959 resultados para Corpus-based Translation Studies
This volume is a result of the need to reflect upon Portugal’s position from the viewpoint of the literary assets imported and exported through translation. It brings together a number of scholars working in the field of Translation Studies directly concerned with the Portuguese cultural system in order to analyse this question from various theoretical perspectives and from case studies of translation flows and movements in Portuguese culture. By Translating Portugal Back and Forth, the articles discuss issues such as: how can one draw the borderline between a peripheral and a semi-peripheral system? Is this borderline useful or necessary? How peripheral is the Portuguese cultural system as far as translation transfers are concerned? How stable or pacific has this positioning been? Does the economic and historical perception of Portugal as peripheral entail that, from the viewpoint of translation, it would behave similarly? By addressing some of these questions, and as shown by the (second) subtitle – Essays in Honour of João Ferreira Duarte –, the volume pays homage to one of the most prominent Translation Studies scholars in Portugal, who has extensively reflected on the binary discourse on translation, its metaphors and images.
Denial is a commonly used strategy to rebut a false rumor. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the effectiveness of denials in combating rumors. Treating denials as persuasive messages, we conducted 3 laboratory-based simulation studies testing the overall effectiveness of denials in reducing belief and anxiety associated with an e-mail virus rumor. Under the framework of the elaboration likelihood model, we also tested the effects of denial message quality and source credibility, and the moderating effects of personal relevance. Overall, the results provided some support for the effectiveness of denials with strong arguments and an anxiety-alleviating tone in reducing rumor-related belief and anxiety. The effects of denial wording and source credibility were visible for participants who perceived high personal relevance of the topic. Limitations of the current research and future research directions are discussed.
While it is well known that reading is highly heritable, less has been understood about the bases of these genetic influences. In this paper, we review the research that we have been conducting in recent years to examine genetic and environmental influences on the particular reading processes specified in the dual-route cognitive model of reading. We argue that a detailed understanding of the role of genetic factors in reading acquisition requires the delineation and measurement of precise phenotypes, derived from well-articulated models of the reading process. We report evidence for independent genetic influences on the lexical and nonlexical reading processes represented in the dual-route model, based on studies of children with particular subtypes of dyslexia, and on univariate and multivariate genetic modelling of reading performance in the normally reading population.
Both the New Zealand Ministry of Education's Literacy Experts Group and the Australian National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy have recently acknowledged the centrality of systematic instruction in synthetic phonics to early reading instruction, but this conclusion remains contentious in some circles. This paper briefly summarises empirical research in basic psychology and evidence-based evaluation studies supporting the inclusion of systematic synthetic phonics instruction within the early reading curriculum, allowing practising psychologists to develop an informed opinion on this issue.
Growth, Condition Index (CI) and survival of the pearl oysters, Pinctada maxima and R margaritifera, were measured in three size groups of oysters over 14 months at two dissimilar environments in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. These were the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a mainland bay and Orpheus Island Research Station (OIRS) in coral reef waters. Temperature, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and particulate organic matter (POM) were monitored during the study. Temperature at AIMS fluctuated more widely than at OIRS both daily and seasonally, with annual ranges 20-31 degrees C and 22-30 degrees C, respectively. Mean SPM concentration at AIMS (11.1 mg l(-1)) was much higher than at OIRS (1.4 mg l(-1)) and fluctuated widely (2-60 mg l(-1)). Mean POM level was also substantially higher at AIMS, being 2.1 mg l(-1) compared with 0.56 mg l(-1) at OIRS. Von Bertalatiffy growth curve analyses showed that P. maxima grew more rapidly and to larger sizes than P. margaritifera at both sites. For the shell height (SH) of R