491 resultados para Maureen Elgersman Leee


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The publication illustrates various approaches to auditing and reflects on their merit, as well as outlines the implementation of audits in different higher education systems across Europe. One focus is to show common aspects and apparent deviations concerning purpose and aim of the audit, national legislation, scope of the audit, external assessments and their effects. In addition it reflects on current and future challenges and developments. Contributions from twelve European quality assurance agencies provide an insight into their audit approaches. The publication is targeted at quality assurance agencies, higher education institutions and other stakeholders and aims to increase knowledge about different quality assurance procedures across borders. With contributions by: Kastelliz, Dietlinde; Müller Strassnig, Annina; Kohler, Alexander; Huertas, Esther; Adot, Esther; Perez de la Calle, Jose Antonio; Balboa, Esther; Danian, Rado Mircea; Sarbu, Oana; Pedersen, Lars; Moitus, Sirpa; Leetz, Friederike; Froestad, Wenche; van Galen, Stephan; Le Fort, Genevieve; McLaughlin, Maureen; Crum, Ailsa.


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The Group A Streptococcus (GAS), or Streptococcus pyogenes, is a strict human pathogen that colonizes a variety of sites within the host. Infections can vary from minor and easily treatable, to life-threatening, invasive forms of disease. In order to adapt to niches, GAS utilizes environmental cues, such as carbohydrates, to coordinate the expression of virulence factors. Research efforts to date have focused on identifying how either components of the phosphoenolpyruvate-phosphotransferase system (PTS) or global transcriptional networks affect the regulation of virulence factors, but not the synergistic relationship between the two. The present study investigates the role of a putative PTS-fructose operon encoded by fruRBA and its role in virulence in the M1T1 strain 5448. Growth in fructose resulted in induction of fruRBA. RT-PCR showed that fruRBA formed an operon, which was repressed by FruR in the absence of fructose. Growth and carbon utilization profiles revealed that although the entire fruRBA operon was required for growth in fructose, FruA was the main fructose transporter. The ability of both ΔfruR and ΔfruB mutants to survive in whole human blood or neutrophils was impaired. However, the phenotypes were not reproduced in murine whole blood or in a mouse intraperitoneal infection, indicating a human-specific mechanism. While it is known that the PTS can affect activity of the Mga virulence regulator, further characterization of the mechanism by which sugars and its protein domains affect activity have not been studied. Transcriptional studies revealed that the core Mga regulon is activated more in a glucose-rich than a glucose-poor environment. This activation correlates with the differential phosphorylation of Mga at its PTS regulatory domains (PRDs). Using a 5448 mga mutant, transcriptome studies in THY or C media established that the Mga regulon reflects the media used. Interestingly, Mga regulates phage-encoded DNases in a low glucose environment. We also show that Mga activity is dependent on C-terminal amino acid interactions that aid in the formation of homodimers. Overall, the studies presented sought to define how external environmental cues, specifically carbohydrates, control complex regulatory networks used by GAS, contribute to pathogenesis, and aid in adaptation to various nutrient conditions encountered.


