970 resultados para Managing International Hospitality
FCT/UNL; UNIDEMI, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, CEST, MANO, Visteon, Axiomatic Design, Pionee
The 2nd International Conference on "Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society" was organised by IET, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation, at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of "Universidade Nova de Lisboa" (FCT-UNL), and took place on January 26 and 27 of 2009 with the support of the European project WORKS-Work Organisation Re-structuring in the Knowledge Society (financed by the European Commission, and co-ordinated by HIVA Leuven)
Competition between public and private firms exists in a range of industries like telecommunications, electricity, natural gas, airlines industries, as weel as services including hospitals, banking and education. Some authors studied mixed oligopolies under Cournot competition (firms move simultaneously) and some others considered Stackelberg models (firms move sequentially). Tomaru [1] analyzed, in a Cournot model, how decision-making upon cost-reducing R&D investment by a domestic public firm is affected by privatization when competing in the domestic market with a foreign firm. He shows that privatization of the domestic public firm lowers productive efficiency and deteriorates domestic social welfare. In this paper, we examine the same question but in a Stackelberg formulation instead of Cournot. The model is a three-stage game. In the first stage, the domestic firm chooses the amount of cost-reducing R&D investment. Then, the firms compete à la Stackelberg. Two cases are considered: (i) The domestic firm is the leader; (ii) The foreign firm is the leader. We show that the results obtained in [1] for Cournot competition are robust in the sence that they are also true when firms move sequentially.
We study the effects of entry of a foreign firm on domestic welfare in the presence of licensing, when the entrant is technologically inferior to the incumbent. We show that foreign entry increases domestic welfare for intermediate (respectively, sufficiently large) technological differences between the firms under licensing with fixed fee (respectively, output royalty).
Nowadays, data centers are large energy consumers and the trend for next years is expected to increase further, considering the growth in the order of cloud services. A large portion of this power consumption is due to the control of physical parameters of the data center (such as temperature and humidity). However, these physical parameters are tightly coupled with computations, and even more so in upcoming data centers, where the location of workloads can vary substantially due, for example, to workloads being moved in the cloud infrastructure hosted in the data center. Therefore, managing the physical and compute infrastructure of a large data center is an embodiment of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). In this paper, we describe a data collection and distribution architecture that enables gathering physical parameters of a large data center at a very high temporal and spatial resolution of the sensor measurements. We think this is an important characteristic to enable more accurate heat-flow models of the data center and with them, find opportunities to optimize energy consumptions. Having a high-resolution picture of the data center conditions, also enables minimizing local hot-spots, perform more accurate predictive maintenance (failures in all infrastructure equipments can be more promptly detected) and more accurate billing. We detail this architecture and define the structure of the underlying messaging system that is used to collect and distribute the data. Finally, we show the results of a preliminary study of a typical data center radio environment.
RESUMO - Introdução: As quedas dos doentes são um dos principais eventos adversos que podem ocorrer em contexto hospitalar, levando por um lado, ao aumento de encargos económicos e sociais, e por outro a consequências físicas e psicológicas nos doentes e respectiva família. Para a sua prevenção, é necessário investir na segurança do doente através de uma avaliação e consequente gestão do risco de quedas. Este trabalho insere-se na estratégia de melhorar a segurança do doente e a qualidade dos cuidados prestados. Objectivos: Avaliar em que medida o formulário existente responde às actuais necessidades de gestão do risco de quedas e suas consequências. Por outro lado, com base numa extensa revisão da literatura nacional e internacional, e tendo em conta as dinâmicas de qualidade e segurança do doente que têm sido criadas no hospital em estudo, propor um formulário mais eficaz que permita responder aos desafios que se colocam nos dias de hoje. Metodologia: Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório assente no paradigma quantitativo. A população do estudo foi constituída por 98 doentes que sofreram quedas durante o internamento no ano de 2010, num hospital E.P.E. (Entidade Pública Empresarial) Conclusão: As quedas ocorreram mais frequentemente em indivíduos do sexo masculino com doenças cérebro-vasculares e infecciosas, sendo que na maioria das vezes não resultaram em consequências graves. O formulário que aqui se recomenda tem a vantagem de ser informatizado e caracterizar aspectos relacionados com os custos. ---------------- ABSTRACT - Introduction: Falls of patients are one of the main adverse events that may occur in a hospital context, leading on the one hand, to an increase of economic and social burden, and, on the other hand, physical and psychological consequences for patients and their families. For its prevention, we need to invest in patient safety through an assessment and consequent management of the fall risk. This work is inserted in the strategy to improve the Patient safety and the quality of health care. Objectives: To assess the extent to which the form responds to current needs of managing the fall risk and their consequences. On the other hand, on the basis of an extensive review of national and international literature, and taking into account the dynamics of quality and safety of the patient that are created at the hospital in study, to propose a form more efficient in order to respond to the challenges that we face nowadays. Methodology: It was an exploratory descriptive study based on the quantitative paradigm. The population study was constituted by 98 patients who had suffered falls during hospitalization in the year 2010, in a hospital E.P.E. Conclusion: Falling occurred more frequently in male individuals with cerebral-vascular and infectious diseases, and in most of the time, falls have not resulted in serious consequences. The form recommended here has the advantage of being computerized and characterize aspects related with costs.
BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with increased incidence of diabetes and atherosclerotic complications. The new definition of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) increases the population with this entity, compared to the NCEP ATP III definition. OBJECTIVES: To study the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in patients with and without MS, according to the NCEP ATP III and IDF definitions, and the predictive ability of carotid IMT for CAD. METHODS: We studied 270 consecutive patients admitted for elective coronary angiography due to suspicion of CAD. All patients underwent ultrasound study of the carotid arteries to measure IMT (the highest value between the right and left common carotid arteries was used in the analysis). Coronary stenosis of > or =70% (or 50% for the left main coronary artery) was considered significant. RESULTS: By the ATP III definition, 14% of the patients had MS, and these patients had a higher prevalence of CAD (87% vs. 63%, p = 0.004), but no significant difference was found for carotid IMT (1.03 +/- 0.36 mm vs. 0.95 +/- 0.35 mm, p=NS). With the IDF definition, 61% of the patients had MS; this group was slightly older and included more women. There were no differences in terms of CAD (68% vs. 63%) or carotid IMT (0.97 +/- 0.34 vs. 0.96 +/- 0.39 mm). On multivariate analysis, the ATP III definition of MS predicts CAD (OR 4.76, 95% CI 1.71-13.25, p = 0.003), but the IDF definition does not (OR 1.29, 95% CI 0.74-2.27, p = 0.37). On ROC curve analysis, an IMT of > or = 0.95 mm predicts CAD (AUC 0.66, p < 0.001), with a sensitivity of 52% and specificity of 75%. CONCLUSIONS: The new IDF definition increases the population with MS, decreasing the capacity to predict the presence of CAD. In our population, neither the ATP III nor the IDF definition showed differences in terms of carotid IMT. Carotid IMT can predict CAD, but with only modest sensitivity.
Thesis presented to satisfy the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in International Relation with specialization in Globalization and the Environment,
We consider two Cournot firms, one located in the home country and the other in the foreign country, producing substitute goods for consumption in a third country. We suppose that neither the home government nor the foreign firm know the costs of the home firm, while the foreign firm cost is common knowledge. We determine the separating sequential equilibrium outputs.
We consider two firms, located in different countries, selling the same homogeneous good in both countries. In each country there is a non negative tariff on imports of the good produced in the other country. We suppose that each firm has two different technologies, and uses one of them according to a certain probability distribution. The use of either one or the other technology affects the unitary production cost. We analyse the effect of the production costs uncertainty on the profits of the firms and also on the welfare of the governments.
