959 resultados para Hépatite autoimmune


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As anemias megaloblásticas são habitualmente vistas como doenças crónicas de aparecimento insidioso. No entanto, um estado megaloblástico pode aparecer em apenas alguns dias devido à deficiência aguda de ácido fólico ou vitamina B12. Uma das causas mais comuns, embora pouco relatada, é acção tissular do óxido nitroso (NO2), substancia volátil utilizada comummente em anestesia. Efectivamente, o N02 inactiva a metilcobalamina, levando ao rápido desenvolvimento de uma hematopoiese megaloblástica. Este fenómeno pode ocorrer mesmo em doentes sem défice prévio de vitamina B12, sendo no entanto frequente e mais grave quando há um estado carencial de base. Apresentamos o caso clínico de uma doente com fractura do colo do fémur, que desenvolveu anemia aguda no pós-operatório cuja investigação permitiu identificar uma anemia pemiciosa latente e patologia tiroideia autoimune em doente com vitiligo desde longa data.


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A evolução recente do conhecimento no campo das doenças do sistema nervoso mediadas imunologicamente tem trazido novas perspectivas nos aspectos de diagnóstico e tratamento. Paralelamente, um melhor conhecimento das especificidades moleculares dos autoanticorpos envolvidos tem também sido possível. Este trabalho pretende rever alguns conceitos actuais nesta área.


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Localized loss of subcutaneous tissue can occur after panniculitis, injections of corticosteroids and other drugs, or associated with infectious, autoimmune or neurologic diseases. The "idiopathic lipoatrophies" are a group of poorly characterized diseases, with focal disappearance of subcutaneous fat, and usually the thighs, abdomen or the ankles are affected. Three subtypes have been described based on clinical presentation: lipoatrophia semicircularis, annular lipoatrophy of the ankles and centrifugal lipodystrophy. We describe a 52-year-old female patient who developed a localized atrophy of the abdominal areas over a period of 3 months without any inflammatory signs over the evolution of the disease. The patient denied any previous local trauma or medication of any type. The atrophy stabilized, showing no progression over the last 6 years. The histopathological examination was normal except for the absence of subcutaneous fat, although the biopsy was taken down to the fascia. There was no clinical or serologic evidence of autoimmune diseases and laboratory testing for Borrelia burgdorferi infection was negative. Other causes of localized lipoatrophies were excluded and the final diagnosis was localized idiopathic lipodystrophy. Our patient is the second report on an abdominal lipodystrophy, with no previous inflammatory signs, absence of subcutaneous fat and no associated pathogenic factor. There is no established treatment for idiopathic lipodystrophy, and the lesions do not tend to resolve spontaneously.


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BACKGROUND: Lichen planus is an idiopathic inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membranes. Although the etiology is not established, it has been associated with autoimmune diseases, viral infections, drugs and dental restoration materials. However, the association with inflammatory bowel disease has been very rarely reported in the literature. CASE REPORT: A 19-year-old female patient presented with annular lesions on her upper body and limbs, with a sharply defined border and non-atrophic skin in the center. The lesions were hyperpigmented and had been stable for over one year. The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of annular lichen planus. She had weight loss, occasional diarrhea, and a severe anemia. The investigation of these symptoms led to the diagnosis of Crohn disease and a sickle cell trait. Therapy with systemic corticosteroids and mesalazine controlled the intestinal disease, with concomitant improvement of the skin lesions. CONCLUSIONS: As lichen planus can be associated with other immunological disorders, the association with inflammatory bowel disease should be considered in the evaluation of the patient.


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Chagas disease continues to be a significant public health problem, as ca. 10 million people are still infected with T. cruzi in Latin America. Decades after primary infection, 30% of individuals can develop a form of chronic inflammatory cardiomyopathy known as Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC). Data from both murine models and human studies support the view that an autoimmune response as well as a parasite-driven immune response involving inflammatory cytokines and chemokines may both play a role in generating the heart lesions leading to CCC. This review aims to summarize recent advances in the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of Chagas disease cardiomyopathy.


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BACKGROUND: Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune disease characterized by blistering of the skin and mucosa, which develops due to the interaction between predisposing genetic and environmental factors. Infections caused by members of the Herpesviridae family have been suggested as a possible triggering factor for PV. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: In this report, we investigate the presence of herpesviruses in refractory lesions on the right upper eyelid. The lesion has persisted despite the treatment with corticosteroids. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequence analysis have been used to detect the DNA of HSV 1/2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7, and HHV-8. RESULTS: The sample collected from the right upper eyelid has tested positive for HSV 1/2. Sequence analysis has confirmed the PCR results and allowed the identification of the HSV strain as belonging to type 1. After treatment with acyclovir, the lesion of the right upper eyelid has cleared and not relapsed. CONCLUSION: When patients present PV lesions which are refractory to corticosteroid therapy, herpetic infection should be considered.


