533 resultados para Négociations collectives
A curiosidade do que acontece com os cânticos entoados pela comunidade carisma e a maneira com que toca as pessoas, no âmbito individual e no coletivo foi o que gerou essa pesquisa. A associação do significado das letras dos cânticos relacionado à transformação social que acontece dentro do trabalho e missão social urbana da Comunidade Carisma acabou sendo o foco desse trabalho. Sabe-se que a música tem um poder imenso de atuar na área emocional e nas experiências do ser humano, atuando tanto no individual, quanto no coletivo da pessoa. Então, até que ponto, música não é uma alienação, mas sim um instrumento de despertar individual e coletivamente - para a transformação e a aplicabilidade de todo este envolvimento social que a Comunidade Carisma vive? Dentro do que é a base teológica da comunidade, a ordem do culto e toda a sua liturgia, foi feito um levantamento de toda estrutura da mesma. E como se processa o louvor e o significado das letras dos cânticos compostos por membros deste ministério, com a ação que começa no individual, reporta-se ao coletivo e que gera transformação social dentro e fora da comunidade.(AU)
A prática educativa na escola está carregada de uma postura tradicional e bancária , conforme aparece em várias obras de Freire, ainda que novas tecnologias sejam introduzidas em seu cotidiano pedagógico. A ênfase à informação em detrimento da construção do conhecimento e saberes, na verdade, afasta o aluno, particularmente nas escolas públicas, de apropriar-se dos instrumentos significativos de sua elaboração. Nesse sentido, dentro da linha de Políticas e Gestões Educacionais, esse trabalho se propõe à reflexão do espaço da escola no diálogo com a cidade, isto é, à possibilidade de protagonismo social no desenvolvimento do aluno. O procedimento da pesquisa fundamenta-se no estudo dos projetos de educação ambiental desenvolvidos na rede municipal de Mauá através dos registros e relatos descritivos das avaliações das escolas dessas atividades, de seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos e do Programa de Educação Ambiental de Mauá da Secretaria Municipal de Educação. O trabalho Dos muros da escola à abertura para a cidade foi desenvolvido de forma a entendermos o espaço geográfico, considerando sua territorialização e o conceito de espaço simbólico. Dessa forma, podemos compreender como a relação escola/espaço território e o Programa de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido em escolas da rede pública da cidade de Mauá aparece na atuação de um em relação ao outro. A metodologia de trabalho usada foi exploratória, de natureza bibliográfica e documental. A pesquisa buscou perceber a abordagem dialógica que se estabelece com a cidade a partir da conceituação do espaço simbólico da escola no processo ensino-aprendizagem. O Programa de Educação Ambiental e as escolas, de acordo com seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos se propõem, ainda que empiricamente, a trabalhar nessa direção. A prática pedagógica, como demonstraram algumas atividades, mesmo tratando do tema de forma sem a consciência diferenciada , aponta um avanço nesse sentido. Os textos coletivos, a participação solidária, são elementos que nos permitem concluir dessa forma. As respostas das crianças foram significativas, embora tenhamos apontado as dificuldades na execução dos procedimentos pedagógicos. Por tratar-se de algo novo, não só como proposta, o Programa de Educação Ambiental exigiu a capacidade de lidar com ações integrada e integradora, ou seja, mudança de subjetividade dos distintos atores envolvidos no processo. O tema poderia se tornar por demais abrangente e, dessa forma, perder-se em generalidades. Assim, alguns aspectos relevantes foram apontados sem, no entanto, partir para um maior aprofundamento a fim de garantir a objetividade do trabalho. A instituição escolar está presente de corpo e alma na cidade e, ainda que, a temática ambiental esteja presente em seu cotidiano ela se faz de maneira formal e informativa. Todos falam em meio ambiente, entretanto poucos internalizam os valores de um ambiente saudável e próprio para o desenvolvimento humano da maioria que produz a riqueza das nações. Consideradas as observações apontadas, o trabalho apresentou elementos que devem ser analisados com maior propriedade, isto é, com maior extensão, como proposta de continuidade da pesquisa.
Objects are produced within, and simultaneously affect, the process of organizing as a consequence of their interaction within social collectives. This paper discusses the impact and influences of the growth of post-social relations, between human and technological objects, on social and organisational arrangements. The paper presents a discussion largely at the conceptual level and draws from a variety of literatures, including the burgeoning sociology of science literature. The discussion in this paper is based on a view that posits the growth of intimate links with epistemic objects within organisations and society. Organising through networks of post-social relations increasingly comes to affect the manner in which differing groups of organisational participants, and particularly various categories of knowledge workers, experience time and spatial arrangements within organisations.
