966 resultados para Gastropod shells
Reconhecida como uma das maiores empresas do Brasil, controlada pelo governo, a Petrobras apresenta um processo de internacionalização dividido em duas fases: (i) busca de melhores condições contratuais para o abastecimento do mercado interno e (ii) posicionamento mundial, segurança financeira e internacionalização da marca. Ambas as perspectivas de atuação internacional promoveram o aproveitamento de vantagem competitiva, ainda que sob comportamentos distintos. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente estudo é mensurar o impacto do processo de internacionalização no sistema de controle gerencial da unidade de estudo: Petrobras Uruguay Distribución, subsidiária no segmento de downstream1 e constituída em 2006 por meio de um processo de reorganização societária decorrente da aquisição dos ativos da Shell. Para atender a este propósito, analisam-se as possíveis alterações dos sistemas de controle gerencial e a relação existente, em termos de proximidade e afastamento da literatura presente e o caso estudado. Para tanto, o capítulo de revisão de literatura representa o embasamento teórico responsável pelas abordagens das características dos sistemas de controles, identificação dos contextos influenciadores de seu desenho e destaque para os tipos de internacionalização, nas tangentes comportamentais e motivacionais, além de abordar as teorias de ciclo de vida organizacional. O método aplicado no teste do referencial teórico foi o estudo exploratório com caso único, mediante a aplicação de um questionário padronizado. As variáveis de pesquisa consubstanciaram-se no relacionamento da literatura abordada e as questões de pesquisa e foram classificadas, segundo a natureza, em contingentes e identificadoras. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram avaliar o nível do impacto do processo de internacionalização e a capacidade de adaptabilidade da organização aos novos contextos, comprovando que o empreendimento de novas estratégias, sejam elas internacionais ou em novos negócios, influencia o desenho do sistema de controle gerencial que refletirá, na proporção do interesse dos gestores, num processo de controle mais adequado à organização.
Between 1995 and 2002, we surveyed fish assemblages at seven oil platforms off southern and central California using the manned research submersible Delta. At each platform, there is a large horizontal beam situated at or near the sea floor. In some instances, shells and sediment have buried this beam and in other instances it is partially or completely exposed. We found that fish species responded in various ways to the amount of exposure of the beam. A few species, such as blackeye goby (Rhinogobiops nicholsii), greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes elongatus), and pink seaperch (Zalembius rosaceus) tended to avoid the beam. However, many species that typically associate with natural rocky outcrops, such as bocaccio (S. paucispinis), cowcod (S. levis), copper (S. caurinus), greenblotched (S. rosenblatti), pinkrose (S. simulator) and vermilion (S. miniatus) rockfishes, were found most often where the beam was exposed. In particular, a group of species (e.g., bocaccio, cowcod, blue (Sebastes mystinus), and vermilion rockfishes) called here the “sheltering habitat” guild, lived primarily where the beam was exposed and formed a crevice. This work demonstrates that the presence of sheltering sites is important in determining the species composition of man-made reefs and, likely, natural reefs. This research also indicates that adding structures that form sheltering sites in and around decommissioned platforms will likely lead to higher densities of many species typical of hard and complex structure.
A pesquisa analisa a criação de adversidade através da materialidade crua e rústica utilizada nos Bólides de Hélio Oiticica. O papel da materialidade tornou-se evidente a partir da percepção de que os ditos objetos realizam um convite àquilo que chamamos de participação adversa. Ao mesmo tempo em que eram objetos capazes de despertar a curiosidade do espectador e incitá-lo à manipulação, o faziam através do toque de substâncias ásperas e pouco suaves, como por exemplo, pedaços de madeira mal pintada, telas de nylon, conchas e pigmento em pó. O despertar de sensações contrárias ao prazer sensorial sugeriu que não apenas a materialidade estaria no cerne da questão da criação de adversidade como um dos fios condutores da obra de Oiticica, como também que a captura de objetos descartados oriundos do cotidiano seria a maneira do artista estruturar a sua noção de adversidade (da vida e da arte). Para compreender o papel estrutural dos objetos despejados do dia-a-dia, realizamos a aproximação entre o adverso e o abjeto (KRAUSS, 2000), bem como o pensamento do informe como elemento operacional da obra (YVE-ALAIN BOIS, 2000). A materialidade rude foi vista ainda como criadora de uma temporalidade de instantes para os Bólides e aqueles que os manipulavam, como organizadora de fricção com o espaço e a cultura e ainda como elemento de rebaixamento da condição matérica e do espectador
The fisheries of the Farasan Islands (Saudi Arabia, Red Sea) are described. The fishery resources are exploited by artisanal, investor and industrial sectors. The artisanal fishery consists mostly of line fishing around coral reefs and about half the fishing effort occurs within the proposed marine protected area (MPA). Activities by investor and industrial fisheries sector include line fishing, gill netting, fish trapping and demersal fish trawling. The relevant resource management issues that need to be addressed as part of a planning study for the establishment of a MPA are also presented. The major issues are: (1) the decline in the catch of the artisanal fishery; (2) by catch and habitat degradation; (3) sustainability in the collection of giant clams and pearl shells; and (4) the lack of information such as the importance of MPA to fisheries, stock assessment and catch and effort data. A significant role in the future management of the fisheries has been identified for the traditional representatives of the artisanal sector.
