963 resultados para Internal working models
This paper studies the incentives underlying the relations between foreign countries and rival domestic groups. It models the interaction in a infinitely-repeated game between these three players. The domestic groups bargain for a split of the domestic surplus and may engage in violent dispute for power and in unilateral mass killing processes. The foreign country may choose to support one of these groups in exchange for monetary transfers. The paper characterizes the parametric set in which strategies leading to no violent disputes nor mass killings are Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibra in the presence of foreign support, but not in its absence.
The power system stability analysis is approached taking into explicit account the dynamic performance of generators internal voltages and control devices. The proposed method is not a direct method in the usual sense since conclusion for stability or instability is not exclusively based on energy function considerations but it is automatic since the conclusion is achieved without an analyst intervention. The stability test accounts for the nonconservative nature of the system with control devices such as the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and automatic generation control (AGC) in contrast with the well-known direct methods. An energy function is derived for the system with machines forth-order model, AVR and AGC and it is used to start the analysis procedure and to point out criticalities. The conclusive analysis itself is made by means of a method based on the definition of a region surrounding the equilibrium point where the system net torque is equilibrium restorative. This region is named positive synchronization region (PSR). Since the definition of the PSR boundaries have no dependence on modelling approximation, the PSR test conduces to reliable results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Despite careful procedures, master stone dies may be damaged during laboratory procedures. The dentist routinely adjusts castings because the marginal fit of casting is not as accurate as on the dies. PURPOSE: This study evaluated the technique of internal adjustment of castings with use of duplicated stone dies and a disclosing agent to improve marginal fit discrepancy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-two nickel-chromium copings were fabricated and simulated standard clinical and laboratory procedures with 2 variables: tooth preparation convergence angles of 6 and 18 degrees, with or without internal relief. Master stone dies and their duplicates were selected for coping construction and internal adjustment, respectively. A specimen positioning device was coupled with a Toolmakers microscope to allow reproducibility of measurements. Each coping was evaluated at 8 locations of its marginal perimeter, before and after internal adjustment. RESULTS: Marginal fit discrepancy of copings were significantly reduced with an internal adjustment technique (mean > 52%) for all experimental groups. Tooth preparations with greater convergence and internally relieved castings recorded a better marginal fit. CONCLUSION: The casting internal adjustment technique with use of duplicated stone dies and a disclosing agent substantially reduced marginal fit discrepancy.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Objective. This study aimed to investigate the stress distribution in screwed implant-supported prostheses with different implant-abutment connections by using a photoelastic analysis. Materials and methods. Four photoelastic models were fabricated in PL-2 resin and divided according to the implant-abutment connection (external hexagon (EH) and Morse taper (MT) implants (3.75 × 11.5 mm)) and the number crowns (single and 3-unit piece). Models were positioned in a circular polariscope and 100-N axial and oblique (45) loading were applied in the occlusal surface of the crowns by using a universal testing machine. The stresses were photographically recorded and qualitatively analyzed using software (Adobe Photoshop). Results. Under axial loading, the MT implants exhibited a lower number of fringes for single-unit crowns than EH implants, whereas for a 3-unit piece the MT implants showed a higher number of fringes vs EH implants. The oblique loading increased the number of fringes for all groups. Conclusion. In conclusion, the MT implant-abutment connection reduced the amount of stress in single-unit crowns, for 3-unit piece crowns the amount of stress was lower using an external hexagon connection. The stress pattern was similar for all groups. Oblique loading promoted a higher stress concentration than axial loading. © Informa Healthcare.