Since 1979, China has embarked on a series of economic reform programmes, leading its socialist economy away from a Soviet planning model towards a much greater reliance on the market. In the course of the last twenty years, the Chinese economy has enjoyed a phenomenally high economic growth rate. However, earlier research suggests that Chinese state-owned enterprises remain a financial 'black hole' for the Chinese economy, in spite of various enterprise reform measures. This thesis tries to assess the impact of the reforms after 1993, especially the so-called Modern Enterprise System, on the behaviour and management practices of state firms. The central research question is whether the new rounds of economic reform have changed state firms into commercial entities operating according to market signals, as intended. In order to explore this question, an institutional approach is employed. More specifically, the thesis examines how the behaviour and management practices of state enterprises have changed with changes in the institutional environmental resulting from the introduction of new reform measures and especially the MES. The main evidence used in this research comes from the Chinese electronics industry (CEI). Non-state firms, namely collectives and joint ventures, are involved in the study to provide a benchmark against which changes in the behaviour of state firms in the mid and late 1990s are compared. A comparative statistical analysis shows that state-owned firms, both traditional and corporatised ones, still lag behind collectives and joint ventures in terms of both labour and total factor productivity. The further empirical work of this research consists of a questionnaire survey and case studies that are based on interviews with senior managers of 17 firms in the CEI. The findings of these analyses suggest that there has been little fundamental change in the behaviour pattern of state firms in the 1990s, despite the introduction of the Modern Enterprise System, and that the economic reforms after 1993 so far seem to have failed to transform the state firms into commercial entities operating according to market signals.
What does ‘care’ mean in contemporary society? How are caring relationships practised in different contexts? What resources do individuals and collectives draw upon in order to care for, care with and care about themselves and others? How do such relationships and practices relate to broader social processes? Care shapes people’s everyday lives and relationships and caring relations and practices influence the economies of different societies. This interdisciplinary book takes a nuanced and context-sensitive approach to exploring caring relationships, identities and practices within and across a variety of cultural, familial, geographical and institutional arenas. Grounded in rich empirical research and discussing key theoretical, policy and practice debates, it provides important, yet often neglected, international and cross-cultural perspectives. It is divided into four sections covering: caring within educational institutions; caring amongst communities and networks; caring and families; and caring across the life-course. Contributing to broader theoretical, philosophical and moral debates associated with the ethics of care, citizenship, justice, relationality and entanglements of power, Critical Approaches to Care is an important work for students and academics studying caring and care work in the fields of health and social care, sociology, social policy, anthropology, education, human geography and politics.
This paper analyses the relationship between production subsidies and firms’ export performance using a very comprehensive and recent firm-level database and controlling for the endogeneity of subsidies. It documents robust evidence that production subsidies stimulate export activity at the intensive margin, although this effect is conditional on firm characteristics. In particular, the positive relationship between subsidies and the intensive margin of exports is strongest among profit-making firms, firms in capital-intensive industries, and those located in non-coastal regions. Compared to firm characteristics, the extent of heterogeneity across ownership structure (SOEs, collectives, and privately owned firms) proves to be relatively less important.
This paper aims to understand the specifics of the network communication and the logic of articulation of social insurgencies in contemporary inferred from the rizome concept coined by Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze and the multitude as preach Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. To do so, it raises the processes and practices of political bodies, reaching lines and common strategies of operation. Unless the specifics, it is possible to draw a continuous and rizomatic communication that traverses both bodies enrolled in institutionalized democracy, as the spanish movement-party Podemos and the greek coalition Syriza, as the autonomous collectives, such as the Movimento Passe Livre, fighting for universal public, free and quality transport, and the free media initiatives Media Ninja and Catarina Santos, willing to understand the social movements. The constitutional amendment of this model of communication networking seems to be the desire to radicalization of democracy, the bias of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, as a strategic and common struggle. Indeed, speaking specifically of free media, they are built from here processes that take place in understanding the agency of the bodies as relevant to political action toward the radical democracy project, and the use of free softwares, the communicator-protester agency, the performance, the collective experience.
This dissertation aims at showing the importance of the Nietzsche s and Spinoza s philosophy in Deleuze thought, about body, force, and potency concepts. The search starts from Deleuze texts around two authors of his inspiration, reaching understand in the plan of immanence of the relationship between concepts and the way life as ethics and political affirmation. The first goal is the concept of rhizome; propose by Deleuze in what manner to walk the ways traced by philosophers and at the same time to create self ways. The second chapter examines the body in Nietzsche as force s relations. Find to show the genesis of the force in its determination as relative quantity strong or weak, and as absolute quality active or reactive; and for other side the genesis of the force from two poles of the will to power affirmation or negation, examining the consequences for life and thought. In the third chapter explained the definitions of body in Spinoza. The body, in Spinoza, defines itself complex relation of movement and repose, velocity and slowness and by it s to affect and be affecter s power. Find to show understanding the mediums for to amplify the power of to exist or the potency of to act, in what manner ethics of to live. The fourth chapter makes one parallel between the war and the thought in the constitution of socials body and collectives agenciamientos, for understand in the fifth chapter the body as war s machine of the thought, from the relationship between nomad way life and war s machine showed in Tractate of Nomadologia. Wait like this to show the importance of the ethics and political thought than affirm the existence in the world through active force from that body s power.
