988 resultados para Camponeses e trabalhadores da terra


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi comparar o desempenho em testes de força estática entre trabalhadores hipertensos e normotensos, seguindo a hipótese dos hipertensos apresentarem menor força que os normotensos. MÉTODOS: Participaram da pesquisa 354 trabalhadores (246 homens e 108 mulheres), que foram submetidos a medidas de estatura, massa corporal, circunferência de cintura, aferição da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e a testes de preensão manual direita e esquerda, força escapular e lombar. As avaliações ocorreram em três dias nos três períodos, em uma indústria de balas e doces em Rio Claro - SP. As leituras da pressão arterial respeitaram um intervalo de 10 minutos cada, com o indivíduo sentado. Para os testes de força, inicialmente uma familiarização foi proporcionada aos trabalhadores, posteriormente foi registrado o maior valor após duas tentativas de cada teste. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos hipertensos apresentaram valores superiores significativamente para idade, massa corporal, índice de massa corporal e circunferência de cintura, em comparação aos normotensos. No desempenho em testes de força, os hipertensos não diferiram significativamente dos normotensos, porém, essa diferença foi notada quando comparados grupos divididos pelo índice de massa corporal. O grupo obesidade teve valores superiores ao grupo peso normal/sobrepeso entre normotensos, mas não entre os hipertensos. Já na comparação intragênero, não houve diferenças significativas para os testes de força estática. CONCLUSÃO: Os trabalhadores normotensos e hipertensos não demonstraram diferenças significativas no desempenho de força muscular estática, porém, a massa corporal e gênero parecem afetar a relação entre força muscular e pressão arterial.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento de pressão arterial (PA) e a freqüência cardíaca (Fc) de indivíduos ao longo da jornada de trabalho em dois ambientes com estresses ambientais distintos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 46 funcionários, trabalhadores de uma indústria processadora de madeira, de Botucatu, SP, sendo 27 funcionários da linha de produção (esforço físico moderado-intenso, altas temperaturas e elevados níveis de ruído) (G1), e 19 da administração (sem esforço físico, salas aclimatadas, baixos níveis de ruído) (G2). Todos foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica da composição corporal (obesidade e adiposidade) e bioquímica do sangue (lipidemia) e, adicionalmente, o registro da PA e da Fc em três momentos do turno de serviço: início, meio e fim. RESULTADOS: Houve semelhança na variação da PA entre G1 e G2, mas com maiores elevações de PA e Fc em G1. Os resultados mostraram grande variabilidade na resposta da PA, levando à subdivisão dos grupos G1 e G2 em respondedores (GR, aumento maior de 10% na PA média) e não respondedores (GN). Os subgrupos GR e GN apresentaram semelhanças nos padrões antropométrico e bioquímico diferindo apenas na resposta pressórica e no caso do GR1 na história familiar de hipertensão. Comparando os subgrupos GR1 e GR2, foi constatado que os primeiros apresentaram maiores variações de PA e Fc que os segundos. CONCLUSÕES: A variação individual da resposta pressórica e da Fc conforme o tipo de estresse ambiental indica ser este um fator adicional a ser considerado na avaliação da pressão arterial e, talvez, na gênese da hipertensão arterial de operários.


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O Instituto de Educação Josué de Castro, que tem como mantenedor o Instituto Técnico de Capacitação e Pesquisa da Reforma Agrária e é vinculado ao movimento dos sem-terra, constitui-se em uma escola de educação média e profissional. O objetivo desse texto é o de expor os elementos educativos principais presentes na escola, bem como elucidar se a sua concepção educacional, que parece ser a mesma vigente nas escolas controladas pelo MST, contém elementos educacionais de interesse para as classes trabalhadoras em geral, do ponto de vista democrático e popular. A investigação revelou que o Instituto, estruturado e organizado de forma diferente daquela usualmente encontrada nas escolas oficiais, coloca em epígrafe categorias educacionais como a união do ensino com o trabalho e a gestão democrática compartilhada entre alunos, professores e funcionários.


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Colegio Isabel was a project that aimed to "civilize" the indigenous children who lived in the Vale do Araguaia region, Goias Province, to educate national workers and, progressively, incorporate the lands owned by the Indians in the productive process. Colegio Isabel allowed its students a marginal integration in the society, assigning them functions that the so called "civilized" people considered degrading. The egress students lived an ambiguous and marginal life, regarding the original ethnic groups and the adopted society.


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This is a cross-sectional study with a randomized choice of individuals aiming at studying the validity of the Brazilian biological exposure limits applied to lead level in the blood (PbB) and delta-aminolevulinic acid in the urine (ALAU), which are 60 μg/dl and 10 mg/g.creat., respectively. For this purpose, twenty workers, whose PbB and ALAU values have been below these limits over the past two years, were selected at random at a battery production plant in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil. The workers were submitted to a peripheral nerve conduction study. The results were compared with those obtained for workers of a control group also chosen at random. The lead workers showed a decrease in the velocity conduction of the radial nerves. Comparing this group with a randomized control group, a significant difference was observed (p-value = 0.0067). The results suggest that the Brazilian biological exposure limits above should be rearranged.


