935 resultados para Neuropathy - Experimental studies


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A discussion of the most interesting results obtained in our laboratories, during the supercritical CO(2) extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae and volatile oils from aromatic plants, was carried out. Concerning the microalgae, the studies on Botryococcus braunii and Chlorella vulgaris were selected. Hydrocarbons from the first microalgae, which are mainly linear alkadienes (C(23)-C(31)) with an odd number of carbon atoms, were selectively extracted at 313 K increasing the pressure up to 30.0 MPa. These hydrocarbons are easily extracted at this pressure, since they are located outside the cellular walls. The extraction of carotenoids, mainly canthaxanthin and astaxanthin, from C. vulgaris is more difficult. The extraction yield of these components at 313 K and 35.0 MPa increased with the degree of crushing of the microalga, since they are not extracellular. On the other hand, for the extraction of volatile oils from aromatic plants, studies on Mentha pulegium and Satureja montana L were chosen. For the first aromatic plant, the composition of the volatile and essential oils was similar, the main components being the pulegone and menthone. However, this volatile oil contained small amounts of waxes, which content decreased with decreasing particle size of the plant matrix. For S. montana L it was also observed that both oils have a similar composition, the main components being carvacrol and thymol. The main difference is the relative amount of thymoquinone, which content can be 15 times higher in volatile oil. This oxygenated monoterpene has important biological activities. Moreover, experimental studies on anticholinesterase activity of supercritical extracts of S. montana were also carried out. The supercritical nonvolatile fraction, which presented the highest content of the protocatechuic, vanilic, chlorogenic and (+)-catechin acids, is the most promising inhibitor of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase. In contrast, the Soxhlet acetone extract did not affect the activity of this enzyme at the concentrations tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An overview of the studies carried out in our laboratories on supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of volatile oils from seven aromatic plants: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.), fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), savory (Satureja fruticosa Beguinot), winter savory (Satureja montana L.), cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparisus) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), is presented. A flow apparatus with a 1 L extractor and two 0.27 L separators was built to perform studies at temperatures ranging from 298 to 353 K and pressures up to 30.0 MPa. The best compromise between yield and composition compared with hydrodistillation (HD) was achieved selecting the optimum experimental conditions of extraction and fractionation. The major differences between HD and SFE oils is the presence of a small percentage of cuticular waxes and the relative amount of thymoquinone, an oxygenated monoterpene with important biological properties, which is present in the oils from thyme and winter savory. On the other hand, the modeling of our data on supercritical extraction of volatile oil from pennyroyal is discussed using Sovova's models. These models have been applied successfully to the other volatile oil extractions. Furthermore, other experimental studies involving supercritical CO2 carried out in our laboratories are also mentioned.


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Introdução: A Lesão Medular (LM) é um dos mais devastadores e traumáticos eventos que um Ser Humano pode vivenciar do ponto de vista clínico e emocional, demonstrando-se fundamental a disponibilização de recursos específicos para que o indivíduo possa enfrentar e gerir a sua nova realidade da melhor maneira possível. Alguns estudos têm vindo a demonstrar os benefícios de programas de reabilitação com estimulação elétrica funcional (EEF). Portanto, é de importante relevância perceber os reais efeitos da intervenção na recuperação de indivíduos com este diagnóstico. Objetivo: Analisar as evidências de abordagens de aplicação de correntes de estimulação elétrica funcional (EEF) para coadjuvar na reabilitação em adultos com lesão medular completa. Métodos: Foi conduzida uma pesquisa dos artigos preferencialmente estudos randomized controlled trials RCT´s e estudos quasi-experimentais com os mesmos participantes foram admitidos complementarmente aos experimentais compreendidos entre 2004 e 2013, bem como as citações e as referências bibliográficas de cada estudo nas principais bases de dados de ciências da saúde (Elsevier – Science Direct, Highwire Press, PEDro, PubMed, Scielo Portugal, Clinical Key, B-on, Biomed Central, LILACS- Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde) com as palavras-chave: “spinal cord injuries”, “rehabilitation, electric stimulation funtional”, “FES”, “therapy” em todas as combinações possíveis. Os estudos RCT’s foram analisados independentemente por dois revisores quanto aos critérios de inclusão e qualidade dos estudos. Resultados: Dos 857 estudos identificados apenas sete foram incluídos. Destes, dois apresentaram um score 3/10, um apresentou 4/10, um apresentou um score 5/10. O score total bem como o preenchimento ou não de cada critério encontram-se detalhados na tabela 1 e organizados por ordem alfabética de autores. Todos os estudos incluíram indivíduos com Lesão Medular Completa, idades entre 16 e 68 anos com diagnóstico de acordo com a American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA).Os programas de intervenção dividiram-se em programas de programas de força, densidade mineral óssea, cardiorrespiratório e de atividade física. Dos estudos incluídos, cinco apresentaram melhorias na reabilitação funcional para o grupo experimental, demonstrando assim uma influência positiva da estimulação elétrica funcional em lesões medulares completas. Apenas dois estudos não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas com relevância clínica. Conclusão: Há uma tendência notória do benefício dos programas com EEF em pacientes com lesões medulares completas parece melhorar a capacidade cardiorrespiratória, a densidade mineral óssea, a força e atividade física, dos indivíduos. Contudo, mais estudos com elevada qualidade metodológica serão essenciais para conceber o real efeito da sua aplicação. Palavras-chave: lesão medular completa; estimulação elétrica funcional, randomized controlled trials, revisão sistemática.


