973 resultados para Grant funded projects
The Geologic Atlas of the United States was digitized and stored in the Texas A&M University institutional repository. Extensive metadata was created which emphasized the geographic and geologic aspects of the material. The map sheets were also convered into kml files for Google Earth and ESRI shape files for use in GIS. A Yahoo!Map interface allows for visualization of the locations of each folio and user friendly browsing across the collection. Details of the project will be discussed, including the selection, digitization methods and standards, preservation, metadata, web presence and staffing. Its storage in DSpace, assortment of publicity outlets, and its inclusion in targeted clearinghouses expand its potential use to national and international audiences.
More and more libraries, museums and cultural institutions rely on fundraising and grant writing to sustain their services, special projects, or new initiatives Since most MLIS programs do not include grant project planning and proposal writing as part of their curriculum, librarians learn the process through trial and error, or continuing education classes. There are numerous books and websites that can assist the novice grant writer. We hope to provide beginners with basic information on the types of grants available, where to look for funding agencies, selected grant writing resources, and a few helpful grant writing hints to get you started. The presentation will be a three-person panel providing a short overview of the areas mentioned above, and discussion of sample grants submitted or received. The overview will be presented in Power Point format with an accompanying handout for each attendee.
A presente dissertação analisa como a lógica do capital penetrou na saúde como resultado da necessidade de expansão das forças produtivas. O que se pretende confirmar é o processo no qual o capital, ao metamorfosear sua necessidade em necessidade universal, amplia suas bases de produção e faz parecer que, para alcançar níveis melhores de saúde, toda área precise depender de injeções cada vez mais vultuosas de capitais. Essa dependência, em suma ideológica, produz e cria os meios para a reprodução de suas contradições em todos os ramos da área de saúde. É nessa esteira que o capital portador de juros passa a determinar os processos de produção e reprodução na área, com o objetivo de alcançar lucros exorbitantes, ao ponto de sentenciar centenas de milhares de vidas a incerteza, a dor e até a morte do corpo e da alma pela falta de assistência das políticas de saúde. Problematiza-se os projetos em disputa na saúde, ressaltando o projeto contra-hegemônico da Reforma Sanitária elaborado nos anos 1970. Aborda-se a saúde por sua relevância e necessidade de transpô-la ao patamar de valor humanitário, a partir de uma inquietação tangencial, aos processos vivenciados no cotidiano entre aqueles que trabalham, para possibilitar o acesso a uma multidão cada vez maior e mais diversificada que requer, enquanto trabalhadores, direitos aos produtos e aos serviços de saúde. Tomando a referência do complexo industrial da saúde, no contexto de hegemonia do capital financeiro, evidencia-se sua consolidação na ampliação da acumulação e concentração frente à histórica necessidade do capital de assentar-se em bases materiais e de articular-se ao capital portador de juros. Na atualidade esse processo sustenta este modo de produção e garante sua produção/reprodução por meio da invenção crescente de capitais fictícios. No Brasil, ao passo que as políticas sociais são privatizadas, a concentração de capitais, os planos de investimento e crescimento das empresas por participação acionária são financiados com recursos públicos comprovados por meio dos programas do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social.
Na virada para o século XXI artistas e curadores em bienais e outras exposições internacionais estão adotando formas colaborativas e educacionais de fazer arte e curadoria envolvendo artistas e não artistas, comunidades, escolas e outras instâncias sociais. Essas iniciativas criam encontros interdisciplinares onde imbricações entre arte e não-arte são colocadas em questão, considerando contextos sociopolíticos mundiais, a globalização e outros temas pós-colonialistas. A dissertação examina as aproximações e atravessamentos de culturas e identidades, questões de centro e periferia, local e global gerando entre-lugares e o interesse por propostas de site-oriented, geradoras de situações de convivência, compartilhamento de experiências coletivas e prática educativa. A pesquisa reflete sobre as intenções dos artistas, curadores, a participação do público e o diálogo entre diferentes discursos críticos e campos do conhecimento em projetos com essas características. O estudo de caso é o projeto Cadernos de Viagem, projeto de residência artística e exposição, realizado na 8 Bienal do Mercosul, em Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2011. Diversos teóricos como Homi Bhabha, Jacques Rancière, Nicolas Bourriaud, Claire Bishop, Grant Kester, Miwon Kwon, Moacir dos Anjos e Félix Guattari, são abordados, entre outros
We address the valuation of an operating wind farm and the finite-lived option to invest in it under different reward/support schemes: a constant feed-in tariff, a premium on top of the electricity market price (either a fixed premium or a variable subsidy such as a renewable obligation certificate or ROC), and a transitory subsidy, among others. Futures contracts on electricity with ever longer maturities enable market-based valuations to be undertaken. The model considers up to three sources of uncertainty: the electricity price, the level of wind generation, and the certificate (ROC) price where appropriate. When analytical solutions are lacking, we resort to a trinomial lattice combined with Monte Carlo simulation; we also use a two-dimensional binomial lattice when uncertainty in the ROC price is considered. Our data set refers to the UK. The numerical results show the impact of several factors involved in the decision to invest: the subsidy per MWh generated, the initial lump-sum subsidy, the maturity of the investment option, and electricity price volatility. Different combinations of variables can help bring forward investments in wind generation. One-off policies, e.g., a transitory initial subsidy, seem to have a stronger effect than a fixed premium per MWh produced.
