978 resultados para Peanut Cultivars
Genetic transformation with genes that code for antimicrobial peptides has been an important strategy used to control bacterial diseases in fruit crops, including apples, pears, and citrus. Asian citrus canker (ACC) caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al. (Xcc) is a very destructive disease, which affects the citrus industry in most citrus-producing areas of the world. Here, we report the production of genetically transformed Natal, Pera, and Valencia sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) with the insect-derived attacin A (attA) gene and the evaluation of the transgenic plants for resistance to Xcc. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Smith and Towns-mediated genetic transformation experiments involving these cultivars led to the regeneration of 23 different lines. Genetically transformed plants were identified by polymerase chain reaction, and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses. Transcription of attA gene was detected by Northern blot analysis in all plants, except for one Natal sweet orange transformation event. Transgenic lines were multiplied by grafting onto Rangpur lime rootstock plants (Citrus limonia Osbeck) and spray-inoculated with an Xcc suspension (10(6) cfu mL(-1)). Experiments were repeated three times in a completely randomized design with seven to ten replicates. Disease severity was determined in all transgenic lines and in the control (non-transgenic) plants 30 days after inoculation. Four transgenic lines of Valencia sweet orange showed a significant reduction in disease severity caused by Xcc. These reductions ranged from 58.3% to 77.8%, corresponding to only 0.16-0.30% of leaf diseased area as opposed to 0.72% on control plants. One transgenic line of Natal sweet orange was significantly more resistant to Xcc, with a reduction of 45.2% comparing to the control plants, with only 0.14% of leaf diseased area. Genetically transformed Pera sweet orange plants expressing attA gene did not show a significant enhanced resistance to Xcc, probably due to its genetic background, which is naturally more resistant to this pathogen. The potential effect of attacin A antimicrobial peptide to control ACC may be related to the genetic background of each sweet orange cultivar regarding their natural resistance to the pathogen.
The citriculture in Brazil, as well as in other important regions in the world, is based on very few mandarin cultivars. This fact leads to a short harvest period and higher prices for off-season fruit. The `Okitsu` Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is among the earliest ripening mandarin cultivars and it is considered to be tolerant to, citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.) and to citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). Despite having regular fruit quality under hot climate conditions, the early fruit maturation and absence of seeds of `Okitsu` fruits are well suited for the local market in the summer(December through March), when the availability of citrus fruits for fresh consumption is limited. Yet, only a few studies have been conducted in Brazil on rootstocks for `Okitsu`. Consequently, a field trial was carried out in Bebeclouro, Sao Paulo State, to evaluate the horticultural performance of `Okitsu` Satsuma mandarin budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin `Changsha` mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) x Poncirus trifoliata `English Small`: the hybrid Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) x `Swingle` citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. x Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L) Raf)`Rubidoux`,`FCAV` and `Flying Dragon`(P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the mandarins `Sun Chu Sha Kat`(C. reticulata Blanco) and `Sunki`(Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hort. ex. Tanaka); the Rangpur limes (C. limonia Osbeck) `Cravo Limeira` and `Cravo FCAV`;`Carrizo` citrange (Citrus sinensis x P. trifoliata), `Swingle` citrumelo (P. trifoliata x C. paradisi), and `Orlando` tangelo (C. paradisi x Citrus tangerina cv. `Dancy`). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 6 m x 3 m spacing, in a randomized block design. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three different rootstock pairs with similar effects on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of `Okitsu` mandarin. The `Flying Dragon `trifoliate had a unique effect over the `Okitsu` trees performance, inducing lower canopy volume and higher yield efficiency and fruit quality, and might be suitable for high-density plantings. The `Cravo Limeira` and `Cravo FCAV` Rangpur limes induced early-ripening of fruits, with low fruit quality. `Sun Chu Sha Kat` and `Sunki` mandarins and the `Orlando` tangelo conferred lower yield efficiency and less content of soluble solids for the latter rootstock. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite its outstanding position, the Brazilian citriculture is established on a very limited pool of varieties that limits its expansion and restricts the fruit availability throughout the year. This situation determines the urgent necessity of developing alternative scion and rootstock cultivars, with good performance under local conditions. `Folha Murcha` sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) is a late-harvest cultivar, suitable both for the juice processing industry and the fresh fruit market, being described as tolerant to citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.), and less affected by citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). A study was conducted in Bebedouro, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, to evaluate the horticultural performance of `Folha Murcha` sweet orange budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin `Changsha` mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) x Poncirus trifoliata `English Small`: the hybrid `Rangpur` lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) x `Swingle` citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf x Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.)