998 resultados para Museus - Aspectos sociais
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar até que ponto a formação acadêmica ministrada nos cursos de design responde aos anseios da sociedade e do setor produtivo e o de coletar subsídios para a discussão da situação do ensino de design no Brasil e elaboração de estratégias que permitam sua melhoria de maneira a ter profissionais adequados ao desenvolvimento de produtos que, embora com a marca da nossa realidade e cultura, sejam também universais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The experience of menopause is increasingly present, and demand strategies to improve the quality of life of women during this period. This research aimed to evaluate the quality of life for women in the climacteric phase, with or without the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is a longitudinal epidemiological study of a sample of 99 women per group. It was evaluated the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics. It was used the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). For data analysis, it was used the Student t test, chi-square and Tukey. HRT users had an average age of 50.76 ± 3.63 years, and nonusers of 48.95 ± 6,27anos (p = 0.01). It was identified a higher frequency of moderate climacteric symptoms of mild intensity. The social aspects evidenced scores below 50 for the two groups. There were differences between groups with respect to the components of the SF-36 and MRS to general health, functional capacity, lower capacity, depression, insomnia and vasomotor phenomena.
Os mistérios que permeiam a Educação de Jovens e Adultos são capazes de fazer com que as pessoas que possuem contato com esse tipo de educação se envolvam em suas questões mais profundas, buscando compreender a relação que se estabelece entre as mesmas e a educação. Dessa forma, ao entrar no projeto EJA/PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Incentivo à Docência) como estagiária-bolsista, projeto este que visa atuar em uma sala de EJA que esteja vinculada a uma escola periférica do município, com alunos alfabetizados ou semi-alfabetizados, que vem sendo desenvolvido no Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro, juntamente com a Escola Municipal Celeste Calil localizada no bairro Jardim Novo Wenzel. Composta também de alunos da comunidade do entorno, a classe define-se como multiseriada e funciona no período vespertino.Dos problemas que norteiam a Educação de Jovens e Adultos, principalmente aqueles que atingem as camadas mais populares da sociedade, optou-se por trabalhar com o tema na busca de reflexões a duas questões centrais: os motivos que levaram as pessoas matriculadas na EJA nas referidas escolas a desistir de seus estudos e quais são os fatores motivadores que as levaram a retornar à educação escolarizada, ainda que tardiamente. As reflexões pautadas por essas duas questões serão discutidas a partir de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa que tem como técnica de coleta de dados um questionário, elaborado para as turmas de EJA. A análise desses dados pode contribuir para levantar e entender a trajetória escolar desses alunos e os impactos que a vivência da exclusão escolar e o da reinserção escolar trouxeram a eles, tendo como base de estudo de fatores históricosociais/ políticos da EJA, teóricos como: Paulo Freire, Vanilda Paiva, Álvaro Pinto, Sérgio Haddad, etc
A sociedade contemporânea presencia um momento mundial bastante crítico, no qual se faz presente uma crise sócio-ambiental que tende a se agravar a cada dia devido à exploração e distribuição de recursos naturais inadequadas. Na busca de um modelo que torne viável a sobrevivência das futuras gerações de todas as espécies viventes, faz-se necessária uma alteração do paradigma antropocêntrico vigente, para um paradigma biocêntrico, comprometido com todas as formas de vida do planeta. A mudança dos padrões consumistas presentes no sistema capitalista para padrões permeados pelo consumo sustentável torna-se base essencial para esta mudança de paradigmas. Em tal processo de transição, a educação aparece como uma importante ferramenta para a formação de indivíduos conscientes, criativos e portadores de senso crítico, enfim, indivíduos mais capazes de promover as mudanças de padrões necessárias. Surge então a necessidade de uma educação inovadora, que promova a formação de cidadãos conscientes e atuantes. A partir dessas necessidades, surge o trabalho aqui exposto, com o objetivo de proporcionar uma cartilha de base para iniciativas educacionais voltadas ao consumo responsável.
The climate and weather have direct implications on society, are factors that can to regulate or restrict human occupation in a determined space. In this way, studies of climate and weather are justified to be extremely necessary for urban planning and economic activities, especially agriculture. The precipitation of hail, which enters in the classification of severe storm, causes large, direct and indirect impacts on society, mainly when it occurs in urban areas. This work aims to study the precipitation of hail, explain what is a severe storms and how hail is formed in clouds, making use of a literature review in geography and also in weather sciences. It is also an aim of this work analyze the genesis, evolution and dissipation of a specific case of precipitation of hail occurred in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, especially in Guarulhos, on 21st of September 21 of 2010, through the use of GOES-12’ satellite’s images and the use of São Roque’s weather radar. And in this way, show the potential impact of hail storms in society and contribute to a greater preparedness of the population, urban planners associations and emergency management, such as municipalities, the civil defense and fireman
The Mercosul project, signed in 1991, represents the union of a political project, characterized by a democratic agreement among its members, with an economical project characterized by the trade liberalization among its regional members and among these with the global economy. So, it was constituted, with the aim to expand the national trades by the integration, to increase the economic development process with social justice. However, the Mercosul follows the historical trajectory of Latin America integration, characterized by models that aimed the economical development from the strengthening of the industry. According to that, the Mercosul politics are priority for economic issues, focused in the industrialization and trade relations, giving less priority to the social demands. In opposition to such ideas, in 2004 was created the Especialized Meeting about Family Farm (Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar - REAF) in the Mercosul, that aim to strengthen the public policies of the sector, to promote the commercialization of the family farm products in the region. So, the family farm, a sector historically marginalized from the integration projects, it is institutionalized in the Mercosul. In that way, the aim of this research is to discuss the reasons that leaded to the family farm institutionalization, and also to analyze the advances and problems of the Especialized Meeting about Family Farm
This research focuses on methods and strategies for educational-based digital tools, aimed at the public school. Thus, we present possibilities, and the main actions of the national museum institutions in several online educational services that exemplify some forms of virtual mediation in order to verify the relevance of using these tools. The study discusses the need for museums to follow the advance of new technologies to engage and retain the public school, consisting of a highly connected generation with new technologies. It also brings a brief overview of the evolution of the museum in the Western world and presents the formation and nature of art collections that comprise the Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces of the State of São Paulo, focusing on the management policy of each period, highlighting the educational program and the relationship with the website. As a practical exercise, the research presented suggests applying a form of mediation for the virtual site of Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces to extend relations sector educational institution for the virtual context
The construction of the São Paulo International Airport in Guarulhos recorded significant economic growth for the whole region, especially for services and jobs generated. Despite the importance of its presence in Guarulhos, we note the absence of an articulate and committed planning to urban development of the city, mainly in adjacent areas to this airport system planning. Through this stud, we analyzed primarily the major interferences and modifications afforded by its presence in guarulhense spatiality. We found that the government was, to some extent, tolerant to mounting housing in the surrounding area to the airport, from the moment that allowed the diverse urban land use in the place where it was planned to build such equipment. We further note that the airport is developed autonomously to the municipality in which the investments and related works only aim to meet the needs of the enterprise