811 resultados para Continuation War


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Currently the push toward frontier areas, which until twenty years ago were still largely untouched by commercial agriculture, is taking place on a massive scale. This push is being driven not the least by global economic developments, such as the price increase of agriculture commodities like coffee and cocoa. In most cases the indigenous communities become trapped between the state monopoly in natural resource management and the competition for resources by external actors. In this processes the indigenous communities start to lose their access to resources. Another victim in this process is the environment where the natural resources are imbedded. International and national organizations working to conserve environment have became conscious of the important role that indigenous people could fulfill as partners in this endeavour. This partnership in struggle has produced a new discourse on the relationship between indigenous people and their environment. As a further consequence, programs were set up to develop what became known as Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) with its numerous variations. Based on a case study in a village on the eastern border of the Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, this study questioned the basic assumption behind the concept of Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). Namely the assumption that communities living at the margin of forest are socially and culturally homogenous, still more or less egalitarian, and basically living in harmony with their natural environment. This study was inspired by the persistent critique – although still a minority – on the basic assumption the CBNRM from academicians and practitioners working through the Entitlement perspective. Another inspiration was the mounting critique toward the participatory approach. In its effort the study explore further the usefulness of certain approaches. One of the approach much relied on in this study was the local history of the community studied, through exerting oral and local written documents on local history, legends and local stories. These sources proofed quite capable in bringing the local history into the light. Another was the actor oriented approach, which later came to be supported by the concept of Social Pool Resources. The latter concept proofed to be useful as analytical instrument to integrate social institutions and the common pool resources, as a field of action for the different actors as human agencies.


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The chemical elements up to Z = 172 are calculated with a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater program taking into account the effect of the extended nucleus. Predictions of the binding energies, the X-ray spectra and the number of electrons inside the nuclei are given for the inner electron shells. The predicted chemical behaviour will be discussed for a11 elements between Z = 104-120 and compared with previous known extrapolations. For the elements Z = 121-172 predictions of their chemistry and a proposal for the continuation of the Periodic Table are given. The eighth chemical period ends with Z = 164 located below Mercury. The ninth period starts with an alkaline and alkaline earth metal and ends immediately similarly to the second and third period with a noble gas at Z = 172. Mit einem relativistischen Hartree-Fock-Slater Rechenprogramm werden die chemischen Elemente bis zur Ordnungszahl 172 berechnet, wobei der Einfluß des ausgedehnten Kernes berücksichtigt wurde. Für die innersten Elektronenschalen werden Voraussagen über deren Bindungsenergie, das Röntgenspektrum und die Zahl der Elektronen im Kern gemacht. Die voraussichtliche Chemie der Elemente zwischen Z = 104 und 120 wird diskutiert und mit bereits vorhandenen Extrapolationen verglichen. Für die Elemente Z = 121-172 wird eine Voraussage über das chemische Verhalten gegeben, sowie ein Vorschlag für die Fortsetzung des Periodensystems gemacht. Die achte chemische Periode endet mit dem Element 164 im Periodensystem unter Quecksilber gelegen. Die neunte Periode beginnt mit einem Alkali- und Erdalkalimetall und endet sofort wieder wie in der zweiten und dritten Periode mit einem Edelgas bei Z = 172.


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In drawing a conclusion for this study, care must be taken in generalizing findings since the population of students and teachers investigated were limited to certain levels in the different schools and countries. This study recognized some complexity of the factors underlying the status of school gardening instruction and activities in Germany, Nigeria and the U.S. as inadequate time for decision-making in the process of gardening, motivation of teachers and students. This was seen as the major impediments that influenced the status of gardening in the three countries. However, these factors were considered to have affected students’ mode of participation in the school gardening projects. This research finding suggests that the promotion and encouragement of students in gardening activities will promote vegetable production and increasing the numbers of practical farmers. Gardening has the potential to create opportunities for learning in an environment where children are able to experience nature first hand and to use the shared experience for communication (Bowker & Tearle, 2007). Therefore, the need for students to be encouraged to participate in gardening programs as the benefit will not only reduce the rate of obesity currently spreading among youths, but will contribute to the improve knowledge on science subjects. To build a network between community, parents and schools, a parent’s community approach should be used as the curriculum. The community approach will tighten the link between schools; community members, parents, teachers and students. This will help facilitate a better gardening projects implementation. Through a close collaboration, teachers and students will be able to identify issues affecting communities and undertake action learning in collaboration with community organizations to assess community needs and plan the implementation strategies as parents are part of the community. The sense of efficacy is a central factor in motivational and learning processes that govern educational improvement, standard and performance on complex tasks of both teachers and students. Dedication and willingness are the major stimulator and achievement of a project. Through a stimulator and provision of incentives and facilities, schools can achieve the best in project development. Teachers and principals should be aware that students are the lever for achieving the set goals in schools. Failure to understand what students need will result in achieving zero result. Therefore, it is advised that schools focus more on how to lure students to work through proper collaboration with the parents and community members. Principals and teachers should identify areas where students need to be corrected, helping them to correct the problem will enable them be committed in the schools’ programs.


