850 resultados para Education, General|Education, Curriculum and Instruction


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Background: Sodium hypochlorite is used commonly as an endodontic irrigant, but there are no published reports that provide details of its use. This survey sought to determine the percentage of Australian dentists who practiced endodontics, whether they used sodium hypochlorite for irrigation, and the manner of dilution, storage and dispensing sodium hypochlorite used by both dentists and endodontists. Methods: All Australian endodontists and a stratified random sample of 200 general dentists in Australia were surveyed to address the issues identified above. Results: Almost 98 per cent of dentists surveyed performed endodontic treatment. Among endodontists, nearly 94 per cent used sodium hypochlorite for irrigation compared with just under 75 per cent of general dentists: Sodium hypochlorite use by general dentists was more common in Victoria and South Australia than in other States. An infant sanitizer (Milton or Johnson's Antibacterial Solution) was used by just over 92 per cent of general practitioners and by more than 67 per cent of endodontists. All other respondents used domestic bleach. One hundred and sixty four of the respondents (80 per cent of endodontists and over 90 per cent of general dentists) used a 1 per cent w/v solution. Ten practitioners used a 4 per cent w/v solution, five used a 2 per cent w/v solution and four used a 1.5 per cent w/v solution. Eighty per cent of the practitioners who diluted their sodium hypochlorite before use, used demineralized water for this purpose. The remainder used tap water. Only four practitioners stored sodium hypochlorite in a manner which risked light exposure and loss of available chlorine content. Conclusions: Sodium hypochlorite is commonly used as an endodontic irrigant and Australian dentists generally stored the material correctly.


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The aim of the consultation was to collect views on how the European Union can contribute to reducing health inequalities both within and between member states. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health.  The Institute promotes co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in research, training, information and policy to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH acknowledges and appreciates the benefits of information sharing and joint action in relation to policy and practice between European countries and we are proud to have been the Irish/Northern Irish partner in several projects, most recently as Work Package Leader for DETERMINE, coordinated by EuroHealthNet and as collaborating partner for I2SARE, coordinated by Federation National des Observatories de Sante (FNORS).  Both projects are funded by the European Commission.


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Résumé de l'article Contexte : En Suisse, les médecins de premier recours traitent la plupart des patients dépendants aux opiacés méthadone en tant que traitement de substitution. Méthode : Nous avons étudié les difficultés rencontrées dans la prise en charge des patients toxicodépendants en envoyant par poste un questionnaire d'enquête. Nous avons envoyé ce questionnaire à tous les médecins de premier recours de Suisse Romande prescrivant de la méthadone (556 médecins). Nous avons envoyé un autre questionnaire, plus court, à des médecins de premier recours du Canton de Vaud qui ne prescrivent pas de méthadone. Résultats : le taux de réponse global est de 63,3 %. La plus haute dose de méthadone donnée par les médecins de premier recours est de 120,4 mg/j (moyenne). Questionnés au sujet de l'aide qu'ils désireraient recevoir face à ces patients, les médecins de premier recours avec patients substitués par méthadone ont mentionné premièrement l'importance d'un meilleur remboursement des services prodigués. Les autres éléments demandés ont été une meilleure formation, de meilleures connaissances des pathologies psychiatriques et des groupes de discussion de cas cliniques. Les médecins sans patients sous méthadone refusent de traiter ces patients surtout pour des raisons émotionnelles et relationnelles. En conclusion : les médecins acceptant des patients sous méthadone rencontrent des difficultés relationnelles et émotionnelles. Ils désirent un meilleur remboursement pour les services prodigués.


