834 resultados para MOTOR SKILLS AND SPORTS
The essential first step for a beginning reader is to learn to match printed forms to phonological representations. For a new word, this is an effortful process where each grapheme must be translated individually (serial decoding). The role of phonological awareness in developing a decoding strategy is well known. We examined whether beginner readers recruit different skills depending on the nature of the words being read (familiar words vs. nonwords). Print knowledge, phoneme and rhyme awareness, rapid automatized naming (RAN), phonological short term memory (STM), nonverbal reasoning, vocabulary, auditory skills and visual attention were measured in 392 pre-readers aged 4 to 5 years. Word and nonword reading were measured 9 months later. We used structural equation modeling to examine the skills-reading relationship and modeled correlations between our two reading outcomes and among all pre-reading skills. We found that a broad range of skills were associated with reading outcomes: early print knowledge, phonological STM, phoneme awareness and RAN. Whereas all these skills were directly predictive of nonword reading, early print knowledge was the only direct predictor of word reading. Our findings suggest that beginner readers draw most heavily on their existing print knowledge to read familiar words.
Impaired postural control has been associated with poor reading skills, as well as with lower performance on measures of attention and motor control variables that frequently co-occur with reading difficulties. Measures of balance and motor control have been incorporated into several screening batteries for developmental dyslexia, but it is unclear whether the relationship between such skills and reading manifests as a behavioural continuum across the range of abilities or is restricted to groups of individuals with specific disorder phenotypes. Here were obtained measures of postural control alongside measures of reading, attention and general cognitive skills in a large sample of young adults (n = 100). Postural control was assessed using centre of pressure (CoP) measurements, obtained over 5 different task conditions. Our results indicate an absence of strong statistical relationships between balance measures with either reading, cognitive or attention measures across the sample as a whole. © 2014 Loras et al.
Kutatásomban arra a kérdésre kerestem a választ, hogy a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen a hallgatók miként vélekednek a képességek, készségek fejlesztésének fontosságáról az egyetemi képzésen belül. Ennek érdekében 2015 februárjában kérdőíves felmérést végeztem 106 hallgató megkérdezésével. A hallgatók 90%-a egyetértett azzal az állítással, hogy a szakmai ismeretek átadása mellett a képességek, készségek fejlesztésére is hangsúlyt kell helyezni az egyetemi oktatásban. A jövőbeli sikerességük szempontjából a három legfontosabbnak tartott képességek: a problémamegoldó képesség, a gondolkodási képesség és a jó kommunikációs készség. A hallgatók tisztába vannak a jó kommunikációs készség fontosságával az élet számos területén, viszont szembe kell nézni az egyetemi oktatás korlátozott lehetőségeivel. Az oktatók gyakran kényszerülnek választás elé, mire helyezzék az oktatásba elsődlegesen a hangsúlyt, milyen módszertant alkalmazzanak. Ezt a döntést segíti, ha ismerjük hallgatóink preferenciáit, céljait, viszonyukat az egyes módszertani eszközökhöz. Jelen tanulmány ebben kíván segítséget nyújtani. _______ The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ opinion about the importance of skills and abilities development within university. In February 2015 a survey was conducted by interviewing 106 students. More than 90% of students agreed with the statement that beside professional skill transfer, skills and abilities development should be emphasized as well. According to students’ opinion the three most important skills for their future success are: problem-solving, creative thinking and communication skills. Students are aware of the importance of good communication skills in many areas of life but the opportunity of its development is restricted. Lecturers are often forced to make a choice about teaching goals, priorities and teaching methods. Knowledge about students’ goals, preferences and feelings about teaching methods supports this decision. This study intends to provide assistance in this.
A comprehensive approach to sport expertise should consider the entire situation that is comprised of the person, the task, the environment, and the complex interplay of these components (Hackfort, 1986). Accordingly, the Developmental Model of Sport Participation (Côté, Baker, & Abernethy, 2007; Côté & Fraser-Thomas, 2007) provides a comprehensive framework for sport expertise that outlines different pathways of involvement in sport. In pathways one and two, early sampling serves as the foundation for both elite and recreational sport participation. Early sampling is based on two main elements of childhood sport participation: 1) involvement in various sports and 2) participation in deliberate play. In contrast, pathway three shows the course to elite performance through early specialization in one sport. Early specialization implies a focused involvement on one sport and a large number of deliberate practice activities with the goal of improving sport skills and performance during childhood. This paper proposes seven postulates regarding the role that sampling and deliberate play, as opposed to specialization and deliberate practice, can have during childhood in promoting continued participation and elite performance in sport.
