882 resultados para Luxury brand
O design possui um papel central nos negócios, participando de forma crucial no intercambio cultural e econômico da sociedade. Uma das competências do profissional de design gráfico é o desenvolvimento da Identidade Visual Corporativa (IVC). Ela tem como função definir visualmente o perfil de uma empresa, configurando-se, assim, como um composto mercadológico de fundamental importância para diferenciação das organizações, possuindo um importante papel para o crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs). O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar de que forma os gestores de MPEs percebem a atuação do design gráfico sobre a performance do seu negócio, avaliada a partir da sua experiência com a IVC desenvolvida por um profissional de design e aplicada pela empresa em suas atividades. A pesquisa é aplicada, em relação a sua finalidade, e exploratória, quanto ao seu objetivo. Sua condução se deu a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevista semiestruturada com os gestores das MPEs investigadas e pesquisa documental em materiais fornecidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, realizando-se, desta forma, uma triangulação metodológica a fim de contribuir para o exame do fenômeno. Como estratégia de investigação foi utilizado o estudo de casos múltiplos, realizado com 7 (sete) MPEs que haviam incorporado sua IVC há pelo menos 2 (dois) anos, dos setores de comércio e serviço, localizadas nos municípios de Vitória, Vila Velha, Serra ou Cariacica. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo, com base nas etapas descritas por Bardin (1977) e Laville (1999), distribuindo as unidades de análise (frases e parágrafos) nas categorias desenvolvidas: Motivação, Integração da IVC, Gestão da IVC, Relevância da IVC, IVC e Performance e Expressão Visual. A análise utilizou a abordagem quantitativa, realizada por meio da técnica de percentagem, e qualitativa, com maior ênfase na última, onde foram analisadas as categorias e seus elementos, assim como as relações entre elas, buscando extrair os significados construídos. Desta forma, foi possível verificar que a maior parte dos gestores das MPEs investigadas identificam que o design gráfico, por meio da IVC, contribui de forma positiva para a performance do seu negócio, proporcionando diferentes tipos de benefícios, dentre os mais citados foram: Identificação/Reconhecimento, Fortalecimento (solidez, estabilidade, profissionalismo), Novos Clientes, Imagem, Receptividade, Agregação de Valor para a Marca e Diferenciação.
Present paper aims at surveying the relevance that brands and identities may have in participatory platforms in the context of oncology. Despite the fact that these platforms provide the same tools to citizens and institutions alike, their capacity for mobilization is distinct. In general, institutions seem to be more successful, although this is not always the case. Discussing the concept of brand and identity, as well as understanding how the differences between citizens and institutions may blur within the context of new media, may contribute to answering the above question. We anchor our analysis on the study of social network Facebook, oncological institutions and citizen support groups, and various health studies. The ultimate goal will be the clarification of the importance of brands and identity as a contributive factor towards new solutions in participatory media
Purpose: to evaluate and study the viability, stability and the ability of the Portuguese Football Federation (PFF) to generate sustained profits. Methodology: Data were collected based on the Audit Reports of the institution during 2012-2014 and a financial and economic analysis was performed in order to establish some indicators of solvability, profitability and financial balance. Findings: It exists a lack of consistency in managing the profits obtained. We can also suggest that should be given a greater interest to the management of their own intangible assets, as brand management, for example. Practical implications: By making known to leaders and managers of this type of institutions that exists a link between participation in international championships and increase of their profitability may encourage them to better managing these cash inputs in order to decrease the dependence of Governmental financing. We also found that the management of their own intangible assets, as brand management, for example, could probably add more positive financial results.
As marcas emergem progressivamente como uma dimensão central e um ativo estratégico na ação das organizações. Neste sentido, a avaliação do desempenho das marcas assume uma grande importância para a sua gestão. Adicionalmente, tornam-se necessários o desenvolvimento e a articulação de um vocabulário comum. Perante a multiplicidade de conceitos e modelos de avaliação, são contrastadas e sintetizadas as abordagens acadêmicas e empresariais dominantes.
