983 resultados para Cobb broilers


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The common assumptions that labor income share does not change over time or across countries and that factor income shares are equal to the elasticity of output with respect to factors have had important implications for economic theory. However, there are various theoretical reasons why the elasticity of output with respect to reproducible factors should be correlated with the stage of development. In particular, the behavior of international trade and capital flows and the existence of factor saving innovations imply such a correlation. If this correlation exists and if factor income shares are equal to the elasticity of output with respect to factors then the labor income share must be negatively correlated with the stage of development. We propose an explanation for why labor income share has no correlation with income per capita: the existence of a labor intensive sector which produces non tradable goods.


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Este trabajo tuvo como fin identificar los productos del sector agrícola colombiano y derivados que tienen oportunidad de ser vendidos en el mercado de la Federación Rusa. Esto con el objetivo de tener un documento para los exportadores colombianos donde puedan consultar las oportunidades de negocio que tiene el sector y que pueden ser explotadas. El trabajo se adelantó mediante la consulta de fuentes de información terciaria, como los sitios web de distintas asociaciones, información de los importadores y la consulta a expertos sobre el tema. De esta forma, se logró recopilar la información adecuada para el desarrollo de los objetivos trazados. Fue clave identificar la relación entre el consumo ruso y la importación de productos agrícolas, como también, la producción rusa y la exportación de productos agrícolas. Se tomó a la Federación Rusa, por ser uno de los países que más importa productos alimenticios. De esta manera, se ahondó en las particularidades del mercado ruso, lo que permitió tener un mejor entendimiento sus negocios y sus hábitos de consumo y así poder analizarlo de una mejor manera. Este trabajo muestra los componentes principales que se deben tener en cuenta para la exportación de productos agrícolas, de la misma forma analiza la oferta, demanda y el papel de Colombia y la Federación Rusa en la venta y compra de este tipo de productos.


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Desde 1998 la Corte Constitucional ha declarado en dos ocasiones “el estado de las cosas inconstitucional” ante las precarias condiciones del Sistema Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (SNPC), sin embargo, los esfuerzos institucionales por superar dicho estado han tenido efectos nulos o limitados. Prueba de ello son las altas tasas de hacinamiento y reincidencia que siguen manifestándose crónicamente por el deficiente funcionamiento del sistema. Precisamente este diagnóstico con alternativas de solución presume que esta situación se debe a la ausencia de una política pública integral, al partir de la identificación de los principales obstáculos para la construcción de una política pública penitenciaria en Colombia entre los años de 1998 y 2014. El ejercicio antes mencionado se apoya en la utilización de dos herramientas metodológicas a saber: el análisis estructural “MICMAC” y el análisis de involucrados. De los resultados arrojados por estos métodos se elaboran así mismo tres recomendaciones sobre política pública penitenciaria.


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Este estudio de caso analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de seguridad en Argentina entre 2001 y 2013. En contraste con otros estudios, se considera que la relación de estos dos fenómenos debe recoger aspectos fundamentales de un enfoque de seguridad integral y multidimensional. En el caso de Argentina, durante 2001 el Crimen Organizado Transnacional ocupó el primer lugar en la agenda pública, lo cual derivó en una serie de acciones públicas llevadas a cabo por los distintos gobiernos. Sin embargo, los casos de Santa Fe en 2012 y Córdoba en 2013 demostraron la debilidad institucional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de este país. Por lo tanto, este trabajo pretende demostrar con los casos anteriormente mencionados que debilidades estatales como la corrupción estatal y la indiferencia ciudadana son obstáculos para la formulación de políticas públicas.