Non-cognitive skills have caught the attention of current education policy writers in Canada. Within the last 10 years, almost every province has produced a document including the importance of supporting non-cognitive skills in K-12 students in the classroom. Although often called different names (such as learning skills, cross curricular competencies, and 20th Century Skills) and occasionally viewed through different lenses (such as emotional intelligence skills, character skills, and work habits), what unifies non-cognitive skills within the policy documents is the claim that students that are strong in these skills are more successful in academic achievement and are more successful in post-secondary endeavors. Though the interest from policy-makers and educators is clear, there are still many questions about non-cognitive skills that have yet to be answered. These include: What skills are the most important for teacher’s to support in the classroom? What are these skills’ exact contributions to student success? How can teachers best support these skills? Are there currently reliable and valid measures of these skills? These are very important questions worth answering if Canadian teachers are expected to support non-cognitive skills in their classrooms with an already burdened workload. As well, it can begin to untangle the plethora of research that exists within the non-cognitive realm. Without a critical look at the current literature, it is impossible to ensure that these policies are effective in Canadian classrooms, and to see an alignment between research and policy. Upon analysis of Canadian curriculum, five non-cognitive skills were found to be the most prevalent among many of the provinces: Self-Regulation, Collaboration, Initiative, Responsibility and Creativity. The available research literature was then examined to determine the utility of teaching these skills in the classroom (can students improve on these skills, do these skills impact other aspects of students’ lives, and are there methods to validly and reliably assess these skills). It was found that Self-Regulation and Initiative had the strongest basis for being implemented in the classroom. On the other hand, Creativity still requires a lot more justification in terms of its impact on students’ lives and ability to assess in the classroom.
The ordinary principles of the law of negligence are applicable in the context of sport, including claims brought against volunteer and professional coaches. Adopting the perspective of the coach, this article intends to raise awareness of the emerging intersection between the law of negligence and sports coaching, by utilising an interdisciplinary analysis designed to better safeguard and reassure coaches mindful of legal liability. Detailed scrutiny of two cases concerning alleged negligent coaching, with complementary discussion of some of the ethical dilemmas facing modern coaches, reinforces the legal duty and obligation of all coaches to adopt objectively reasonable and justifiable coaching practices when interacting with athletes. Problematically, since research suggests that some coaching practice may be underpinned by “entrenched legitimacy” and “uncritical inertia”, it is argued that coach education and training should place a greater emphasis on developing a coach’s awareness and understanding of the evolving legal context in which they discharge the duty of care incumbent upon them.
Safety Management Systems in aviation generate training programs that develop skills needed to perform safety functions. The objective of this study is to show that, in groups, individuals need to have interpersonal skills and, in particular, ability to communicate with others, to listen, and to influence. It is for this reason that Social Skills Training is important in Aviation. Professionals trained in social skills are more likely to identify threats and risks caused by interpersonal situations, be assertive, and take appropriate action. As a contribution, this paper suggests a set of policies, procedures and practices for educating and training future professionals who will work in aviation safety.
Objective: Real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) neurofeedback (NF) uses feedback of the patient’s own brain activity to self-regulate brain networks which in turn could lead to a change in behaviour and clinical symptoms. The objective was to determine the effect of neurofeedback and motor training and motor training (MOT) alone on motor and non-motor functions in Parkinson’s disease (PD) in a 10-week small Phase I randomised controlled trial. Methods: 30 patients with PD (Hoehn & Yahr I-III) and no significant comorbidity took part in the trial with random allocation to two groups. Group 1 (NF: 15 patients) received rt-fMRI-NF with motor training. Group 2 (MOT: 15 patients) received motor training alone. The primary outcome measure was the Movement Disorder Society – Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-Motor scale (MDS-UPDRS-MS), administered pre- and post-intervention ‘off-medication’. The secondary outcome measures were the ‘on-medication’ MDS-UPDRS, the Parkinson’s disease Questionnaire-39, and quantitative motor assessments after 4 and 10 weeks. Results: Patients in the NF group were able to upregulate activity in the supplementary motor area by using motor imagery. They improved by an average of 4.5 points on the MDS-UPDRS-MS in the ‘off-medication’ state (95% confidence interval: -2.5 to -6.6), whereas the MOT group improved only by 1.9 points (95% confidence interval +3.2 to -6.8). However, the improvement did not differ significantly between the groups. No adverse events were reported in either group. Interpretation: This Phase I study suggests that NF combined with motor training is safe and improves motor symptoms immediately after treatment, but larger trials are needed to explore its superiority over active control conditions. Clinical Trial website : Unique Identifier: NCT01867827 URL: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01867827?term=NCT01867827&rank=1