This paper analyses the commercial and socio-demographic antecedents of the importance of price in buyers' decisions. The study uses ordinal regression in order to analyze the data obtained from a random sample of consumers of frequently purchased products; these consumers were surveyed in different stores. The results demonstrate that shopping enjoyment and brand loyalty have an influence over the importance of price. However, responsibility for shopping (purchase frequency) does not show a significant relationship. Furthermore, some interesting socio-demographic characteristics were found in the context of the study that can be analyzed in future research.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the contribution of psychological variables and scales suggested by Economic Psychology in predicting individuals’ default. Therefore, a sample of 555 individuals completed a self-completion questionnaire, which was composed of psychological variables and scales. By adopting the methodology of the logistic regression, the following psychological and behavioral characteristics were found associated with the group of individuals in default: a) negative dimensions related to money (suffering, inequality and conflict); b) high scores on the self-efficacy scale, probably indicating a greater degree of optimism and over-confidence; c) buyers classified as compulsive; d) individuals who consider it necessary to give gifts to children and friends on special dates, even though many people consider this a luxury; e) problems of self-control identified by individuals who drink an average of more than four glasses of alcoholic beverage a day.
The primary goal of this paper is to comprehend the fundamental organizational differences between Brazilian franchise chains that only operate in the home market and Brazilian franchise chains that operate internationally. The sample chosen for this study comprehends 96 Brazilian franchises operating in the home market and 67 franchises with international operations; logistic regression was used to analyze data obtained from these sources. Our findings suggest that the development of a brand in international operations can be strategic for certain Brazilian franchise chains; this seems to be, however, a scarce resource for many franchises and it could be developed through international operations. With regard to the fees charged, the outcomes demonstrate that Brazilian franchises with international operations tend to charge lower fees from its franchisees to install new units. Regarding the monitoring and control of franchises, there is evidence that the monitoring capability is one of the determining factors in the development of Brazilian franchises international operations.
ABSTRACTThis paper reports an empirical case study on the interface between microfinance and climate change actions. Climate change, which until recently seemed a luxury for the microfinance sector, now appears to be crucial for its future. For their low adaptive capacity, the millions of microfinance clients worldwide happen to be the most vulnerable to a changing climate. However, such an arena is still blurred from an academic viewpoint, and inexistent among Brazilian academia. Therefore, by investigating Brazil’s largest rural MFI, Agroamigo, we aim at providing an empirical contribution to green microfinance. The main conclusion is that, albeit Agroamigo offers important links to climate change initiatives, it will need to take better account of specific vulnerabilities and risks to protect its portfolio and clients better from climate change impacts.
ABSTRACT With today's trend toward higher store concentration, building strong store brands has become a priority for many retailing companies. This study aims to analyze the differences in store brands' purchasing likelihood between store brands with a manufacturer identification - a manufacturer signature - and store brands with no information about the manufacturer, as well as the moderating role of the manufacturer signature on store brands' purchase intention. We carried out multiple group analysis through structural equation modeling. Our findings suggest that store brand image has the most significant influence on loyalty and purchase intention for both types of store brands. Moreover, and contrary to our expectations, we did not find empirical support for the moderating role of manufacturer signature on store brands' purchasing likelihood.
What interests me more here is the so-called Historical Inevitability. It is a concept intimately linked with Human Choice and Freedom. There is a long history of debate around it among the western thinkers. The protestant thinkers, and particularly its Calvinist brand laid much emphasis upon predestination. The modern thinkers, freed from the theological trappings, questioned the Church imposed limitations to the capacity of human reasoning. The progress of science and technologies supported by it through the Industrial Revolution and thereafter seemed to endorse this new self-confidence. However, the miseries brought upon mankind by regional and world wars fuelled by the same technologies have made mankind wary of its faith upon scientific progress. The promises of modernization have left the greater part of mankind without its benefits, and even the rest of mankind is unsure of living in a safe and uncontaminated environment.