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Introdução: Os exercícios de fortalecimento dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (EFMPP) são considerados a primeira intervenção no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE), porém os EFMPP são distintos, não existindo evidência sobre os parâmetros de treino. Objetivo: Identificar o protocolo e/ ou os parâmetros de treino dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (MPP) mais eficaz no tratamento da IUE feminina. Método: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada entre janeiro de 1992 a março de 2014 nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, web of Science e LILACS. Os artigos incluídos eram de língua inglesa, estudos experimentais, no qual comparavam EFMPP com o tratamento placebo, usual ou sem tratamento, com idade compreendida entre os 18 e os 65 anos e diagnóstico de IUE. Os critérios de exclusão abrangeram o diagnóstico de IUE desencadeada por fatores externos ao trato urinário inferior, grávidas, puérperas, prolapso ≥ 2 e outros tipos de IU. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica for realizada através da escala PEDro. Resultados: Sete artigos de elevada qualidade metodológica foram incluídos na presente revisão. A amostra foi constituída por 331 mulheres, com idade média de 44,4 anos, duração média das perdas urinárias de 64 meses e a gravidade da IUE variou entre ligeira a severa. Os programas de EFMPP eram distintos em relação aos parâmetros de treino dos MPP, sendo que alguns estudos incluíram o treino abdominal, supervisão e técnicas adjuvantes. A taxa de curada da quantidade de perda urinária variou entre 28,6 a 80%, enquanto a força dos MPP variou de 15,6% a 161,7%. Conclusão: Na presente revisão sistemática, os EFMPP combinados com palpação digital, biofeedback e cones vaginais parecem ser mais eficazes na redução da quantidade de perda urinária, comparado com os EFMPP isolados ou sem tratamento. Esta revisão permitiu igualmente identificar as 12 semanas de duração da intervenção, 10 repetições por série e diferentes posições, sendo os parâmetros de treino mais consistentes na redução dos sintomas.


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The amorphous silicon photo-sensor studied in this thesis, is a double pin structure (p(a-SiC:H)-i’(a-SiC:H)-n(a-SiC:H)-p(a-SiC:H)-i(a-Si:H)-n(a-Si:H)) sandwiched between two transparent contacts deposited over transparent glass thus with the possibility of illumination on both sides, responding to wave-lengths from the ultra-violet, visible to the near infrared range. The frontal il-lumination surface, glass side, is used for light signal inputs. Both surfaces are used for optical bias, which changes the dynamic characteristics of the photo-sensor resulting in different outputs for the same input. Experimental studies were made with the photo-sensor to evaluate its applicability in multiplexing and demultiplexing several data communication channels. The digital light sig-nal was defined to implement simple logical operations like the NOT, AND, OR, and complex like the XOR, MAJ, full-adder and memory effect. A pro-grammable pattern emission system was built and also those for the validation and recovery of the obtained signals. This photo-sensor has applications in op-tical communications with several wavelengths, as a wavelength detector and to execute directly logical operations over digital light input signals.


