1000 resultados para Fujian Sheng


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Recognizing the computational difficulty due to the exponential behavior of the evanescent states in the calculations of the electron transmission in waveguide structures, the authors propose two transfer matrix methods and apply them to investigate the influence of the evanescent states on the electron wave propagation. The study shows that the effect of the evanescent states on the electron transport is obvious when the electron energy is close to the subband minima. The results show that the calculated transmissions are much enhanced if the evanescent states are omitted in the calculations. For the multiple-stub structures, it is found that the connecting channel length has a critical effect on the electron transmission depending on it larger or smaller than the attenuation lengths of evanescent states. Based on the study of the evanescent states, a new kind of waveguide structures which exhibit quantum modulated transistor action is proposed. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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We explore the possibility of a quantum directional coupler based on Pi-shaped coupled electron waveguides with smooth boundaries. By calculating the transmission spectra, we propose an optimized coupler structure with a high directivity and fine uniformity. The coupler specifications, directivity, uniformity, and coupling coefficient are evaluated.


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The transfer-matrix method widely used in the calculation of the band structure of semiconductor quantum wells is found to have limitations due to its intrinsic numerical instability. It is pointed out that the numerical instability arises from free-propagating transfer matrices. A new scattering-matrix method is developed for the multiple-band Kane model within the envelope-function approximation. Compared with the transfer-matrix method, the proposed algorithm is found to be more efficient and stable. A four-band Kane model is used to check the validity of the method and the results are found to be in good agreement with earlier calculations.


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The intermittent illumination treatment by white light at elevated temperature is proved to be a convenient and efficient method for the improvement of the stability of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films. The effect of the treatment on electrical properties, light-induced degradation, and gap states of undoped a-Si:H films has been investigated in detail. With the increase of cycling number, the dark- as well as photo-conductivities in annealed state and light-soaked state approach each other, presenting an unique irreversible effect. The stabilization and ordering processes by the present treatment can not be achieved merely by annealing under the same conditions. It is shown that the treatment proposed here results in a shift to higher values of the energy barriers between defects and their precursors, and hence an improved stability of a-Si:H films. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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A theoretical investigation of ballistic electron transport in a quantum wire with soft wall confinement is presented. A general method of the electron transmission calculation is proposed for structures with complicated geometries. The effects of the lateral guiding potential on ballistic transport are investigated using three soft wall confinement models and the results are compared with those obtained from the hard wall confinement approximation. It is shown that the calculated transmission coefficients are notably dependent on the lateral confining potential especially when the incident electron energy is larger than the energy of the second transverse mode. It is found that the transmission profile obtained from soft wall confinement models exhibits simpler resonance structures than that obtained from the hard wall confinement approximation. Our results suggest that only in the single-channel regime the hard wall confinement approximation can give reasonable results.


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A transfer matrix approach is presented for the study of electron conduction in an arbitrarily shaped cavity structure embedded in a quantum wire. Using the boundary conditions for wave functions, the transfer matrix at an interface with a discontinuous potential boundary is obtained for the first time. The total transfer matrix is calculated by multiplication of the transfer matrix for each segment of the structure as well as numerical integration of coupled second-order differential equations. The proposed method is applied to the evaluation of the conductance and the electron probability density in several typical cavity structures. The effect of the geometrical features on the electron transmission is discussed in detail. In the numerical calculations, the method is found to be more efficient than most of the other methods in the literature and the results are found to be in excellent agreement with those obtained by the recursive Green's function method.


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A transfer matrix method is presented for the study of electron conduction in a quantum waveguide with soft wall lateral confinement. By transforming the two-dimensional Schrodinger equation into a set of second order ordinary differential equations, the total transfer matrix is obtained and the scattering probability amplitudes are calculated. The proposed method is applied to the evaluation of the electron transmission in two types of cavity structure with finite-height square-well confinement. The results obtained by our method, which are found to be in excellent agreement with those from another transfer matrix method, suggest that the infinite square-well potential is a good approximation to finite-height square-well confinement for electrons propagating in the ground transverse mode, but softening of the walls has an obvious effect on the electron transmission and mode-mixing for propagating in the excited transverse mode. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The propagation characteristics of fiexural waves in periodic grid structures designed with the idea of phononic crystals are investigated by combining the Bloch theorem with the finite element method. This combined analysis yields phase constant surfaces, which predict the location and the extension of band gaps, as well as the directions and the regions of wave propagation at assigned frequencies. The predictions are validated by computation and experimental analysis of the harmonic responses of a finite structure with 11 × 11 unit cells. The fiexural wave is localized at the point of excitation in band gaps, while the directional behaviour occurs at particular frequencies in pass bands. These studies provide guidelines to designing periodic structures for vibration attenuation.