RESUMO: O desafio era mostrar aquilo que poucos vêem e ninguém mede, mas que pode ajudar a resolver muitos problemas no sector da restauração. Assim, o objectivo é identificar, analisar e mensurar os custos de desempenho ocultos no dia-a-dia de um restaurante. A síntese bibliográfica reflecte a pesquisa efectuada, visando um método que nos ajudasse a medir concretamente os disfuncionamentos que ocorrem nos desempenhos diários dos empregados de mesa de um restaurante. Descobrimos a abordagem socioeconómica de Henri Savall e o seu método de avaliação dos custos de desempenho ocultos. Explicitamos de seguida este método de Savall e apresentamos uma síntese da história do restaurante, com o intuito de mostrar que, desde o seu nascimento, o restaurante é muito mais do que um local onde vamos comer. Feito este caminho, apresentamos o restaurante de luxo que escolhemos e onde aplicámos o método de avaliação dos custos de desempenho ocultos com algumas alterações, pois originalmente este método foi desenvolvido e aplicado ao sector da Indústria. Terminamos com a explicação da forma como aplicámos o método e os respectivos resultados encontrados. Concluímos que a aplicação do método escolhido revela informações preciosas para a gestão e para a tomada de decisão e enfatiza a importância do trabalho efectuado pelos empregados de mesa no seu dia-a-dia. ABSTRACT: Our challenge was to show what few people see and nobody measures, but that can help to solve lots of problems in the restaurants line of business. Our objective is to identify, analyze and measure the performance hidden costs in the daily activity of a restaurant. The bibliography used reflects the researches made, searching for a method which would help us to measure in detail the dysfunctions which occur in the daily performance of the waiters in a restaurant. We discovered the socioeconomic approach of Henri Savall and its evaluation method of the performance hidden costs. Next, we explain Savall’s method and present a synthesis of the restaurant history with the aim to show that, since its birth, the restaurant is much more than the place where people go to eat. This path made, we present the luxury restaurant which was chosen and where we have applied the evaluation method of the performance hidden costs, with some minor changes, because originally this method was developed and applied in the Industry sector. We finalize this work with the explanation of the way how we applied the method and with the presentation of the results. We have concluded that the application of the chosen method of study reveals vital information for the management department and for the decision processes, and that it emphasizes the importance of the waiters in their daily work inside a restaurant.
Climate change which until recently seemed a luxury for the microfinance sector, now appears to be crucial for the future of the sector. Due to their low adaptive capacity, the millions of MF clients worldwide happen to be the most vulnerable to a changing climate. Adapting previous analysis conducted in Nepal and Bangladesh by Agrawala and Maëlis (2010) to the Brazilian context, in this inductive qualitative study we aim to assess potential synergies between MF and CC actions and what strategies can be harnessed to better respond to CC vulnerabilities at client/MF level. To do so, we investigated the case of the second largest rural microcredit programme in Brazil, Sistema Cresol de Cooperativas de Crédito Rural com Interação Solidária. Albeit important overlaps between Cresol's product envelope and CC strategies exist, there is still room to realise synergies to both mitigate a new potential source of risk to Cresol's portfolio and to increase clients' adaptive capacity.
Cada marca possui um património tangível e intangível que demarca o seu valor no mercado, ou seja a sua Brand Equity. Contudo, os recursos tangíveis estão cada vez mais sujeitos a ser copiados pela concorrência, levando a que a estratégia de diferenciação e inovação da marca sobreviva, apenas, a curto prazo. Desta forma, os recursos tangíveis deixaram há muito de ser o focus para as marcas, pois é urgente a procura de alternativas viáveis, de forma a consolidar a sua presença no mercado.A alternativa é inequívoca: apostar no lado intangível - na sua identidade, personalidade e nas relações que daí emergem!O aparecimento das Redes Sociais foi, inequivocamente, um estímulo para que hoje grande parte das marcas não prescindisse a sua presença na rede. Devido às suas especificidades, particularidades, e também a forma como é encarada, as Redes Sociais são defendidas como um espaço obrigatório para as marcas. Ainda assim, há que saber estar nestas plataformas e, por esta razão, este estudo defende as Relações Públicas como a grande mais-valia para as marcas.
Nas mutações da moda, sendo também Influenciadas por acontecimentos políticos e espirituais, é a acção condicionante de certos indivíduos que é determinante. Limitando-se ao campo do vestuário, investigação das interferências, proporcionais à força dos regimes, do poder sobre a moda, tanto pela lei como pelo exemplo; desde a corte do Duque de Borgonha às legislações sumptuárias e ao caso paradigmático de Luís XIV, até à China de Mao, referindo casos da sociedade portuguesa. ABSTRACT - Mutations in fashion are influenced by the action of certain people. The research is limited to the field of clothing, the connections between power and fashion, both by law and by example, from the court of the Duke of Burgundy to the laws that restraint luxury, and the paradigmatic study cases of Louis XIV and the China under the rule of Mao Tse Tung. Some cases of the Portuguese society are also referred.
International Congress Marketing Trends Annual Conference in Paris, 17 – 19 January 2013