The black clam, Villorita cyprinoides, is the most important clam species landed in India. The State of Kerala has been, by far, the leading producer of the species. Nearly all the landings, about 25,000 tons (t)/year are harvested in Vembanad Lake, the largest estuary, 96 km (54 mi) long, on the west coast of India. Nearly 4,000 fishermen harvest the black clams year-round. They harvest most by hand while diving in waters from 2.1–2.7 m (7–9 ft) deep. Each collects 150–200 kg (3–5 bushels)/day. Upon returning from the harvesting beds, the fishermen and their families cook the clams and separate their meats from their shells using simple sieves. Fishermen’s wives sell the meats within their local villages and save some for their families to eat. The shells are sold through organized fishermen societies to various industries. A substantial quantity of sub-fossil black clam shells lies buried from 22–50 cm (9–20 in) beneath the lake sediments. They are dredged in a controlled manner and sold to the same industries. The stocks of black clams seem to be declining slowly in the southern part of the lake because the water has been getting fresher, but they are not declining in the northern half. A likely threat to the landings may be a lack of fishermen in the future.
In recent decades, hatchery-growout culture of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria, has been commercially successful in Atlantic United States and oysters in Atlantic Canada. Culturists have not had success, as yet, with northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians. Large mortalities occur during the culture process, mainly because the scallops are relatively delicate and some die when handled. In addition, too little edible meat, i.e. the adductor muscle, is produced for the culture operation to be profitable. However, three companies, one in Massachusetts, one in New Brunswick, and one on Prince Edward Island, Canada, have discovered that they can produce bay scallops successfully by harvesting them when partially-to fully-grown and selling them whole. In restaurants, the scallops are cooked and served with all their meats (adductor muscles and rims) and also with the shells, which have been genetically-bred for bright colors. The scallop seed are produced in hatcheries and then grown in lantern or pearl nets and cages to market size. Thus far, production has been relatively small, just beyond the pilot-scale, until a larger demand develops for this product.
This article covers the biology and the history of the bay scallop habitats and fishery from Massachusetts to North Carolina. The scallop species that ranges from Massachusetts to New York is Argopecten irradians irradians. In New Jersey, this species grades into A. i. concentricus, which then ranges from Maryland though North Carolina. Bay scallops inhabit broad, shallow bays usually containing eelgrass meadows, an important component in their habitat. Eelgrass appears to be a factor in the production of scallop larvae and also the protection of juveniles, especially, from predation. Bay scallops spawn during the warm months and live for 18–30 months. Only two generations of scallops are present at any time. The abundances of each vary widely among bays and years. Scallops were harvested along with other mollusks on a small scale by Native Americans. During most of the 1800’s, people of European descent gathered them at wading depths or from beaches where storms had washed them ashore. Scallop shells were also and continue to be commonly used in ornaments. Some fishing for bay scallops began in the 1850’s and 1860’s, when the A-frame dredge became available and markets were being developed for the large, white, tasty scallop adductor muscles, and by the 1870’s commercial-scale fishing was underway. This has always been a cold-season fishery: scallops achieve full size by late fall, and the eyes or hearts (adductor muscles) remain preserved in the cold weather while enroute by trains and trucks to city markets. The first boats used were sailing catboats and sloops in New England and New York. To a lesser extent, scallops probably were also harvested by using push nets, picking them up with scoop nets, and anchor-roading. In the 1910’s and 1920’s, the sails on catboats were replaced with gasoline engines. By the mid 1940’s, outboard motors became more available and with them the numbers of fishermen increased. The increases consisted of parttimers who took leaves of 2–4 weeks from their regular jobs to earn extra money. In the years when scallops were abundant on local beds, the fishery employed as many as 10–50% of the towns’ workforces for a month or two. As scallops are a higher-priced commodity, the fishery could bring a substantial amount of money into the local economies. Massachusetts was the leading state in scallop landings. In the early 1980’s, its annual landings averaged about 190,000 bu/yr, while New York and North Carolina each landed about 45,000 bu/yr. Landings in the other states in earlier years were much smaller than in these three states. Bay scallop landings from Massachusetts to New York have fallen sharply since 1985, when a picoplankton, termed “brown tide,” bloomed densely and killed most scallops as well as extensive meadows of eelgrass. The landings have remained low, large meadows of eelgrass have declined in size, apparently the species of phytoplankton the scallops use as food has changed in composition and in seasonal abundance, and the abundances of predators have increased. The North Carolina landings have fallen since cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonsais, became abundant and consumed most scallops every year before the fishermen could harvest them. The only areas where the scallop fishery remains consistently viable, though smaller by 60–70%, are Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Mass., and inside the coastal inlets in southwestern Long Island, N.Y.