`Rubidoux`, `FCAV`, and `Flying Dragon` (P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the `Sun Chu Sha Kat` mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco); the `Sunki` mandarin (Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hart. ex. Tanaka); the `Rangpur` limes (C. limonia Osbeck) `Cravo Limeira` and `Cravo FCAV`; `Carrizo` citrange (C. sinensis x P. trifoliata), `Swingle` citrumelo (P. trifoliata x C. paradisi), and `Orlando` tangelo (C. paradisi x Citrus tangerina cv. `Dancy`). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 7 m x 4 m spacing, in a randomized block design, with five replications and two plants per plot. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, tree tolerance to drought and to citrus variegated chlorosis, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. Trees grafted onto the `Flying Dragon` trifoliate were smaller in size, but had largest yield efficiency when compared to those grafted onto other rootstocks. Lower alternate bearing index was observed on trees budded onto `Cravo FCAV` `Rangpur` lime. Both `Rangpur` lime rootstocks and the `Sunki` mandarin induced higher tree tolerance to drought. The `Flying Dragon` trifoliate induced better fruit quality and higher tolerance to citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) to `Folha Murcha` trees. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three groups of rootstocks with similar effects on `Folha Murcha` tree performance. Among the 12 evaluated rootstocks, the `Flying Dragon` trifoliate has a unique effect on plant growth, tolerance to drought and CVC, fruit yield and fruit quality of `Folha Murcha` trees, and may be better suited for high-density plantings. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Somatic hybridization is a biotechnology tool that can be used in citrus breeding programs to produce somatic hybrids with the complete genetic combination of both parents. The goal of this work was to test the reaction of citrus somatic hybrids that may be useful as rootstocks to trunk and root infections caused by Phytophthora nicotianae van Breda de Haan (P parasitica Dastur) and to citrus tristeza virus (CTV). The somatic hybrids evaluated were `Caipira` sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Rangpur` lime (C. limonia Osbeck), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Cleopatra` mandarin (C. reshni hort. ex Tanaka), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon (C. volkameriana V Ten. & Pasq.), `Caipira` sweet orange + rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.), `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange (C. aurantium L.), `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin (C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka), `Ruby Blood` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata hort. ex Tanaka. For P. nicotianae trunk and root infection assays, plants of the somatic hybrids, obtained from 9-month semi-hardwood cuttings, were evaluated and compared with diploid citrus rootstock cultivars after mycelia inoculation in the trunk or spore infestation in the substrate, respectively. `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin, `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Ruby Blood` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon had less trunk rot occurrence, whereas the somatic hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Rangpur` lime were tolerant to root rot. For CTV assays, plants of the somatic hybrids along with tolerant and intolerant rootstocks were budded with a mild strain CTV-infected or healthy `Valencia` sweet orange budwood. Differences in average scion shoot length indicated that the hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata were intolerant to CTV (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Understanding resource capture can help design appropriate species combinations, planting designs and management. Leaf area index (LAI) and its longevity are the most important factors defining dry matter production and thus growth and productivity. The ecophysiological modifications and yield of rubber (Hevea spp.) in an agroforestry system (AFS) with beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were studied. The experiment was established in Southeast-Brazil, with three rubber cultivars: IAN 3087, RRIM 600 and RRIM 527. The AFS comprised double rows of rubber trees along with beans sown in autumn and winter seasons in 1999. There was about 50% higher rubber yield per tree in the AFS than the rubber monoculture. Trees within the AFS responded to higher solar radiation availability with higher LAI and total foliage area, allowing its greater interception. All three cultivars had higher LAI in the AFS than monoculture, reaching maximum values in the AFS between April and May of 3.17 for RRIM 527; 2.83 for RRIM 600 and 2.28 for IAN 3087. The maximum LAI values for monocrop rubber trees were: 2.65, 2.62 and 1.99, respectively, for each cultivar. Rubber production and LAI were positively correlated in both the AFS and monoculture but leaf fall of rubber trees in the AFS was delayed and total phytomass was larger. It is suggested that trees in the AFS were under exploited and could yield more without compromising their life cycle if the tapping system was intensified. This shows how knowledge of LAI can be used to manage tapping intensity in the field, leading to higher rubber yield.
