973 resultados para Ich
Artykuł prezentuje związki między antropologią medyczną - subdyscypliną antropologii kulturowej/społecznej a etnofarmakologią, zajmującą się badaniem tradycyjnych leków różnych społeczności pod kątem ich skuteczności farmakologicznej. Pokazuje, w jaki sposób badania antropologii medycznej mogą być przydatne etnofarmakologom, omawia także kierunki badań tzw. antropologii farmaceutycznej.
Wydział Neofilologii:Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
The aim of the article is to outline the key issues surrounding legal notions of film authorship. For scholars interested in studying the process of production it is extremely important to analyze the status and scope of power of its participants as well as their position in the hierarchy – one of the main sources of priveleges is the fact of being recognized by the law as the author of the work produced. The article depicts the benefits of such situation, but its main aim is to descibe the legal rules of granting the status of the author. Outlined are the issues emerged from the two radically different legal system – european droit d`auteur tradition and american copyright. The first one honours the artists while the other focuses mostly on providing the certainty of the economics, so the actual authors of the work are not that important. The paper points to the fact that – especially in the case of american copyright – the actual (determined by law) situation of a creator may differ significantly from the character of their contribution to the process of producing a film. Analysis of the rules and principles of the law is essential to the understanding of the structural determinants of film production and deserves no less attention than social, political and economic factors.
O konflikcie jako zjawisku i procesie społecznym nigdy za wiele, zwłaszcza gdy w jednym tomie można znaleźć analizy teoretyczne źródeł i istoty konfliktu, jego konstruktywnego potencjału, jak i dysfunkcjonalności wobec relacji społecznych i społecznego ładu. Zagadnienia te omawiane są przez socjologów, pedagogów, psychologów, teoretyków prawa oraz praktyków zajmujących się ich rozwiązywaniem: pracowników socjalnych, terapeutów, mediatorów, negocjatorów, prokuratorów, sędziów, menedżerów. Oprócz diagnoz dotyczących sfer życia społecznego szczególnie zagrożonych konfliktem (stosunki międzynarodowe, sfera publiczna, edukacja i wychowanie) czytelnik znajdzie w książce opracowania na temat różnych dróg wychodzenia z konfliktu poprzez kompromis do konsensusu, z użyciem różnych narzędzi społecznych, takich jak: negocjacje, arbitraż, a zwłaszcza mediacje.
Wydział Historyczny
Poster zaprezentowany na XIII Krajowym Forum Informacji Naukowej i Technicznej w Zakopanem.
Wydział Anglistyki
Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych
Wydział Historyczny
Zastosowano metody analizy skupień z zakresu statystyki wielowymiarowej do badania okresu kryzysu finansowego. Zgrupowano zgodnie z tymi algorytmami indeksy giełdowe oraz kursy walutowe z okresów charakteryzujących się ich podwyższoną korelacją i szczególną zmiennością. Przeprowadzono dyskusję nad możliwością zastosowania tej metody do generowania ram czasowych różnych okresów giełdowych. Analiza skupień umożliwiła poczynienie nowych obserwacji na temat kryzysu subprime
The Fantasy, as the term suggests, is a genre that composers have found congenial for exploring innovative and imaginative processes. Works in this genre are numerous in the solo piano literature, and extend even to works for piano and orchestra and to chamber music with piano. I was curious to explore how a specific genre of music maintained similar characteristics but evolved over time. A fantasy is primed to be inventive and I wanted to see how composers from different eras and backgrounds would handle their material in this genre. I have learned that composers worked through formal developments while making innovations within this genre. The heart of my dissertation is presented through the recording project. Because ofthe abundance ofpiano fantasies, many works had to be excluded from this project for time's sake. On two compact discs, I have recorded approximately two hours of solo piano music. I have included some shorter fantasies to magnify significant developments from era to era, country to country, and composer to composer. The first disc has recordings of eighteenth and nineteenth-century fantasies: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, BWV 903 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750); Fantasia inC major, H. XVII, 4 by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809); Fantasy inc minor, K. 475 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756- 1791); Fantasia inf-sharp minor, Op. 28 by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847); and Polonaise-Fantaisie in A-flat major, Op. 61 by Frederic Chopin (1810-1849). On the second disc I have included mid-19th, 20th and 2151-century piano fantasies: Fantasy and Fugue on the Theme B-A-C-H by Franz Liszt (1811-1886); Fantasia Baetica by Manuel de Falla (1876-1946); Three Fantasies by William Bergsma (1921-1994); Fantasy, Aria and Fugue by Frederic Goossen (1927-2011); and Piano Fantasy ("Wenn ich einmal sol! scheiden") by Richard Danielpour (b. 1956). The accompanying document includes program notes for each of the pieces recorded. They were recorded on a Steinway "D" in Dekelboum Concert Hall at the University of Maryland by Antonino D'Urzo ofOpusrite Productions. This document is available in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland and the CO's are available through the Library System at the University of Maryland.
OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is associated with incontinence and gait disturbance among survivors of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) at 3-month follow-ups. METHODS: The Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Hemorrhagic Stroke study was used as the discovery set. The Ethnic/Racial Variations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage study served as a replication set. Both studies performed prospective hot-pursuit recruitment of ICH cases with 3-month follow-up. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were computed to identify risk factors for incontinence and gait dysmobility at 3 months after ICH. RESULTS: The study population consisted of 307 ICH cases in the discovery set and 1,374 cases in the replication set. In the discovery set, we found that increasing IVH volume was associated with incontinence (odds ratio [OR] 1.50; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10-2.06) and dysmobility (OR 1.58; 95% CI 1.17-2.15) after controlling for ICH location, initial ICH volume, age, baseline modified Rankin Scale score, sex, and admission Glasgow Coma Scale score. In the replication set, increasing IVH volume was also associated with both incontinence (OR 1.42; 95% CI 1.27-1.60) and dysmobility (OR 1.40; 95% CI 1.24-1.57) after controlling for the same variables. CONCLUSION: ICH subjects with IVH extension are at an increased risk for developing incontinence and dysmobility after controlling for factors associated with severity and disability. This finding suggests a potential target to prevent or treat long-term disability after ICH with IVH.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the performance of formal prognostic instruments vs subjective clinical judgment with regards to predicting functional outcome in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). METHODS: This prospective observational study enrolled 121 ICH patients hospitalized at 5 US tertiary care centers. Within 24 hours of each patient's admission to the hospital, one physician and one nurse on each patient's clinical team were each asked to predict the patient's modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score at 3 months and to indicate whether he or she would recommend comfort measures. The admission ICH score and FUNC score, 2 prognostic scales selected for their common use in neurologic practice, were calculated for each patient. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (r) with respect to patients' actual 3-month mRS for the physician and nursing predictions were compared against the same correlation coefficients for the ICH score and FUNC score. RESULTS: The absolute value of the correlation coefficient for physician predictions with respect to actual outcome (0.75) was higher than that of either the ICH score (0.62, p = 0.057) or the FUNC score (0.56, p = 0.01). The nursing predictions of outcome (r = 0.72) also trended towards an accuracy advantage over the ICH score (p = 0.09) and FUNC score (p = 0.03). In an analysis that excluded patients for whom comfort care was recommended, the 65 available attending physician predictions retained greater accuracy (r = 0.73) than either the ICH score (r = 0.50, p = 0.02) or the FUNC score (r = 0.42, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Early subjective clinical judgment of physicians correlates more closely with 3-month outcome after ICH than prognostic scales.
Sildenafil (Viagra) has been developed as a drug to help male impotence. It has a direct effect on the vasculature of the corpus cavernosum. A case of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) following the illicit use of Viagra is reported. A discussion of drug-induced ICH is included.
A new stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) technique coupled with HPLC-UV method for quantification of diclofenac in pharmaceutical formulations has been developed and validated as a proof of concept study. Commercially available polydimethylsiloxane stir bars (Twister (TM)) were used for method development and SBSE extraction (pH, phase ratio, stirring speed, temperature, ionic strength and time) and liquid desorption (solvents, desorption method, stirring time etc) procedures were optimised. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines and was successfully applied for the estimation of diclofenac from three liquid formulations viz. Voltarol (R) Optha single dose eye drops, Voltarol (R) Ophtha multidose eye drops and Voltarol (R) ampoules. The developed method was found to be linear (r=0.9999) over 100-2000 ng/ml concentration range with acceptable accuracy and precision (tested over three QC concentrations). The SBSE extraction recovery of the diclofenac was found to be 70% and the LOD and LOQ of the validated method were found to be 16.06 and 48.68 ng/ml, respectively. Furthermore, a forced degradation study of a diclofenac formulation leading to the formation of structurally similar cyclic impurity (indolinone) was carried out. The developed extraction method showed comparable results to that of the reference method, i.e. method was capable of selectively extracting the indolinone and diclofenac from the liquid matrix. Data on inter and intra stir bar accuracy and precision further confirmed robustness of the method, supporting the multiple re-use of the stir bars. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.