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RESUMO - Os nanomateriais manufaturados (NMs), isto é, fabricados deliberadamente para fins específicos, apresentam propriedades físico-químicas únicas como a dimensão, área superficial ou funcionalização, que lhes conferem caraterísticas mecânicas, óticas, elétricas e magnéticas muito vantajosas para aplicações industriais e biomédicas. Efetivamente, a tecnologia baseada nos NMs, ou nanotecnologia, foi identificada como uma key enabling technology, impulsionadora do crescimento económico dos países industrializados, devido ao seu potencial para melhorar a qualidade e desempenho de muitos tipos de produtos e de processos. Contudo, a expansão da utilização de NMs contrasta com a insuficiente avaliação de risco para a saúde humana e para o ambiente, sendo considerados como um risco emergente para a saúde pública. As incertezas sobre a segurança dos NMs para a saúde pública advêm sobretudo de estudos epidemiológicos em humanos expostos a nanomateriais produzidos como consequência dos processos e atividades humanas e da poluição. Uma das principais preocupações relativamente aos efeitos adversos dos NMs na saúde humana é o seu potencial efeito carcinogénico, que é sugerido por alguns estudos experimentais, como no caso dos nanomateriais de dióxido de titânio ou dos nanotubos de carbono. Para avaliar em curto termo as propriedades carcinogénicas de um composto, utilizam-se frequentemente ensaios de genotoxicidade em linhas celulares de mamífero ou ensaios em modelos animais, em que se analisa uma variedade de lesões genéticas potencialmente relacionados com o processo de carcinogénese. No entanto, a investigação sobre as propriedades genotóxicas dos NMs não foi, até hoje, conclusiva. O presente estudo tem por objectivo principal caracterizar os efeitos genotóxicos associados à exposição a nanomateriais manufaturados, de forma a contribuir para a avaliação da sua segurança. Constituíram objectivos específicos deste estudo: i) avaliar a genotoxicidade dos NMs em três tipos de células humanas expostas in vitro: linfócitos humanos primários, linha celular de epitélio brônquico humano (BEAS-2B) e linha celular de adenocarcinoma epitelial de pulmão humano (A549); ii) avaliar a sua genotoxicidade num modelo de ratinho transgénico; iii) investigar alguns mecanismos de acção que poderão contribuir para a genotoxicidade dos nanomateriais, como a contribuição de lesões oxidativas para a genotoxicidade induzida pelos NMs in vitro, e a investigação da sua bioacumulação e localização celular in vivo. Foram analisados os efeitos genotóxicos associados à exposição a duas classes de NMs, dióxido de titânio e nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla, bem como a um NM de óxido de zinco, candidato a ser utlilizado como controlo positivo de dimensão nanométrica. Os xx NMs utilizados foram previamente caracterizados com detalhe relativamente às suas características físico-químicas e também relativamente à sua dispersão em meio aquoso e no meio de cultura. A metodologia incluiu ensaios de citotoxicidade e de genotoxicidade in vitro, designadamente, ensaios de quebras no DNA (ensaio do cometa) e nos cromossomas (ensaio do micronúcleo) em células humanas expostas a várias concentrações de NMs, por comparação com células não expostas. Também foram realizados ensaios in vivo de quebras no DNA, quebras cromossómicas e ainda um ensaio de mutações em vários órgãos de grupos de ratinhos transgénicos LacZ, expostos por via intravenosa a duas doses de dióxido de titânio. Foi investigada a existência de uma relação dose-resposta após exposição das células humanas ou dos animais a NMs. A contribuição de lesões oxidativas para a genotoxicidade após exposição das células aos NMs in vitro foi explorada através do ensaio do cometa modificado com enzima. Realizaram-se estudos histológicos e citológicos para deteção e localização celular dos NMs nos órgãos-alvo dos ratinhos expostos in vivo. Os resultados demonstraram efeitos genotóxicos em alguns dos NMs analisados em células humanas. No entanto, os efeitos genotóxicos, quando positivos, foram em níveis reduzidos, ainda que superiores aos valores dos controlos, e a sua reprodutibilidade era dependente do sistema experimental utilizado. Para outros NMs, a evidência de genotoxicidade revelou-se equívoca, conduzindo à necessidade de esclarecimento através de ensaios in vivo. Para esse fim, recorreu-se a uma análise integrada de múltiplos parâmetros num modelo animal, o ratinho transgénico baseado em plasmídeo contendo o gene LacZ exposto a um NM de dióxido de titânio, NM-102. Embora tenha sido demonstrada a exposição e a acumulação do NM no fígado, não se observaram efeitos genotóxicos nem no fígado, nem no baço nem no sangue dos ratinhos expostos a esse NM. Neste estudo concluiu-se que algumas formas de dióxido de titânio e nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla produzem efeitos genotóxicos em células humanas, contribuindo para o conjunto de evidências sobre o efeito genotóxico desses NMs. As diferenças observadas relativamente à genotoxicidade entre NMs do mesmo tipo, mas distintos em algumas das suas características físico-quimicas, aparentemente não são negligenciáveis, pelo que os resultados obtidos para um NM não devem ser generalizados ao grupo correspondente. Para além disso, a genotoxicidade equívoca verificada para o NM-102 em células humanas expostas in vitro, não foi confirmada no modelo in vivo, pelo que o valor preditivo da utilização dos ensaios in vitro para a identificação de NMs com efeitos genotóxicos (e portanto potencialmente carcinogénicos) ainda tem de ser esclarecido antes de ser possível extrapolar as conclusões para a saúde humana. Por sua vez, como a informação aqui produzida pelas metodologias in vitro e in vivo não reflete os efeitos de exposição continua ou prolongada, que poderá conduzir a efeitos genotóxicos distintos, esta xxi deverá ser complementada com outras linhas de evidência relativamente à segurança dos NMs. Perante a incerteza dos níveis de exposição real do organismo humano e do ambiente, a segurança da utilização dos NMs não pode ser garantida a longo prazo e, tendo em conta a elevada produção e utilização destes NMs, são prementes futuros estudos de monitorização ambiental e humana.