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Clostridium perfringens é uma bactéria anaeróbia Gram positiva, formadora de esporos e produtora de toxinas capazes de causar um amplo espectro de doenças em humanos e animais. Em frangos de crescimento rápido e de plumagem branca pode causar lesões e manifestações clínicas severas como enterite necrótica aviária (ENA), associada a uma baixa eficiência produtiva e avultadas perdas económicas. Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a utilização de um teste de ensaio imunocromatográfico de fluxo lateral, o Clostridium FirstTestTM, para deteção e quantificação precoce de C. perfringens em frangos de crescimento rápido e plumagem branca e posterior relação entre a presença do agente e as características dos bandos (peso médio à chegada, idade dos bandos à amostragem), fatores ambientais (densidade populacional, temperatura ambiente, humidade da cama) e os indicadores de produção (ganho médio diário, Índice de Conversão Alimentar e percentagem de mortalidade). Para tal, foram analisadas amostras fecais de trinta bandos, em dezoito explorações integradas, na Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. De acordo com a classificação do Clostridium FirstTestTM, dos trinta bandos amostrados entre o décimo primeiro e o décimo quinto dia de vida, 30 % foram classificados como “Positivo” (n=9) e 10 % foram classificados como “Muito Positivo” (n=3); apresentando concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,1322 ng/ml e 0,3267 ng/ml, respectivamente. Os restantes bandos, 60% (n=18), foram considerados “Normal” e apresentaram concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,0283 ng/ml. As amostras fecais dos bandos classificados de “Positivo” e “Muito Positivo” foram posteriormente sujeitas a análise microbiológica apresentando ambos os grupos unidades formadoras de colónias (UFC), identificadas como C. perfringens. Verificou-se que não existe relação entre os resultados do Clostridium FirstTestTM e as características dos bandos, os fatores ambientais e os indicadores de produção. Verificou-se uma diminuição dos níveis de C. perfringens nos bandos sujeitos a tratamento.


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A highly stereoselective synthesis of conformationally constrained cyclic γ-amino acids has been devised. The key step involves an intramolecular cyclization of a nitronate onto a conjugated ester, promoted by a bifunctional thiourea catalyst. This methodology has been successfully applied to generate a variety of γ-amino acids, including some containing three contiguous stereocenters, with very high diastereoselectivity and excellent enantioselectivity. It is postulated that an interaction that is key to the success of the process is the simultaneous coordination of the thiourea functionality to both the conjugated ester and the nitronate. Finally, the synthetic utility of these compounds is demonstrated in the synthesis of two dipeptides derived from the C- and N-termini.


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The objective of the study was to evaluate the cost and environmental impact of replacing traditional corn, which is the main ingredient in poultry diets, with a high-oil corn (HOC) variety. Using linear programming, diets were formulated with either traditional corn or HOC. The results indicate that HOC-based diets cost up to $11.38/tonne less than traditional corn-based diets. Using HOC rather than traditional corn in diets has the potential to reduce the annual nitrogen excreted to the environment from broilers and broiler breeders in Brazil by 6.44 Mtonnes. In addition, there is the potential to reduce P excretion by 4.52 Mtonnes/yr, because the need to supplement diets with inorganic P sources, such as dicalcium phosphate, is much lower with HOC-based diets. We estimate that 28.5 Mtonnes of dicalcium phosphate can be saved annually using HOC in Brazilian poultry diets. The literature suggests that replacing traditional corn with HOC does not affect bird metabolism, while positive impacts on growth rate have been recorded. Therefore, substituting traditional corn with HOC has cost and environmental benefits for the Brazilian poultry industry without compromising productivity.


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The suitability of models specifically re-parameterized for analyzing energy balance data relating metabolizable energy intake to growth rate has recently been investigated in male broilers. In this study, the more adequate of those models was applied to growing turkeys to provide estimates of their energy needs for maintenance and growth. Three functional forms were used. They were: two equations representing diminishing returns behaviour (monomolecular and rectangular hyperbola); and one equation describing smooth sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflexion (Gompertz). The models estimated the metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance in turkeys to be 359-415 kJ/kg of live-weight/day. The predicted values of average net energy requirement for producing 1 g of gain in live-weight, between 1 and 4 times maintenance, varied from 8.7 to 10.9 kJ. These results and those previously reported for broilers are a basis for accepting the general validity of these models.


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When formulating least-cost poultry diets, ME concentration should be optimised by an iterative procedure, not entered as a fixed value. This iteration must calculate profit margins by taking into account the way in which feed intake and saleable outputs vary with ME concentration. In the case of broilers, adjustment of critical amino acid contents in direct proportion to ME concentration does not result in birds of equal fatness. To avoid an increase in fat deposition at higher energy levels, it is proposed that amino acid specifications should be adjusted in proportion to changes in the net energy supplied by the feed. A model is available which will both interpret responses to amino acids in laying trials and give economically optimal estimates of amino acid inputs for practical feed formulation. Flocks coming into lay and flocks nearing the end of the pullet year have bimodal distributions of rates of lay, with the result that calculations of requirement based on mean output will underestimate the optimal amino acid input for the flock. Chick diets containing surplus protein can lead to impaired utilisation of the first-limiting amino acid. This difficulty can be avoided by stating amino acid requirements as a proportion of the protein.


