957 resultados para National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board


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For the past two centuries, nationalism has been among the most influential legitimizing principles of political organization. According to its simple definition, nationalism is a principle or a way of thinking and acting which holds that the world is divided into nations, and that national and political units should be congruent. Nationalism can thus be divided into two aspects: internal and external. Internally, the political units, i.e., states, should be made up of only one nation. Externally each nation-state should be sovereign. Transnational national governance of rights of national minorities violates both these principles. This study explores the formation, operation, and effectiveness of the European post-Cold War minorities system. The study identifies two basic approaches to minority rights: security and justice. These approaches have been used to legitimize international minority politics and they also inform the practice of transnational governance. The security approach is based on the recognition that the norm of national self-determination cannot be fulfilled in all relevant cases, and so minority rights are offered as a compensation to the dissatisfied national groups, reducing their aspiration to challenge the status quo. From the justice perspective, minority rights are justified as a compensatory strategy against discrimination caused by majority nation-building. The research concludes that the post-Cold War minorities system was justified on the basis of a particular version of the security approach, according to which only Eastern European minority situations are threatening because of the ethnic variant of nationalism that exists in that region. This security frame was essential in internationalising minority issues and justifying the swift development of norms and institutions to deal with these issues. However, from the justice perspective this approach is problematic, since it justified double standards in European minority politics. Even though majority nation-building is often detrimental to minorities also in Western Europe, Western countries can treat their minorities more or less however they choose. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the detailed investigation of the operation of the post-Cold War minorities system. For the first decade since its creation in the early 1990s, the system operated mainly through its security track, which is based on the field activities of the OSCE that are supported by the EU. The study shows how the effectiveness of this track was based on inter-organizational cooperation in which various transnational actors compensate for each other s weaknesses. After the enlargement of the EU and dissolution of the membership conditionality this track, which was limited to Eastern Europe from the start, has become increasingly ineffective. Since the EU enlargement, the focus minorities system has shifted more and more towards its legal track, which is based on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (Council of Europe). The study presents in detail how a network of like-minded representatives of governments, international organizations, and independent experts was able strengthen the framework convention s (originally weak) monitoring system considerably. The development of the legal track allows for a more universal and consistent, justice-based approach to minority rights in contemporary Europe, but the nationalist principle of organization still severely hinders the materialization of this possibility.


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GC-MS study of two fatty oil fractions from Artabotrys odoratissimus (leaves) indicated the presence of fifteen compounds namely, nonanoic acid; methyl phenyl propanoate; decanoic acid; diethyl phthalate; dibutyl phthalate; 2 - amino-3-ethyl biphenyl; 5-methyl-9-phenylnonan-3-ol; hexadeca-2,7,11-triene; 2,6-dimethyl-1-phenylhepta-1-one; 2,5-dimethyltetradecahydrophenenthrene; 1-phenylundecane; 1-isopropyl-4,6-dimethyl naphthalene; 5-(2-butyl phenyl)pent-3-en-2-ol; 1-phenyideca-1-one and 1-phenylundecan-1-one. Some of the compounds are rare occurring and biologically active.


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Report of Opening Session Report of Governing Council Meetings Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board Biological Oceanography Committee Fishery Science Committee Marine Environmental Quality Committee Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee Finance and Administration: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee Assets on 31st of December, 1992 Income and Expenditures for 1992 Budget for 1994 Composition of the Organization List of Participants (Document has 78 pages.)