Résumé : L’entrainement sportif est « un processus de perfectionnement de l’athlète dirigé selon des principes scientifiques et qui, par des influences planifiées et systématiques (charges) sur la capacité de performance, vise à mener le sportif vers des performances élevées et supérieures dans un sport ou une discipline sportive » (Harre, 1982). Un entrainement sportif approprié devrait commencer dès l’enfance. Ainsi, le jeune sportif pourrait progressivement et systématiquement développer son corps et son esprit afin d’atteindre l’excellence sportive (Bompa, 2000; Weineck, 1997). Or plusieurs entraineurs, dans leur tentative de parvenir à des résultats de haut niveau rapidement, exposent les jeunes athlètes à une formation sportive très spécifique et rigoureuse, sans prendre le temps de développer convenablement les aptitudes physiques et motrices et les habiletés motrices fondamentales sous-jacentes aux habiletés sportives spécifiques (Bompa, 2000), d’où l’appellation « spécialisation hâtive ». Afin de contrer les conséquences néfastes de la spécialisation hâtive, de nouvelles approches d’entrainement ont été proposées. Une des façons d’y arriver consisterait notamment à pratiquer différents sports en bas âge (Fraser-Thomas, Côté et Deakin, 2008; Gould et Carson, 2004; Judge et Gilreath, 2009; LeBlanc et Dickson, 1997; Mostafavifar, Best et Myer, 2013), d’où l’appellation « diversification sportive ». Plusieurs organisations sportives et professionnelles ont décidé de valoriser et de mettre en place des programmes basés sur la diversification sportive (Kaleth et Mikesky, 2010). C’est donc à la suite d’une prise de conscience des effets néfastes de la spécialisation hâtive que des professionnels de l’activité physique d’une école secondaire du Québec (éducateur physique, kinésiologue et agent de développement sportif) ont mis en place un programme multisports-études novateur au premier cycle du secondaire, inspiré des sciences du sport et des lignes directrices du modèle de développement à long terme de l’athlète (DLTA) (Balyi, Cardinal, Higgs, Norris et Way, 2005). Le présent projet de recherche porte sur le développement des aptitudes physiques et motrices chez de jeunes sportifs inscrits à un programme de spécialisation sportive et de jeunes sportifs inscrits à un programme de diversification sportive à l’étape « S’entrainer à s’entrainer » (12 à 16 ans) du modèle de développement à long terme de l’athlète (Balyi et al., 2005). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de rendre compte de l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices de jeunes élèves-athlètes inscrits, d’une part, à un programme sport-études soccer (spécialisation) et, d’autre part, à un programme multisports-études (diversification). Plus spécifiquement, cette étude tente de (a) dresser un portrait détaillé de l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes de chaque programme et de faire un parallèle avec la planification annuelle de chaque programme sportif et (b) de rendre compte des différences d’aptitudes physiques et motrices observées entre les deux programmes. Le projet de recherche a été réalisé dans une école secondaire de la province de Québec. Au total, 53 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire ont été retenus pour le projet de recherche selon leur volonté de participer à l’étude, soit 23 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire inscrits au programme sport-études soccer et 30 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire inscrits au programme multisports-études. Les élèves-athlètes étaient tous âgés de 11 à 13 ans. Treize épreuves standardisées d’aptitudes physiques et motrices ont été administrées aux élèves-athlètes des deux programmes sportifs en début, en milieu et en fin d’année scolaire. Le traitement des données s’est effectué à l’aide de statistiques descriptives et d’une analyse de variance à mesures répétées. Les résultats révèlent que (a) l’ensemble des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes des deux programmes sportifs se sont améliorées au cours de l’année scolaire, (b) il est relativement facile de faire un parallèle entre l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes et la planification annuelle de chaque programme sportif, (c) les élèves-athlètes du programme multisports-études ont, en général, des performances semblables à celles des élèves-athlètes du programme sport-études soccer et (d) les élèves-athlètes du programme sport-études soccer ont, au cours de l’année scolaire, amélioré davantage leur endurance cardiorespiratoire, alors que ceux du programme multisports-études ont amélioré davantage (a) leur vitesse segmentaire des bras, (b) leur agilité à l’épreuve de course en cercle et (c) leur puissance musculaire des membres inférieurs, confirmant ainsi que les aptitudes physiques et motrices développées chez de jeunes athlètes qui se spécialisent tôt sont plutôt spécifiques au sport pratiqué (Balyi et al., 2005; Bompa, 1999; Cloes, Delfosse, Ledent et Piéron, 1994; Mattson et Richards, 2010), alors que celles développées à travers la diversification sportive sont davantage diversifiées (Coakley, 2010; Gould et Carson, 2004; White et Oatman, 2009). Ces résultats peuvent s’expliquer par (a) la spécificité ou la diversité des tâches proposées durant