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Aims: To estimate the proportions of farms on which broilers, turkeys and pigs were shedding fluoroquinolone (FQ)-resistant Escherichia coli or Campylobacter spp. near to slaughter. Methods and Results: Freshly voided faeces were collected on 89 poultry and 108 pig farms and cultured with media containing 1.0 mg l(-1) ciprofloxacin. Studies demonstrated the specificity of this sensitive method, and both poultry and pig sampling yielded FQ-resistant E. coli on 60% of farms. FQ-resistant Campylobacter spp. were found on around 22% of poultry and 75% of pig farms. The majority of resistant isolates of Campylobacter (89%) and E. coli (96%) tested had minimum inhibitory concentrations for ciprofloxacin of >= 8 mg l(-1). The proportion of resistant E. coli and Campylobacter organisms within samples varied widely. Conclusions: FQ resistance is commonly present among two enteric bacterial genera prevalent on pig and poultry farms, although the low proportion of resistant organisms in many cases requires a sensitive detection technique. Significance and Impact of the Study: FQ-resistant bacteria with zoonotic potential appear to be present on a high proportion of UK pig and poultry farms. The risk this poses to consumers relative to other causes of FQ-resistant human infections remains to be clarified.


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Investigating agroforestry systems that incorporate poultry is warranted in Northern Europe as they may offer benefits including: improved welfare and use of range; reduced feed costs; price premia on products; reduced payback periods for forests; and, greater returns on investment. Free-range egg production accounts for 27% of the United Kingdom egg market and demand for outdoor broilers is increasing. No research has been conducted recently on the economic viability of agroforestry systems with poultry. An economic model was constructed to: assess economic viability of a broiler agroforestry system; and, investigate the sensitivity of economic performance to key factors and interactions, and identify those which warrant attention in research and management. The system modelled is a commercial trial established in Southern England in 2002 where deciduous trees were planted and broilers reared in six- or nine-week periods. The model uses Monte Carlo simulation and financial performance analyses run for a 120-year period. An Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15.5% is predicted for the six-week system which remains viable under a 'worst case' scenario (IRR of 12.6%). Factors which affect financial performance most (decreasing in magnitude) are prices achieved for broilers, costs of brooding houses, chicks, arks, feed and timber prices. The main anticipated effects of biological interactions on financial performance (increased ranging on feed conversion and excess nutrient supply on tree health) were not supported by analysis. Further research is particularly warranted on the welfare benefits offered by the tree component and its relation to price premia.


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Complement-mediated inflammation exacerbates the tissue injury of ischaemic necrosis in heart attacks and strokes, the most common causes of death in developed countries. Large infarct size increases immediate morbidity and mortality and, in survivors of the acute event, larger non-functional scars adversely affect long-term prognosis. There is thus an important unmet medical need for new cardioprotective and neuroprotective treatments. We have previously shown that human C-reactive protein (CRP), the classical acute-phase protein that binds to ligands exposed in damaged tissue and then activates complement(1), increases myocardial and cerebral infarct size in rats subjected to coronary or cerebral artery ligation, respectively(2,3). Rat CRP does not activate rat complement, whereas human CRP activates both rat and human complement(4). Administration of human CRP to rats is thus an excellent model for the actions of endogenous human CRP2,3. Here we report the design, synthesis and efficacy of 1,6-bis(phosphocholine)-hexane as a specific small-molecule inhibitor of CRP. Five molecules of this palindromic compound are bound by two pentameric CRP molecules, crosslinking and occluding the ligand-binding B-face of CRP and blocking its functions. Administration of 1,6-bis(phosphocholine)-hexane to rats undergoing acute myocardial infarction abrogated the increase in infarct size and cardiac dysfunction produced by injection of human CRP. Therapeutic inhibition of CRP is thus a promising new approach to cardioprotection in acute myocardial infarction, and may also provide neuroprotection in stroke. Potential wider applications include other inflammatory, infective and tissue-damaging conditions characterized by increased CRP production, in which binding of CRP to exposed ligands in damaged cells may lead to complement-mediated exacerbation of tissue injury.


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A new homo-proline tetrazole derivative 7 has been prepared and shown to have improved properties for achieving asymmetric Michael addition of carbonyl compounds to nitro-olefins.


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Tetrazole and acylsulfonamide organocatalysts derived from proline have been synthesised and applied to the asymmetric Mannich, nitro-Michael and aldol reactions to give results that are superior to the proline-catalysed counterpart.