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Marine reserves, often referred to as no-take MPAs, are defined as areas within which human activities that can result in the removal or alteration of biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem are prohibited or greatly restricted (NRC 2001). Activities typically curtailed within a marine reserve are extraction of organisms (e.g., commercial and recreational fishing, kelp harvesting, commercial collecting), mariculture, and those activities that can alter oceanographic or geologic attributes of the habitat (e.g., mining, shore-based industrial-related intake and discharges of seawater and effluent). Usually, marine reserves are established to conserve biodiversity or enhance nearby fishery resources. Thus, goals and objectives of marine reserves can be inferred, even if they are not specifically articulated at the time of reserve formation. In this report, we review information about the effectiveness of the three marine reserves in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, Point Lobos Ecological Reserve, Big Creek Ecological Reserve), and the one in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (the natural area on the north side of East Anacapa Island). Our efforts to objectively evaluate reserves in Central California relative to reserve theory were greatly hampered for four primary reasons; (1) few of the existing marine reserves were created with clearly articulated goals or objectives, (2) relatively few studies of the ecological consequences of existing reserves have been conducted, (3) no studies to date encompass the spatial and temporal scope needed to identify ecosystem-wide effects of reserve protection, and (4) there are almost no studies that describe the social and economic consequences of existing reserves. To overcome these obstacles, we used several methods to evaluate the effectiveness of subtidal marine reserves in Central California. We first conducted a literature review to find out what research has been conducted in all marine reserves in Central California (Appendix 1). We then reviewed the scientific literature that relates to marine reserve theory to help define criteria to use as benchmarks for evaluation. A recent National Research Council (2001) report summarized expected reserve benefits and provided the criteria we used for evaluation of effectiveness. The next step was to identify the research projects in this region that collected information in a way that enabled us to evaluate reserve theory relative to marine reserves in Central California. Chapters 1-4 in this report provide summaries of those research projects. Contained within these chapters are evaluations of reserve effectiveness for meeting specific objectives. As few studies exist that pertain to reserve theory in Central California, we reviewed studies of marine reserves in other temperate and tropical ecosystems to determine if there were lessons to be learned from other parts of the world (Chapter 5). We also included a discussion of social and economic considerations germane to the public policy decision-making processes associated with marine reserves (Chapter 6). After reviewing all of these resources, we provided a summary of the ecological benefits that could be expected from existing reserves in Central California. The summary is presented in Part II of this report. (PDF contains 133 pages.)


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Esta investigação enfoca processos de ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação na graduação médica, que acontecem em serviços básicos do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), com ênfase nos entraves e potencialidades para a transformação das relações entre a formação e a assistência na perspectiva da integralidade, tendo como referência as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os Cursos de Graduação em medicina, homologadas pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação em 2001. Com uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa que reúne contribuições da etnografia, da pesquisa transdisciplinar e da cartografia, a pesquisadora propõe ao leitor um diálogo com os relatos de suas observações (de experiências formativas na atenção básica) e dados oriundos da sua própria preceptoria de estudantes de medicina envolvidos em atividades em um centro municipal de saúde. Aponta desafios que necessitam ser enfrentados como: a hegemonia da racionalidade biomédica na conformação do modelo tecnoassistencial e a necessidade de efetivar uma política de recursos humanos no setor que incentive a integração universidade-serviço-comunidade, na aproximação da graduação ao cotidiano do trabalho em saúde e à realidade de vida da população. Estas questões estão associadas ao atual debate sobre integração curricular , educação permanente visando uma práxis formativa criativa que envolva o desenvolvimento de competências (técnico-políticas) e o compromisso para com o cuidado no SUS. Conclui que é justamente na trama local cotidiana, na problematização e intercâmbio entre experiências, que afloram caminhos criativos na superação das rotinas e práticas mecanizadas . Estes processos transformadores são matérias de reflexão para que novos projetos de cuidado sejam construídos coletivamente, emergindo novos patamares na assistência e na formação.