maxima, growth index phi'=4.31 and 4.24, asymptotic size SHinfinity = 229 and 205 mm, and time to reach 120 mm SH (T-(120))= 1.9 and 2.1 years at AIMS and OIRS, respectively. While for P margaritifera, phi'=4.00 and 4.15, SHinfinity = 136 and 157 mm, and T-(120) = 2.5 and 3.9 years at AIMS and OIRS, respectively. R maxima had significantly lower growth rates and lower survival of small oysters during winter compared with summer. There were, however, no significant differences between the two sites in growth rates of P. maxima and final Cl values. In contrast, P. margaritifiera showed significant differences between sites and not seasons, with lower growth rates, survival of small oysters, final Cl values and asymptotic sizes at AIMS. The winter low temperatures, but not high SPM at AIMS, adversely affected P. maxima. Conversely, the high SPM levels at AIMS, but not temperature, adversely affected P. margaritifera. This was in accordance with earlier laboratory-based energetics studies of the effects of temperature and SPM on these two species. P maxima has potential to be commercially cultured in ca. > 25 degrees C waters with a wide range of SPM levels, including oligotrophic coral reef waters with appropriate particle sizes. It is possible to culture R margaritifera in turbid conditions, but its poor performance in these conditions makes commercial culture unlikely. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is one of the essential topics in foundation databases courses in higher education. Due to its apparent simple syntax, learning to use the full power of SQL can be a very difficult activity. In this paper, we introduce SQLator, which is a web-based interactive tool for learning SQL. SQLator's key function is the evaluate function, which allows a user to evaluate the correctness of his/her query formulation. The evaluate engine is based on complex heuristic algorithms. The tool also provides instructors the facility to create and populate database schemas with an associated pool of SQL queries. Currently it hosts two databases with a query pool of 300+ across the two databases. The pool is divided into 3 categories according to query complexity. The SQLator user can perform unlimited executions and evaluations on query formulations and/or view the solutions. The SQLator evaluate function has a high rate of success in evaluating the user's statement as correct (or incorrect) corresponding to the question. We will present in this paper, the basic architecture and functions of SQLator. We will further discuss the value of SQLator as an educational technology and report on educational outcomes based on studies conducted at the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland.
Esta pesquisa analisa a rotatividade docente como uma variável dependente do contexto em que os PPGAs (Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração) analisados estão imersos. Portanto, foi adotada a Metodologia de Estudo de Casos Múltiplos com viés em redes sociais. Considera-se que as deliberações regulatórias da CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) e símbolos tais como estatutos, regimentos e cânones dos casos analisados neste estudo, influenciam as decisões de demitir. Foram encontrados indícios de que se trata da crença em uma rotatividade funcional como prática emergente no campo das IESs confessionais (UMESP, PUC/SP e UPM) como um recurso para adaptar-se às mudanças propostas pela CAPES. Para tal, com objetivo de produzir melhoras na produtividade científica e enquadrar-se aos critérios de avaliação da CAPES, os coordenadores de PPGA-Ego atribuem à rotatividade docente em outro PPGA-Alter como principal fator de sucesso do PPGA-Alter. As evidências encontradas se fundamentam na inter-subjetividade entre coordenadores de distintos programas dos casos analisados, portanto a rotatividade funcional pode ser dependente do contexto e não se trata de em fenômeno aleatório ou mesmo atomístico. O presente trabalho também contribui para a sugestão de futuros trabalhos, como por exemplo, a rotatividade disfuncional além de outros descritos no final. Em todos os três casos PPGA UMESP, PPGA UPM e PPGA PUC-SP ocorreu mobilidade docente para instituições estatais e particulares, que segundo os coordenadores entrevistados representava um movimento desfavorável sob algum aspecto para os docentes que se demitiram. Neste sentido passa a ser necessário um trabalho específico, eventualmente uma avaliação empírica com base nos constructos de intenção em demitir-se fundamentada nos estudos de Comportamento Organizacional ou Psicologia I/O (Industrial e Organizacional) como Congruência Pessoa-Organização (ARGYRIS, 1973, KRISTOFF, 1996), Modelos de RH (ARTHUR, 1982; MOBLEY, 1982; BAUM, 1993), Modelo Steers e Mowday e outros. Porém contextualizado e estruturado.