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Chronic leg ulcers are persistent conditions that might be a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, with great impact in health care costs and patients’ quality of life. We report a case of a 60-year-old woman, with long-lasting recalcitrant leg ulcers, which led to left leg amputation 10 years ago. Several attempts to heal the right leg were made, including skin grafting in three different occasions and several surgical debridements, all with unsatisfactory outcome. Some months before the ulcers began, the patient had been diagnosed with undifferentiated connective tissue disease because of arthralgia and positive antinuclear antibodies, therefore low dose systemic corticosteroids and azathioprine were prescribed. For the last 4 years she has been followed in our department and since then no evidence of clinical or laboratorial criteria for autoimmune diseases was found, thus the immunosuppressive therapy was stopped. She maintained ever since a high rheumatoid factor but without other evidence of autoimmune disease. Medical history was otherwise irrelevant. Several cutaneous biopsies were performed, with no evidence of malignancy or vasculitis. Recently, cryoglobulins became positive, with type 2b cryoglobulin identification on immunofluorescence. Serology for Hepatitis C virus was consistently negative, hence an Essential type 2 Cryoglobulinemia diagnosis was established. No renal impairment, vascular purpura, arthralgia or arthritis was found. The authors emphasize the importance of considering less common etiologies for chronic leg wounds, even in the absence of other suggestive symptomatology, as well as the pertinence of reconsidering diagnosis in highly suspect cases.


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Existem raríssimos casos citados de granulomas da medula óssea por iatrogenia ao alopurinol. Os granulomas são um achado raro nas biópsias da medula óssea e podem ter várias etiologias, nomeadamente infeciosas, neoplásicas, autoimunes, iatrogénicas ou sarcoidose. Na ausência de características patognomónicas, recorre-se à integração de dados clínicos, laboratoriais, imagiológicos e histológicos para estabelecer o diagnóstico. Descrevemos o caso de um caucasiano, 59 anos, referenciado à consulta de Medicina por gota úrica, tendo sido medicado com alopurinol e colchicina. Ao longo do seguimento surgiram anemia e trombocitopenia. Do estudo por mielograma e biópsia osteomedular salientavam-se “numerosos granulomas de tipo epitelióide, sem células multinucleadas, sem identifica- ção de microrganismos PAS pós diástase ou Ziehl-Neelsen, sem neoplasia, compatível com mielite granulomatosa”. A etiologia estabelecida foi a de reação de hipersensibilidade ao alopurinol pelo que foi descontinuado. Repetido o exame um ano depois, não se observaram granulomas, facto que reforçou a hipótese diagnóstica.


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Urticaria, defined by the presence of wheals and/or angioedema,is a common condition in children, prompting parents to consult physicians. For its successful management, paediatric-specific features must be taken into account, regarding the identification of eliciting triggers and pharmacological therapy. This review systematically discusses the current best-available evidence on spontaneous acute and chronic urticaria as well as physical and other urticaria types in children. Potential underlying causes, namely infections, food and drug hypersensitivity, autoreactivity and autoimmune or other conditions, and eliciting stimuli are considered, with practical recommendations for specific diagnostic approaches. Second-generation antihistamines are the mainstay of pharmacological treatment aimed at relief of symptoms, which require dose adjustment for paediatric use. Other therapeutic interventions are also discussed. In addition, unmet needs are highlighted, aiming to promote research into the paediatric population, ultimately aiming at the effective management of childhood urticaria.


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Vitamin B 12 or cobalamin deficiency, a rare clinical entity in pediatric age, is found most exclusively in breastfed infants, whose mothers are strictly vegetarian non-supplemented or with pernicious anaemia. In this article, the authors describe a 10-month-old infant admitted for vomiting, refusal to eat and prostration. The infant was exclusively breastfed and diffi culties in introduction of new foods were reported. Failure to thrive since 5 months of age was also noticed. Laboratory evaluation revealed severe normocytic normochromic anaemia and cobalamin defi cit. A diagnosis of α-thalassemia trait was also made. Maternal investigation showed autoimmune pernicious anaemia. This case shows the severity of vitamin B 12 deficiency and the importance of adopting adequate and precocious measures in order to prevent potentially irreversible neurologic damage.