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O câncer de mama constitui-se no câncer mais frequente na população feminina mundial e brasileira. A quimioterapia antineoplásica encontra-se entre as formas de tratamento mais temidas pela mulher à medida que experimenta efeitos colaterais agressivos. O estudo tem como objetivos: identificar as repercussões corporais decorrentes do tratamento quimioterápico que são reconhecidas pelas mulheres; descrever os mecanismos de enfrentamento que a mulher com câncer de mama utiliza para lidar com essas repercussões; Analisar as repercussões corporais vivenciadas pelas mulheres com câncer de mama à luz da Teoria de Sister Callista Roy; apontar as ações de enfermagem reconhecidas pelas mulheres com câncer de mama relacionadas com a vivência das repercussões corporais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, de abordagem qualitativa. O estudo teve como cenário a Seção de Oncologia do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram mulheres com câncer de mama com idade superior a 18 anos em tratamento na instituição. Foram observados os princípios da Resolução 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. A coleta de dados se deu através de entrevista individual do tipo semiestruturada. O processamento e análise dos dados foram compostos pela transcrição e leitura das entrevistas, e alvo de reflexão à luz do referencial de análise de conteúdo de Bardin e Modelo Adaptativo de Roy. Foram identificadas as seguintes categorias: 1) alterações corporais decorrentes da doença e o tratamento, com as subcategorias: compreensão da mulher acerca da doença e tratamento, Sentimentos relacionados ao diagnóstico de câncer e os efeitos colaterais do tratamento; 2) enfrentando o câncer de mama e seu tratamento; 3) a meta da enfermagem: promoção da adaptação da mulher com câncer de mama. Os resultados demonstraram uma relação próxima entre os achados e a Teoria de Sister Callista Roy.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar as concentrações de mercúrio total (HgT) nos músculos de Orthopristis ruber de quatro ecossitemas costeiros e identificar possíveis correlações existentes entre comprimento, peso, sexo, estação do ano e índices biológicos. O HgT foi analisado nas regiões de Cabo Frio (CF, n=31), Baía de Guanabara (BG, n=61), Baía de Sepetiba (BS, n=43) e Baía da Ilha Grande (BIG, n=32), as quais apresentam diferentes níveis de degradação ambiental. A BG recebe grande quantidade de efluentes domésticos e industriais de toda região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro e tem sido considerada como uma das áreas mais poluídas do Brasil. Já na BS, a intensa atividade metalúrgica no seu entorno faz com que esta possa ser tida com nível de degradação intermadiária, enquanto CF e BIG são duas áreas vistas como áreas bem preservadas. As concentrações de HgT foram determinadas através de CV-AAS (FIMS - 400,Perkin Elmer) - utilizando boridreto de sódio como agente redutor. Foi utilizado DORM 3 (National Research Council, Canada) como material de referência (média da recuperação DP =99,2 4,9 %). As concentrações médias de HgT DP para BIG e CF foram, respectivamente, 209,8 118,9 ng/g, e 199,9 88,2 ng/g. Estas regiões apresentaram concentrações significativamente mais elevadas, enquanto a BG mostrou concentrações intermediárias (112,9 88,0 ng/g; ANCOVA, p<0,03). Por outro lado, a BS foi a região com as menores concentrações de HgT (11,3 11,5 ng/g). Tais resultados sugerem que, mesmo sendo áreas degradadas, o HgT não está totalmente biodisponível para BG e BS. Ademais, provavelmente as correntes oceânicas são uma fonte de mercúrio para CF e BIG, carreando mercúrio biodisponível para essas áreas. Para BG análises