Beneficial bacteria interact with plants by colonizing the rhizosphere and roots followed by further spread through the inner tissues, resulting in endophytic colonization. The major factors contributing to these interactions are not always well understood for most bacterial and plant species. It is believed that specific bacterial functions are required for plant colonization, but also from the plant side specific features are needed, such as plant genotype (cultivar) and developmental stage. Via multivariate analysis we present a quantification of the roles of these components on the composition of root-associated and endophytic bacterial communities in potato plants, by weighing the effects of bacterial inoculation, plant genotype and developmental stage. Spontaneous rifampicin resistant mutants of two bacterial endophytes, Paenibacillus sp. strain E119 and Methylobacterium mesophilicum strain SR1.6/6, were introduced into potato plants of three different cultivars (Eersteling, Robijn and Karnico). Densities of both strains in, or attached to potato plants were measured by selective plating, while the effects of bacterial inoculation, plant genotype and developmental stage on the composition of bacterial, Alphaproteobacterial and Paenibacillus species were determined by PCR-denaturing gradient gel-electrophoresis (DGGE). Multivariate analyses revealed that the composition of bacterial communities was mainly driven by cultivar type and plant developmental stage, while Alphaproteobacterial and Paenibacillus communities were mainly influenced by bacterial inoculation. These results are important for better understanding the effects of bacterial inoculations to plants and their possible effects on the indigenous bacterial communities in relation with other plant factors such as genotype and growth stage.
The functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions is an important tool for uses as diverse as assessment of the stress-related sensitivity of different plant cultivars and characterization of soil structure. Two of the most pervasive sources of stress are soil resistance to root penetration (SR) and matric potential (psi). However, the assessment of these sources of stress on physiological processes in different soils can be complicated by other sources of stress and by the strong relation between SR and psi in a soil. A multivariate boundary line approach was assessed as a means of reducing these cornplications. The effects of SR and psi stress conditions on plant responses were examined under growth chamber conditions. Maize plants (Zea mays L.) were grown in soils at different water contents and having different structures arising from variation in texture, organic carbon content and soil compaction. Measurements of carbon exchange (CE), leaf transpiration (ILT), plant transpiration (PT), leaf area (LA), leaf + shoot dry weight (LSDW), root total length (RTL), root surface area (RSA) and root dry weight (RDW) were determined after plants reached the 12-leaf stage. The LT, PT and LA were described as a function of SR and psi with a double S-shaped function using the multivariate boundary line approach. The CE and LSDW were described by the combination of an S-shaped function for SR and a linear function for psi. The root parameters were described by a single S-shaped function for SR. The sensitivity to SR and psi depended on the plant parameter. Values of PT, LA and LSDW were most sensitive to SR. Among those parameters exhibiting a significant response to psi, PT was most sensitive. The boundary line approach was found to be a useful tool to describe the functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pseudomonas putida strain P9 is a novel competent endophyte from potato. P9 causes cultivar-dependent suppression of Phytophthora infestans. Colonization of the rhizoplane and endosphere of potato plants by P9 and its rifampin-resistant derivative P9R was studied. The purposes of this work were to follow the fate of P9 inside growing potato plants and to establish its effect on associated microbial communities. The effects of P9 and P9R inoculation were studied in two separate experiments. The roots of transplants of three different cultivars of potato were dipped in suspensions of P9 or P9R cells, and the plants were planted in soil. The fate of both strains was followed by examining colony growth and by performing PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Colonies of both strains were recovered from rhizoplane and endosphere samples of all three cultivars at two growth stages. A conspicuous band, representing P9 and P9R, was found in all Pseudomonas PCR-DGGE fingerprints for treated plants. The numbers of P9R CFU and the P9R-specific band intensities for the different replicate samples were positively correlated, as determined by linear regression analysis. The effects of plant growth stage, genotype, and the presence of P9R on associated microbial communities were examined by multivariate and unweighted-pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analyses of PCR-DGGE fingerprints. The presence of strain P9R had an effect on bacterial groups identified as Pseudomonas azotoformans, Pseudomonas veronii, and Pseudomonas syringae. In conclusion, strain P9 is an avid colonizer of potato plants, competing with microbial populations indigenous to the potato phytosphere. Bacterization with a biocontrol agent has an important and previously unexplored effect on plant-associated communities.