Mats (biomasses) of macroalgae, i.e. Ulva spp., Enteromorpha spp., Graciolaria spp., and Cladophora spp., have increased markedly over the past 50 years, and they cover much larger areas than they once did in many estuaries of the world. The increases are due to large inputs of pollutants, mainly nitrates. During the warm months, the mats lie loosely on shallow sand and mud flats mostly along shorelines. Ulva lactuca overwinters as buds attached to shells and stones, and in the spring it grows as thalli (leaf fronds). Mats eventually form that are several thalli thick. Few macroinvertebrates grow on the upper surfaces of their thalli due to toxins they produce, and few can survive beneath them. The fish, crabs, and wading birds that once used the flats to feed on the macroinvertebrates are denied these feeding grounds. The mats also grow over and kill mollusks and eelgrass, Zostera marina. An experiment was undertaken which showed that two removals of U. lactuca in a summer from a shallow flat in an estuarine cove maintained the bottom almost free of it.
The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England and Long Island, N.Y., made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has given consumers a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Tabasco leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certified beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has provided consumers with a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Campeche leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certifi ed beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
The pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera mazatlanica, was once found around the Archipielago de las Perlas in Panama in abundance and it supported a substantial fishery by hard hat divers. The products were pearls, shells used for making buttons, and meats used locally for food. After the mid 1920’s, the fishery declined due to overfishing, and by the 1940’s it was nearly gone. The oysters began to repopulate the grounds during the 1970’s, but the oysters remain relatively scarce. Fishing has since resumed on a small scale by skin divers using face masks.
Gundlachia Pfeiffer 1849 é o gênero de molusco de água doce pateliforme com a mais ampla distribuição geográfica dentre os oito gêneros de Ancylidae assinalados para a região Neotropical. A concha pateliforme, considerada uma homoplasia por diversos autores em vários basomatóforos, tem sido historicamente utilizada para definir a unidade da família Ancylidae, apesar dos questionamentos contrários à monofilia do grupo. Dados moleculares confirmaram que "Ancylidae" é um grupo parafilético, principalmente por causa do gênero Burnupia. Os demais gêneros foram incluídos em Ancylinae, dentro de Planorbidae. No entanto, a ausência de todos os gêneros Neotropicais nas filogenias propostas, com base molecular ainda é um assunto que necessita ser investigado. Os principais objetivos desse trabalho foram: (a) revisar as espécies de Gundlachia, através de estudos morfológicos das conchas e partes moles; (b) padronizar as descrições das espécies para iniciar uma análise cladística do gênero Gundlachia; (c) iniciar um estudo de biologia molecular utilizando distintas espécies de representantes de Ancylinae, para verificar as suas interrelações e o provável grupoirmão de Gundlachia; (d) e por fim, construir um mapa de distribuição geográfica. Para isso, examinamos diversas coleções científicas e realizamos coletas nas localidadestipo. A morfologia das conchas foi comparada por análises morfométricas e por microscópio de luz e de varredura. As partes moles dos espécimes foram dissecadas e estudadas sob o microscópio estereoscópico. A análise molecular foi realizada em três espécimes de cada amostra, utilizando os genes da citocromo c oxidase I e o 16S mtDNA. Após o sequenciamento verificamos as distâncias genéticas entre as diferentes espécies de Gundlachia e as suas relações com os outros gêneros por meio do teste Neighbor-joining e Maximum likelihood. Com esse estudo apresentamos a redescrição de algumas espécies de Gundlachia, discutimos a validade de novos táxons descobertos e sequenciamos e analisamos espécies de sete gêneros de Ancylinae que ocorrem na região Neotropical. Com base nesses dados discutimos a monofilia de Gundlachia e o seu provável grupo-irmão. E ainda abordamos a validade dos demais gêneros neotropicais