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Este libro es una recopilación de diversos ensayos de su autor y, aunque en la contraportada se sugiere que hay un hilo conductor, una simple ojeada al índice ofrece una estructura bien extraña, carente de un capítulo final con reflexiones que globalicen, sinteticen o resuman lo expuesto, que lleven al lector a algún tipo de conclusión


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Esta monografía aborda el estudio de la guerra que se suscitó en 1932 entre Colombia y Perú, por la invasión de un grupo de peruanos en Leticia. Las circunstancias históricas, políticas y económicas, desempeñaron un papel muy importante ya que Colombia y Perú enfrentaron un conflicto bélico en medio de la gran depresión económica mundial. En 1922 con la firma del Tratado Lozano Salomón se establecieron las fronteras entre ambos Estados. Pese a esto el 1 de septiembre de 1932 ciudadanos de Loreto inconformes con dicho Tratado, invadieron Leticia lo que conllevo el repudio de la comunidad internacional y el apoyo de la Sociedad de Naciones y Brasil para que la situación se resolviera de la mejor manera posible, y evitando en cualquier caso una confrontación de grandes proporciones. La teoría del Realismo de Hans Morgenthau y más específicamente el concepto del interés nacional explica como Colombia defendió en todo momento su interés nacional, de igual manera el autor Clausewitz con conceptos claves como que es la guerra, la guerra como continuación de la política por otros medios, y los objetivos políticos y militares en común darán al lector una aproximación teórica para explicar el tema de esta monografía. Finalmente la guerra que se suscitó en 1932, concluyó favorablemente a los intereses colombianos, gracias a papel que desempeñaron actores claves, que apelaron siempre al derecho internacional y a las instancias internacionales.


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La aparición de las armas nucleares hacia los años ’40 ha cambiado la forma en que ciertos Estados desarrollan sus relaciones bilaterales en materia de seguridad, debido a que la obtención de estas garantiza capacidad militar que no se tiene con las armas de carácter convencional. Tanto Estados Unidos como la Unión Soviética procuraron la producción de las armas nucleares a gran escala, lo cual conllevó a la consolidación de una carrera armamentista entre ambos que fue regulada por tratados bilaterales: esta situación generó un Dilema de Seguridad entre ambos Estados. Con la disolución de la Unión Soviética y el surgimiento de la Federación Rusa en el inicio de la década del ’90, el Sistema Internacional que se había configurado durante la Guerra Fría se alteró debido a que, si bien se había acabado el conflicto que existía en el periodo bipolar, aún existían las armas nucleares con las que se garantizaba la continuación del Dilema de Seguridad que había surgido en los años anteriores. Con la presente monografía pretende analizar el Dilema de Seguridad durante el periodo comprendido entre 1991 y 2010 entre Estados Unidos y la Federación Rusa.


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Las nuevas amenazas a la seguridad que han surgido en los últimos años están poniendo seriamente en juego la importancia y la implementación del derecho internacional humanitario. Este artículo investiga el impacto de la guerra del terror en el principio de distinción en el derecho internacional humanitario. Examina, de forma específica, prácticas estatales, por ejemplo, de los Estados Unidos, que han cedido frente al surgimiento de nuevas reglas relativas al principio de distinción. Para esto, se hace un análisis de dicho principio bajo dos perspectivas: blancos concretos y captura


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How do we justify the practice of corrective justice for losses suffered during armed conflicts? This article seeks to show the force and relevance of this question, and to argue that, in cases of massively destructive wars, social justice should gain priority over corrective justice. Starting from a liberal Rawlsian conception of the relationship between corrective and social justice, it is argued that, paradoxically, the more destructive a war is, the less normative force corrective rights have and the higher priority policies of social justice, which guarantee basic rights to all citizens, should have.


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El presente trabajo monográfico tiene como fin responder a la pregunta, ¿Cuál es el papel del discurso bélico Borbón implementado por los regeneradores en el nacimiento de la Policía Nacional?, a esta pregunta se plantea responder que, el periodo de la Regeneración en Colombia al retomar el discurso bélico, la política como continuación de la guerra por otros medios implementado por los borbones en la Nueva Granada, permitió una gubernamentalización del Estado que generó la emergencia del dispositivo de policía, como medio para mantener el orden público al interior de la República.


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Civilians constitute a large share of casualties in civil wars across the world. They are targeted to create fear and punish allegiance with the enemy. This maximizes collaboration with the perpetrator and strengthens the support network necessary to consolidate control over contested regions. I develop a model of the magnitude and structure of civilian killings in civil wars involving two armed groups who Öght over territorial control. Armies secure compliance through a combination of carrots and sticks. In turn, civilians di§er from each other in their intrinsic preference towards one group. I explore the e§ect of the empowerment of one of the groups in the civilian death toll. There are two e§ects that go in opposite directions. While a direct e§ect makes the powerful group more lethal, there is an indirect e§ect by which the number of civilians who align with that group increases, leaving less enemy supporters to kill. I study the conditions under which there is one dominant e§ect and illustrate the predictions using sub-national longitudinal data for Colombiaís civil war.


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Why do some civil wars terminate soon, with victory of one party over the other? What determines if the winner is the incumbent or the rebel group? Why do other conáicts last longer? We propose a simple model in which the power of each armed group depends on the number of combatants it is able to recruit. This is in turn a function of the relative ëdistanceíbetween group leaderships and potential recruits. We emphasize the moral hazard problem of recruitment: Öghting is costly and risky so combatants have the incentive to defect from their task. They can also desert altogether and join the enemy. This incentive is stronger the farther away the Öghter is from the principal, since monitoring becomes increasingly costly. Bigger armies have more power but less monitoring capacity to prevent defection and desertion. This general framework allows a variety of interpretations of what type of proximity matters for building strong cohesive armies ranging from ethnic distance to geographic dispersion. Di§erent assumptions about the distribution of potential Öghters along the relevant dimension of conáict lead to di§erent equilibria. We characterize these, discuss the implied outcome in terms of who wins the war, and illustrate with historical and contemporaneous case studies.