910 resultados para Estética dentária


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Teeth that have lost much of their coronal tooth structure need intraradical devices to achieve a desired retention of the restorative material, restoring aesthetics and function to the patient. For this purpose, various types of intracanal posts have been studied, of wich the fiber posts have been highlighted with its increasing use in the dental market. The purpose of this study was to present a clinical case of using fiberglass post. As well as critically analyze the published works and points of controversy described by different authors related to factors such as different protocols cementation, surface treatments pins, fracture toughness and compression, the possibility of microleakage, diameter and length of the pin, and the various materials used in conjunction with the intracanal retainers. Thus, we concluded that fiber posts showed as an excellent alternative for anterior teeth, since have least 2 mm of tooth remaining.


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The population’s life expectancy is growing every year. This fact highlights the importance of the elderly for the dentistry. The oral cavity quality has great influence on quality of life at both the biological and the psychological and social factors by maintaining a self-esteem, self-expression, communication and satisfactory facial aesthetics. Unfortunately, the number of edentulous elderly population is also high, which may create problems to their social life. Therefore, the objective of this study was to demonstrate and evaluate the difficulties of treating edentulous patients, comparing data prior to treatment to post data after treatment by complete dentures made to the patients undergoing oral rehabilitation in the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of Adamantina – FAI. For this study, questionnaires were filled in the form of answers developed alternative focused on the degree of patient satisfaction, the current situation of occlusion, and outcome of treatment. The results showed that 96% of patients were satisfied with the results obtained in the treatment, all of whom believed that the prosthesis helped them feel better aesthetically and improved self-esteem. By this methodology, it was concluded that the degree of satisfaction was high, but the services provided must be constantly reevaluated, once the elderly population presents a wide labor market for dental professionals and demand level services will certainly increase each year.


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O tratamento de indivíduos totalmente desdentados, desde os primórdios dos conceitos e fundamentos da reabilita-ção oral, tem sido um grande desafio para os profissionais da odontologia, especialmente em relação à retenção, suporte e estabilidade das próteses totais. Esses pré-requisitos protéticos estão geralmente deficientes em pacientes que apresentam um longo período de desdentamento, com grande atrofia e reabsor-ção dos rebordos alveolares, especialmente no arco mandibular. Com o advento da implantodontia e com a evolução sequencial dos estudos envolvendo o processo de osseointegração essa filosofia se tornou otimizada pelas próteses totais fixas implantossuportadas, denominadas próteses protocolo, repre-sentando uma modalidade clinicamente previsível no âmbito da dontologia moderna. Com base nessa premissa, o objetivo do presente trabalho é elucidar a sequência clínica de uma reabilitação total bimaxilar, conjugando-se uma prótese total convencional superior e uma prótese protocolo inferior.


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Rehabilitation of edentulous patients has been a challenge for professionals since the primary concepts and fundaments of occlusal rehabilitation. However, this philosophy has been improved by implant-supported fixed dentures that represent a predictable clinical modality on modern dentistry. Nevertheless, considering that the traditional protocol requires a long period for bone healing and definitive rehabilitation, immediate loading of implants has been advantageous for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of patients in a reduced period. The aim of this study is to discuss the biomechanical and functional fundaments of occlusion for implant-supported fixed dentures with mediate and immediate loading to provide clinical evidences for longevity of this treat ment modality based on the current literature. According to this, some prerequisites as proper bone quality, excellent primary stability, sufficient number of implants, rigid splinting, and control and mastering of biomechanical fundamentals of static and dynamic occlusion are mandatory for treatment predictability and longevity.


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Eye loss results on facial asymmetry compromising its aesthetics. Ocular prostheses are important to re-establish aesthetics; protect the anophthalmic cavity; recover function such as the redirection of lachrymatory liquid; and reintegrate the patient to society. The aim of this study was to describe a case report, demonstrating clinical and laboratorial procedures for confection of ocular prostheses and highlighting their advantages. A female patient was afflicted by toxoplasmosis, which led to the loss of her eye. An eye visceration was performed. The patient reported no previous use of ocular prosthesis. A PMMA ocular prosthesis was manufactured restoring patient’s aesthetic and facial contour. The patient was satisfied with the treatment. Therefore the present study has shown that PMMA ocular prosthesis is able to restore facial aesthetics and can be a safe and satisfactory alternative for patients that have lost their eyes due to toxoplasmosis.


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Nowadays the search for aesthetic in removable dentures is considered a success clinical factor. Besides, both the selection of artificial denture teeth and the characterization of dentures have been based on the facial harmony and cultural factors. But these factors change over time. Therefore, the present study aimed to discuss the selection of artificial denture teeth in relation to patient’s variables such as face shape, skin color, hair color, eye color, age and gender. Moreover, artificial denture teeth’ color, shape and size were presented.


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Objective: The use of methods for tissue regeneration has been widely applied in Implantology, in clinical situations with disabilities or anatomical limitations that prevent the placement of osseointegrated dental implants. The evolution of the development of biomaterials revolutionized this therapeutic modality, facilitating the resolution of clinical cases with tissue deficiencies. Thus, this study aimed to describe a clinical case approaching the methods, techniques, and materials used in guided bone regeneration applied to Implantology. Case report: A clinical case of a patient who received a Morse taper dental implant (region 15) is described. The use of biomaterial and membrane on the buccal wall of the socket was required. After the osseointegration period, a reopening surgery was performed, and an immediate provisional implant was produced. After 2 months of follow-up, the final prosthesis was made involving other adjacent elements. Final considerations: The guided bone regeneration technique employed showed satisfactory performance. The patient was positive regarding esthetics and function. However, more controlled studies with longer follow-up period are needed for analyses of predictability


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.


