494 resultados para Dermal melanophores
Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that is having a boom today, providing new products with attractive physicochemical properties for many applications. In agri/feed/food sector, nanotechnology offers great opportunities for obtaining products and innovative applications for agriculture and livestock, water treatment and the production, processing, storage and packaging of food. To this end, a wide variety of nanomaterials, ranging from metals and inorganic metal oxides to organic nanomaterials carrying bioactive ingredients are applied. This review shows an overview of current and future applications of nanotechnology in the food industry. Food additives and materials in contact with food are now the main applications, while it is expected that in the future are in the field of nano-encapsulated and nanocomposites in applications as novel foods, additives, biocides, pesticides and materials food contact.
Currently, there is increasing use of nanomaterials in the food industry thanks to the many advantages offered and make the products that contain them more competitive in the market. Their physicochemical properties often differ from those of bulk materials, which require specialized risk assessment. This should cover the risks to the health of workers and consumers as well as possible environmental risks. The risk assessment methods must go updating due to more widespread use of nanomaterials, especially now that are making their way down to consumer products. Today there is no specific legislation for nanomaterials, but there are several european dispositions and regulations that include them. This review gives an overview of the risk assessment and the existing current legislation regarding the use of nanotechnology in the food industry.
The chemical compounds synthesised and secreted from the dermal glands of amphibian have diverse bioactivities that play key roles in the hosts' innate immune system and in causing diverse pharmacological effects in predators that may ingest the defensive skin secretions. As new biotechnological methods have developed, increasing numbers of novel peptides with novel activities have been discovered from this source of natural compounds. In this study, a number of defensive skin secretion peptide sequences were obtained from the European edible frog, P. kl. esculentus, using a 'shotgun' cloning technique developed previously within our laboratory. Some of these sequences have been previously reported but had either obtained from other species or were isolated using different methods. Two new skin peptides are described here for the first time. Esculentin-2c and Brevinin-2Tbe belong to the Esculentin-2 and Brevinin-2 families, respectively, and both are very similar to their respective analogues but with a few amino acid differences. Further, [Asn-3, Lys-6, Phe-13] 3-14-bombesin isolated previously from the skin of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda, was identified here in the skin of P. kl. esculentus. Studies such as this can provide a rapid elucidation of peptide and corresponding DNA sequences from unstudied species of frogs and can rapidly provide a basis for related scientific studies such as those involved in systematic or the evolution of a large diverse gene family and usage by biomedical researchers as a source of potential novel drug leads or pharmacological agents.
The recent trend on embedded system development opens a new prospect for applications that in the past were not possible. The eye tracking for sleep and fatigue detection has become an important and useful application in industrial and automotive scenarios since fatigue is one of the most prevalent causes of earth-moving equipment accidents. Typical applications such as cameras, accelerometers and dermal analyzers are present on the market but have some inconvenient. This thesis project has used EEG signal, particularly, alpha waves, to overcome them by using an embedded software-hardware implementation to detect these signals in real time
Le cordon ombilical humain suscite beaucoup d’intérêt comme source de cellules à des fins de recherche et de thérapie. Quatre types cellulaires majeurs - les cellules épithéliales, stromales, musculaires lisses et endothéliales - composent les tissus solides du cordon ombilical. Quelques-uns de ces types cellulaires ont été utilisés en recherche scientifique depuis longtemps, alors que d’autres commencent à peine à dévoiler leur potentiel. Nous avons développé un protocole unique pour l’extraction séquentielle de tous ces types cellulaires d’un seul cordon ombilical, permettant ainsi la reconstruction à partir d’une même source. La combinaison des techniques de perfusion, immersion et explants a mené à la mise en culture et à l’expansion de ces cellules, dont les cellules épithéliales et les cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton qui ont été caractérisées plus en détail par l’immunomarquage de protéines spécifiques. Leur potentiel pour la médecine régénératrice a été démontré par la production de tissus par génie tissulaire. Un vaisseau sanguin composé de cellules stromales et de cellules musculaires lisses du cordon ombilical démontra une résistance substantielle à l’éclatement. Les capacités de différenciation des cellules épithéliales ont été étudiées dans le contexte d’une peau bilamellaire reconstruite en combinaison avec des kératinocytes, des fibroblastes dermiques, et des cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton. Les cellules épithéliales ont montré une différenciation similaire à celle des kératinocytes lorsque cultivées sur des fibroblastes dermiques et exposées à l’air, tandis que sur des cellules stromales du cordon, elles ont subi une désorganisation. Finalement, la différenciation des cellules stromales a été induite en culture vers plusieurs types cellulaires afin de compléter cette étude. L’ensemble des résultats fait ressortir l’importance non seulement de l’influence du milieu physique sur la croissance et la différenciation des cellules, mais également de l’impact de la provenance des cellules sur la qualité des tissus reconstruits.