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The EU has, since the early days of the Community, had the ambition to speak with ‘a single voice’ in international fora, in particular in the United Nations’ General Assembly. This aspiration, which has become more pronounced since the inauguration of the CFSP, has not always been easy to achieve due to domestic or international level factors affecting the EU member states. However, in the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in convergence in the Fifteen’s voting record. This paper contemplates the underlying reasons for such a convergence


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, general practitioners (GPs) manage most of the patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). METHODS: Using a cross-sectional postal survey of GPs who treat MMT patients and GPs who do not, we studied the difficulties encountered in the out-patient management of drug-addicted patients. We sent a questionnaire to every GP with MMT patients (556) in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (1,757,000 inhabitants). We sent another shorter questionnaire to primary care physicians without MMT patients living in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. RESULTS: The response rate was 63.3%. The highest methadone dose given by GPs to MMT patients averaged 120.4 mg/day. When asked about help they would like to be given, GPs with MMT patients primarily mentioned the importance of receiving adequate fees for the care they provide. Secondly, they mentioned the importance of better training, better knowledge of psychiatric pathologies, and discussion groups on practical cases. GPs without MMT patients refuse to treat these patients mostly for emotional and relational reasons. CONCLUSION: GPs encounter financial, relational and emotional difficulties with MMT patients. They desire better fees for services and better training.


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Major depression IMD) is highly prevalent in the general hospital and adds a considerable burden to affected patients, but remains under detected and under treated. In an attempt to improve this situation, existing guidelines on MD were retrieved, systematically evaluated with the instrument AGREE (Appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation), and adapted to the needs of the general hospital. These guidelines were made available on intranet, and actively implemented in two wards, where their impact on clinical practice was evaluated.


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In Switzerland, the majority of students are oriented towards professional training after compulsory schooling. At this stage, one of the biggest challenges for them is to find an apprenticeship position. Matching supply and demand is a complex process that not only excludes some students from having direct access to professional training but also forces them to make early choices regarding their future sector of employment. So, how does one find an apprenticeship? And what do the students' descriptions of their search for apprenticeships reveal about the institutional determinants of social inequalities at play in the system? Based on 29 interviews conducted in 2014 with 23 apprentices and 6 recruiters in the Canton of Vaud, this article interrogates how the dimensions of educational and social trajectories combine to affect access to apprenticeships and are accentuated by recruiters using a "hidden curriculum" during the recruitment process. A hidden curriculum consists of knowledge and skills not taught by the educational institution but which appear decisive in obtaining an apprenticeship. By analysing the contrasting experiences of students in their search for an apprenticeship, we identify four types of trajectories that explain different types of school-to-apprenticeship transitions. We show how these determinants are reinforced by the "hidden curriculum" of recruitment based on the soft skills of feeling, autonomy, anticipation and reflexivity that are assessed in the context of recruitment interactions. The discussion section debates how the criteria that appear to be used to identify the "right apprentice" tend to (re)produce inequalities between students. This not only depends on their academic results but also on their social and cultural skills, their ability to anticipate their choices and, more widely, their ability to be a subject in their recruitment search. "The Subject is neither the individual, nor the self, but the work through which an individual transforms into an actor, meaning an agent able to transform his/her situation instead of reproducing it." (Touraine, 1992, p.476).


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The distribution of psychiatric disorders and of chronic medical illnesses was studied in a population-based sample to determine whether these conditions co-occur in the same individual. A representative sample (N = 1464) of adults living in households was assessed by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, version 1.1, as part of the São Paulo Epidemiological Catchment Area Study. The association of sociodemographic variables and psychological symptoms regarding medical illness multimorbidity (8 lifetime somatic conditions) and psychiatric multimorbidity (15 lifetime psychiatric disorders) was determined by negative binomial regression. A total of 1785 chronic medical conditions and 1163 psychiatric conditions were detected in the population concentrated in 34.1 and 20% of respondents, respectively. Subjects reporting more psychiatric disorders had more medical illnesses. Characteristics such as age range (35-59 years, risk ratio (RR) = 1.3, and more than 60 years, RR = 1.7), being separated (RR = 1.2), being a student (protective effect, RR = 0.7), being of low educational level (RR = 1.2) and being psychologically distressed (RR = 1.1) were determinants of medical conditions. Age (35-59 years, RR = 1.2, and more than 60 years, RR = 0.5), being retired (RR = 2.5), and being psychologically distressed (females, RR = 1.5, and males, RR = 1.4) were determinants of psychiatric disorders. In conclusion, psychological distress and some sociodemographic features such as age, marital status, occupational status, educational level, and gender are associated with psychiatric and medical multimorbidity. The distribution of both types of morbidity suggests the need of integrating mental health into general clinical settings.