Objectifs : le principal objectif de notre projet doctoral consiste à mettre en relief les transformations qui ont marqué le développement de l’oncologie et de la lutte contre le cancer au Québec au 20e siècle. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes penchées sur trois niveaux d’analyse : 1) le niveau micro aborde l’organisation des services médicaux au sein d’une organisation hospitalière, soit l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. 2) Le niveau méso analyse une lutte professionnelle, soit la lutte entre les hématologues et les oncologues médicaux pour la reconnaissance de l’oncologie médicale. 3) Le niveau macro s’intéresse à l’organisation de la lutte contre le cancer à travers la province de Québec et aux différents modèles organisationnels créés. Principale hypothèse : l’émergence et la transformation de l’oncologie et de la lutte contre le cancer ont été influencées des rapports de collaboration et de compétition entre les acteurs impliqués en oncologie. En effet, il apparaît que ce champ se trouve en tension entre l’obligation de collaborer pour offrir des services de qualité aux patients et les dynamiques professionnelles et/ou organisationnelles. Cadre théorique : un cadre théorique a été développé pour chacun des niveaux d’analyse. Le niveau micro s’inspire des travaux de Frickel, Abbott et Strauss et s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux négociations entourant l’ordre social au sein d’un hôpital universitaire; le niveau méso emploie les travaux de Bourdieu et Abbott pour analyser la lutte entre deux spécialités médicales pour le contrôle des agents de chimiothérapie; et le niveau macro, de la sociologie des organisations et de la théorie néo-institutionnaliste pour mettre en relief l’émergence et la transformation de la lutte contre le cancer au Québec au 20e siècle. Méthodologie : l’approche de l’étude de cas a été adoptée et chaque niveau d’analyse constitue une étude de cas à part entière. Le corpus de données se compose de données archivistiques recueillies dans 10 centres d’archives canadiens, et de données d’entrevues. Une soixantaine d’entrevues avec des oncologues, des professionnels de la santé, des gestionnaires, des chercheurs et des fonctionnaires ont été réalisées. Conclusion : les différents niveaux d’analyse offrent différentes contributions qui leurs sont propres, mais l’ensemble de la thèse tend à mettre en relief la complexité du changement organisationnel à travers un perpétuel processus de définition et de redéfinition des frontières professionnelles et des organisations en raison du développement des connaissances scientifiques, des technologies, des expertises professionnelles et de l’environnement social, politique et économique.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Cette thèse analyse la manifestation de la tradition dans certains textes des écrivains migrants au Québec, nommément La Québécoite et L’Immense fatigue des pierres de Régine Robin, Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit ?, Pays sans chapeau et L’Énigme du retour de Dany Laferrière et, enfin L’Ingratitude et Immobile de Ying Chen. Les références à des récits, à des croyances et à des pratiques collectives qui se trouvent dans ces textes signalent une transformation de la transmission de l’héritage culturel d’une génération à l’autre. Afin de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des liens entre la mémoire collective et la communauté culturelle se définissant dans le présent, je me sers du travail de folkloristes comme Alan Dundes, Simon Bronner et Richard Handler de même que des théories sur la faculté de la tradition proposées par Paul Ricœur, Walter Benjamin et Pierre Nora. Dans la première partie de la thèse, j’étudie l’imaginaire populaire du XIXe siècle et son incorporation dans la littérature canadienne-française de l’époque. Ensuite, j’analyse la remise en question de la tradition – de même que le rôle sous-jacent qu’elle continue de jouer, lors de la Révolution tranquille. Par rapport à ces deux périodes précédentes, l’usage du folklore chez les auteurs migrants laisse présager une nouvelle opération de la tradition dans un contexte où plusieurs groupes culturels se rencontrent. Dans un contexte pluraliste, l’idée de la communauté culturelle est fabriquée en fonction de notre appartenance à plusieurs groupes. Je m’intéresse à comment les gens qui habitent ensemble formulent des liens au passé même dans une situation dans laquelle ils ne partagent pas les mêmes rapports à la mémoire collective. Explorant le renouvellement, qui peut sembler paradoxal, de la tradition, je forme l’hypothèse qu’il est possible pour un groupe de se définir en fonction de valeurs culturelles puisées dans un passé collectif qui s’adaptent constamment à la réalité actuelle.
This article explores forms of migrant families’ reorganization within a (new) global economic crisis and the hardening of migration control in Europe; based on the cases of Dominican and Brazilian migration to Spain.Our goal is not to characterize the wholeness of strategies from these collectives, instead visualize its heterogeneity. Displacement of Dominican and Brazilian population to Spain shares the role of women as the first link of migration chains. In both cases women are the economic support of transnational families and they lead reunification's processes. Nevertheless, differences in the time spent in the destination country, migratory status, origin (rural-urban), level of education, class and labor insertion in destination country, affect differently, the planning and start up of migration projects, the organization of care and family reunification strategies. These findings question the predominant place granted to national origin in the study of international migration.