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a secondary metabolite produced by the fungi Aspergillus flavus and is the most potent hepatocarcinogen known in mammals and has been classified by the International Agency of Research on Cancer as Group 1 carcinogen. Although dietary exposure to AFB1 has been extensively documented, there are still few studies dedicated to the problem of occupational exposure. Considering recent findings regarding AFB1 occupational exposure in poultry production, it was considered relevant to clarify if there is also exposure in poultry slaughterhouses. Occupational exposure assessment to AFB1 was done with a biomarker of internal dose that measures AFB1 in the serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Thirty workers from a slaughterhouse were enrolled in this study. A control group (n = 30) was also considered in order to know AFB1 background levels for Portuguese population. Fourteen workers (47.0%) showed detectable levels of AFB1 with values from 1.06 to 4.03ng ml(-1), with a mean value of 1.73ng ml(-1). No AFB1 was detected in serum of individuals used as controls. Despite uncertainties regarding the exposure route that is contributing more to exposure (inhalation or dermal) is possible to state that exposure to AFB1 is occurring in the slaughterhouse studied. It seems that reducing AFB1 contamination in poultry production can have a positive result in this occupational setting.
In the last years there has been a growing demand of plastic surgery for soft tissue reconstruction. In response to this, many biological and synthetic devices have been produced, aiming to allow wide and complex body reshapings. Acellular dermal matrices are one of these devices, and are made of human or animal tissues made acellular after their sampling. They are used for cervical, breast and abdominal wall reconstruction. Tutopatch®, generally used for face reconstruction or neurosurgery, is made of acellular bovine pericardium, and its high amount of collagen allows a fast tissue healing and a scaffold for the surrounding tissue rigeneration. In our case report Tutopatch® has been used in immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy. This device has been used to close laterally the subpectoral pocket, allowing a bigger volume prosthesis to be placed We have not experienced particular postoperatory complications, and after 12 months of follow up we have found a valid functional and aesthetic result. We consider Tutopatch® as a valid alternative to other acellular dermal matrices specifically designed for breast reconstruction.
Il existe un besoin clinique pour les prothèses vasculaires de faible diamètre (< 6 mm), notamment pour effectuer des pontages vasculaires. Les prothèses synthétiques de faible diamètre, n’ayant pas d’endothélium, sont sujettes à la thrombose. Ainsi les chirurgiens préfèrent utiliser les vaisseaux autologues des patients. Pour cela, la veine saphène est de loin la plus utilisée. Cependant, de nombreux patients n’ont pas de vaisseaux adéquats, soit parce qu’ils ont déjà été utilisés, soit parce qu’ils sont malades. Pour pallier ce manque, le LOEX a développé un substitut vasculaire reconstruit en laboratoire par la méthode d’auto-assemblage du génie tissulaire. Ces substituts, faits à partir de cellules humaines, ont une longue période de production et ne peuvent être faits à l’avance ni préservés. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est le développement d’une prothèse vasculaire de faible diamètre facilitant le transfert du laboratoire vers la clinique. S’inspirant de travaux antérieurs, les travaux focalisent sur des prothèses obtenues à partir de fibroblastes dermiques humains puis décellularisés. Comme la réponse immunitaire se fait principalement contre les cellules et non pas contre la matrice extracellulaire, la décellularisation permet de gagner une compatibilité immunitaire inter-individu, voire inter-espèce. Ainsi, des prothèses ont été implantées dans six rats pendant six mois sans immunosuppression avec un taux de succès de 83%. Les explants présentaient une infiltration cellulaire suggérant la formation d’une nouvelle media recouverte d’un endothélium. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré qu’il était également possible de produire des prothèses de grandeur et diamètre adéquats pour une utilisation clinique. Ces prothèses ont été préservées durant trois mois sans altérer leurs propriétés mécaniques. Nous avons également endothélialisé des vaisseaux qui ont ensuite été conditionnés en bioréacteur durant une semaine. Le processus entraînait une compaction de la matrice extracellulaire et un gain dans la résistance à la traction du matériau. En conclusion, les prothèses vasculaires décellularisées offrent deux avantages majeurs facilitant ainsi les essais précliniques et accélérant leur transfert du laboratoire vers les patients.