Os manguezais são ecossistemas estuarinos, representando a transição entre os ambientes continentais e marinhos, e tendo sua formação relacionada com as flutuações do nível do mar no Quaternário. No Manguezal de Guaratiba, diversos estudos sobre as variações do nível do mar, mais precisamente no Holoceno, têm sido realizados, sob os enfoques sedimentológicos, geoquímicos, palinológicos e micropaleontológicos. Entre os estudos micropaleontológicos, destacam-se os que utilizam os foraminíferos bentônicos, micro-organismos amplamente utilizados como indicadores paleoecológicos e paleoambientais do Holoceno. No presente trabalho, foi coletado, através de um amostrador do tipo trado russo, um testemunho (T1) no Manguezal de Guaratiba, no qual foram realizadas análises de parâmetros como granulometria, teores de matéria orgânica (MO), carbonato, carbono orgânico total (COT) e enxofre (S) (abióticos) e da fauna de foraminíferos bentônicos (bióticos). Foram utilizadas também índices ecológicos e análises de agrupamento, através das quais foi possível estabelecer quatro associações faunísticas (I,II,III e IV), assim como os fatores ambientais que mais influenciaram a distribuição da fauna. A correlação com assembleias de foraminíferos de outros testemunhos que possuem datação por Carbono 14 (C14), assim como outros trabalhos que versam sobre a evolução da Baía de Sepetiba, permitiu o estabelecimento de três ciclos de emersão-submersão para a área da planície de maré estudada: 1)Fase transgressiva: nível de concentração de conchas em depósitos lagunares formados por sedimentos finos, sem foraminíferos; provavelmente posterior a uma regressão; 2) Fase transgressiva: formação de uma baía, com presença exclusiva de espécies de foraminíferos calcários (Associação III) com maiores valores de riqueza e queda nos valores de COT; ocorrida há cerca de 3.800 anos A.P 3) Fase transgressiva: período de submersão, presença de espécies de foraminíferos tipicamente estuarinos (Associação IV), com duração entre 3.500 anos A.P. e 2.700 anos A.P.; 4)Fase transgressiva: caracterizada pela alternância entre a formação de baías rasas e lagunas marinhas (maiores índices de riqueza nas associações faunísticas), menores valores de MO e COT e aumento na proporção de sedimentos finos; evento iniciado há cerca de 2.700 anos A.P.; e 5)Fase regressiva: fauna de foraminíferos aglutinantes, resistente às condições de salinidade e acidez características de ambientes confinados como os manguezais, além do incremento nos teores de areia, evidenciando a fase final de confinamento da Baía de Sepetiba pela Restinga da Marambaia; evento iniciado por volta de 2.400 anos A.P., estendendo-se até o presente. Os resultados obtidos mostram a importância da correlação lateral entre testemunhos na interpretação paleoambiental da Baía de Sepetiba, além da identificação de estágios de transgressão e regressão que se aproximam da curva de variação do nível do mar proposta por SUGUIO et al.(1985) para o litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Time-series flux variabilities of biogenic opal particles were measured during 1982-1986 at pelagic Station PAPA (50° N, 145° W) located just south of the Gulf of Alaska, eastern North Pacific. PARFLUX sediment traps with two week sampling increments were deployed at 1000 m and 3800 m in 4200 m deep water, yielding nearly continuous time-series flux records for four years. The flux data allowed us to examine interannual and seasonal variabilities of siliceous phytoplankton production as well as environmental signals retained within the siliceous shells, which can be used to reconstruct environments.
A remarkable shell structure is described that, due to a particular combination of geometry and initial stress, has zero stiffness for any finite deformation along a twisting path; the shell is in a neutrally stable state of equilibrium. Initially the shell is straight in a longitudinal direction, but has a constant, nonzero curvature in the transverse direction. If residual stresses are induced in the shell by, for example, plastic deformation, to leave a particular resultant bending moment, then an analytical inextensional model of the shell shows it to have no change in energy along a path of twisted configurations. Real shells become closer to the inextensional idealization as their thickness is decreased; experimental thin-shell models have confirmed the neutrally stable configurations predicted by the inextensional theory. A simple model is described that shows that the resultant bending moment that leads to zero stiffness gives the shell a hidden symmetry, which explains this remarkable property.