Uma amostra de 177 indivíduos pertencentes a 120 famílias nucleares, completas ou incompletas, de Bambui, Estado de Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil, foi estudada com o objetivo de apurar algumas das causas da variabilidade da taxa de eosinófilos em pessoas parasitadas por vermes intestinais com ciclo de vida extra-digestivo. A análise de segregação, aplicada aos dados sem correção para a assimetria, mostrou que a hipótese de um gene principal aditivo é consistente com os dados, enquanto que as hipóteses que supõem a ação de um gene dominante, de um gene recessivo ou ainda herança multifatorial não explicam, adequadamente, a significante agregação familial observada. A correção mais parcimoniosa para assimetria mostrou resultados semelhantes, mas não permitiu a distinção entre os modelos dominante e recessivo, embora permitisse a rejeição do modelo codominante. Considerando que esse modelo supõe ser a assimetria devida ao entrelaçamento de duas distribuições, esses resultados parecem concordar com aqueles obtidos quando os dados não foram corrigidos. Pode-se sugerir que o papel desempenhado por vários fatores genéticos independentes na resistência/suscetibilidade à infestação por helmintos seja determinado, principalmente, por suas capacidades de agir no estabelecimento de uma resposta eosinofílica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The study of short implants is relevant to the biomechanics of dental implants, and research on crown increase has implications for the daily clinic. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomechanical interactions of a singular implant-supported prosthesis of different crown heights under vertical and oblique force, using the 3-D finite element method. Six 3-D models were designed with Invesalius 3.0, Rhinoceros 3D 4.0, and Solidworks 2010 software. Each model was constructed with a mandibular segment of bone block, including an implant supporting a screwed metal-ceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm. The applied force was 200 N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). We performed an ANOVA statistical test and Tukey tests; p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The increase of crown height did not influence the stress distribution on screw prosthetic (p > 0.05) under axial load. However, crown heights of 12.5 and 15 mm caused statistically significant damage to the stress distribution of screws and to the cortical bone (p <0.001) under oblique load. High crown to implant (C/I) ratio harmed microstrain distribution on bone tissue under axial and oblique loads (p < 0.001). Crown increase was a possible deleterious factor to the screws and to the different regions of bone tissue. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Rapid growth in broilers is associated with susceptibility to metabolic disorders such as pulmonary hypertension syndrome (ascites) and sudden death. This study describes a genome search for QTL associated with relative weight of cardio respiratory and metabolically important organs (heart, lungs, liver and gizzard), and hematocrit value in a Brazilian broiler-layer cross. QTL with similar or different effects across sexes were investigated. At 42 days of age after fasted for 6 h, the F2 chickens were weighed and slaughtered. Weights and percentages of the weight relative to BW42 of gizzard, heart, lungs, liver and hematocrit were used in the QTL search. Parental, F1 and F2 individuals were genotyped with 128 genetic markers (127 microsatellites and 1 SNP) covering 22 linkage groups. QTL mapping analyses were carried out using mixed models. A total of 11 genome-wide significant QTL and five suggestive linkages were mapped. Thus, genome-wide significant QTL with similar effects across sexes were mapped to GGA2, 4 and 14 for heart weight, and to GGA2, 8 and 12 for gizzard %. Additionally, five genome-wide significant QTL with different effects across sexes were mapped to GGA 8, 19 and 26 for heart weight; GGA26 for heart % and GGA3 for hematocrit value. Five QTL were detected in chromosomal regions where QTL for similar traits were previously mapped in other F2 chicken populations. Seven novel genome-wide significant QTL are reported here, and 21 positional candidate genes in QTL regions were identified.
The theoretical E-curve for the laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids in circular tubes may not be accurate for real tubular systems with diffusion, mechanical vibration, wall roughness, pipe fittings, curves, coils, or corrugated walls. Deviations from the idealized laminar flow reactor (LFR) cannot be well represented using the axial dispersion or the tanks-in-series models of residence time distribution (RTD). In this work, four RTD models derived from non-ideal velocity profiles in segregated tube flow are proposed. They were used to represent the RTD of three tubular systems working with Newtonian and pseudoplastic fluids. Other RTD models were considered for comparison. The proposed models provided good adjustments, and it was possible to determine the active volumes. It is expected that these models can be useful for the analysis of LFR or for the evaluation of continuous thermal processing of viscous foods.