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The recent staging of Glasgow 2014 drew universal praise as the ‘Best Games Ever’. Yet the substantial undertaking of hosting the Commonwealth Games (CWG) was sold to the nation as more than just eleven days of sporting spectacle and cultural entertainment. Indeed, the primary strategic justification offered by policymakers and city leaders was the delivery of a bundle of positive and enduring benefits, so-called ‘legacy’. This ubiquitous and amorphous concept has evolved over time to become the central focus of contemporary hosting bids, reflecting a general public policy shift towards using major sporting mega events as a catalyst to generate benefits across economic, environmental and social dimensions, on a scale intended to be truly transformative. At the same time, the academy has drawn attention to the absence of evidence in support of the prevailing legacy rhetoric and raised a number of sociological concerns, not least the socially unequitable distribution of purported benefits. This study investigated how young people living in the core hosting zone related to, and were impacted upon, by the CWG and its associated developments and activities with reference to their socio-spatial horizons, the primary outcome of interest. An ‘ideal world’ Logic Model hypothesised that four mechanisms, identified from official legacy documents and social theories, would alter young people’s subjective readings of the world by virtue of broadening their social networks, extending their spatial boundaries and altering their mind sets. A qualitative methodology facilitated the gathering of situated and contextualised accounts of young people’s attitudes, perceptions, beliefs and behaviours relating to Glasgow 2014. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted before and after the Games with 26 young people, aged 14-16 years, at two schools in the East End. This approach was instrumental in privileging the interests of people ‘on the ground’ over those of city-wide and national stakeholders. The findings showed that young people perceived the dominant legacy benefit to be an improved reputation and image for Glasgow and the East End. Primary beneficiaries were identified by them as those with vested business interests e.g. retailers, restaurateurs, and hoteliers, as well as national and local government, with low expectations of personal dividends or ‘trickle down’ benefits. Support for Glasgow 2014 did not necessarily translate into individual engagement with the various cultural and sporting activities leading up to the CWG, including the event itself. The study found that young people who engaged most were those who had the ability to ‘read’ the opportunities available to them and who had the social, cultural and economic capital necessary to grasp them, with the corollary that those who might have gained most were the least likely to have engaged with the CWG. Doubts articulated by research participants about the social sustainability of Glasgow 2014 underscored inherent tensions between the short-lived thrill of the spectacle and the anticipated longevity of its impacts. The headline message is that hosting sporting mega events might not be an effective means of delivering social change. Aspirant host cities should consider more socially equitable alternatives to sporting mega events prior to bidding; and future host cities should endeavour to engage more purposefully with more young people over longer time frames.


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Complete and transparent reporting of key elements of diagnostic accuracy studies for infectious diseases in cultured and wild aquatic animals benefits end-users of these tests, enabling the rational design of surveillance programs, the assessment of test results from clinical cases and comparisons of diagnostic test performance. Based on deficiencies in the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) guidelines identified in a prior finfish study (Gardner et al. 2014), we adapted the Standards for Reporting of Animal Diagnostic Accuracy Studies—paratuberculosis (STRADAS-paraTB) checklist of 25 reporting items to increase their relevance to finfish, amphibians, molluscs, and crustaceans and provided examples and explanations for each item. The checklist, known as STRADAS-aquatic, was developed and refined by an expert group of 14 transdisciplinary scientists with experience in test evaluation studies using field and experimental samples, in operation of reference laboratories for aquatic animal pathogens, and in development of international aquatic animal health policy. The main changes to the STRADAS-paraTB checklist were to nomenclature related to the species, the addition of guidelines for experimental challenge studies, and the designation of some items as relevant only to experimental studies and ante-mortem tests. We believe that adoption of these guidelines will improve reporting of primary studies of test accuracy for aquatic animal diseases and facilitate assessment of their fitness-for-purpose. Given the importance of diagnostic tests to underpin the Sanitary and Phytosanitary agreement of the World Trade Organization, the principles outlined in this paper should be applied to other World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)-relevant species.