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This is a cross-sectional study with a randomized choice of individuals aiming at studying the validity of the Brazilian biological exposure limits applied to lead level in the blood (PbB) and delta-aminolevulinic acid in the urine (ALAU), which are 60 μ/dl and 10 mg/g.creat., respectively. Thus, twenty workers, whose PbB and ALAU values have been below these limits over the past two years, were selected at random at a battery plant in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil. The workers were submitted to a variation of the WHO Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery. The results were compared with those obtained for workers of a control group also chosen at random. The lead workers showed memory, mood and motor coordination disorders. Comparing these results with those obtained from the control group, a significant difference was observed (p-value < 0.02). The results indicate that the Brazilian biological exposure limits above should be reconsidered.


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The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing and geoprocessing allows detection, spatial representation and quantifying all alterations due to the human action in the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that cause damages to the environment. The aim of this research is analyze the transformation ocurred with the land use and vegetation in order to detect environmental impacts during the period from 1962 to 1995, considering a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in the Rio Claro (SP) region. In order to archieve such aim the authors used boolean operations available in the Geographical Information System (GIS) - Idrisi. The maps were obtained through the ordinary (conventional) interpretation of aerial photos, later digitized in the software CAD Overlay and georeferenced in AutoCAD Map. It's observed that operations such as crossing digitized maps of one specific area in two differents dates, using GIS, produce overall results that might point out expansion or retraction's trends of the mapped classes, as well as quantify the intensity of the phenomena.


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The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing ana geoprocessmg allow detection, spatial representation and quantification of the alterations caused by the human action on the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that may cause damages to the environment. This study apply methodologies based on digital processing of orbital images for the mapping of the land use, vegetation and anthropic activities that cause impacts in the environment. It was considered a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in Rio Claro (SP) region. The methodology proposed was checked through the crossing of maps in the software GIS - Idrisi. These maps either obtained with conventional interpretation of aerial photos of 1995, digitized in the software CAD Overlay and geo-referenced in the AutoCAD Map, or with the application of digital classification systems on SPOT-XS and PAN orbital images of 1995, followed by field observations. The crossing of conventional and digital maps of a same area with the CIS allows to verify the overall results obtained through the computational handling of orbital images. With the use of digital processing techniques, specially multiespectral classification, it is possible to detect automatically and visually the impacts related to the mineral extraction, as well as to survey the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts.


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Informatics evolution presently offers the possibility of new technique and methodology development for studies in all human knowledge areas. In addition, the present personal computer capacity of handling a large volume of data makes the creation and application of new analysis tools easy. This paper aimed the application of a fuzzy partition matrix to analyze data obtained from the Landsat 5 TMN sensor, in order to elaborate the supervised classification of land use in Arroio das Pombas microbasin in Botucatu, SP, Brazil. It was possible that one single training area present input in more than one covering class due to weight attribution at the signature creation moment. A change in the classification result was also observed when compared to maximum likelihood classification, mainly when related to bigger uniformity and better class edges classification.


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Hearing loss and tinnitus impact the lives of workers in every instance of their lives. Aim: this paper aims to investigate the existence of a dose-response relationship between hearing loss and tinnitus by determining whether higher levels of hearing loss can be associated with increased tinnitus-related discomfort. Materials and method: this cross-sectional case study assessed 284 workers exposed to occupational noise through pure tone audiometry. Test results were categorized as defined by Merluzzi. Individuals complaining of tinnitus answered the adapted and validated Brazilian Portuguese version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. A generalized linear model was adjusted for binomial data to test the interaction between these factors. Results: over 60% of the ears analyzed had hearing loss, while more than 46% of them had tinnitus. Tinnitus prevalence and risk rates increased as pure tone audiometry results got worse. The association between both, considering all hearing loss degrees, was statistically significant. Conclusion: the results point to a statistical association between hearing loss and tinnitus; the greater the hearing loss, the greater the discomfort introduced by tinnitus. 2009 © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia.


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The development of linear erosion processes is directly related with the environment natural characteristics or with modifications that have occurred on them by the anthropic action. In this context, the present article has as a general objective to evaluate the dynamic of the linear erosion processes and their relations with the evolution of the land use and with the lito-pedologic characteristics of the Cavalheiro hydrographic basin - Analândia, SP. In order to reach such objective, maps of erosive features and land use of several settings were elaborated, besides cartographic representations of the geological and pedological data of the study area. The obtained data were analyzed starting from the principles that concern to the General Systems Theory. Such analysis evidenced the intrinsic bond of the development of linear erosion processes with the several forms of land use and with the natural attributes of the studied area. Therefore, the methodological procedure adopted in this research has been considered as fundamental tool to understand the linear erosion processes dynamic, making it possible to take data of extreme relevance for the planning of the use and occupation of the land.


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This research aimed to study land use capability classes in Pratânia, São Paulo State, Brazil, by using the Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to find out the appropriate planning system for soil use. The watershed covers an area of 21,773.61 ha and is located among the coordinates 22°44'48S and 22°52'17S and 48°38'21W and 48°48'07W. The land use capability map was made from the slope and soil maps, based on the features of each kind of soil and the land use capability table for class assessment. It was possible to conclude that IIIs was the most significant subclass. Slope classes from 0% to 20% were present in more than 97% of Pratânia, being the plane areas the most representative ones (55%). GIS showed to be an excellent tool for determining land use capability, because the geoprocessing use facilitates and activates the digital data crossing, allowing its storage for future environmental planning.