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Ce mémoire a pour objet d’étude la notion du rapport aux savoirs historiques des élèves de l’ordre secondaire. Plus précisément, il sera question des relations existant entre la conception qu’entretiennent les élèves de l’histoire et du métier de l’historien, leur conception de l’action humaine dans l’histoire et leur sentiment d’être eux-mêmes, aujourd’hui, des acteurs politiques effectifs. Ce sujet est ancré dans le contexte de l’introduction des prescriptions en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté dans le programme d’histoire de niveau secondaire. Cet ajout a pour conséquence d’introduire de nouveaux objectifs en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté : l’élève, par l’étude de l’évolution démocratique, doit être amené à comprendre le rôle de l’action humaine dans l’histoire, lui faisant ainsi comprendre la valeur de sa propre participation à la vie sociale et politique. Cela étant dit, les recherches montrent que les enseignants et les enseignantes tardent à adopter la terminologie propre aux compétences du programme de formation en histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté et perpétuent un enseignement de l’histoire-récit qui fait la part belle aux grands évènements et aux grands hommes (Bouhon, 2009; Moisan, 2011). De plus, les manuels utilisés laissent peu de place aux individus ou aux groupes d’individus agissants et présentent rarement leurs actions de manière à rendre compte de leur efficacité (Éthier, 2001; Lefrançois, Éthier et Demers, 2011). Enfin, les recherches montrent que les élèves sont enclins à expliquer les changements à l’aide d’une histoire personnalisante, occupée principalement par les grands hommes et les hauts faits de l’histoire politique et militaire (Hallden, 1986 ; Carretero, Jacott, Limon, Lopez-Manjon et Leon, 1994 ; Carretero, Asuncion et Jacott, 1997 ; Tutiaux-Guillon et Fourmond, 1998). En explorant les conséquences complexes de ces différents constats, nous avons ressenti une insatisfaction à l’égard de la capacité d’explication de ce phénomène qu’offrait le champ conceptuel de didactique de l’histoire. Par conséquent, ce mémoire portera sur le transfert de la notion de rapport au savoir au domaine de la didactique de l’histoire à partir de la sociologie et de l’anthropologie. Le modèle théorique proposé a été obtenu grâce à une recherche spéculative qui a été inspirée des méthodes de Martineau, Simard et Gauthier (2001) et de Van der Maren (1996).


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Uma das crescentes preocupações das sociedades desenvolvidas é a redução da actividade física com os consequentes custos individuais e sociais. É recomendado um aumento qualitativo e quantitativo de actividade física. A disciplina de Educação Física é hoje vista como um dos lugares ideais para a promoção da actividade física e de um estilo de vida activo que se prolongue pela vida adulta. O Ténis é uma modalidade desportiva que se pode praticar ao longo de toda a vida e que apresenta inúmeros benefícios para a saúde. Neste âmbito, foi feita uma análise do papel que a Educação Física representa na saúde e promoção de estilos de vida activos, caracterização do Ténis e seus benefícios, ensino do Ténis nas escolas, o Ténis nos programas nacionais de Educação Física e foram feitas propostas metodológicas para o seu ensino na escola. Desta análise, suportada pelo conhecimento da comunidade científica e profissionais da área de reconhecido mérito, pode concluir-se que a implementação de um programa de iniciação ao Ténis na escola, baseado em propostas metodológicas eficazes e de acordo com as necessidades reais dos alunos, é perfeitamente exequível e promove ganhos motores, sociais e emocionais que se podem prolongar pela vida futura. Assim, o Ténis pode ter um contributo relevante na promoção de um estilo de vida activo.