999 resultados para Guangdong Sheng


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Usually GaAs/AlGaAs is utilized as an active layer material in laser diodes operating in the spectral range of 800 850 nm. In this work, in addition to a traditional unstrained GaAs/AlGaAs distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode, a compressively strained InGaAlAs/AlGaAs DFB laser diode is numerically investigated in characteristic. The simulation results show that the compressively strained DFB laser diode has a lower transparency carrier density, higher gain, lower Auger recombination rate, and higher stimulated recombination rate, which lead to better a device performance, than the traditional unstrained GaAs/AlGaAs DFB laser diode.


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Coupling coefficient is an important parameter for distributed feedback lasers. Modified coupled-wave equations are used to calculate the effect of grating shape on coupling coefficient of the second-order gratings. Corresponding devices demonstrate that the maximum kink-free power per facet reaches 50 mW and the sidemode suppression ratio is 36 dB.


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We present fabrication and experimental measurement of a series of photonic crystal waveguides. The complete devices consist of an injector taper down from 3 mu m into a triangular-lattice air-hole single-line-defect waveguide with lattice constant from 410nm to 470nm and normalized radius 0.31. We fabricate these devices on a siliconon-insulator substrate and characterize them using a tunable laser source over a wavelength range from 1510nm to 1640nm. A sharp attenuation at photonic crystal waveguide mode edge is observed for most structures. The edge of guided band is shifted about 30nm with the 10nm increase of the lattice constant. We obtain high-efficiency light propagation and broad flat spectrum response of the photonic crystal waveguides.


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A new double-layer grating template is designed to reduce the out-of-band loss as much as 1.8dB when the loss of LP03 reaches 10.2 dB. Meanwhile, we propose a method to remove the sidelobes in the transmission spectra by the adjustment of the thickness of pressure plates. The plate-thickness-induced shift of resonant wavelength and the attenuation of loss peak intensity when removing sidelobes can be modified by the fibre distance and contact point on the pressure plates.


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The photon localization in disordered two-dimensional photonic crystal is studied by use of multiple- scattering method. The disorder degree can be controlled by adjusting the random rotating angle of the square cell. It is found that the transmission in the band decreases and that in the gap increases as the disorder degree increases, and localization induced by disorder will spread from the band gap edge to the band center and the gap center. Moreover, the mean transmission of the band will decrease exponentiatly with disorder increasing.


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A method of manufacturing two-dimensional photonic crystals on several kinds of semiconductor materials in near infrared region by a focused ion beam is introduced, and the corresponding fabrication results are presented and show that the obtained parameters of fabricated photonic crystals are identical with the designed ones. Using the tunable laser source, the spectra of the fabricated passive photonic crystal and the active photonic crystal are measured. The experiment demonstrates that the focused ion-beam can be used to fabricate the perfect two-dimensional photonic crystals and their devices.


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Wurtzite ZnO/MgO superlattices were successfully grown on Si (001) substrates at 750 degrees C using radio-frequency reactive magnetron sputtering method. X-ray reflection and diffraction, electronic probe and photoluminescence analysis were used to characterize the multiple quantum wells (MQWs). The results showed the periodic layer thickness of the MQWs to be 1.85 to 22.3 nm. The blueshift induced by quantum confinement was observed. Least square fitting method was used to deduce the zero phonon energy of the exciton from the room-temperature photoluminescence. It was found that the MgO barrier layers has a much larger offset than ZnMgO. The fluctuation of periodic layer thickness of the MQWs was suggested to be a possible reason causing the photoluminescence spectrum broadening.


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For both, (Al,Ga)N with low Al content grown on a GaN nucleation layer and (AI,Ga)N with high Al content gown on an AlN nucleation layer, the inhomogeneous distribution of the luminescence is linked to the distribution of defects, which may be due to inversion domains. In the former system, defect regions exhibit a much lower Al content than the nominal one leading to a splitting of the respective luminescence spectra. In the latter system, a domain-like growth is observed with a pyramidal surface morphology and non-radiative recombination within the domain boundaries. (c) 2007 WILEYNCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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We investigate theoretically electron spin states in one-dimensional and two-dimensional (2D) hard-wall mesoscopic rings in the presence of both the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI) in a perpendicular magnetic field. The Hamiltonian of the RSOI alone is mathematically equivalent to that of the DSOI alone using an SU(2) spin rotation transformation. Our theoretical results show that the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI results in an effective periodic potential, which consequently leads to gaps in the energy spectrum. This periodic potential also weakens and smoothens the oscillations of the persistent charge current and spin current and results in the localization of electrons. For a 2D ring with a finite width, higher radial modes destroy the periodic oscillations of persistent currents.