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Cette thèse examine la circulation et l'intégration des informations scientifiques dans la pensée quotidienne d'après la théorie des représentations sociales (TRS). En tant qu'alternative aux approches traditionnelles de la communication de la science, les transformations survenant entre le discours scientifique et le discours de sens commun sont considérées comme adaptatives. Deux études sur la circulation des informations dans les media (études 1 et 2) montrent des variations dans les thèmes de discours exposés aux profanes, et parmi les discours de ceux-ci, en fonction de différentes sources. Ensuite, le processus d'ancrage dans le positionnement préalable envers la science est étudié, pour l'explication qu'il fournit de la réception et de la transmission d'informations scientifiques dans le sens commun. Les effets d'ancrage dans les attitudes et croyances préexistants sont reportés dans différents contextes de circulation des informations scientifiques (études 3 à 7), incluant des études de type corrélationnel, experimental et de terrain. Globalement, cette thèse procure des arguments en faveur de la pertinence de la TRS pour la recherche sur la communication de la science, et suggère des développements théoriques et méthodologiques pour ces deux domaines de recherche. Drawing on the social representations theory (SRT), this thesis examines the circulation and integration of scientific information into everyday thinking. As an alternative to the traditional approaches of science communication, it considers transformations between scientific and common-sense discourses as adaptive. Two studies, focused on the spreading of information into the media (Studies 1 and 2), show variations in the themes of discourses introduced to laypersons and in the themes among laypersons' discourses, according to different sources. Anchoring in prior positioning toward science is then studied for the explanation it provides on the reception and transmission of scientific information into common sense. Anchoring effects in prior attitudes and beliefs are reported in different contexts of circulation of scientific information (Studies 3 to 7) by using results from correlational, field, and experimental studies. Overall, this thesis provides arguments for the relevance of SRT in science communication research and suggests theoretical and methodological developments for both domains of research.


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While genetic polymorphisms play a paramount role in tuberculosis (TB), less is known about their contribution to the severity of diseases caused by other intracellular bacteria and fastidious microorganisms. We searched electronic databases for observational studies reporting on host factors and genetic predisposition to infections caused by intracellular fastidious bacteria published up to 30 May 2014. The contribution of genetic polymorphisms was documented for TB. This includes genetic defects in the mononuclear phagocyte/T helper cell type 1 (Th1) pathway contributing to disseminated TB disease in children and genome-wide linkage analysis (GWAS) in reactivated pulmonary TB in adults. Similarly, experimental studies supported the role of host genetic factors in the clinical presentation of illnesses resulting from other fastidious intracellular bacteria. These include IL-6 -174G/C or low mannose-binding (MBL) polymorphisms, which are incriminated in chronic pulmonary conditions triggered by C. pneumoniae, type 2-like cytokine secretion polymorphisms, which are correlated with various clinical patterns of M. pneumoniae infections, and genetic variation in the NOD2 gene, which is an indicator of tubal pathology resulting from Chamydia trachomatis infections. Monocyte/macrophage migration and T lymphocyte recruitment defects are corroborated to ineffective granuloma formation observed among patients with chronic Q fever. Similar genetic polymorphisms have also been suggested for infections caused by T. whipplei although not confirmed yet. In conclusion, this review supports the paramount role of genetic factors in clinical presentations and severity of infections caused by intracellular fastidious bacteria. Genetic predisposition should be further explored through such as exome sequencing.


