918 resultados para Language arts -- Computer-assisted instruction -- Cross-cultural studies -- Congresses


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Motor competence in childhood is an important determinant of physical activity and physical fitness in later life. However, childhood competence levels in many countries are lower than desired. Due to the many different motor skill instruments in use, children's motor competence across countries is rarely compared. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the motor competence of children from Australia and Belgium using the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK). The sample consisted of 244 (43.4% boys) Belgian children and 252 (50.0% boys) Australian children, aged 6-8 years. A MANCOVA for the motor scores showed a significant country effect. Belgian children scored higher on jumping sideways, moving sideways and hopping for height but not for balancing backwards. Moreover, a Chi squared test revealed significant differences between the Belgian and Australian score distribution with 21.3% Belgian and 39.3% Australian children scoring "below average." The very low levels reported by Australian children may be the result of cultural differences in physical activity contexts such as physical education and active transport. When compared to normed scores, both samples scored significantly worse than children 40 years ago. The decline in children's motor competence is a global issue, largely influenced by increasing sedentary behavior and a decline in physical activity.


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The objective of this paper is to develop and describe a construct of the ethos of the corporate codes of ethics (i.e. an ECCE construct) across three countries, namely Australia, Canada and Sweden. The introduced construct is rather unique as it is based on a cross-cultural sample seldom seen in the literature. While the outcome of statistical analyses indicated a satisfactory factor solution and acceptable estimates of reliability measures, some research limitations have been stressed. They provide a foundation for further research in the field and testing of the ECCE construct in other cultural and corporate settings. We believe that the ECCE construct makes a contribution to theory and practice in the field as it outlines a theoretical construct for the benefit of other researchers. It is also of managerial interest as it provides a grounded framework of areas to be considered in the implementation in organizations of corporate codes of ethics.


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This chapter argues for the significance of embodied actions and their traces in the heritage landscape as traces of cross-cultural practices in the context of interpreting difficult heritage in places where the heritage of war is of significance for multiple stakeholders.


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O escopo teórico de Gestão Internacional atualmente atinge tantos locais quanto pessoas ao redor do planeta e pode se expandir para atender também a um conjunto mais amplo de empresas que somente as multinacionais. Com o objetivo de analisar os desafios cross-culturais e os conflitos que permearam o Comitê Organizador dos XV Jogos Pan-americanos Rio 2007, este estudo equipara Comitês Organizadores de Jogos a subsidiárias com mandato global. A partir de uma metodologia de inspiração interpretativista cultural defendendo o papel do contexto local por uma abordagem crítica, analisa o sistema de ação cultural brasileiro e contrapõe teorias clássicas da abordagem cross-cultural com uma visão qualitativa de base sócio-antropológica. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com ex-funcionários do Comitê Rio 2007 tanto brasileiros quanto estrangeiros e consultores que apoiaram a realização dos Jogos. Várias questões foram levantadas que apóiam a influência de características comportamentais culturais brasileiras como o paternalismo, a lealdade às pessoas, a flexibilidade, e evitar conflitos nas relações pessoais e organizacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, foi possível identificar três possíveis causas de conflitos entre os atores principais das narrativas (os consultores, o Comitê Organizador Rio2007 e o governo): (1) a diferença no nível de experiência /conhecimento explícito e tácito, (2) a desconfiança, e (3) o orgulho; e o esforço de comunicação foi identificado como possível solução. Por fim, foi possível visualizar traços das teorias clássicas cross-culturais dentro do estudo, mas foi reforçada a crítica de que é impossível isolar a cultura e o contexto local como variáveis contingenciais, muito menos ignorá-los.