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The authors present the case of a 48-year-old woman with HIV-­associated dementia treated with antiretroviral therapy and psychoactive drugs, to whom bullous pemphigoid(BP) was diagnosed. Given incomplete response to corticotherapy, and azathioprine-­induced bicytopenia,intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG) was initiated. Despite transient disease control, recurrent flares suggested a persistent triggering factor. Specifically, quetiapin was implicated and discontinued with an immediate clinical response. Inadvertent re-­challenge with olanzapine(a related drug)led to a new eruption, confirming drug-­induced BP (DIBP). A total of six IVIG cycles were completed, without severe side effects to report, namely HIV disease progression. HIV-­related autoimmune bullous diseases are rare. Treatment of severe drug eruptions is primarily based on immunossupressive drugs, raising concerns regarding additional immunossupression. This case suggests IVIG as a valuable option for the treatment of BP in HIV patients. In addition, quetiapin should be added to the list of neuroleptics previously linked to DIBP.


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Cerca de 30% dos adultos com morfeia apresentam simultaneamente outras doenças auto-imunes, o que suporta a presença de mecanismos de auto-imunidade na patogénese desta doença fibrosante da pele e tecidos subjacentes. Os autores descrevem o caso de um doente do sexo masculino, 27 anos, que notou o aparecimento na região abdominal,cerca de 1 ano antes da observação, de placa eritematosa, ovalada, endurada,assintomática, com crescimento progressivo. Referiu vitiligo acro-facial desde os 12 anos de idade e antecedentes maternos de vitiligo e tiroidite de Hashimoto. A avaliação histopatológica evidenciou escasso infiltrado inflamatório perivascular e espessamento das fibras de colagénio, suportando o diagnóstico clínico de morfeia. Na avaliação laboratorial destacou-se a marcada elevação no título do auto-anticorpo anti-descarboxilase do ácido glutâmico, permitindo o diagnóstico de diabetes auto-imune latente do adulto (LADA), uma forma de diabetes tipo 1 de início tardio. A morfeia e o vitiligo são dermatoses raramente descritas em simultâneo, apesar da sua provável etiologia auto-imune. Neste doente, a investigação de outras doenças auto-imunes permitiu o diagnóstico de LADA. Esta associação, raramente descrita, favorece a hipótese auto-imune.


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Multiple autoimmune syndrome is a rare condition, described by Humbert and Dupond in 1988. It is defined by the association of at least 3 autoimmune diseases in the same patient. Vitiligo is the most common skin condition in this syndrome. This article presents the case of a 31-year-old male with vitiligo, alopecia areata, Crohn's disease, psoriasis vulgaris and oral lichen planus. The rarity of this case is highlighted by the coexistence of four autoimmune skin diseases in association with Crohn's disease, never described in the literature.


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Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) comprise several immunologic systemic disorders, each of which associated with a particular set of clinical manifestations and autoimmune profile. CTDs may cause numerous thoracic abnormalities, which vary in frequency and pattern according to the underlying disorder. The CTDs that most commonly involve the respiratory system are progressive systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren syndrome, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and mixed connective tissue disease. Pulmonary abnormalities in this group of patients may result from CTD-related lung disease or treatment complications, namely drug toxicity and opportunistic infections. The most important thoracic manifestations of CTDs are interstitial lung disease and pulmonary arterial hypertension, with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia being the most common pattern of interstitial lung disease. High-resolution computed tomography is a valuable tool in the initial evaluation and follow-up of patients with CTDs. As such, general knowledge of the most common high-resolution computed tomographic features of CTD-related lung disease allows the radiologist to contribute to better patient management.


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A 57-year-old male presented with a 6-month history of blisters and painful erosions on the right buccal mucosa. No skin or other mucosal involvement was seen. The findings of histopathological and direct immunofluorescence examinations were sufficient for the diagnosis of oral mucous membrane pemphigoid in the context of adequate clinical correlation. No response was seen after topical therapies and oral corticosteroids or dapsone. Intravenous immunoglobulin was started and repeated every three weeks. Complete remission was achieved after three cycles and no recurrence was seen after two years of follow-up. The authors report a rare unilateral presentation of oral mucous membrane pemphigoid on the right buccal and hard palate mucosa, without additional involvement during a period of five years. Local trauma or autoimmune factors are possible etiologic factors for this rare disorder, here with unique presentation.