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Purpose: Milk fat globule epidermal growth factor-8 (MFGE8) is a secreted phosphatidylserine-binding protein that has been involved in phagocytosis, as well as in VEGF dependent neovascularization. In a study evaluating protein expression in membrane rafts of cutaneous melanoma at different stages of progression, MFGE8 expression was only identified in membrane rafts of metastatic cutaneous melanoma cell lines. Furthermore, MFGE8, identified at higher level in the vertical growth phase of cutaneous melanoma, promoted tumor growth in vivo, enhanced invasion in vitro and metastatic spread in a mouse model. The purpose of this study was to assess the expression of MFGE8 in conjunctival melanocytic proliferations.Methods: MFGE8 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in 66 melanocytic conjunctival proliferations including 21 conjunctival naevi, 20 Primary Acquired Melanosis (PAM) including (4 PAM without atypia and 16 PAM with atypia) and 25 conjunctival melanomas. Expression was independently assessed by 2 pathologists. Relevant clinico-pathological data were retrieved. Statistical anaylis was performed using JUMP 8 software.Results: The concordance between the 2 pathologists had an 87,5% agreement on the first independent assessment of MFGE8 expression. Complete agreement was further reached after joint revision of discordant cases. In the naevi, MFGE8 expression was found in only 4 cases (3 subepithelial cases and 1 composed combined naevus). In the PAM group, MFGE8 was identified in 1 PAM without atypia and 10 PAM with atypia. In the melanoma group, MFGE8 expression was observed in 68% of cases. The expression of MFGE8 in the conjunctival melanocytic proliferation was significantly higher in the melanoma (p=0,0009) and in the PAM (p=0,0169) than in naevi. Within the PAM subgroup, we found no significant correlation between MFGE8 expression and the presence of atypia in the respective specimen examined so far.Conclusions: We demonstrate a significant higher expression of MFGE8 in conjunctival melanoma compared to benign melanocytic lesions, suggesting that this protein may play a role in tumor progression of conjunctival melanocytic proliferations. Further experimental studies should be performed to better characterize MFGE8 involvement in conjunctival melanoma tumorigenesis.


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Experimental studies on punishment have sometimes been over-interpreted not only for the reasons Guala lists, but also because of a frequent conflation of proximate and ultimate explanatory levels that Guala's review perpetuates. Moreover, for future analyses we may need a clearer classification of different kinds of punishment.


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Catalase dismutes H20 2 to O2 and H20. In successive twoelectron reactions H20 2 induces both oxidation and reduction at the heme group. In the first step the protoheme prosthetic group of beef liver catalase forms compound I, in which the heme has been oxidized from Fe3+ to Fe4+=0 and a porphyrin radical has been created. Compound II is formed by the oneelectron reduction of comp I. It retains Fe4+=0 but lacks the porphyrin radical and is catalytically inert. Molecular structures are available for Escherichia coli Hydroperoxidase II, Micrococcus Iysodeiktus, Penicillium vitale and beef liver enzymes, which contain different hemes and heme pockets. In the present work, the pockets and substrate access channels of protoheme (beef liver & Micrococcus) and heme d (HPII of E. coli and Penicillium) catalases have been analysed using Quanta™ and CharmMTM molecular modeling packages on the Silicon Graphics Iris Indigo 2 computer. Experimental studies have been carried out with two catalases, HPII (and its mutants) and beef liver. Fluoride and formate' are inhibitors of both enzymes, and their binding is modulated by the heme and by distal residues N201 & H128. Both HPII and beef liver enzymes form compound I with H202 or peracetate. The reduction of beef liver enzyme compound I to II and the decay of compound II are accelerated by fluoride. The decay of compound II is also accelerated by formate, and this reagent acts as a 2-electron donor towards compound I of both enzymes. It is concluded that heme d enzymes (Penicillium and HPII of E. coli) are formed by autocatalytic transformation of protoheme in a modified pocket which contains a characteristic serine residue as well as a partially occluded heme channel. They are less active than protoheme enzymes but also do not form the inactive compound II species. Binding of peroxide as well as fluoride and formate is prevented by mutation of H128 and modulated by mutation of N201.