The rhizosphere is an ecosystem exploited by a variety of organisms involved in plant health and environmental sustainability. Abiotic factors influence microorganism-plant interactions, but the microbial community is also affected by expression of heterologous genes from host plants. In the present work, we assessed the community shifts of Alphaproteobacteria phylogenetically related to the Rhizobiales order (Rhizobiales-like community) in rhizoplane and rhizosphere soils of wild-type and transgenic eucalyptus. A greenhouse experiment was performed and the bacterial communities associated with two wild-type (WT17 and WT18) and four transgenic (TR-9, TR-15, TR-22, and TR-23) eucalyptus plant lines were evaluated. The culture-independent approach consisted of the quantification, by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), of a targeted subset of Alphaproteobacteria and the assessment of its diversity using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Real-time quantification revealed a lesser density of the targeted community in TR-9 and TR-15 plants and diversity analysis by principal components analysis, based on PCR-DGGE, revealed differences between bacterial communities, not only between transgenic and nontransgenic plants, but also among wild-type plants. The comparison between clone libraries obtained from the transgenic plant TR-15 and wild-type WT17 revealed distinct bacterial communities associated with these plants. In addition, a culturable approach was used to quantify the Methylobacterium spp. in the samples where the identification of isolates, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, showed similarities to the species Methylobacterium nodulans, Methylobacterium isbiliense, Methylobacterium variable, Methylobacterium fujisawaense, and Methylobacterium radiotolerans. Colonies classified into this genus were not isolated from the rhizosphere but brought in culture from rhizoplane samples, except for one line of the transgenic plants (TR-15). In general, the data suggested that, in most cases, shifts in bacterial communities due to cultivation of transgenic plants are similar to those observed when different wild-type cultivars are compared, although shifts directly correlated to transgenic plant cultivation may be found.
The DSSAT/CANEGRO model was parameterized and its predictions evaluated using data from five sugarcane (Sacchetrum spp.) experiments conducted in southern Brazil. The data used are from two of the most important Brazilian cultivars. Some parameters whose values were either directly measured or considered to be well known were not adjusted. Ten of the 20 parameters were optimized using a Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) algorithm using the leave-one-out cross-validation technique. Model predictions were evaluated using measured data of leaf area index (LA!), stalk and aerial dry mass, sucrose content, and soil water content, using bias, root mean squared error (RMSE), modeling efficiency (Eff), correlation coefficient, and agreement index. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT)/CANEGRO model simulated the sugarcane crop in southern Brazil well, using the parameterization reported here. The soil water content predictions were better for rainfed (mean RMSE = 0.122mm) than for irrigated treatment (mean RMSE = 0.214mm). Predictions were best for aerial dry mass (Eff = 0.850), followed by stalk dry mass (Eff = 0.765) and then sucrose mass (Eff = 0.170). Number of green leaves showed the worst fit (Eff = -2.300). The cross-validation technique permits using multiple datasets that would have limited use if used independently because of the heterogeneity of measures and measurement strategies.
This study aimed to evaluate the average behavior, the genotype x environment (GxE), adaptability and stability of seven soybean cultivars at three sowing dates in Uberlandia-MG. The tests were conducted at Capim Branco Farm, belonging to the Federal University of Uberlandia. Sowing was held on october 29 (1st season), november 24 (2nd season) and december 17 (3rd season) 2007. The experimental design was a randomized, seven genotypes (UFUS Xavante, UFUS Riqueza, UFUS Guarani, UFUS Milionaria, Msoy 8001, Msoy 8411 and Msoy 8914) with three replications in each of three sowing dates. Means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. Analysis of adaptability and phenotypic stability of genotypes was performed using the Eberhart and Russell (1966), Lin and Binns (1988) modified by Carneiro (1998) and centroid (NASCIMENTO et al., 2009). For grain yield, the cultivar UFUS Xavante was classified as specific adaptability to environment and high stability. The other cultivars were classified as being of general adaptability. For oil content, the cultivars Msoy 8914 and UFUS Xavante behaved as high stability and was classified as having high adaptability. For the character content of protein, all cultivars behaved as wide adaptability and low stability.