Traditional software engineering approaches and metaphors fall short when applied to areas of growing relevance such as electronic commerce, enterprise resource planning, and mobile computing: such areas, in fact, generally call for open architectures that may evolve dynamically over time so as to accommodate new components and meet new requirements. This is probably one of the main reasons that the agent metaphor and the agent-oriented paradigm are gaining momentum in these areas. This thesis deals with the engineering of complex software systems in terms of the agent paradigm. This paradigm is based on the notions of agent and systems of interacting agents as fundamental abstractions for designing, developing and managing at runtime typically distributed software systems. However, today the engineer often works with technologies that do not support the abstractions used in the design of the systems. For this reason the research on methodologies becomes the basic point in the scientific activity. Currently most agent-oriented methodologies are supported by small teams of academic researchers, and as a result, most of them are in an early stage and still in the first context of mostly \academic" approaches for agent-oriented systems development. Moreover, such methodologies are not well documented and very often defined and presented only by focusing on specific aspects of the methodology. The role played by meta- models becomes fundamental for comparing and evaluating the methodologies. In fact a meta-model specifies the concepts, rules and relationships used to define methodologies. Although it is possible to describe a methodology without an explicit meta-model, formalising the underpinning ideas of the methodology in question is valuable when checking its consistency or planning extensions or modifications. A good meta-model must address all the different aspects of a methodology, i.e. the process to be followed, the work products to be generated and those responsible for making all this happen. In turn, specifying the work products that must be developed implies dening the basic modelling building blocks from which they are built. As a building block, the agent abstraction alone is not enough to fully model all the aspects related to multi-agent systems in a natural way. In particular, different perspectives exist on the role that environment plays within agent systems: however, it is clear at least that all non-agent elements of a multi-agent system are typically considered to be part of the multi-agent system environment. The key role of environment as a first-class abstraction in the engineering of multi-agent system is today generally acknowledged in the multi-agent system community, so environment should be explicitly accounted for in the engineering of multi-agent system, working as a new design dimension for agent-oriented methodologies. At least two main ingredients shape the environment: environment abstractions - entities of the environment encapsulating some functions -, and topology abstractions - entities of environment that represent the (either logical or physical) spatial structure. In addition, the engineering of non-trivial multi-agent systems requires principles and mechanisms for supporting the management of the system representation complexity. These principles lead to the adoption of a multi-layered description, which could be used by designers to provide different levels of abstraction over multi-agent systems. The research in these fields has lead to the formulation of a new version of the SODA methodology where environment abstractions and layering principles are exploited for en- gineering multi-agent systems.
In the collective imaginaries a robot is a human like machine as any androids in science fiction. However the type of robots that you will encounter most frequently are machinery that do work that is too dangerous, boring or onerous. Most of the robots in the world are of this type. They can be found in auto, medical, manufacturing and space industries. Therefore a robot is a system that contains sensors, control systems, manipulators, power supplies and software all working together to perform a task. The development and use of such a system is an active area of research and one of the main problems is the development of interaction skills with the surrounding environment, which include the ability to grasp objects. To perform this task the robot needs to sense the environment and acquire the object informations, physical attributes that may influence a grasp. Humans can solve this grasping problem easily due to their past experiences, that is why many researchers are approaching it from a machine learning perspective finding grasp of an object using information of already known objects. But humans can select the best grasp amongst a vast repertoire not only considering the physical attributes of the object to grasp but even to obtain a certain effect. This is why in our case the study in the area of robot manipulation is focused on grasping and integrating symbolic tasks with data gained through sensors. The learning model is based on Bayesian Network to encode the statistical dependencies between the data collected by the sensors and the symbolic task. This data representation has several advantages. It allows to take into account the uncertainty of the real world, allowing to deal with sensor noise, encodes notion of causality and provides an unified network for learning. Since the network is actually implemented and based on the human expert knowledge, it is very interesting to implement an automated method to learn the structure as in the future more tasks and object features can be introduced and a complex network design based only on human expert knowledge can become unreliable. Since structure learning algorithms presents some weaknesses, the goal of this thesis is to analyze real data used in the network modeled by the human expert, implement a feasible structure learning approach and compare the results with the network designed by the expert in order to possibly enhance it.