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The time-resolved photoluminescence and steady photoluminescence (TRPL and PL) spectra on self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) are investigated. By depositing GaAs/InAs short period superlattices (SLs), 1. 48 μtm emission is obtained at room temperature. Temperature dependent PL measurements show that the PL intensity of the emission is very steady. It decays only to half as the temperature increases from 15 K to room temperature, while at the same time, the intensity of the other emission decreases by a factor of 5 orders of magnitude. These two emissions are attributed to large-size QDs and short period superlattices (SLs), respectively. Large-size QDs are easier to capture and confine carriers,which benefits the lifetime of PL, and therefore makes the emission intensity insensitive to the temperature.


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The effects of high temperature annealing on the microstructure and optical properties of luminescent SiOx:H films have been investigated. Micro-Raman scattering and IR absorption, in combination with atomic force microscopy (AFM), provide evidence for the existence of both a-Si clusters in the as-grown a-SiOx:H and Si nanocrystals in the 1170 degrees C annealed films. The dependence of optical coefficients (alpha) on photon energy (h nu) near the absorption edge (E-g) is found to follow the square root law: (alpha h nu)(1/2) proportional to (E-g - h nu), indicating that nano-Si embedded in SiO2 is still an indirect material. A comparison of the deduced absorption edge with the PL spectra shows an obvious Stokes shift, suggesting that phonons should be involved in the optical transition process.


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High quality hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films have been prepared by a simple "uninterrupted growth/annealing" plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique, combined with a subtle boron-compensated doping. These a-Si:H films possess a high photosensitivity over 10(6), and exhibit no degradation in photoconductivity and a low light-induced defect density after prolonged illumination. The central idea is to control the growth conditions adjacent to the critical point of phase transition from amorphous to crystalline state, and yet to locate the Fermi level close to the midgap. Our results show that the improved stability and photosensitivity of a-Si:H films prepared by this method can be mainly attributed to the formation of a more robust network structure and reduction in the precursors density of light-induced metastable defects.


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We have developed a low-temperature (LT) growth technique. Even with Ge fraction x upto 90%, the total thickness of fully relaxed GexSi1-x buffers can he reduced to 1.7 mu m with dislocation density lower than 5 x 10(6) cm(-2). The surface roughness is no more than 6 nm. The strain relaxation is quite inhomogeneous From the beginning. Stacking faults generate and form the mismatch dislocations in the interface of GeSi/LT-Si. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity with InAs quantum dots (QDs) emitters and analyzes the optical characteristics of cavity modes at room temperature. The micro-luminescence spectrum recorded from the nanocavities exhibits a narrow optical transition at the lowest order resonance wavelength of about 1137 nm with about 1 nm emission linewidth. In addition, the spectra of photonic crystal nanocavities processed under different etching conditions show that the verticality of air hole sidewall is an important factor determing the luminescence characteristics of photonic crystal nanocaivties. Finally,,the variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed at improving the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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广西壮族自治区是中国多孔菌资源比较丰富的区域之一,本研究对广西主要林区进行了初步调查,并根据形态学研究方法对广西地区的多孔菌进行了系统分类学研究。 结果显示,广西地区的多孔菌共有15科,60属,140种。研究过程中发现两个新种,分别是菌索容氏孔菌Junghuhnia rhizomorpha H.S. Yuan & Y.C. Dai和小孔大孢卧孔菌Megasporoporia microporela X.S. Zhou &Y.C. Dai;发现7个中国新记录种:萨拉氏灵芝Ganoderma sarasinii Steyaert,唐氏胶囊革菌Gloeocystidiellum donkii S.S. Rattan,线浅孔菌Grammothele lineata Berkeley & M.A. Curtis,粉状捷克革菌Jacksonomyces furfurellus (Bres.) Sheng H. Wu & Z.C. Chen,半伏容氏孔菌Junghuhnia separabilima (Pouzar) Ryvarden,非洲纵隔担孔菌Protomerulius africanus (Ryvarden) Ryvarden和日本芮氏孔菌Wrightoporia japonica Núñez & Ryvarden;78种为广西地区新记录种,占该地区已报道种类的55.7%。 依据分类学的研究结果,对广西地区的多孔菌的种类组成和地理成分进行了初步分析,结果显示,优势科为多孔菌科Polyporaceae(33.3%),其次为皱孔菌科Meripilaceae(10%),优势属为多孔菌属Polyporus(7.9%%)和针层孔菌属Phellinus(5.7%);属的地理成分以世界广布属(68.3%)和热带–亚热带分布属(23.3%)为主,种的地理成分以泛热带分布成分(35%)和世界广布种(30%)为主。 经研究表明广西地区共有森林干基腐朽病原多孔菌21种,食用多孔菌菌有5种,药用多孔菌32种,工业用多孔菌17种,多孔菌资源较丰富。 对重要种类木蹄层孔菌Fomes fomentarius (L.:Fr.) Fr.进行了固体培养研究,结果显示木蹄层孔菌的营养菌丝生长最适培养温度为28℃,最适培养pH值为7,最适培养碳源为蔗糖,最适培养氮源为蛋白胨。