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Inter and intrachromosomal viability interactions have been detected in a few experimental studies. Computer simulations and analytical models have led to postulation of nonadditivity of gene action. This study reports evidence of strong nonadditive interactions between the arms of the metacentric second chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Mean viability for 40 homozygous lines of the second chromosomes was 0.720+0.265 • Mean viability for 40 half homozygous second chromosomes was 0.928!O.)10 • Significant heterogeneity among and within lines was found in both groups of chromosomes, as well as a highly significant viability difference between the two groups. Comparison of observed viabilities with the expected values, according to the theories of additive and multi - plicative gene action. was made for both groups. Highly significant departures from the expected values were found for over 90% of the lines in both groups of chromosomes, for both additive and multiplicative models of gene action.


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Experimental research has shown that playing violent video games produces higher levels of aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and aggressive behavior (in the short-term) than non-violent video games (see Anderson, Gentile & Buckley, 2007). However, there are two major limitations with these studies. First, the majority of experimental studies that have compared the effects of violent versus non-violent video games on aggression have failed to equate these games in terms of competitiveness, difficulty, and pace of action. Thus, although the common finding is that violent video games produce higher levels of aggression than nonviolent video games, other unmatched factors beyond the actual violent content may be responsible for the elevated levels of aggression. Second, previous experimental studies have tended to use a measure of aggression that may also measure competitiveness, leading to questions about whether violent video games are related to aggression or competitiveness. The present thesis addressed these two issues by fIrst equating a violent and non-violent video game on competitiveness, difficulty and pace of action in Experiment I , and then comparing the effect of each game on aggressive behavior using an unambiguous measure of aggressive behavior (i.e., the Hot Sauce Paradigm). We found that video game violence was not sufficient to elevate aggressive behavior compared to a non-violent video game. Practical implications and directions for future research are discussed.


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Recent research in the marketing literature has indicated that, while consumers’ interests in ethical products are growing, demand for such products still remains weak. Previous research has indicated that anticipated guilt can have a positive effect on ethical consumption. Thus, the objective of the current study is to investigate the moderating role of consumers’ socially responsible consumption behaviour (SRCB) on the relationship between anticipated guilt and ethical consumption. Specifically, the current study hypothesizes that, when viewing a guilt ad, high (vs. low) SRCB individuals will generate higher, ethical purchase intentions, willingness to pay an ethical premium, and attitudes toward an ethical brand. The findings from the two experimental studies indicate that, when viewing a guilt ad for an ethical product, high SRCB individuals are willing to pay a higher ethical premium and generate more favourable brand attitudes than low SRCB individuals. However, when viewing a non-guilt ad, high SRCB individuals did not differ from low SRCB individuals in their willingness to pay an ethical premium or brand attitudes. Further, consumers’ socially conscious self-identity was explored as a mediator of these effects. By understanding the moderating role that SRCB plays in the relationship between anticipated guilt and ethical consumption, this paper intends to assist marketers in understanding for which consumers a guilt appeal is an appropriate strategy in marketing ethical products.


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A brand-harm crisis not only affects the scandalized brand, but may also influence competing brands. Thus, marketers of competing brands need to develop response strategies for reducing negative spillover effects. This research takes a competitor’s perspective and introduces two types of response strategies used to convey a sense of denial: sensegiving and sensehiding. It also investigates how the effects of response strategies are contingent upon brand relatedness and individual thinking styles. The results from three experimental studies show that using a sensegiving strategy reduces negative spillover effects more than using a sensehiding strategy. Additionally, the studies suggest that the observed difference in the effects of response strategy tends to be greater when the level of brand relatedness is high than when it is low. However, individual thinking styles (holistic vs. analytic) seem to have little impact on consumers’ responses to the two denial strategies. This research contributes to the brand-harm crisis literature and provides novel insights into a competitor’s response to potential negative spillover effects.