adicionais foram feitas a fim de identificar a acumulação de HgT ao longo do desenvolvimento ontogenético de O. ruber, uma vez que as concentrações do metal foram maiores em adultos do que em juvenis (PERMANOVA, p< 0,0001). As concentrações de HgT foram positivamente relacionadas tanto com o comprimento (Spearman test; r = 0,85; p <0,001) quanto com o peso (Spearman test; r =0,85; p <0,001) dos peixes da BG, mostrando que o O.ruber acumula HgT ao longo da vida. Diferenças entre sexos foram encontradas apenas para os O. ruber da BIG, onde fêmeas (300 ng/g) apresentaram maiores concentrações de HgT que os machos (~150 ng/g). Dentre os índices biológicos analisados, o índice gonadossomático foi o de maior relevância devido sua correlação negativa entre os níveis de HgT com todos os dados em conjunto (p<0.001), tanto para fêmeas (p<0.001) quanto para machos (p<0.02), sugerindo que o mercúrio pode afetar negativamente a reprodução de O.ruber.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa e descritiva, com a utilização da Grounded Theory, na perspectiva do Interacionismo Simbólico. Como objetivos tivemos: identificar os significados atribuídos por mulheres ao fato de experimentar, sentir ou vivenciar sensações de prazer sexual e/ou excitação sexual durante a amamentação; analisar e interpretar, na perspectiva do Interacionismo Simbólico, a experiência de sentir prazer sexual e/ou excitação sexual durante a amamentação, a partir dos significados atribuídos pelas mulheres. O estudo procedeu-se no Município do Rio de Janeiro, em lugares de grande circulação de pessoas, como praças, ruas, shoppings, além da Unidade de Saúde Milton Fontes Magarão, localizada na zona norte do referido Município. Essa variedade de cenários nos possibilitou encontrar uma diversidade de participantes, referente a condições socioeconômicas, culturais, religião, ideais e concepções sobre o assunto estudado. A coleta e análise dos dados aconteceram no período de maio a julho de 2014, observando todas as exigências da Resolução 466/2012 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Foram entrevistadas 17 participantes e formados dois grupos amostrais e três categorias expressas por: significando a amamentação como ato sagrado, inocente e assexuado: a socialização da amamentação; vivenciando e significando sensações de prazer ao amamentar; ressignificando a vivência de sensações de excitação sexual ao amamentar. Como resultados evidenciou-se que a socialização da amamentação influencia a maioria das mulheres, na vivência de sensações de prazer ao amamentar. Essas sensações são descritas através da simbologia estabelecida socialmente, de que o ato de amamentar é sagrado, puro, livre de erotismo, prevalecendo um prazer maternal. Além disso, as sensações de excitação sexual ao amamentar, para as mulheres que se dizem nunca terem vivenciado, estão presentes no seu inconsciente, porém essa vivência é admitida para os outros e não para si mesmas. O significado de vivenciar prazer sexual ao amamentar é percebido como contraditório, pois ao mesmo tempo em que se identifica o poder do corpo feminino, prevalece o poder de nutrir sobre as percepções físicas de excitação sexual ao amamentar. Desse modo, identificaram-se estratégias utilizadas para bloquear ou para não vivenciar as sensações de excitação sexual ao amamentar. Com isso, este estudo nos mostra como as mulheres agem frente às sensações de prazer sexual e/ou excitação sexual ao amamentar, através da interação social do passado e do presente, gerando os significados que cada uma carrega consigo. Além disso, percebemos como a socialização da amamentação priva a vivência da sexualidade feminina, nos aspectos de sensações de prazer sexual durante a amamentação.