This paper explores the relationship between the expatriates’ knowledge acquisition (KA) and their career development after an international assignment (IA). The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of expatriates in KA and transfer within International Portuguese multinational corporations. Furthermore, with this empirical study we try to analyse how the knowledge that is acquired and transferred translates into a basis for career development after the IA. This phenomenon has a special relevance in the Portuguese context, because this country is known a growing process of globalization in recent years. Furthermore, (a) there are no empirical studies concerning knowledge transfer and career development of repatriates from Portuguese companies; (b) little is known about the repatriates’ contributions to their home company after IA. This paper is one of the first to focus specifically on the repatriates’ role in KA and transfer from the host company to their Portuguese home company. A qualitative research methodology is used, specifically through an exploratory case study approach, which examines how knowledge management (KM) acquisition or transferring during IA are important for the repatriates’ career development in the Portuguese home company. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to 42 Portuguese international assignees and 18 organizational representatives from nine Portuguese companies. Preliminary results show that KA and transfer made by Portuguese expatriates contributes directly to their career development. Moreover, evidence reveals that not all repatriates were promoted after their IA; rather some repatriates were even demoted after their IA. Furthermore, the results obtained suggest that the type of knowledge which acquired or transferred plays a central role in the career development after repatriation. According to these results, the paper discusses the major theoretical and practical implications. Suggestions for future research are also presented.
Given the increasingly demanding labor market, today’s professional should act according to certain generic competencies, which allows him to perform as required by the contemporary world. In parallel, human resource management (HRM) current trends, highlight the importance that managing by competencies has in the organizational context, in the sense that it impels a more strategic and integrated HRM. The evidence of the theoretical and practical pertinence of this theme resulted in an exploratory study of a qualitative nature, which findings lead us to conclude that the most valued generic competencies by firms are flexibility, interpersonal relationship, adjustment to change and teamwork. Another finding is that HRM managing by competencies practices is characterized by informality. Managing by competencies is more frequent presence in processes as: recruitment, retention and in the employees’ development plans.
Trabalho de Projeto de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização sob orientação da Doutora Celsa Maria Carvalho Machado
The discussion of possible scenarios for the future of Quality is on the priority list of major Quality Practitioners Societies. EOQ – European Organization for Quality (EOQ, 2014) main team for its 58th EOQ-Congress held June 2014 in Göteborg was “Managing Challenges in Quality Leadership” and ASQ - American Society for Quality (ASQ, 2015) appointed “the Future of Quality” for Quality Progress Magazine November 2015 issue. In addition, the ISO 9001:2008 revision process carried by ISO/TC 176 aims to assure that ISO 9001:2015 International Standard remains stable for the next 10 years (ISO, 2014) contributing to an increased discussion on the future of quality. The purpose of this research is to review available Quality Management approaches and outline, adding an academic perspective, expected developments for Quality within the 21st Century. This paper follows a qualitative approach, although data from international organizations is used. A literature review has been undertaken on quality management past and potential future trends. Based on these findings a model is proposed for organization quality management development and propositions for the future of quality management are advanced. Firstly, a state of the art of existing Quality Management approaches is presented, for example, like Total Quality Management (TQM) and Quality Gurus, ISO 9000 International Standards Series (with an outline of the expected changes for ISO 9001:2015), Six Sigma and Business Excellence Models.Secondly, building on theoretical and managerial approaches, a two dimensional matrix – Quality Engineering (QE - technical aspects of quality) and Quality Management (QM: soft aspects of quality) - is presented, outlining five proposed characterizations of Quality maturity levels and giving insights for applications and future developments. Literature review highlights that QM and QE may be addressing similar quality issues but their approaches are different in terms of scope breadth and intensity and they ought to complement and reciprocally reinforce one another. The challenges organizations face within the 21st century have stronger uncertainty, complexity, and differentiation. Two main propositions are advanced as relevant for 21st Century Quality: - QM importance for the sustainable success of organizations will increase and they should be aware of the larger ecosystem to be managed for improvement, possibly leading to the emergence of a new Quality paradigm, The Civilizacional Excellence paradigm. - QE should get more attention from QM and the Quality professionals will have to: a) Master and apply in wider contexts and in additional depth the Quality Tools (basic, intermediate and advanced); b) Have the soft skills needed for its success; c) Be results oriented and better understand and demonstrate the relationships between approaches and results These propositions challenge both scholars and practitioners for a sustained and supported discussion on the future of Quality. “All things are ready, if our mind be so.” (Shakespeare, Henry V, circa 1599).