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This dissertation studies technological change in the context of energy and environmental economics. Technology plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Chapter 1 estimates a structural model of the car industry that allows for endogenous product characteristics to investigate how gasoline taxes, R&D subsidies and competition affect fuel efficiency and vehicle prices in the medium-run, both through car-makers' decisions to adopt technologies and through their investments in knowledge capital. I use technology adoption and automotive patents data for 1986-2006 to estimate this model. I show that 92% of fuel efficiency improvements between 1986 and 2006 were driven by technology adoption, while the role of knowledge capital is largely to reduce the marginal production costs of fuel-efficient cars. A counterfactual predicts that an additional $1/gallon gasoline tax in 2006 would have increased the technology adoption rate, and raised average fuel efficiency by 0.47 miles/gallon, twice the annual fuel efficiency improvement in 2003-2006. An R&D subsidy that would reduce the marginal cost of knowledge capital by 25% in 2006 would have raised investment in knowledge capital. This subsidy would have raised fuel efficiency only by 0.06 miles/gallon in 2006, but would have increased variable profits by $2.3 billion over all firms that year. Passenger vehicle fuel economy standards in the United States will require substantial improvements in new vehicle fuel economy over the next decade. Economic theory suggests that vehicle manufacturers adopt greater fuel-saving technologies for vehicles with larger market size. Chapter 2 documents a strong connection between market size, measured by sales, and technology adoption. Using variation consumer demographics and purchasing pattern to account for the endogeneity of market size, we find that a 10 percent increase in market size raises vehicle fuel efficiency by 0.3 percent, as compared to a mean improvement of 1.4 percent per year over 1997-2013. Historically, fuel price and demographic-driven market size changes have had large effects on technology adoption. Furthermore, fuel taxes would induce firms to adopt fuel-saving technologies on their most efficient cars, thereby polarizing the fuel efficiency distribution of the new vehicle fleet.


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Aim This systematic review aimed at examining the best available evidence on the effectiveness of community-based nutrition education in improving the nutrition status of under five children in developing countries. Methods A systematic search of the literature was conducted utilising the following data bases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE, Medline, and Web of Knowledge. 9 studies were identified for the critical appraisal process. The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal check-list for experimental studies was utilised and two reviewers conducted the appraisal process independently. 7 studies were included for this review and data was extracted using the JBI data extraction form for experimental studies. The extracted data was heterogeneous as such narrative synthesis was conducted. Results The nutritional status of children in all studies improved and this was evidenced by increases in weight, height, mid upper arm circumference and reduced morbidity. Key messages about education were age at introduction of complementary foods, nutrition value on different types of feeds found locally and frequency of feeding the children. However, there were varied Results regarding the effects of the intervention on the nutrition status of children. This was attributed by differences in implementers’ characteristics, different intervention strategy and intensity, difference in age of the children at enrolment, pre-existing children’s growth and nutritional status and follow-up periods. In addition to home visiting, conducting group meetings of care givers and community leaders, providing education twice a week and use of cooking demonstrations have shown that they produce highly significant findings. Conclusion The evidence from the identified studies suggests that community- based nutrition education improves the nutrition status of under-five children in developing countries.


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El objetivo central de esta investigación ha sido profundizar en el autoconcepto e intereses de los adolescentes nativos e inmigrantes. Si bien los constructos inmigrante y autoconcepto han sido ampliamente estudiados, las investigaciones que ponen en relación ambos son muy escasas (Areepattamannil y Freeman, 2008; Kaminski, Shafer y Neumann, 2005; Maureen, C. K.; McEarchern, A., 2009; Roebers y Schneider, 1999; Ullman y Tartar, 2001). En España esta necesidad es todavía más acuciante, dado que, aunque la presencia de inmigrantes en las aulas es habitual, los estudios sobre autoconcepto e inmigración son aún más exiguos. Además, hacemos una propuesta transcultural, ya que, como afirma Marsh y Hau (2004) es necesario estudiar las semejanzas, y no sólo las diferencias, para conocer también los puntos de conexión entre nativos e inmigrantes y así favorecer la inclusión entre culturas. En el estudio han participado 2701 alumnos de 2º de la ESO de la Comunidad de Madrid, seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio estratificado, distribuidos proporcionalmente en función del área territorial de pertenencia y de la titularidad del centro educativo. La representación, en cuanto a género, es del 50% de mujeres, el 48% de varones y un 2% que no contesta. De ellos, 2164 son nativos, 492 inmigrantes y 45 alumnos no contestan. Entre los inmigrantes, hay adolescentes nacidos en 44 países diferentes, por lo que se decidió agrupar los alumnos cuyos orígenes estaban representados por menos de 16 alumnos. De este modo, se ha trabajado con 14 grupos diferentes para realizar los análisis en función del país de nacimiento, estos son, ordenados según el tamaño de cada muestra: España, Ecuador, Colombia, agrupados en América del Sur, Rumanía, Perú, agrupados en América Central y Caribe, agrupados en Unión Europea, Marruecos, agrupados en Asia, agrupados en Europa no UE, agrupados en América del Norte agrupados en África y el grupo de los que no contestan que no fueron tenidos en los análisis...