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Detailed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling measurements were performed across the back n-layer/transparent conducting oxide (n/TCO) inter-faces for superstrate p-i-n solar cells to examine differences between amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si:H) n-layer materials as well as TCO materials ZnO and ITO in the chemical, microstructural and diffusion properties of the back interfaces. No chemical reduction of TCO was found for all variations of n-layer/TCO interfaces. We found that n-a-Si:H interfaces better with ITO, while n-mu c-Si:H, with ZnO. A cross-comparison shows that the n-a-Si:H/ITO interface is superior to the n-mu c-Si:H/ZnO interface, as evidenced by the absence of oxygen segregation and less oxidized Si atoms observed near the interface together with much less diffusion of TCO into the n-layer. The results suggest that the n/TCO interface properties are correlated with the characteristics of both the n-layer and the TCO layer. Combined with the results reported on the device performance using similar back n/TCO contacts, we found the overall device performance may depend on both interface and bulk effects related to the back n/TCO contacts. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural and magnetic characteristics of Fe3-xSnxO4 (x < 0.3) nanoparticles synthesized using the precipitation exchange method have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope, Mossbauer spectra, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and magnetization measurement. The mean particle dimension decreases from 8 to 6 nm, the lattice parameters enlarge, the saturation magnetization decreases, as well as the magnetization and the coercive field increase, with increasing tin-content. The paramagnetic property of the specimens indicates that the replacement of Fe3+ by Sn4+ on the octahedral sites of Fe3O4 causes a progressive lowering of the Curie temperature and the Curie temperatures of the materials are all lower than that of crystallite tin-doped magnetite. This striking debasing is due to the lessening of the grain size. This is the smallest size reported thus far for paramagnetic tin-doped magnetite particles. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on stacking fault (SF) detection in free-standing cubic-SiC epilayer by the Raman measurements. The epilayer with enhanced SFs is heteroepitaxially grown by low pressure chemical vapour deposition on a Si(100) substrate and is released in KOH solution by micromechanical manufacture, on which the Raman measurements are performed in a back scattering geometry. The TO line of the Raman spectra is considerably broadened and distorted. We discuss the influence of SFs on the intensity profiles of TO mode by comparing our experimental data with the simulated results based on the Raman bond polarizability (BP) model in the framework of linear-chain concept. Good agreement with respect to the linewidth and disorder-induced peak shift is found by assuming the mean distance of the SFs to be 11 angstrom in the BP model.


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Straight single-line defect optical waveguides in photonic crystal slabs are designed by the plane wave expansion method and fabricated into silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer by 248-nm deep UV lithography. We present an efficient way to measure the light transmission spectrum of the photonic crystal waveguide (PhC WG) at given polarization states. By employing the Mueller/Stokes method, we measure and analyse the light propagation properties of the PhC WG at different polarized states. It is shown that experimental results are in agreement with the simulation results of the three-dimensional finite-difference-time-domain method.


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GaN intermedial layers grown under different pressures are inserted between GaN epilayers and AlN/Si(111) substrates. In situ optical reflectivity measurements show that a transition from the three-dimensional (3D) mode to the 2D one occurs during the GaN epilayer growth when a higher growth pressure is used during the preceding GaN intermedial layer growth, and an improvement of the crystalline quality of GaN epilayer will be made. Combining the in situ reflectivity and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements, it is suggested that the lateral growth at the transition of growth mode is favourable for bending of dislocation lines, thus reducing the density of threading dislocations in the epilayer.


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A diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser passively Q switched by a semiconductor absorber is demonstrated. The Q-switched operation of the laser has an average output power of 135 mW with a 1.6 W incident pump power. The minimum pulse width is measured to be about 8.3 ns with a repetition rate of 2 MHz. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a solid-state laser passively Q-switched by such a composite semiconductor absorber. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.