les séances d’entrainement, (b) le temps consacré à chacune de ces tâches et (c) les exigences reliées à la pratique du soccer comparativement aux exigences reliées à la pratique de plusieurs disciplines sportives. Toutefois, les résultats obtenus restent complexes à interpréter en raison de différents biais : (a) la maturation physique, (b) le nombre d’heures d’entrainement effectué au cours de l’année scolaire précédente, (c) le nombre d’heures d’entrainement offert par les deux programmes sportifs à l’étude et (d) les activités physiques et sportives pratiquées à l’extérieur de l’école. De plus, cette étude ne permet pas d’évaluer la qualité des interventions et des exercices proposés lors des entrainements ni la motivation des élèves-athlètes à prendre part aux séances d’entrainement ou aux épreuves physiques et motrices. Finalement, il serait intéressant de reprendre la présente étude auprès de disciplines sportives différentes et de mettre en évidence les contributions particulières de chaque discipline sportive sur le développement des aptitudes physiques et motrices de jeunes athlètes.
Nervous system disorders are associated with cognitive and motor deficits, and are responsible for the highest disability rates and global burden of disease. Their recovery paths are vulnerable and dependent on the effective combination of plastic brain tissue properties, with complex, lengthy and expensive neurorehabilitation programs. This work explores two lines of research, envisioning sustainable solutions to improve treatment of cognitive and motor deficits. Both projects were developed in parallel and shared a new sensible approach, where low-cost technologies were integrated with common clinical operative procedures. The aim was to achieve more intensive treatments under specialized monitoring, improve clinical decision-making and increase access to healthcare. The first project (articles I – III) concerned the development and evaluation of a web-based cognitive training platform (COGWEB), suitable for intensive use, either at home or at institutions, and across a wide spectrum of ages and diseases that impair cognitive functioning. It was tested for usability in a memory clinic setting and implemented in a collaborative network, comprising 41 centers and 60 professionals. An adherence and intensity study revealed a compliance of 82.8% at six months and an average of six hours/week of continued online cognitive training activities. The second project (articles IV – VI) was designed to create and validate an intelligent rehabilitation device to administer proprioceptive stimuli on the hemiparetic side of stroke patients while performing ambulatory movement characterization (SWORD). Targeted vibratory stimulation was found to be well tolerated and an automatic motor characterization system retrieved results comparable to the first items of the Wolf Motor Function Test. The global system was tested in a randomized placebo controlled trial to assess its impact on a common motor rehabilitation task in a relevant clinical environment (early post-stroke). The number of correct movements on a hand-to-mouth task was increased by an average of 7.2/minute while the probability to perform an error decreased from 1:3 to 1:9. Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity are shifting to more neuroscience driven approaches. Simultaneously, their final utility for patients and society is largely dependent on the development of more effective technologies that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge produced during the process. The results attained through this work represent a step forward in that direction. Their impact on the quality of rehabilitation services and public health is discussed according to clinical, technological and organizational perspectives. Such a process of thinking and oriented speculation has led to the debate of subsequent hypotheses, already being explored in novel research paths.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
With the world of professional sports shifting towards employing better sport analytics, the demand for vision-based performance analysis is growing increasingly in recent years. In addition, the nature of many sports does not allow the use of any kind of sensors or other wearable markers attached to players for monitoring their performances during competitions. This provides a potential application of systematic observations such as tracking information of the players to help coaches to develop their visual skills and perceptual awareness needed to make decisions about team strategy or training plans. My PhD project is part of a bigger ongoing project between sport scientists and computer scientists involving also industry partners and sports organisations. The overall idea is to investigate the contribution technology can make to the analysis of sports performance on the example of team sports such as rugby, football or hockey. A particular focus is on vision-based tracking, so that information about the location and dynamics of the players can be gained without any additional sensors on the players. To start with, prior approaches on visual tracking are extensively reviewed and analysed. In this thesis, methods to deal with the difficulties in visual tracking to handle the target appearance changes caused by intrinsic (e.g. pose variation) and extrinsic factors, such as occlusion, are proposed. This analysis highlights the importance of the proposed visual tracking algorithms, which reflect these challenges and suggest robust and accurate frameworks to estimate the target state in a complex tracking scenario such as a sports scene, thereby facilitating the tracking process. Next, a