The report briefly outlines the programme of the National Rivers Authority (NRA), placing the Fisheries programme in the context of the work of the NRA as a whole, and viewing the tracking work against the broader requirements of the NRA Fisheries research programme. All regions of England and Wales are considered. Two techniques currently exist for studying the detailed timing and extent of movements of adult salmon: tracking of individually identifiable fish, and counting the numbers of fish moving past a fixed point in the river. The development of tracking techniques and the integrated use of tracking and fish counters is briefly reviewed in Section 3. Further details of these techniques are given in Appendices. Section 4 summarises and assesses completed and current NRA tracking studies. Section 5 discusses the scientific content of these studies in relation to similar work carried out elsewhere in the UK. The NRA programme of tracking studies is evaluated in Section 6. Section 7 discusses future fisheries projects and Section 8 details the future development of tracking techniques. Finally, recommendations arising out of this review are summarised in Section 9.
The following brief is to ensure standard criteria and format are used for the scoping and environmental assessment of water resources projects leading to the production of an environmental report or Environmental Statement. This volume is one of a series giving guidance on water resources projects. The water resources projects will predominantly comprise drought orders and permits, time limited and permanent licences. Smaller projects, such as spray irrigation licences, will not require an environmental assessment. This document forms the basis for discussions between the Environment Agency North East Region, consultees and the applicant. The process aims to produce a thorough assessment. Each section addresses consecutive elements of the assessment process. Section 2 outlines the structure for a scoping document, section 3 outlines the structure for an Environmental Statement and section 4 gives guidance on the role of an Environmental Action Plan. Appendices 1 and 2 should be used in conjunction with the scoping process and cover a wide range of aspects. However, some projects may not require all of them to be included, whilst for others, the inclusion of additional factors may be appropriate.
In its role as protector of the water environment, the Environment Agency requires significant water resources abstraction applications and schemes such as drought orders, drought permits, time limited licences, and river transfers to be environmentally assessed leading to the production of an environmental report or statement. This may not take the form of a formal Environmental Assessment, but is required to provide environmental information to support applications. (See Volume 1 - Guidance for Scoping and Environmental Assessment for Water Resources Projects in North East Region). This second volume concentrates on the environmental monitoring component of environmental assessments.
Fish tracking is a valuable technique for the provision of detailed information on the behaviour patterns of individual fish especially during estuarine and riverine migration. 2. Tracking studies help in the provision of a comprehensive description of the variety offish behaviour patterns in response to factors such as water flow, obstructions and water quality. 3. There are advantages to be gained by complementing fish tracking studies with data collected from fish counters and vice versa. 4. An overall evaluation of NRA fish tracking projects is presented in the wider context of NRA strategic research objectives. 5. The requirement for future development of tracking equipment, improved data analysis techniques, better communication and more immediate report preparation is identified. 6. Individual project evaluation is given for NRA (or the appropriate Water Authority predecessor) tracking studies conducted on the Ribble estuary, the River Tamar, River Torridge, Rivers Test and Itchen, River Lodden, the Welsh River Dee, River Glaslyn, River Taff, River Tawe, River Tywi, River Usk, Rivers Avon and Stour and the River Frome. 7. An outline for future strategic research is provided which identifies particular areas for study:- i) Identification of environmental factors which control the entry of fish into rivers. ii) Improvement of the understanding of the relationship between water flow and upstream movement of salmonids. iii) Examination of the detailed movements and behaviour of fish in relation to obstructions. iv) Closer definition of water quality requirements for salmonid fish. v) Definition of habitat preferences of salmonids in rivers. vi) Subsidiary topics such as the movements of non-salmonid fish and the downstream migration of kelts and juvenile salmonids.
Jamaica, with its overfish marine resources, has become a major tilapia producer in Latin America led by a small number of large farms practicing tilapia culture with considerable commercial success. Across the country, however, aquaculture is typically practiced by a large number of small-scale fish farmers who own less than 1.0 ha of land. Production is constrained by lack of credit, finite land space and suitable soil type, but larger existing aquaculturists are expanding further for overseas markets. Inspired by pioneering tilapia fish culture demonstration projects funded by the USAID and the goverment of Jamaica, fish culture production rose from a few hundred kg of Oreochromis niloticus in 1977, to about 5000 t of processed fish mainly red hybrid tilapia, in 2000. Most of this quantity was exported to Europe and North America.
The different computer softwares developed by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources (ICLARM) and its functions and uses in fisheries science are presented.
The benefits of decentralizing the management of coastal resources to local governments and resource users have long been recognized, but the best systems for coastal resources management depend on many factors. A number of community-based management and co-management projects were started in the Philippines in the early 1980s. This report describes a comparative assessment of these projects to determine where improvements can be made in the design of future community-based coastal resource management projects. Early and continuing involvement by project beneficiaries is one of the factors that contributes to the success of the project development, implementation, and evaluation.