology development, introducing a further dimension – space – which broadens the concept of technological niche and permits to better capture the complexity of niche behaviour. This extended framework is applied to the case of an emerging renewable energy technology – wave energy - which exhibits a particularly slow and non-linear development trajectory. The empirical analysis starts by examining how an “overall niche space” in wave energy was spatially constructed over time. Then it investigates in greater detail the niche development processes that took place in Portugal, a country that was among the pioneers in the field, and whose actors have been, from very early stages, engaged in the activities conducted at various spatial levels. Through this combined analysis, the paper seeks to understand whether and how niche development is shaped by processes taking place at different spatial levels. More specifically it investigates the interplay between territorial and relational elements in niche development, and how these different dynamics influence the performance of the niche processes and impact on the overall niche trajectory. The results confirm the niche multi-spatial dynamics, showing that it is shaped by the interplay between a niche relational space constructed by actors’ actions and interactions on/across levels, and the territorial effects introduced by these actors’ embeddedness in particular geographical and institutional settings. They contribute to a more precise understanding of the processes that can accelerate or slow down the trajectory of a technological niche. In addition, the results shed some light into the niche activities conducted in/originating from a specific territorial setting - Portugal - offering some insights into the behaviour of key actors and its implications for the positioning of the country in the emerging field, which can be relevant for the formulation of strategies and policies for this area.
En 1975, le Centre de Services Sociaux 02 projetait de faire une étude sur le placement d'enfants. Cette étude originait d'interrogations croissantes de la part des gestionnaires sur le taux élevé d'enfants placés, de même que sur les critères de placement, sur le suivi de placement. Ces interrogations étaient partagées par le Ministère des Affaires Sociales qui désirait entreprendre une étude du genre qui a abouti à l'Opération 30,000 bien connue. Devant l'ampleur que pouvait prendre cette recherche au Centre de Services Sociaux 02 et le peu de ressources disponibles, il fut convenu de procéder plus modestement à un inventaire systématique de la situation du placement d'enfants au Centre de Services Sociaux 02. Cette opération entreprise il y a quatre ans maintenant, consistait à identifier quantitativement les enfants placés sur le territoire, à décrire le processus et les étapes du placement et à présenter les caractéristiques du personnel affecté au placement des enfants…
International audience
Positioning and orientation precision of a multirotor aerial robot can be increased by using additional control loops for each of the driving units. As a result, one can eliminate lack of balance between true thrust forces. A control performance comparison of two proposed thrust controllers, namely robust controller designed with coefficient diagram method (CDM) and proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller tuned with pole-placement law, is presented in the paper. The research has been conducted with respect to model/plant matching uncertainty and with the use of antiwindup compensators for a simple motor-rotor model approximated by first-order inertia plus delay. From the obtained simulation results one concludes that appropriate choice of AWC compensator improves tracking performance and increases robustness against parametric uncertainty.
This thesis considers a three- dimensional numerical model based on 3-D Navier— Stokes and continuity equations involving various wind speeds (North west), water surface levels, horizontal shier stresses, eddy viscosity, densities of oil and gas condensate- water mixture flows. The model is used to simulate the prediction of the surface movement of oil and gas condensate slicks from spill accident in the north coasts of Persian Gulf.
The anticipated growth of air traffic worldwide requires enhanced Air Traffic Management (ATM) technologies and procedures to increase the system capacity, efficiency, and resilience, while reducing environmental impact and maintaining operational safety. To deal with these challenges, new automation and information exchange capabilities are being developed through different modernisation initiatives toward a new global operational concept called Trajectory Based Operations (TBO), in which aircraft trajectory information becomes the cornerstone of advanced ATM applications. This transformation will lead to higher levels of system complexity requiring enhanced Decision Support Tools (DST) to aid humans in the decision making processes. These will rely on accurate predicted aircraft trajectories, provided by advanced Trajectory Predictors (TP). The trajectory prediction process is subject to stochastic effects that introduce uncertainty into the predictions. Regardless of the assumptions that define the aircraft motion model underpinning the TP, deviations between predicted and actual trajectories are unavoidable. This thesis proposes an innovative method to characterise the uncertainty associated with a trajectory prediction based on the mathematical theory of Polynomial Chaos Expansions (PCE). Assuming univariate PCEs of the trajectory prediction inputs, the method describes how to generate multivariate PCEs of the prediction outputs that quantify their associated uncertainty. Arbitrary PCE (aPCE) was chosen because it allows a higher degree of flexibility to model input uncertainty. The obtained polynomial description can be used in subsequent prediction sensitivity analyses thanks to the relationship between polynomial coefficients and Sobol indices. The Sobol indices enable ranking the input parameters according to their influence on trajectory prediction uncertainty. The applicability of the aPCE-based uncertainty quantification detailed herein is analysed through a study case. This study case represents a typical aircraft trajectory prediction problem in ATM, in which uncertain parameters regarding aircraft performance, aircraft intent description, weather forecast, and initial conditions are considered simultaneously. Numerical results are compared to those obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed method. The thesis includes two examples of DSTs (Demand and Capacity Balancing tool, and Arrival Manager) to illustrate the potential benefits of exploiting the proposed uncertainty quantification method.
