667 resultados para Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes)
Complex systems have stimulated much interest in the scientific community in the last twenty years. Examples this area are the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton and Contact Process that are studied in the first chapter this tesis. We determine the critical behavior of these systems using the spontaneous-search method and short-time dynamics (STD). Ours results confirm that the DKCA e CP belong to universality class of Directed Percolation. In the second chapter, we study the particle difusion in two models of stochastic sandpiles. We characterize the difusion through diffusion constant D, definite through in the relation h(x)2i = 2Dt. The results of our simulations, using finite size scalling and STD, show that the diffusion constant can be used to study critical properties. Both models belong to universality class of Conserved Directed Percolation. We also study that the mean-square particle displacement in time, and characterize its dependence on the initial configuration and particle density. In the third chapter, we introduce a computacional model, called Geographic Percolation, to study watersheds, fractals with aplications in various areas of science. In this model, sites of a network are assigned values between 0 and 1 following a given probability distribution, we order this values, keeping always its localization, and search pk site that percolate network. Once we find this site, we remove it from the network, and search for the next that has the network to percole newly. We repeat these steps until the complete occupation of the network. We study the model in 2 and 3 dimension, and compare the bidimensional case with networks form at start real data (Alps e Himalayas)
This paper presents a comparative study concerning the novel The queen Margot (1845), by Alexandre Dumas father, and the homonymous movie (1994), by Patrice Chéreau, mainly considering its historical character, the production conditions of each “discourse” and the personages’ performances in both narratives. The novel has been originally published in the form of feuilleton in the French newspaper La presse, during the years 1844 and 1845, what explains its long extension and the correlation among the chapters. It constitutes a trilogy, the action of which takes place during the religion wars, affording to the text the classification of a traditional historical novel, having the episode of St. Bartholomew carnage as its most striking event. Regarding the movie, which has been awarded five Cesar prizes, two rewards in Cannes Festival and an indication to the Oscar for the best costume design, it also counts with Isabelle Adjani as the protagonist actress. With a few relevant differences regarding the novel, it is remarkable that the action in the movie happens in august 1572 in a Paris that is the center of conflicts among Catholics and Protestants. In this scenery, the comparison between the two artistic manifestations is based strictly on the analysis of the personages’ profiles, the circumstances in which they have been produced and the historical aspects surrounding the two works.
The podzol-ferralsol soil systems, which cover great areas of Amazonia and other equatorial regions, are frequently associated with kaolin deposits and store and export large amounts of carbon. Although natural organic matter (NOM) plays a key role in their dynamics, little is known about their biogeochemistry. In order to assess the specific role of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on NOM storage in deep horizons and to determine possible relationships between kaolin formation and DOM properties, we studied the groundwater composition of a typical podzol-ferralsol soil catena from the Alto Rio Negro region, Brazil. Groundwater was sampled using tension-free lysimeters placed according to soil morphology. DOC, E-H, p(H), and dissolved Si, Al3+, Fe2+, and Fe3+ were analyzed for all samples and values are given in a database. Quantification of other dissolved ions, small carboxylic acids and SUVA(254) index and acid-base microtitration was achieved on selected samples. Part of the DOM produced by the hydromorphic podzols is directly exported to the blackwater streams; another part percolates at greater depth, and more than 90% of it adsorbs in the Bh-Bhs horizons, allowing carbon storage at depth. Humic substances are preferentially adsorbed with regard to small carboxylic compounds. With regard to kaolin genesis, kaolinite precipitation is favored by Al release from NOM mineralization within the Bh-Bhs and kaolin bleaching is ensured by iron reduction due to acidity and relatively low E-H. Fe2+ mobility can be related to small E-H variations and enhanced by the significant concentration of small carboxylic acids. The long-term result of these processes is the thickening of the kaolin, and it can be inferred that kaolin is likely to occur where active, giant podzols are close to a slope gradient sufficient enough to lower the deep water table.
Les villages préhistoriques des bords des lacs circum-alpins entre le Ve et IVe millénaire av. J.-C.
Connus sous le nom populaire de palafittes, les habitats préhistoriques construits sur les rives des lacs subalpins du Néolithique à l’aube de l’âge du Fer (entre 5300 et 700 av. J.-C.) offrent des informations exceptionnelles sur l’évolution culturelle d’une importante région européenne, grâce à la préservation remarquable des matériaux organiques, en particulier du bois. À partir de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, le perfectionnement des techniques de fouille subaquatiques et de la dendrochronologie permettront la construction d’un schéma chronologique précis pour l’Europe nord-alpine. Les recherches contribueront à des observations d’ordre écologique à l’échelle locale et régionale et à l’identification des rythmes de développement des villages. Sous l’égide de l'UNESCO, les années 2010 verront la constitution d’un inventaire vaste et uniforme des sites préhistoriques des lacs circumalpins, classés Patrimoine culturel mondial en juin 2011.