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de compreender a construção da identidade profissional de enfermeiros docentes do curso de graduação em Enfermagem de uma instituição privada localizada na cidade de São Paulo. Para tanto, discute os processos de constituição identitária pautado nos estudos de Vera Placco de Souza, no âmbito nacional, e de Maurice Tardif e Claude Dubar, no âmbito internacional. Em uma etapa exploratória, foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado a cinco professoras da pós-graduação em Enfermagem e realizada uma entrevista semi-diretiva com dois desses participantes com o objetivo de refinar os instrumentos de coleta. A pesquisa principal fez uso de entrevista realizada com sete professores do curso de graduação em Enfermagem da mesma instituição. Os dados, tanto do estudo exploratório como da pesquisa principal, foram analisados tendo como referência os pressupostos da análise de conteúdo sistematizados por Laurence Bardin e Maria Laura P. B. Franco. Os resultados indicaram que os enfermeiros se tornam professores impelidos pelo desejo de ensinar e de compartilhar conhecimentos, oportunidade de trabalho, flexibilidade de horário e complementação da renda profissional, e são influenciados por professores de sua trajetória formativa e por familiares. As características valorizadas por eles em um professor foram: o domínio do conteúdo ensinado, sobretudo o saber técnico; a busca contínua do conhecimento; ética; profissionalismo; humanização. Nota-se um predomínio das características que envolvem o conhecimento dos conteúdos em detrimento das questões pedagógicas. A reflexão e preocupação com a Docência estão presentes em suas falas, assim como a busca constante para a superação das dificuldades existentes na profissão. Eles consideram a Docência uma profissão com um papel social de destaque do mesmo modo que a Enfermagem. Outro fator destacado nas respostas foi a forte representação do enfermeiro na carreira profissional dos pesquisados. Em seus relatos, foi possível perceber que sua construção como docentes ocorre de forma contínua ao longo da carreira, o que fica evidenciado em suas falas quando afirmam serem melhores professores agora do que no início de sua trajetória profissional e que, apesar de ser uma caminhada espinhosa inicialmente, tornou-se prazerosa e significativa com o passar do tempo. Ressalta-se aqui a importância de se valorizar os saberes do professor, partindo deles e trabalhando-os teórica e conceitualmente para que o docente amplie a compreensão do processo de ensino em saúde que, no mundo contemporâneo, tornou-se de alta complexidade.
As pessoas com deficiências são excluídas da sociedade devido à marca negativa de descrédito recebida pelo meio social - por sua aparência ou seu modo de ser diferentes - que os coloca fora da norma classificando-os como seres desviantes. No cotidiano escolar essas marcas se afirmam e se reproduzem, não promovendo às pessoas com deficiências uma superação desse estigma. A pesquisa visa analisar como o estigma incorporado pelos alunos com deficiências influencia no processo de interação e inclusão escolar, de forma a estudar indícios de como se desenvolve o processo de estigmatização no cotidiano escolar sob a luz dos pensamentos de Erving Goffman. O presente estudo utiliza-se uma revisão de literatura especifica do tema, fundamentada nos estudos de Erving Goffman, conjuntamente à pesquisa empírica baseada na etnografia vivenciada pelo autor em seus estudos de comunidade, foram utilizadas como estratégias de pesquisa, entrevistas com três professores e observações registradas por meio de de observação de cenas do cotidiano escolar de ´duas escolas públicas do estado de SPSão Paulo . No capítulo 1 buscamos entender os constructos de Goffman principalmente por meio de sua trajetória acadêmica, no capítulo 2 o trabalho centrou-se na compreensão da interação social e principalmente na questão definida pelo autor como ordem da interação, em queentende-se que as pessoas são autores dentro de um palco social, no capítulo 3. a pesquisa aborda o termo estigma e explica sua influência na interação e no avanço das pessoas com deficiência. Por fim, o trabalho se encerra no capítulo .4 apresentando a análise das entrevistas e dos registros das cenas do cotidiano escolar. As cenas selecionadas apresentam os atores envolvidos, o cenário, e o enredo das interações, identificando as estratégias do estigma incorporado pelos alunos com deficiência e buscando ligações com as políticas inclusivas e as escolas brasileira. A pesquisa identificou que a escola, como meio de socialização e criação de saberes, possui um papel importante neste processo de mudança, apesar de muitas vezes reproduzir o estigma social. Observamos então que a escola pode auxiliar na mudança do olhar que exclui, à maneira que mostra algumas máscaras do social e da própria inclusão; no entanto é importante salientar que sua renovação e de seus agentes sociais deve valorizar as diferenças para construção de novos conhecimentos.(AU)