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Subsistence food items can be a health concern in rural Alaska because community members often rely on fish and wildlife resources not routinely monitored for persistent bioaccumulative contaminants and pathogens. Subsistence activities are a large part of the traditional culture, as well as a means of providing protein in the diets for Tribal members. In response to the growing concerns among Native communities, contaminant body burden and histopathological condition of chum and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus keta and Oncorhynchus nerka) and the shellfish cockles and softshell clams (Clinocardium nuttallii and Mya arenaria) were assessed. In the Spring of 2010, the fish and shellfish were collected from traditional subsistence harvest areas in the vicinity of Nanwalek, Port Graham, and Seldovia, AK, and were analyzed for trace metals and residues of organic contaminants routinely monitored by the NOAA National Status & Trends Program (NS&T). Additionally, the fish and shellfish were histologically characterized for the presence, prevalence and severity of tissue pathology, disease, and parasite infection. The fish and shellfish sampled showed low tissue contamination, and pathologic effects of the parasites and diseases were absent or minimal. Taken together, the results showed that the fish and shellfish were healthy and pose no safety concern for consumption. This study provides reliable chemistry and histopathology information for local resource managers and Alaska Native people regarding subsistence fish and shellfish use and management needs.


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The impact of recent changes in climate on the arctic environment and its ecosystems appear to have a dramatic affect on natural populations (National Research Council Committee on the Bering Sea Ecosystem 1996) and pose a serious threat to the continuity of indigenous arctic cultures that are dependent on natural resources for subsistence (Peterson D. L., Johnson 1995). In the northeast Pacific, winter storms have intensified and shifted southward causing fundamental changes in sea surface temperature patterns (Beamish 1993, Francis et al. 1998). Since the mid 1970’s surface waters of the central basin of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) have warmed and freshened with a consequent increase in stratification and reduced winter entrainment of nutrients (Stabeno et al. 2004). Such physical changes in the structure of the ocean can rapidly affect lower trophic levels and indirectly affect fish and marine mammal populations through impacts on their prey (Benson and Trites 2002). Alaskan natives expect continued and perhaps accelerating changes in resources due to global warming (DFO 2006).and want to develop strategies to cope with their changing environment.


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Three-dimensional (3-D) spatial data of a transportation infrastructure contain useful information for civil engineering applications, including as-built documentation, on-site safety enhancements, and progress monitoring. Several techniques have been developed for acquiring 3-D point coordinates of infrastructure, such as laser scanning. Although the method yields accurate results, the high device costs and human effort required render the process infeasible for generic applications in the construction industry. A quick and reliable approach, which is based on the principles of stereo vision, is proposed for generating a depth map of an infrastructure. Initially, two images are captured by two similar stereo cameras at the scene of the infrastructure. A Harris feature detector is used to extract feature points from the first view, and an innovative adaptive window-matching technique is used to compute feature point correspondences in the second view. A robust algorithm computes the nonfeature point correspondences. Thus, the correspondences of all the points in the scene are obtained. After all correspondences have been obtained, the geometric principles of stereo vision are used to generate a dense depth map of the scene. The proposed algorithm has been tested on several data sets, and results illustrate its potential for stereo correspondence and depth map generation.


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Three-dimensional (3-D) spatial data of a transportation infrastructure contain useful information for civil engineering applications, including as-built documentation, on-site safety enhancements, and progress monitoring. Several techniques have been developed for acquiring 3-D point coordinates of infrastructure, such as laser scanning. Although the method yields accurate results, the high device costs and human effort required render the process infeasible for generic applications in the construction industry. A quick and reliable approach, which is based on the principles of stereo vision, is proposed for generating a depth map of an infrastructure. Initially, two images are captured by two similar stereo cameras at the scene of the infrastructure. A Harris feature detector is used to extract feature points from the first view, and an innovative adaptive window-matching technique is used to compute feature point correspondences in the second view. A robust algorithm computes the nonfeature point correspondences. Thus, the correspondences of all the points in the scene are obtained. After all correspondences have been obtained, the geometric principles of stereo vision are used to generate a dense depth map of the scene. The proposed algorithm has been tested on several data sets, and results illustrate its potential for stereo correspondence and depth map generation.


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Khawia saurogobii n. sp. is described from the intestine of the cyprinid fishes Saurogobio dabryi and Saurogobio dumerili in China. The new species belongs to the Lytocestidae and is placed in Khawia because of its afossate scolex, vitelline follicles in the cortical parenchyma, uterus not looping anterior to the cirrus sac, gonopores separate but close together in distinct genital atrium, external seminal vesicle absent, and postovarian follicles present. The new species differs from other congeneric species by the shape of the body markedly tapering posteriorly from the end of the anterior third, the shape of the scolex that is very short and markedly wider than the neck, spatulate without incisions, but shallow superficial grooves, vitelline follicles and testes starting immediately posterior to the scolex, and an ovary with long, posterior arms bent medially, thus giving the shape of an inverted A.