1000 resultados para Lingüística e alfabetização
This work's aim was to verify the contributions of educational games usage as a teaching resource in alphabetization and literacy process during elementary school initial years. For this, there was a bibliographical survey on the topic, identifying Brazilian publishing on articles, dissertations and theses over the last ten years and what were the possibilities to use this feature of offering a more meaningful and playful learning to students, ensuring their learning processes. The results indicate that, although there are several themes that address the game and learning, there is little published concerning game and literacy. Overall, it is possible to affirm that games are features that enable the learning of reading and writing in early literacy process. Therefore, it is reiterated that games constitute resources that enable learning in the early literacy process and constitutes in a different activity, which mobilizes the child in a playful dimension to learning
As the Elementary School expanded quantitatively at the end of last century, a new social debate started on the quality of the education offered in public schools. Among many concerns and questions, there was the quality of literacy of the young people that finished the Basic Stage of Education. Federal documents drawn up over the last years, such as the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age, defend that the obligatory literacy takes place until the end of the third grade of Elementary School. Based on this, it is intended that, at the end of the 5th school year of this education step, the students master the social practices of reading and writing that let them pursue their literacy process in the following school years. In this sense, the present study intended to observe and think over how the alphabetization (reading and writing technology acquisition) and literacy (using of written language in different social practices) processes happened at the end of the Elementary School I. In order to exploit to the full the meanings and conceptions involved in the presented theme, it was decided, methodologically, to elaborate a qualitative research, in where the adopted procedure was data survey and bibliographic research of authors that conceptualize, explain, relate and distinguish alphabetization from literacy. Next, it was performed a documental research based on laws and other Federal documents, from the State of São Paulo and from the municipality of Rio Claro-SP, observing the established discussion with the studied academic productions, as well as attributions given to the public school to perform the process of alphabetization and literacy. The visitation of these papers was also considered necessary for the understanding of expected knowledge, capabilities and skills of the student that finishes Elementary School I. In the last stage of the research, with the purpose of thinking about the level/kind of alphabetization...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Literature sample that the basic literacy with literacy differentiates the development of the citizens forming them to act in critical way in society. This research had as objective to analyze nuances of the basic literacy process and literacy of a pupil who little if express verbally, in the classroom, having the discursivos sorts as entered. Case study is about a research of qualitative interpretativa boarding of the type. The data had been collected by the following instruments: systematic comment, interviews with three professors of the citizen, daily of field and written production of the citizen. The results of the research point, on the other hand, with respect to the education of the writing and initial reading that if restricts to the basic literacy concept as technique of the writing, codification and decoding, without advancing for the basic literacy as apprehension and understanding of meanings. On the other hand, they point that the initial writing is organized to reach only the independent literacy, while the ideological literacy is distant of the pertaining to school universe, in the initial years of Basic Education
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Literature sample that the basic literacy with literacy differentiates the development of the citizens forming them to act in critical way in society. This research had as objective to analyze nuances of the basic literacy process and literacy of a pupil who little if express verbally, in the classroom, having the discursivos sorts as entered. Case study is about a research of qualitative interpretativa boarding of the type. The data had been collected by the following instruments: systematic comment, interviews with three professors of the citizen, daily of field and written production of the citizen. The results of the research point, on the other hand, with respect to the education of the writing and initial reading that if restricts to the basic literacy concept as technique of the writing, codification and decoding, without advancing for the basic literacy as apprehension and understanding of meanings. On the other hand, they point that the initial writing is organized to reach only the independent literacy, while the ideological literacy is distant of the pertaining to school universe, in the initial years of Basic Education
Neste trabalho propomos uma análise comparativa entre o discurso do professor e os indicadores de Alfabetização Científica apontados no discurso dos alunos, de modo a buscar uma relação entre a ação do professor e o desenvolvimento de habilidades visadas no ensino de ciências. Investigaremos as interações discursivas em sala de aula de Física do Ensino Médio utilizando duas metodologias de análise: a primeira visa a identificar as interações do professor, suas intenções, o conteúdo do discurso, as formas de abordagem, os padrões discursivos e as intervenções. A segunda, busca identificar, no discurso dos alunos, parâmetros de organização, seriação ou classificação de informações, elaboração e teste de hipóteses, raciocínio lógico, justificativa, previsão e explicação. Verificamos, dentre outras coisas, a relação direta entre o padrão discursivo do professor e o desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas relevantes a um ensino que vise a Alfabetização Científica.
Embora a aprendizagem informal da língua escrita na fase pré-escolarjá fosse observada desde o século XIX, muitos anos se passaram até que fosse reconhecida. Com as pesquisas lideradas por Vygotsky, Luria, Ferreiro e os estudos sobre letramento, foi possível recuperar a gênese da alfabetização e considerar suas implicações para o ensino. Assim, importa perguntar: Como compreender as primeiras escritas? Como o reconhecimento delas pode afetar as concepções sobre a língua escrita? Que condições favorecem a construção da escrita? Que implicações as aprendizagens pré-escolares trazem para as práticas pedagógicas e para as políticas de alfabetização? Com o objetivo de aprofundar o entendimento destas questões, o artigo vale - se de um estudo de caso sobre a produção textual de um menino de quatro anos, configurando-se como mais um a iniciativa para subsidiar os debates sobre a articulação entre ensino e aprendizagem.