921 resultados para Mecânica


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Ilustraciones de aplicaciones de fuerza mecánica a las máquinas.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The use of composite materials for the construction industry has been the subject of numerous scientific papers in Brazil and in the world. One of the factors that motivate this quest is the housing deficit that countries especially the third world face. In Brazil this deficit reaches more than 6.5 million homes, around 12% of all US households . This paper presents a composite that was obtained from waste generated in processes for the production of granite and marble slabs, cement, gypsum, sand, crushed EPS and water. These wastes cause great damage to the environment and are thrown into landfi lls in bulk. The novelty of the work is in the combined study thermal, mechanical and acoustic composite obtained in real situation of rooms that are part of an experimental housing. Many blocks were made from cement compositions, plaster, foam, sand, marb le and / or granite, preliminary tests of mechanical and thermal resistance were made by choosing the most appropriate proportion. Will be given the manufacturing processes and assembly units 500 units 10 x 80 x 28 cm produced for the construction of an ex perimental home. We studied what kind of block and residue, marble or granite, made it more feasible for the intended purpose. The mechanical strength of the produced blocks were above 3.0 MPa. The thermal resistance of the blocks was confirmed by the maxi mum temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of rooms built around 8.0 ° C. The sound absorption for optimal room was around 31%. Demonstrated the feasibility of using the blocks manufactured with composite material proposed for construction.


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In the last decades, analogue modelling has been used in geology to improve the knowledge of how geological structures are nucleated, how they grow and what are the main important points in such processes. The use of this tool in the oil industry, to help seismic interpretations and mainly to search for structural traps contributed to disseminate the use of this tool in the literature. Nowadays, physical modelling has a large field of applications, since landslide to granite emplacement along shear zones. In this work, we deal with physical modelling to study the influence of mechanical stratifications in the nucleation and development of faults and fractures in a context of orthogonal and conjugated oblique basins. To simulate a mechanical stratigraphy we used different materials, with distinct physical proprieties, such as gypsum powder, glass beads, dry clay and quartz sand. Some experiments were run along with a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), an instrument that shows the movement of the particles to each deformation moment. Two series of experiments were studied: i) Series MO: We tested the development of normal faults in a context of an orthogonal (to the extension direction) basin. Experiments were run taking into account the change of materials and strata thickness. Some experiments were done with sintectonic sedimentation. We registered differences in the nucleation and growth of faults in layers with different rheological behavior. The gypsum powder layer behaves in a more competent mode, which generates a great number of high angle fractures. These fractures evolve to faults that exhibit a higher dip than when they cross less competent layers, like the one of quartz sand. This competent layer exhibits faulted blocks arranged in a typical domino-style. Cataclastic breccias developed along the faults affecting the competent layers and showed different evolutional history, depending on the deforming stratigraphic sequence; ii) Series MOS2: Normal faults were analyzed in conjugated sub-basins (oblique to the extension direction) developed in a sequence with and without rheological contrast. In experiments with rheological contrast, two important grabens developed along the faulted margins differing from the subbasins with mechanical stratigraphy. Both experiments developed oblique fault systems and, in the area of sub-basins intersection, faults traces became very curved.


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Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a health care related infection and the second leading cause of nosocomial infections linked to morbidity and mortality rates. Therefore, the implementation of care guideline protocols has become necessary for critically ill patients in ICUs in order to provide adequate treatment. Objective: To assess the impact of a package called FAST HUG in PAV ; analyze the risk factors for occurrence of VAP in adult patients at an ICU of a private hospital ; analyze the clinical characteristics of patients who were or were not submitted to the FAST HUG ; analyze the etiology of microorganisms related to EPI ; determine the cost of hospitalization in patients with pneumonia and in patients who received the FAST HUG.Methods: The study was performed in a private hospital that has an 8-bed ICU. It was divided into two phases: before implementing FAST HUG, from August 2011 to August 2012 and after the implementation of FAST HUG, from September 2012 to December 2013. An individual form for each patient in the study was filled out by using information taken electronically from the hospital medical records. The following data for each patient was obtained: age, gender, reason for hospitalization, the use of three or more types of antibiotics, length of stay, intubation time and progress. Findings: After the implementation of FAST HUG, there was an observable decrease in the occurrence of VAP (p <0.01), as well as a reduction in mortality rates (p <0.01). It also shows that the intervention performed in the study resulted in a significant reduction in ICU hospital costs (p <0.05).Conclusion: The implementation of FAST HUG reduced the cases of VAP. Thus, decreasing costs, reducing mortality rates and length of stay, which therefore resulted in an improvement to the overall quality of care.


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Este projeto visa efetuar a caracterização mecânica da liga AlSi10Mg obtida por SLM (Fundição de Metal por Laser) para aplicação em componentes automóveis. Ao longo deste projeto é efetuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica das tecnologias de fabrico rápido mais frequentemente aplicadas ao processamento de alumínios, abordando de forma específica a tecnologia SLM, bem como a influência dos seus parâmetros no processamento de ligas de alumínio. Será levado a cabo um estudo comparativo da liga AlSi10Mg fabricada por fundição em molde permanente com a obtida por SLM, analisando-se a microestrutura das ligas, bem como as suas propriedades mecânicas, através da realização de ensaios de dureza, tração, análise dinâmico-mecânica e fadiga. Deste modo será possível perceber as diferenças entre o comportamento mecânico da liga obtida por SLM e a liga obtida pelo método convencional. Em resultado do estudo realizado, observou-se que a liga AlSi10Mg obtida por SLM apresenta uma microestrutura muito mais fina do que a liga fabricada por fundição em molde permanente, o que lhe permite ter um comportamento mecânico superior na maioria dos ensaios mecânicos realizados. Assim, é possível aplicar a tecnologia SLM ao fabrico de componentes em alumínio no sector automóvel, visto ser possível obter propriedades mecânicas superiores ou equivalentes aos componentes fabricados pelos processos de fabrico convencionais.