A variety of texts are translated to fulfil functions for political communication across languages, cultures, and ideologies. For example, newspapers regularly provide quotes of statements by foreign politicians, without explicitly indicating that these politicians were actually speaking in their own languages. Politicians react to statements by other politicians as they were presented to them in translation. Political scientists and other experts often debate the potential political consequences of (the translation of) a statement. This chapter addresses the (in)visibility of translation in political communication and the link between textual profiles of translations and the socio-political contexts in which they are produced. The analyses are conducted from the perspective of Translation Studies. The focus is on institutionalised forms of political discourse, i.e. texts that originate in political or media institutions. The link between translation profiles and the social, institutional, ideological conditions of text production is illustrated with reference to authentic political texts (interviews, speeches by politicians, press conferences), mainly involving English, French and German as source and target languages.
At the beginning of the 80s new approaches to translation were emerging in such a way that, in the global context of postmodernism and poststructuralism, they provoked a reassessment of Translation Studies (TS), acknowledging ideologies as a relevant concept to TS and considering the political and visible role of the translator. This introduction aims to establish a basic theoretical framework in which we can develop an analysis of the ‘alterations’ that, consciously or unconsciously, translators have imposed on Le deuxième sexe (1949, Gallimard) by Simone de Beauvoir for the last fifty years. Furthermore, it is essential to examine the divergences of the censoring attitude adopted by the first male translators (Parshley, Palant and Milliet) who considered this text to be a sex manual, and the one adopted by more recent female translators (Martorell and Simons) who considered it to be a philosophical book on feminism. Nevertheless, despite this tendency to consider that translators are the only professionals responsible for the translation process, it is necessary to bear in mind the work carried out by the paratranslator, who is the real censor and ‘decider’ of the way a work is presented to the translation community. Paratranslators work with paratexts (also known as ‘analysis-spaces’), and this makes it possible to study the ideological adaptation that a cultural object undergoes when it is incorporated into a new culture and society (covers, volumes, tables of contents, titles, iconic or visual elements and so forth). In short, the analysis of the texts and paratexts of Le deuxième sexe, along with its subsequent translations and rewritings into Spanish, Portuguese and English, will help reveal the function of the censoring apparatus and demonstrate the essential role that –without exception– ideologies play in the professional work of translation and paratranslation, since they have a decisive influence on the reception of the cultural (and ideological) object, in both the society in which it is created and that in which it is received.
The goal of this study is to determine if various measures of contraction rate are regionally patterned in written Standard American English. In order to answer this question, this study employs a corpus-based approach to data collection and a statistical approach to data analysis. Based on a spatial autocorrelation analysis of the values of eleven measures of contraction across a 25 million word corpus of letters to the editor representing the language of 200 cities from across the contiguous United States, two primary regional patterns were identified: easterners tend to produce relatively few standard contractions (not contraction, verb contraction) compared to westerners, and northeasterners tend to produce relatively few non-standard contractions (to contraction, non-standard not contraction) compared to southeasterners. These findings demonstrate that regional linguistic variation exists in written Standard American English and that regional linguistic variation is more common than is generally assumed.