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En este número de reflexiones pedagógicas presentamos el modelo que se ha diseñado para implementar la evaluación por colegas pares en la Universidad del Rosario. Explicamos los principios que lo guían y las etapas y procedimientos para realizar esta evaluación; además, exponemos algunos aprendizajes que ha dejado su implementación en dos facultades en los últimos años, y presentamos algunos retos y desarrollos que enfrenta el modelo a futuro.


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The purpose of this essay is to raise the educational development that has been experienced in our country, outlining influential frames such as political, social, religious and economical ones. It aims to report statistical data as indicators of the development of our educational system, in areas of coverage, average education, repetition, desertion, among others. It is imperative to achieve changes and restructuring in our education system at all levels, from kindergarten to university, so it should take into account the contribution of all stakeholders in the education sector, as the human resource is valuable and all the innovative proposals should be heard, especially those that seek to build together and not ideas imposed that hinder the development of education in our country. Improvements must be necessary because there is an existing desire by many people of improving and achieving a true enrichment in our education.


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The purpose of this paper is to raise a debate on the urgent need for teachers to generate innovative situations in the teaching-learning process, in the field of Mathematics, as a way for students to develop logical reasoning and research skills applicable to everyday situations. It includes some statistical data and possible reasons for the poor performance and dissatisfaction of students towards Mathematics. Since teachers are called to offer meaningful and functional learning experiences to students, in order to promote the pleasure of learning, teacher training should include experiences that can be put into practice by teachers in the education centers. This paper includes a work proposal for Mathematics Teaching to generate discussion, curiosity and logical reasoning in students, together with the Mathematical problem solving study.


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São avaliadas a eficácia de dois tipos de anelagem de árvores, como tratamento silvicultural para florestas naturais da Amazônia e a resistência de oito espécies arbóreas ao tratamento de anelagem, em 5 ha, na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, à margem da BR 163, km 69, no município de Belterra, Pará. As espécies escolhidas foram: Carapa guianensis (andiroba, Meliaceae); Pouteria heterosepala (abiu, Sapotaceae); Hevea guianensis (seringueira, Euphorbiaceae); Helicostylis pedunculata (muiratinga-folha-peluda, Moraceae); Couratari oblongtfolia (tauari, Lecythidaceae); Sclerolobium crysophyllum (taxi-vermelho, Leguminosae); Virola melinonii (ucuuba-da-terra-firme, Myristicaceae); Bixa arborea (urucu-da-mata, Bixaceae). Os dois tipos de anelagem: anelagem completa e anelagem com entalhes foram analisados em três classes diamétricas, perfazendo seis tratamentos. De cada espécie foram escolhidas duas árvores, perfazendo um total de dezesseis árvores em cada tratamento. Tanto a anelagem completa quanto a anelagem com entalhes podem ser considerados tratamentos eficazes quando utilizado em desbastes, pois já aos cinco anos mostraram uma taxa de mortalidade alta. A anelagem completa se mostrou mais indicada como tratamento silvicultural, porque mostra a maior taxa de mortalidade em todos os tratamentos e dificulta a recuperação da área anelada. As espécies Pouteria heterosepala, Helicostylis pedunculata, Hevea guianensis e Couratari oblongifolia se mostraram mais resistentes a ambos os tipos de anelagem, com uma taxa de mortalidade considerada baixa. Nas espécies Sclerolobium crysophyllum, Virola melinonii, Bixa arborea e Garapa guianensis, a anelagem pode ser aplicada com sucesso, considerando que aos cinco anos já atingiram uma taxa média consideravelmente alta (maior que 60%), sem a utilização de arboricidas.