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In many oral rehabilitation professionals seeking venture renew people smile. However, these procedures have functional implications and aesthetic criteria which must be satisfied so that the final result is predictable. The restoration of relations intermaxillary, phonetics, masticatory function, esthetics and patient comfort are the goals to be achieved. An effective way to achieve these goals when immediate reconstruction with permanent dentures is not possible, make use of a type of partial denture called overlay. Bruxism is a manifestation of biopsychological imbalance that affects the stomatognathic system, characterized by clenching and / or attrition of teeth together so centric or eccentric, can be manifestation of nocturnal or diurnal. Its effects can manifest themselves in different parts of the stomatognathic system, varying the severity of the damage as the resistance of the structures affected, the time of existence, its regularity and the general state of the wearer. The description of the steps followed in solving this case, in which the patient edentulous mandibular arch while the maxillary arch showed absence of teeth 16 and 26 and, except for the teeth 17 and 27, all other teeth showed wear very sharp in the sense denoting incisal cervical, severe impairment of the vertical dimension, the quality of masticatory function and a marked impairment phonetic, this case report aims to guide the beginning of a rehabilitation, as well as the transitional phase of treatment for recovery of functional and aesthetic relationships intermaxillary .


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Epidemiological data on the conditions of oral health are essential for professionals in the health care plan, execute and evaluate dental programs. In Brazil, most oral health programs directs its resources to middle schools, leaving the preschool children in a secondary plan. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children from 4-6 years of age from schools of child education (EMEIs) of the city of Araçatuba-SP. The study was conducted on a sample of 275 children of both genders, representative of the population of preschool children in the city of Araçatuba-SP. In order to assess the prevalence and severity of dental caries indices we used the dmft and DMFT indexes, according to the codes and standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).The average dmft of 1.88 was found, comprising 78% of decayed teeth, 21% of restaured teeth and 1% with indicated extraction teeth. Regarding the permanent dentition, the average DMFT was 0.08, consisting of 71% of decayed teeth, 29% restored and 0% of missing teeth. Based on results found, there was a high caries prevalence in deciduous and permanent teeth, demonstrating the need for more dental care to the group studied.


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The aim of this research was to study dental caries and the image of infant about dentists. Were selected randomly, 92 students from a two publics schools and 88 from a two privates schools, in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State. The children to answer a questionnaire composed of 13 questions and to make a drawing to represent a dental caries. The results were accomplished by using the statistical analyses “ Qui-square “ test and the “ Fisher “ test. The drawings were analyzed by a specialist psychologist. We concluded that the image about the dentist, for the children, is highly favorable and most of them know what it is the dental caries and how it is caused.


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Dental plaque is the principal etiological agent of periodontal disease, one of oral diseases more prevalent in the world. Due existence of relation between periodontal disease and oral hygiene, on the point of periodontal view, it was developed a growing interesting by experimental research and by clinical investigations. The knowledge of problem, its extension, severity, hypothetic cause is so valuable to establish prevention, control and treatment acts. In this form, the use of plaque index becomes more and more often, being valuable the determination of discriminatory power of them. The aim of this work was to describe and analyze principal forms to register of dental plaque aiming to subsidize the researcher and dental surgeon on adoption of most adequate method for their case. Data bases: Medline, Lilacs and BBO were consulted without limit to identify the format of register of each index described on literature. It was observed the use of Oral Hygiene Index on diverse ways like: clinical evaluation of dental plaque, in products evaluation works and dental Office; patients monitoring; instruction about hygiene and oral hygiene technique. It was noted that dental plaque indexes are useful and allows the register of different forms point out the importance of its use on clinical and researches practice.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dental caries prevalence and the use and needs of dental prosthetic in pregnant women attending in the National Health System in northwestern city of São Paulo state. The sample involved women, between 3 and 9 months of gestation, who were taking prenatal care in Health Units. Those who consented (n = 119) were examined and interviewed by calibrated dentists. We used the DMF-T index and indicators of the use and needs of dental prosthetic. The average age of the pregnant women was 24.7 years, the majority brown (48.7%) with complete high school (60.5%). The average DMFT was 11.7 and 25.2% and 46.2% of them require upper and lower prosthesis, respectively. The oral health indices showed a high DMT-F and great need for dental prostheses. The results show the need for actions directed, with the aim of to improve the specialized attention to the health of mothers and their babies.


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A Ortodontia apresenta como um de seus pilares de sustentação as reações biológicas provenientes da indução mecânica. Desde seu início, vários estudos foram realizados para esclarecer os eventos biológicos decorrentes da movimentação dentária sob indução mecânica. Entretanto, mesmo sabendo-se que entre os procedimentos mecânicos e os fenômenos biológicos que acontecem no cotidiano ortodôntico não deve ocorrer disparidade, frequentemente observa-se uma preponderância para a busca do tipo de aparelhagem e o emprego de forças controladas, principalmente pelos fios. Esses aspectos deixam transparecer, principalmente para o profissional menos experiente, que somente o controle mecânico rege a movimentação dentária. Um exemplo que enfatiza exclusivamente o procedimento mecânico nos cursos de Ortodontia é o typodont. Convém salientar que essa metodologia de ensino é válida para simular a movimentação dentária no aspecto técnico-mecânico, porém, o conhecimento biológico da movimentação deve ter o mesmo nível de importância e não pode haver dicotomia; caso contrário, o resultado da movimentação ortodôntica pode causar prejuízos nas estruturas radiculares, óssea e periodontais, bem como comprometer as diversas estruturas em longo prazo.