We report on the construction of anatomically realistic three-dimensional in-silico breast phantoms with adjustable sizes, shapes and morphologic features. The concept of multiscale spatial resolution is implemented for generating breast tissue images from multiple modalities. Breast epidermal boundary and subcutaneous fat layer is generated by fitting an ellipsoid and 2nd degree polynomials to reconstructive surgical data and ultrasound imaging data. Intraglandular fat is simulated by randomly distributing and orienting adipose ellipsoids within a fibrous region immediately within the dermal layer. Cooper’s ligaments are simulated as fibrous ellipsoidal shells distributed within the subcutaneous fat layer. Individual ductal lobes are simulated following a random binary tree model which is generated based upon probabilistic branching conditions described by ramification matrices, as originally proposed by Bakic et al [3, 4]. The complete ductal structure of the breast is simulated from multiple lobes that extend from the base of the nipple and branch towards the chest wall. As lobe branching progresses, branches are reduced in height and radius and terminal branches are capped with spherical lobular clusters. Biophysical parameters are mapped onto the complete anatomical model and synthetic multimodal images (Mammography, Ultrasound, CT) are generated for phantoms of different adipose percentages (40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%) and are analytically compared with clinical examples. Results demonstrate that the in-silico breast phantom has applications in imaging performance evaluation and, specifically, great utility for solving image registration issues in multimodality imaging.
Mycotoxins are an important group of naturally occurring substances known to contaminate a huge variety of agricultural products, feed and food commodities. The main concern is their widespread presence and toxic effects on humans and animals as they have been described as cytotoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, teratogenic, immunosuppressive, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic. However, until now, risk assessments and regulations have usually been performed on individual mycotoxins despite humans and animals are being frequently exposed to a multitude of mycotoxins simultaneously. Moreover, even though some exposures through inhalation and dermal contact may potentially occur, only oral ingestion has been considered as the sole route of exposure in all the evaluations. However, more recent studies have also demonstrated airborne exposure to mycotoxins in different occupational settings with emphasis on agricultural professions. In these cases, skin contact with mold-infested substrates and inhalation of spore-borne toxins are the most important sources of exposure. Still, mycotoxins are not normally recongnize as na occupational hazard and exposure is different from the one ocurring by food intake. In this case, exposure is charaterized to be acute and simultaneous to other mycotoxins and also to fungi and dust. All these features increase the challenge implicated in the risk assessment process. Some topics will be presented and discussed in detailed such as: What occupational settings should be consider in this case; possible exposure routes; exposure characterization; how to assess exposure; co-exposure; aggregate exposure and cumulative risk assessment.
Task-based approach implicates identifying all the tasks developed in each workplace aiming to refine the exposure characterization. The starting point of this approach is the recognition that only through a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of tasks is possible to understand, in more detail, the exposure scenario. In addition allows also the most suitable risk management measures identification. This approach can be also used when there is a need of identifying the workplace surfaces for sampling chemicals that have the dermal exposure route as the most important. In this case is possible to identify, through detail observation of tasks performance, the surfaces that involves higher contact (frequency) by the workers and can be contaminated. Identify the surfaces to sample when performing occupational exposure assessment to antineoplasic agents. Surfaces selection done based on the task-based approach.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2012.
