999 resultados para Isoaho, Mari
Työssä oli tarkoituksena selvittää sähkömarkkinoiden ja median suhdetta. Eri lehtien arkistoista kerättiin sähkömarkkinoihin liittyviä juttuja vuodesta 1995 lähtien. Niitä verrattiin sähkömarkkinoiden tapahtumiin. Päällimmäisenä havaintona oli, että media reagoi voimakkaasti sähkömarkkinoiden tapahtumiin. Kun sähkön hinta nousee, myös artikkeleiden lukumäärä lisääntyy. Samalla asenteet markkinoita kohtaan muuttuvat positiivisista negatiivisiksi. Toisaalta markkinoilla on nähtävissä puolustajat ja vastustajat. Markkinoita puolustavat energia-alan ammattilaiset, jotka pitävät vapaata kauppaa hyvänä. Vastustajia ovat tavalliset sähkön kuluttajat.
Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.
The aim of this study was to analyze and give proposals for the case-company how to optimize cash management in China. The purpose of the theoretical part was to enlighten the liquidity and cash management practices in an international environment and apply these into the different, regulated environment of China. In the theoretical part both domestic and international literature, articles and journals were used. The results of the empirical part are based on the in-formation from the case-company and its associates. Information was gathered mainly via internal questionnaire which was sent to the case com¬pany's subsidiaries involved with the study. Mainly company-internal factors were studied. The main result of the study implies that China is a challenging environment to optimize cash management, as the structures used elsewhere can not be applied to China as such. The study clarified the picture of the current cash management situation within the case company's China units. Can be seen, that by optimizing their cash management it is possible to especially increase control, and interest earnings and utilize internal liquidity more efficiently.
We had described that epidermal growth factor (EGF) interfered with the lipolytic effect of catecholamines in isolated adipocytes. Since catecholamines stimulate the release of EGF from submandibular salivary glands to blood plasma in male mice, we studied whether EGF affected also the lipolytic response to adrenaline in whole animals. We studied the effect of adrenaline in sialoadenectomized and sham-operated mice receiving or not a high dose of EGF following adrenaline injection. There was no difference in plasma EGF concentration between sham-operated and sialoadenectomized animals receiving saline. After adrenaline administration plasma EGF increased by 20-fold in sham-operated but did not increase in sialoadenectomized mice. Indeed, the increase was much higher (more than 100-fold) in mice receiving exogenous EGF. The effect of adrenaline on plasma concentration of both glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids was higher as lower was plasma EGF concentration. Isolated adipocytes obtained from sham-operated or sialoadenectomized mice had identical lipolytic response to adrenaline. The lipolytic response of adipocytes to isoproterenol was decreased by addition of EGF. To study whether the interference with the in vivo lipolytic effect of adrenaline had further metabolic consequences, we measured plasma b-hydroxybutyrate concentration in plasma. There was no difference in the response to adrenaline between sham-operated and sialoadenectomized mice in spite of the difference in plasma nonsterified fatty acid concentration. Studies in isolated hepatocytes indicated that ketogenesis run at near maximal rate in this range of substrate concentration. These results suggest that EGF in the physiological range decreases the lipolytic effect of adrenaline but does not compromise further metabolic events like the enhancement of ketogenesis.
Réunissant quelques-uns des meilleurs experts français sur la question, le projet de cet ouvrage est de dresser un bilan des principales orientations historiographiques de l'histoire du sport. Cette réflexion complète la table ronde organisée lors du congrès du comité français des sciences historiques (Reims 2012). Elle s'interroge sur la spécificité d'un champ qui s'est développé en marge de l'Histoire en abordant un objet - le sport - qui traverse les cultures et les périodes, et entretient avec les registres politiques, sociaux, économiques, médiatiques, ou scientifiques des liens originaux. Appuyée sur des comparaisons européennes et nordaméricaines, elle suggère aussi des perspectives et de nouvelles pistes à investiguer. Cet ouvrage constitue une base de données précieuse pour les étudiants, doctorants, enseignants, chercheurs, archivistes et conservateurs et, plus largement, tout public averti et désireux de comprendre comment l'histoire a, jusqu'ici, questionné le phénomène sportif. Le lecteur y puisera des éléments conceptuels et des points d'appui historiographiques essentiels. Les grands débats du moment s'y reflètent : sport dans l'Antiquité, histoire de l'éducation physique, histoire économique du sport, histoire des techniques, des médias, du genre, ou encore histoire du sport en milieu colonial.
Introducción: Los artículos científicos constituyen una de las formas más importantes de comunicación entre los profesionales. En enfermería, los artículos científicos persiguen varios objetivos, entre ellos, diseminar los avances realizados en los diferentes campos de la disciplina enfermera. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una aproximación a los avances, las tendencias y las innovaciones en enfermería mediante un análisis breve de la producción científica reciente. Método: Estudio descriptivo y transversal. Inclusión de 161 artículos científicos publicados en revistas de enfermería indexadas en Pubmed, mediante selección aleatoria simple. Recogida de datos estructurada en una matriz con 5 variables principales: indicadores geográficos, variables indicadoras del tipo de estudio, indicadores de la población estudiada, indicadores de los ámbitos de interés disciplinar y fenómenos de interés disciplinar. Estrategia de análisis descriptiva. Resultados: Los países anglosajones son los principales productores de artículos enfermeros. Por tipo de estudio, los diseños epidemiológicos-cuantitativos son los más frecuentes; los ensayos cualitativos representan el 22,6%. Las poblaciones de estudio más frecuentes son las personas enfermas y las propias enfermeras. Por ámbitos de interés disciplinar destacan las publicaciones de cuidados de enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Conclusiones: El estudio de la producción científica enfermera facilita la reflexión acerca de los fenómenos de estudio disciplinares y refleja la realidad del desarrollo de las ciencias enfermeras y de su aportación social. Los resultados de este análisis incluyen una orientación diagnóstica sobre qué investigan las enfermeras, en qué poblaciones lo hacen, desde qué ámbito de la práctica y desde qué paradigma científico.
Genetic tools have greatly aided in tracing the sources and colonization history of introduced species. However, recurrent introductions and repeated shuffling of populations may have blurred some of the genetic signals left by ancient introductions. Styela plicata is a solitary ascidian distributed worldwide. Although its origin remains unclear, this species is believed to have spread worldwide by travelling on ship's hulls. The goals of this study were to infer the genetic structure and global phylogeography of S. plicata and to look for present-day and historical genetic patterns. Two genetic markers were used: a fragment of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) and a fragment of the nuclear gene Adenine Nucleotide Transporter/ADP-ATP Translocase (ANT). A total of 368 individuals for COI and 315 for ANT were sequenced from 17 locations worldwide. The levels of gene diversity were moderate for COI to high for ANT. The Mediterranean populations showed the least diversity and allelic richness for both markers, while the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans had the highest gene and nucleotide diversities. Network and phylogenetic analyses with COI and ANT revealed two groups of alleles separated by 15 and 4 mutational steps, respectively. The existence of different lineages suggested an ancient population split. However, the geographic distributions of these groups did not show any consistent pattern, indicating different phylogeographic histories for each gene. Genetic divergence was significant for many population-pairs irrespective of the geographic distance among them. Stochastic introduction events are reflected in the uneven distribution of COI and ANT allele frequencies and groups among many populations. Our results confirmed that S. plicata has been present in all studied oceans for a long time, and that recurrent colonization events and occasional shuffling among populations have determined the actual genetic structure of this species.
GSA = Gerontological Society of America