ZusammenfassungDie Erforschung der Alpen im 18. Jahrhundert unter neuen Perspektiven.Das anglo-schweizerisch-alpine Netzwerk. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Johann Jakob Scheuchzers Korrespondenten-netz. Zwei grosse Bereiche seiner Korrespondenz wurden berücksichtigt: einer-seits die Kontakte mit verschiedenen englischen Mitgliedern der Royal Society,besonders mit dem Arzt und Fossilienforscher John Woodward, anderseits dasschweizerisch-alpine Informantennetz. Scheuchzer wurde ein wichtiger Spre-cher von Woodwards Diluvialtheorie in Europa und war für die Engländer derbedeutende Informant in allen Fragen, was die Alpen und die Naturgeschichteder Schweiz betraf. Diese Rolle als Vermittler von Wissen über die Berge und die Schweiz wurde durch das schweizweit gut organisierte Netz von Informantenermöglicht. Besonders wichtig waren Scheuchzers Kontakte mit den alpinen Eliten. Der Aufsatz zeigt, wie wichtig die zwei grossen Teile seiner Korrespon-denz für Scheuchzers Forschungstätigkeit waren und welche Rolle besondersdie alpinen Informanten gespielt haben.
Quelques années après la sortie du film « La Zona – propriété privée », cet article décrypte quelques éléments de la fiction pour revenir sur les causes et les conséquences socio-urbaines du développement massif des enclaves résidentielles. Le contraste du dehors et du dedans, les stratégies d’enfermement, la constitution de communautés d’intérêts et l’entre-soi sont mis à mal par la révélation de la violence inhérente à des choix court-termistes d’habitants qui se murent pour conjurer leur peur et préserver leur confort. Entre ouverture et fermeture, il existerait un entre-deux où l’on pourrait tisser des en-communs avec les fils qui relient les mondes.
Color variations were interpreted in paleoceanographic terms for the late Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments recovered by ODP Leg 172 on deep-sea drifts at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge and northeastern Bermuda Rise. The color-derived parameters used in interpretation included predicted carbonate content, terrigenous fluxes, and hematite content. Abundance of Upper Carboniferous spores indicates that the hematite is probably derived from the Permo-Carboniferous red beds of the Canadian Maritimes. In the last 800 kyr sedimentation pattern changes on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge were determined by the sediment delivery to the deep basin as well as circulation changes. Sediment delivery increased during glacials (especially during the last 500 kyr and particularly since Stage 6). A fundamental change in the thermohaline circulation occurred at about 500 ka corresponding to the end of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition period at the onset of the predominant 100-kyr climate cyclicity. Sedimentation related to WBUC had intensified at that time and had become more focused at depths below 3000 m. Changes in hematite content and sedimentation rate show a pulse of sediment via the St. Lawrence outlet at the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary suggesting that a likely change in the hydrography/physiography of the Laurentide Ice Sheet could have been involved in the climatic and ocean circulation changes at that time.
Reflectance spectra collected during ODP Leg 172 were used in concert with solid phase iron chemistry, carbonate content, and organic carbon content measurements to evaluate the agents responsible for setting the color in sediments. Factor analysis has proved a valuable and rapid technique to detect the local and regional primary factors that influence sediment color. On the western North Atlantic drifts, sediment color is the result of primary mineralogy as well as diagenetic changes. Sediment lightness is controlled by the carbonate content while the hue is primarily due to the presence of hematite and Fe2+/Fe3+ changes in clay minerals. Hematite, most likely derived from the Permo-Carboniferous red beds of the Canadian Maritimes, is differentially preserved at various sites due to differences in reductive diagenesis and dilution by other sedimentary components. Various intensities for diagenesis result from changes in organic carbon content, sedimentation rates, and H2S production via anaerobic methane oxidation. Iron monosulfides occur extensively at all high sedimentation sites especially in glacial periods suggesting increased high terrigenous flux and/or increased reactive iron flux in glacials.
The data have been extracted and compiled from various sources but mainly from the ICES data base. The ICES data are from catch databases downloaded from the ICES website on 2014-01-14. These data are resolved by ICES area, country and year. During inspection of these data, it was noted that Norwegian data for years before 1950 had not been entered into the catch database on the ICES website. ICES has been notified of this omission by B. R. MacKenzie. The Norwegian data from ICES Bulletins. Statistiques has been added. Additional historical bluefin tuna catch data from other fishery reports and sources have been included in the data file for years preceding those when countries started reported their landings officially to ICES. These additional data have been reported in the literature previously (MacKenzie and Myers 2007, Fisheries Research).