972 resultados para Hamiltonian Graph


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Let H be a graph. A graph G is said to be H-free if it contains no subgraph isomorphic to H. A graph G is said to be an H-saturated subgraph of a graph K if G is an H-free subgraph of K with the property that for any edge e is an element of E(K)\E(G), G boolean OR {e} is not H-free. We present some general results on K-s,K-t-saturated subgraphs of the complete bipartite graph K-m,K-n and study the problem of finding, for all possible values of q, a C-4-saturated subgraph of K., having precisely q edges. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that quantum feedback control can be used as a quantum-error-correction process for errors induced by a weak continuous measurement. In particular, when the error model is restricted to one, perfectly measured, error channel per physical qubit, quantum feedback can act to perfectly protect a stabilizer codespace. Using the stabilizer formalism we derive an explicit scheme, involving feedback and an additional constant Hamiltonian, to protect an (n-1)-qubit logical state encoded in n physical qubits. This works for both Poisson (jump) and white-noise (diffusion) measurement processes. Universal quantum computation is also possible in this scheme. As an example, we show that detected-spontaneous emission error correction with a driving Hamiltonian can greatly reduce the amount of redundancy required to protect a state from that which has been previously postulated [e.g., Alber , Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4402 (2001)].


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We introduced a spectral clustering algorithm based on the bipartite graph model for the Manufacturing Cell Formation problem in [Oliveira S, Ribeiro JFF, Seok SC. A spectral clustering algorithm for manufacturing cell formation. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2007 [submitted for publication]]. It constructs two similarity matrices; one for parts and one for machines. The algorithm executes a spectral clustering algorithm on each separately to find families of parts and cells of machines. The similarity measure in the approach utilized limited information between parts and between machines. This paper reviews several well-known similarity measures which have been used for Group Technology. Computational clustering results are compared by various performance measures. (C) 2008 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A graph clustering algorithm constructs groups of closely related parts and machines separately. After they are matched for the least intercell moves, a refining process runs on the initial cell formation to decrease the number of intercell moves. A simple modification of this main approach can deal with some practical constraints, such as the popular constraint of bounding the maximum number of machines in a cell. Our approach makes a big improvement in the computational time. More importantly, improvement is seen in the number of intercell moves when the computational results were compared with best known solutions from the literature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present an electronic model with long range interactions. Through the quantum inverse scattering method, integrability of the model is established using a one-parameter family of typical irreducible representations of gl(211). The eigenvalues of the conserved operators are derived in terms of the Bethe ansatz, from which the energy eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are obtained.


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Quantum mechanics has been formulated in phase space, with the Wigner function as the representative of the quantum density operator, and classical mechanics has been formulated in Hilbert space, with the Groenewold operator as the representative of the classical Liouville density function. Semiclassical approximations to the quantum evolution of the Wigner function have been defined, enabling the quantum evolution to be approached from a classical starting point. Now analogous semiquantum approximations to the classical evolution of the Groenewold operator are defined, enabling the classical evolution to be approached from a quantum starting point. Simple nonlinear systems with one degree of freedom are considered, whose Hamiltonians are polynomials in the Hamiltonian of the simple harmonic oscillator. The behavior of expectation values of simple observables and of eigenvalues of the Groenewold operator are calculated numerically and compared for the various semiclassical and semiquantum approximations.


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A K-4 - e trade consists of two disjoint decompositions of some simple graph H into copies of K-4 - e. The number of vertices of H is referred to as the foundation of the trade, while the number of copies of K-4 - e in each of the decompositions is called the volume of the trade. We determine the values of v and s for which there exists a K-4 - e trade of volume s and foundation v.


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Minimal perfect hash functions are used for memory efficient storage and fast retrieval of items from static sets. We present an infinite family of efficient and practical algorithms for generating order preserving minimal perfect hash functions. We show that almost all members of the family construct space and time optimal order preserving minimal perfect hash functions, and we identify the one with minimum constants. Members of the family generate a hash function in two steps. First a special kind of function into an r-graph is computed probabilistically. Then this function is refined deterministically to a minimal perfect hash function. We give strong theoretical evidence that the first step uses linear random time. The second step runs in linear deterministic time. The family not only has theoretical importance, but also offers the fastest known method for generating perfect hash functions.


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We present an algebraic Bethe ansatz for the anisotropic supersymmetric U model for correlated electrons on the unrestricted 4(L)-dimensional electronic Hilbert space x(n=l)(L)C(4)(where L is the lattice length). The supersymmetry algebra of the local Hamiltonian is the quantum superalgebra U-q[gl(2\1)] and the model contains two symmetry-preserving free real parameters; the quantization parameter q and the Hubbard interaction parameter U. The parameter U arises from the one-parameter family of inequivalent typical four-dimensional irreps of U-q[gl(2\1)]. Eigenstates of the model are determined by the algebraic Bethe ansatz on a one-dimensional periodic lattice.


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The spectrum problem for the decomposition of K-n into copies of the graph K_{m+2}\K_m is solved for n = 0 or 1 (mod 2m + 1). (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A G-design of order n is a pair (P,B) where P is the vertex set of the complete graph K-n and B is an edge-disjoint decomposition of K-n into copies of the simple graph G. Following design terminology, we call these copies ''blocks''. Here K-4 - e denotes the complete graph K-4 with one edge removed. It is well-known that a K-4 - e design of order n exists if and only if n = 0 or 1 (mod 5), n greater than or equal to 6. The intersection problem here asks for which k is it possible to find two K-4 - e designs (P,B-1) and (P,B-2) of order n, with \B-1 boolean AND B-2\ = k, that is, with precisely k common blocks. Here we completely solve this intersection problem for K-4 - e designs.


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Necessary conditions on n, m and d are given for the existence of an edge-disjoint decomposition of K-n\K-m into copies of the graph of a d-dimensional cube. Sufficiency is shown when d = 3 and, in some cases, when d = 2(t). We settle the problem of embedding 3-cube decompositions of K-m into 3-cube decompositions of K-n; where n greater than or equal to m.


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A robust semi-implicit central partial difference algorithm for the numerical solution of coupled stochastic parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) is described. This can be used for calculating correlation functions of systems of interacting stochastic fields. Such field equations can arise in the description of Hamiltonian and open systems in the physics of nonlinear processes, and may include multiplicative noise sources. The algorithm can be used for studying the properties of nonlinear quantum or classical field theories. The general approach is outlined and applied to a specific example, namely the quantum statistical fluctuations of ultra-short optical pulses in chi((2)) parametric waveguides. This example uses a non-diagonal coherent state representation, and correctly predicts the sub-shot noise level spectral fluctuations observed in homodyne detection measurements. It is expected that the methods used wilt be applicable for higher-order correlation functions and other physical problems as well. A stochastic differencing technique for reducing sampling errors is also introduced. This involves solving nonlinear stochastic parabolic PDEs in combination with a reference process, which uses the Wigner representation in the example presented here. A computer implementation on MIMD parallel architectures is discussed. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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For all m greater than or equal to 3 the edges of complete graph on 2m + 1 vertices can he partitioned into m 2m-cycles and an m-cycle.