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The broader objective of this study undertaking can briefly be articulated in particulate aims as follows: to measure the attitudes of consumers regarding the brand displayed by this strategy as well as to highlight recall, recognition and purchase intentions generated by product placement on consumers. In addition, check the differences and similarities between the behavior of Brazilian and American consumers caused by the influence of product placements. The study was undertaken targeting consumer audience in Brazil and the U.S. A rang3 modeling set ups were performed in order to realign study instruments and hypothesis towards the research objectives. This study gave focus on the following hypothesized models. H1: Consumers / Participants who viewed the brands / products in the movie have a higher brand / product recall compared to the consumers / participants who did not view the brands / products in the movie. H2: US Consumers / Participants are able to recognize and recall brands / products which appear in the background of the movie than Brazil. H3: Consumers / participants from USA are more accepting of product placements compared to their counterparts in Brazil. H4: There are discernible similarities in consumer / participant brand attitudes and purchase intentions in consumers / participants from USA and Brazil in spite of the fact that their country of origin is different. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient ensured the reliability of survey instruments. The study involved the use of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for the hypothesis testing. This study used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to assess both the convergent and discriminant validities instead of using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) or the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This reinforced for the use of the regression Chi Square and T statistical tests in further. Only hypothesis H3 was rejected, the rest were not. T test provided insight findings on specific subgroup significant differences. In the SEM testing, the error variance for product placement attitudes was negative for both the groups. On this The Heywood Case came in handy to fix negative values. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative approach where closed ended questionnaires and interviews respectively were used to collect primary data. The results were additionally provided with tabulations. It can be concluded that, product placement varies markedly in the U.S. from Brazil based on the influence a range of factors provided in the study. However, there are elements of convergence probably driven by the convergence in technology. In order, product placement to become more competitive in the promotional marketing, there will be the need for researchers to extend focus from the traditional variables and add knowledge on the conventional marketplace factors that is the sell-ability of the product placement technologies and strategies.


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With the increasing importance of digital communication and its distinct characteristics, marketing tools and strategies adopted by companies have changed dramatically. Among the many digital marketing tools and new media channels available for marketers, the phenomenon known as social media is one of the most complex and enigmatic. It has a range that still is quite unexplored and deeply transforms the present view on the promotion mix (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Conversations among users on social media directly affect their perceptions on products, services and brands. But more than that, a wide range of other subjects can also become topics of conversations on social media. Hit songs, sporting events, celebrity news and even natural disasters and politics are topics that often become viral on the web. Thus, companies must grasp that, and in order to become more interesting and relevant, they must take part in these conversations inserting their brands in these online dynamic dialogues. This paper focuses on how these social interactions are manifested in the web in to two distinct cultures, Brazil and China. By understanding the similarities and differences of these cultures, this study helps firms to better adjust its marketing efforts across regions, targeting and positioning themselves, not only geographically and culturally, but also across different web platforms (Facebook and RenRen). By examining how companies should focus their efforts according to each segment in social media, firms can also maximize its results in communication and mitigate risks. The findings suggest that differences in cultural dimensions in these two countries directly affect their virtual social networking behavior in many dimensions (Identity, Presence, Relationships, Reputation, Groups, Conversations and Sharing). Accordingly, marketing efforts must be tailored to each comportment and expectations.