Field lab in marketing
In designing the trajectory for a multiple flyby mission to asteroids the choice of the targets is the most challenging problem. This dissertation faces this problem in the framework of the recently issued medium-size mission call (M5) from ESA: CASTAway. Starting from the preliminary work done in [6], this thesis develops a methodology for sequencing the potential targets in a multiple flyby mission. In order to reduce the computational time, the complete database of known small bodies is firstly pruned on the base of heuristic considerations. Using the assumption of small manoeuvres, a chief orbit concept could be used. Thus, two heuristic thresholds are defined in order to exclude non-promising targets given a chief orbit. The sequencing process takes chief orbit and promising targets as inputs and gives a set of candidate sequences. The results of such a process are analysed in the CASTAway framework and the best feasible sequence studied in details.
By using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and by modifying the current Somanetics® optodes being used with the INVOS oximeter, the modified optodes are made to be fairly functional not only across the forehead, but across the hairy regions of the scalp as well. A major problem arises in the positioning of these optodes on the patients scalp and holding them in place while recording data. Another problem arises in the inconsistent repeatability of the trends displayed in the recorded data. A method was developed to facilitate the easy placement of these optodes on the patients scalp keeping in mind thepatient's comfort. The sensitivity of the optodes, too, was improved by incorporating better refined techniques for manufacturing the fiber optic brushes and fixing the same to the optode transmitting and receiving windows. The modified and improved optodes, in the single as well as in the multiplexed modes, were subjected to various tests on different areas of the brain to determine their efficiency and functionality.
In recent years, there has been an enormous growth of location-aware devices, such as GPS embedded cell phones, mobile sensors and radio-frequency identification tags. The age of combining sensing, processing and communication in one device, gives rise to a vast number of applications leading to endless possibilities and a realization of mobile Wireless Sensor Network (mWSN) applications. As computing, sensing and communication become more ubiquitous, trajectory privacy becomes a critical piece of information and an important factor for commercial success. While on the move, sensor nodes continuously transmit data streams of sensed values and spatiotemporal information, known as ``trajectory information". If adversaries can intercept this information, they can monitor the trajectory path and capture the location of the source node. This research stems from the recognition that the wide applicability of mWSNs will remain elusive unless a trajectory privacy preservation mechanism is developed. The outcome seeks to lay a firm foundation in the field of trajectory privacy preservation in mWSNs against external and internal trajectory privacy attacks. First, to prevent external attacks, we particularly investigated a context-based trajectory privacy-aware routing protocol to prevent the eavesdropping attack. Traditional shortest-path oriented routing algorithms give adversaries the possibility to locate the target node in a certain area. We designed the novel privacy-aware routing phase and utilized the trajectory dissimilarity between mobile nodes to mislead adversaries about the location where the message started its journey. Second, to detect internal attacks, we developed a software-based attestation solution to detect compromised nodes. We created the dynamic attestation node chain among neighboring nodes to examine the memory checksum of suspicious nodes. The computation time for memory traversal had been improved compared to the previous work. Finally, we revisited the trust issue in trajectory privacy preservation mechanism designs. We used Bayesian game theory to model and analyze cooperative, selfish and malicious nodes' behaviors in trajectory privacy preservation activities.
This breaks down the Aiken Technical College graduate placement rates from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 by academic program, number of graduates in each program and the percentage of that number who either found employment or transferred to another institution.