Antecedentes: La ocronosis Exógena (OE) es una enfermedad subdiagnosticada y de difícil manejo (1). El láser Q-Switched (QS) surge como una alternativa para el tratamiento de esta (2). Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes, del láser QS y los desenlaces en el tratamiento de OE. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases PubMed, Embase, PMC, Scielo, Elselvier, BMJ Case Reports, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Cases Journal e International Medical Case Reports Journal, desde enero del 2000 a marzo del 2016, pacientes con ocronosis exógena, 18 a 70 años, tratados con láser QS. Los artículos fueron evaluados mediante la herramienta de evaluación de validez y valor educativo de reportes de caso descrito por Pierson (3). Resultados: Se encontraron 256 artículos, 63 fueron seleccionados: 28 repetidos y 31 no cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Se escogieron 4 artículos que reportan 12 casos de pacientes con ocronosis exógena diagnosticada mediante estudio histopatológico y tratada con láser QS. Discusión: Hay poca experiencia con el láser QS en OE. En la práctica clínica se usa para tatuajes y patologías pigmentarias dérmicas con resultados satisfactorios. El pigmento dérmico en OE y la corta duración de pulso de láser QS, podrían ser el pilar de tratamiento para OE. Conclusión: El láser QS puede ser útil para el tratamiento en OE, con nivel de evidencia 3 y grado de recomendación D. Se sugiere realizar estudios clínicos con mayor grado de evidencia.
O presente trabalho consiste na apresentação da diversidade de seláceos do Farol das Lagostas pertencente à Bacia do Cuanza. Os condrichthyes são componentes comuns da fauna aquática desde o Paleozoico. No entanto, devido à natureza cartilaginosa do esqueleto, o registo paleontológico dos mesmos restringe-se, basicamente, às partes mineralizadas como dentes, dentículos dérmicos e espinhas cefálicas O lugar Farol das Lagostas contém uma fauna de seláceos relativamente rica e variada, representada neste estudo por cerca de 1.000 dentes isolados, além de outras peças esqueléticas. Foram identificados e descritos quarenta e quatro taxa, pertencentes às seguintes ordens: Hexanchiformes, Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes, Squatiniformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes, Rajiformes e Myliobatiformes. Trata-se de uma diversidade faunística cuja maioria dos géneros possui representantes atuais. Os Carcharhiniformes representam 53% dos taxa identificados. Estão representadas as famílias Scyliorhinidae, Triakidae, Hemigaleidae, Carcharhinidae e Sphyrnidae, com 18 espécies. Verifica-se a presença de formas bentónicas e nectónicas que indicam condições térmicas moderadas, quentes e tropicais a temperadas, que habitam frequentemente zonas costeiras. A relação faunística identificada corresponde a uma zona litoral. Ora, considerando o conjunto de dados em face da presença de fauna pelágica e dos grandes predadores, especialmente Isurus hastalis e Carcharocles megalodon, podemos admitir que existisse então um Golfo relativamente largo de uma faixa Atlântica aberta (Antunes & Balbino, 2004); ABSTRACT: Selachians from Farol the Lagostas (Cuanza Basin, Angola) The present work consists of the presentation of diversity of selachians from Farol das Lagostas, which belongs to the Cuanza Basin. The condrichthyes are a part of aquatic fauna since the Paleozoic. However, due to the nature of the cartilaginous skeleton, the paleontological registration of the same ones is restricted to mineralized parts like teeth, dermal denticles and cephalic spines. The of formation, Farol das Lagostas has a fauna of selachian relatively rich and diverse, represented in this study for around 1.000 isolated teeth, and other skeletal parts. Forty four taxa were described and identified, belonging to the following orders: Hexanchiformes, Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes, Squatiniformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes, Rajiformes e Myliobatiformes. It’s a faunal diversity whose most genera have current representatives. The Carcharhiniformes represente 53% of the identified taxa. The represented families are Scyliorhinidae, Triakidae, Hemigaleidae, Carcharhinidae e Sphyrnidae, with 18 species. There is presence of benthic and nektonic forms that indicate moderate thermal conditions, the temperate and tropical hot, often inhabit coastal areas. The identified faunal relation corresponds to a coastal zone. So, considering the data set, due to the presence of pelagic fauna and large predators, especially Isurus hastalis e Carcharocles megalodon, we can admit that then there was a relatively large Gulf of open Atlantic range (Antunes & Balbino, 2004).