Yield is closely linked to the plant yield components and depend directly of the genotype interaction with the environment. Essays were installed in the experimental field of the Bahia Foundation in the Maria Gabriela farm in the county of Sao Desiderio - BA in the year 2006-2007. The aim of this work was to evaluate yield components of five soybean cultivars with different maturation cycles indicated for the Western Region of Bahia in different sowing periods. The experimental design was in random blocks in 4 x 5 factorial scheme (four sowing periods: Ep1 first - 11/29/2006, Ep2 second - 12/14/2006, Ep3 third - 12/28/2007, Ep4 fourth - 01/12/2007 and five cultivars: M-SOY 8411, BRS Corisco, BRS 263 [Diferente], BRS Barreiras e M-SOY 9350) with four repetitions. The following characteristics were evaluated: total number of pods per plant, total number of beans per plant, mass of 1000 beans and yield. Plant yield components, total number of pods per plant, total number of beans per plant, mass of 1000 beans, reduced with sowing delay and showed compensation effect between cultivars and sowing periods. Late sowing Ep3 (28/12/2006) and Ep4 (12/01/2007) were not favourable to raise yield of soybean in the Western Region of Bahia.
Influence of light and leaf epicuticular wax layer on Phakopsora pachyrhizi infection in soybean Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most serious phytosanitary problems of soybean in Brazil, especially because no cultivars with satisfactory resistance levels as yet exist. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of luminosity and of leaf epicuticular wax on the infection of soybean by P. pachyrhizi. The adaxial and abaxial leaflet surfaces of the first trifoliate leaf from cultivar BRS 154, phenological stage V2, were inoculated with a suspension of 105 uredospores/mL. The plants were kept for 24 hours in a humid chamber at temperature of 23 degrees C, in light or dark conditions, using a factorial design. Subsequently, the plants were maintained for 14 days under a 12-hour photoperiod. The disease severity and density were evaluated. For in vitro experiments, in light or dark conditions, the evaluation was done in terms of uredospore germination and appressorium formation. The wax content of adaxial and abaxial leaflets was analyzed quantitatively using chloroform extraction and ultrastructurally using scanning electron microscope. Higher density and severity were observed when the adaxial surface was inoculated, with later incubation of the plants in the dark, with no significant interaction between these factors. Spore germination in the dark (40.7%) was statistically different from spore germination in the light (28.5%). The same effect was observed with appressorium formation, in the dark (24.7%) and in the light (12.8%). The quantity and the ultrastructural aspects of epicuticular wax content did not show differences between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces; nor did they show any effect on infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the soybean cultivar studied.
Influence of soybean phenological stage and leaflets age on infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi This work was conducted to study the influence of soybean growth stage and leaf age on the infection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the soybean rust pathogen. Soybean plants (cv. BRS 154 and BRS 258) at the V(3), R(1) and R(5) growth stages were inoculated with a 1 x 10(5) urediniospores per mL suspension. After a period of 24 hours in dew chambers, all plants were removed from the chambers and placed under greenhouse conditions for 20 days. Mean latent period (PLM) and disease severity were estimated. The susceptibility of trifoliate leaves to soybean rust was estimated on cv. BRS 154 at the growth stage R5. Pathogen inoculation was done at the first four trifoliate leaves. Fifteen days after inoculation, leaflets of each trefoil were evaluated for disease severity, lesion mean size and infection frequency. Plants` growth stage did not influence the PLM. Cultivars BRS 154 and BRS 258 presented PLM of 8 and 9 days, respectively. There was no difference in disease severity at the growth stages V(3) and R(1), but those values were higher than at the R(5) growth stage, 8 days after inoculation. The oldest trefoil showed the highest disease values.
The objective was to adjust a protocol for peach pollen grains in vitro germination. For that, were realized five experiments with the purpose of establish the ideal concentration of sucrose, agar, calcium nitrate, boric acid, the best pH value, the germination temperature and the polinic tube emission time. As vegetal material, was used the Aurora 1 and Douradao cultivars. For the Aurora 1 cultivar, higher germination of pollen grains was obtained with the use of 48,29 g. L(-1) of sucrose, 10 g. L(-1) of agar, 400 mg.L(-1) of boric acid and pH 5,5. For the Douradao cultivar, higher germination was obtained on medium containing 90 g.L(-1) of sucrose, 10 g.L(-1) of agar, 400 mg.L(-1) of boric acid, 369 mg.L(-1) of calcium nitrate and pH 6,5. The best temperature for the germination of the pollen grains for both cultivars was 25 degrees C, being the pollen grains germination percentage raising proportionally directly to the evaluation time.