framework for continuously tracking multiple targets is proposed. Compared to single target tracking, multi-target tracking such as tracking the players on a sports field, poses additional difficulties, namely data association, which needs to be addressed. Here, the aim is to locate all targets of interest, inferring their trajectories and deciding which observation corresponds to which target trajectory is. In this thesis, an efficient framework is proposed to handle this particular problem, especially in sport scenes, where the players of the same team tend to look similar and exhibit complex interactions and unpredictable movements resulting in matching ambiguity between the players. The presented approach is also evaluated on different sports datasets and shows promising results. Finally, information from the proposed tracking system is utilised as the basic input for further higher level performance analysis such as tactics and team formations, which can help coaches to design a better training plan. Due to the continuous nature of many team sports (e.g. soccer, hockey), it is not straightforward to infer the high-level team behaviours, such as players’ interaction. The proposed framework relies on two distinct levels of performance analysis: low-level performance analysis, such as identifying players positions on the play field, as well as a high-level analysis, where the aim is to estimate the density of player locations or detecting their possible interaction group. The related experiments show the proposed approach can effectively explore this high-level information, which has many potential applications.
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) improved communication skills of student of Pharmacology in Medicine and Podiatry degree. Bellido I, Blanco E, Gomez-Luque A. D. Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutic. Medicine School. University of Malaga. IBIMA. Malaga, Spain. Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are versatile multipurpose evaluative tools that can be utilized to assess health care professionals in a clinical setting including communication skills and ability to handle unpredictable patient behavior, which usually are not included in the traditional clinical exam. To designee and perform OSCEs by student is a novelty that really like to the students and may improve their arguing and planning capacities and their communication skills. Aim: To evaluate the impact of designing, developing and presenting Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) by student in the communication skills development and in the learning of medicines in Medicine and Podiatry undergraduate students. Methods: A one-year study in which students were invited to voluntarily form groups (4 students maximum). Each group has to design and perform an OSCE (10 min maximum) showing a clinical situation/problem in which medicines’ use was needed. A clinical history, camera, a mobile-phone's video editor, photos, actors, dolls, simulators or whatever they may use was allowed. The job of each group was supervised and helped by a teacher. The students were invited to present their work to the rest of the class. After each OSCE performance the students were encouraged to ask questions if they wanted to do it. After all the OSCEs performances the students voluntarily answered a satisfaction survey. Results: Students of Pharmacology of Medicine degree and Podiatry degree, N=80, 53.75% female, 21±2.3 years old were enrolled. 26 OSCEs showing a clinical situation or clinical problem were made. The average time spent by students in making the OSCE was 21.5±9 h. The percentage of students which were satisfied with this way of presentation of the OSCE was 89.7%. Conclusion: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) designed and performed by student of Pharmacology of the Medicine and Podiatry Degree improved their communication skills.
A compreensão do desenvolvimento da carreira atlética e, em particular, das estratégias de ajustamento dos desportistas aos momentos de mudança no seu percurso de envolvimento no desporto, é fundamental para desenhar as facetas dos contextos promotores do talento, às quais a investigação tem vindo a destacar uma atenção especial nas últimas décadas. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o processo de desenvolvimento e transições da carreira de futebolista de elite, esclarecendo as principais características e vivências ao longo do seu percurso desportivo. Para o efeito, foram realizados três estudos onde se incluem uma revisão sistemática de literatura e dois estudos de caso, com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas a 11 atletas de elite retirados que exercem funções nas seleções nacionais de futebol. Os resultados esclarecem o papel da prática precoce e diversificada, do suporte parental e da relação com o treinador como determinantes da carreira atlética. A participação em atividades desportivas informais e diversificadas é percecionada como promotora do desenvolvimento de competências técnicas e de relacionamento com pares, enquanto a especialização é observada como potenciadora, sobretudo, das competências de nível motor. Ao contrário de outros estudos realizados, as transições de júnior para sénior e do término da carreira foram identificadas como processos que não constituíram uma ameaça para os futebolistas. Finalmente, conclui-se que os atletas de elite vivenciam grandes dificuldades em conciliar as atividades académicas com a prática do futebol e o risco de abandono dos estudos surge regularmente associado à aproximação da subida ao escalão sénior pelo aumento da exigência e do investimento numa carreira profissional.