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The intent of this paper is to provide a practitioners insight into the present and foreseeable future of problem of transaction cost economics related to culture and business etiquette that may increase the of complexity of business communication. We will also explore whether it impacts participant's mindsets regarding opportunistic or passive aggressive behavior. We will study the role of culture, ethics, information asymmetry, and legal systems regarding their importance towards the business contracts and lack of knowledge in local environments. We will make connections to contract theory strategies and objectives and recommend business practices. Furthermore, economic theory explores the role of the impossibility of the perfect contract. Historical and present day operational factors are examined for the determination of forward-looking contract law indications worldwide. This paper is intended provide a practitioners view with a global perspective of a multinational, mid-sized and small corporations giving consideration in a non-partisan and non-nationalistic view, yet examines the individual characteristics of the operational necessities and obligations of any corporation. The study will be general, yet cite specific articles to each argument and give adequate consideration to the intricacies of the global asymmetry of information. This paper defends that corporations of any kind and size should be aware of the risk of international business etiquette and cultural barriers that might jeopardize the savings you could obtain from engaging international suppliers.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of bovine frozen-thawed sperm cells after Percoll gradient centrifugation. Frozen semen doses were obtained from six bulls of different breeds, including three taurine and three Zebu animals. Four ejaculates per bull were evaluated before and after discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation. Sperm motility was assessed by computer-assisted semen analysis and the integrity of the plasma and acrosomal membranes, as well as mitochondrial function, were evaluated using a combination of fluorescent probes propidium iodide, fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated Pisum sativum agglutinin and 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolcarbocyanine iodide. The procedure of Percoll gradient centrifugation increased the percentage of total and progressive sperm motility, beat frequency, rectilinear motility, linearity and rapidly moving cells. In addition, the percentage of cells with intact plasma membrane and mitochondrial membrane potential was increased in post-centrifugation samples. However, the percentage of sperm cells with intact acrosomal membrane was markedly reduced. The method used selected the motile cells with intact plasma membrane and higher mitochondrial functionality in frozen-thawed bull semen, but processing, centrifugation and/or the Percoll medium caused damage to the acrosomal membrane.


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Sperm cryopreservation success depends upon the maintenance of spermatozoa fertility potential. Sperm cells must preserve both integrity and functionality of several cell structures. The stabilization phase must allow the exit of water from the sperm cells via osmosis. This study aimed to compare the effect of refrigeration in the commercial refrigerator (CR) and the transport/refrigeration box (TRB) upon the viability of frozen bull sperm diluted in three different extenders (A, B and C). Ten Nellore bulls, Bos taurus indicus maintained in Artificial Insemination Center were used and the spermatozoa samples was assessed for Plasma Membrane Integrity and CASA evaluation. The stabilization phase (5 degrees C/4 hours) was performed in the CR as well as in the TRB, and then samples were exposed to nitrogen vapor during 20 minutes and then plunged into nitrogen. The statistical analysis was done using the variance analysis and the significance level was set at 5%. In the CR the post-thawing parameters for PM and ALH were higher (p < 0.05) in the extender A (glicine egg-yolk) and extender B (glicine egg-free) when compared with extender C (TRIS egg-yolk). As for BCF, STR and LIN, the parameters were higher (p < 0.05) in extender B than in C. Samples that were stabilized in the TRB presented higher post-thawing parameters (p < 0.05) for PM and LIN in extender A and extender B when compared with C. BCF and STR parameters were higher (p < 0.05) in extemder B when compared with C. Extender B samples had higher (p < 0.05) PMI when stabilized in CR. The findings in this experiment enable us to say that both CR and TRB were effective in keeping the viability of post-thawing bull semen.


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Abnormalities in any component of the cell cycle regulatory machine may result in oral. cancer, and markers of cell proliferation have been used to determine the prognosis of tumor progression. The aim of this study was to determine whether silver-stained nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) and Ki-67 measurements could improve the assessment of growth rates in oral lesions. Eighty-three oral biopsies were studied, 20 of which were classified as fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia (FIH), 40 as leukoplakia (LKP) and 23 as oral. squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Within the LKP group, 22 out of 29 biopsies were diagnosed as non-dysplastic leukoplakia (LK) and 18 as dysplastic teukoptakia (DLK), presenting discrete, moderate and severe dysplasia. Ki-67 immunotabeting of the lesions increased steadily in the following order: FIH, DLK, LK and OSCC, indicating that Ki-67 is a good marker for predicting the protiferative fraction among benign, premalignant and malignant oral lesions. The median values of AgNOR parameters indicate that the morphometric index gives better results regarding the proliferative rate than the numerical one. A series of linear regressions between AgNOR parameters and Ki-67 showed positive associations. We conclude that a combination of Ki-67 and morphometric AgNOR analyses could be used as an aid in the determination of the protiferative status of oral epithelial. cells in oral cancer. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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