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Uma das causas de insucesso nas artroplastias do joelho está relacionada com a dor que os doentes sentem a curto e/ou longo prazo. A dor tanto pode ser devida a infecção ou descolamento, como pode estar presente sem qualquer um destes factores, provocando a substituição da prótese. Existem estudos de origem clínica que relatam uma percentagem, que se pode considerar relevante, de dor na extremidade da haste, quer na zona da tíbia quer no fémur [1-3]. A nível ósseo, a cintigrafia pode mostrar as alterações metabólicas locais, antes de qualquer tradução radiográfica [4]. O aumento da carga, a nível ósseo, estimula localmente a actividade osteoblástica [4]. Esta estimulação pode originar dor local, como demonstrado num caso clínico por Fonseca et al. [5], referente a um doente com dor na extremidade da haste de uma prótese do joelho e onde a cintigrafia com Tc 99m [5] mostrava uma actividade celular mais intensa em torno da extremidade. O presente estudo teve como objectivo verificar até que ponto é possível estabelecer uma relação entre o sintoma dor e o comportamento biomecânico da haste da prótese do joelho e, particularmente, na sua extremidade. A análise relativa ao nível de tensões no osso, em torno da haste tibial, comparativamente ao valor do osso intacto para o mesmo tipo de carga e localização, foi realizada utilizando a aplicação de análise estrutural HyperWorks (Altair Engineering Inc.). Um estudo posterior, relativo à forma e material da extremidade da haste levou à conclusão de que é possível uma melhor uniformização das tensões no osso, podendo-se desta forma aproximar às tensões fisiológicas. Neste sentido, a forma geometral da haste deverá ser objecto de optimização, que poderá incluir materiais poliméricos, de menor rigidez, na ponta distal do implante.


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Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Área de especialização: Intervenção Cardiovascular.


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Introducción: el aprendizaje de la ventilación mecánica (VM) pediátrica requiere de tiempo y diversas estrategias educativas. En los últimos años se han utilizado los videopodcast para la educación médica. Objetivos: documentación filmográfica de los elementos básicos de la mecánica respiratoria durante la VM en un modelo animal. Creación de un videopodcast para la formación de recursos humanos especializados en VM pediátrica. Metodología: se prepararon diferentes secuencias de VM con ventilador y en forma manual. Se realizó exposición pulmonar mediante toracotomía y VM convencional en un cerdo. Se grabó simultáneamente lo monitorizado por el ventilador y la visualización in vivo del pulmón expuesto ante cada secuencia. Dos especialistas en cuidados intensivos pediátricos analizaron durante la edición las grabaciones y confeccionaron un guión explicativo de lo observado. Resultados: se editó un video con las diferentes secuencias previstas: VM basal, VM sin presión positiva teleespiratoria (PEEP), VM con niveles incrementales de PEEP, VM con bolsa autoinflable, aspiración de sonda endotraqueal con circuito cerrado y abierto durante VM con ventilador y manual con operador. Se editó un videopodcast con leyendas explicativas. Discusión: la utilización de recursos digitales para la enseñanza y divulgación de diversas especialidades médicas es cada vez más frecuente. El videopodcast se ha expandido como una nueva herramienta educativa. Se construyó un modelo para la capacitación de los recursos humanos en VM mediante este formato. La experiencia servirá para construir una videoteca universitaria dirigida a la enseñanza de cuidados críticos del niño y para la divulgación de experimentos biomédicos.


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Se adicionó biosólido como componente de una pasta cerámica para la fabricación de ladrillos. Se caracterizaron las materias primas (arcilla y biosólido) en cuanto a composición química, fases mineralógicas, comportamiento térmico y características físicas. Se fabricaron ladrillos con hasta un 15 % de inclusión de biosólido en estado seco, de dimensiones estándar según Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC) 296 y cocidos a temperaturas de 950 °C, 1000 °C y 1050 °C. Se realizaron pruebas de resistencia a la compresión bajo los lineamientos de la NTC 4017, con el fin de evaluar el efecto que sobre esta propiedad tiene la cantidad porcentual de adición del biosólido. Desde el punto de vista ambiental se evaluó la inocuidad de los metales presentes en el biosólido, desarrollando la prueba Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) en ladrillos fabricados con adición del residuo.


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Objective: To know the mothers’ perception of the main difficulties in the care of children with special needs dependent on mechanical ventilation. Methods: A qualitative research conducted from August to November 2013 at the Dr. Waldemar Alcântara Hospital in Fortaleza, CE. Respondents were seven mothers of children under mechanical ventilation. Data were collected using sociodemographic questionnaires and guiding questions, from which emerged thematic categories that underwent content analysis, with data being discussed in the light of the relevant literature. Results: The average age of mothers ranged 18-36 years. Six were married or had formed a common-law marriage. Education level ranged from illiteracy to complete secondary education. Family income was up to one minimum wage. Mothers reported anguish and fear regarding the initial impact of the diagnosis, with little understanding of the biomedical language and a lot of questions during the whole period after diagnosis and during hospitalization. Conclusion: Difficulties involve aspects related to family abandonment, the distancing from the other children at the expense of the care of the disable child, the difficulty in engaging in social relationships, and the prognosis and care of their child. The hospital environment generates psychological repercussions on the expectation and hopelessness regarding the cure of their child, as they know they might die. Healthcare professionals can favor incredible transformations, generating a new “care”, broader and humanized, facilitating the recovery/restructuring of the family within this new universe.