994 resultados para Cachey, Theodore


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The hydroperoxy radical (HO2) plays a critical role in Earth's atmospheric chemistry as a component of many important reactions. The self-reaction of hydroperoxy radicals in the gas phase is strongly affected by the presence of water vapor. In this work, we explore the potential energy surfaces of hydroperoxy radicals hydrogen bonded to one or two water molecules, and predict atmospheric concentrations and vibrational spectra of these complexes. We predict that when the HO2 concentration is on the order of 108molecules·cm-3 at 298 K, that the number of HO2···H2O complexes is on the order of 107molecules·cm-3 and the number of HO2···(H2O)2 complexes is on the order of 106molecules·cm-3. Using the computed abundance of HO2···H2O, we predict that, at 298 K, the bimolecular rate constant for HO2···H2O + HO2 is about 10 times that for HO2 + HO2.


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Quantum channel identification, a standard problem in quantum metrology, is the task of estimating parameter(s) of a quantum channel. We investigate dissonance (quantum discord in the absence of entanglement) as an aid to quantum channel identification and find evidence for dissonance as a resource for quantum information processing. We consider the specific case of dissonant Bell-diagonal probes of the qubit depolarizing channel, using quantum Fisher information as a measure of statistical information extracted by the probe. In this setting dissonant quantum probes yield more statistical information about the depolarizing probability than do corresponding probes without dissonance and greater dissonance yields greater information. This effect only operates consistently when we control for classical correlation between the probe and its ancilla and the joint and marginal purities of the ancilla and probe.


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Genome-wide association studies and candidate gene studies in ulcerative colitis have identified 18 susceptibility loci. We conducted a meta-analysis of six ulcerative colitis genome-wide association study datasets, comprising 6,687 cases and 19,718 controls, and followed up the top association signals in 9,628 cases and 12,917 controls. We identified 29 additional risk loci (P < 5 × 10(-8)), increasing the number of ulcerative colitis-associated loci to 47. After annotating associated regions using GRAIL, expression quantitative trait loci data and correlations with non-synonymous SNPs, we identified many candidate genes that provide potentially important insights into disease pathogenesis, including IL1R2, IL8RA-IL8RB, IL7R, IL12B, DAP, PRDM1, JAK2, IRF5, GNA12 and LSP1. The total number of confirmed inflammatory bowel disease risk loci is now 99, including a minimum of 28 shared association signals between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to evaluate the biological effects of water eluents from polycarbonate based esthetic orthodontic brackets. METHODS: The composite polycarbonate brackets tested were Silkon Plus (SL, fiber-glass-reinforced), Elan ME (EL, ceramic particle-reinforced) and Elegance (EG, fiber-glass-reinforced). An unfilled polyoxymethylene bracket (Brilliant, BR) was used as control. The brackets' composition was analyzed by ATR-FTIR spectrometry. The cytotoxicity and estrogenicity of the eluents obtained after 3months storage of the brackets in water (37°C) were investigated in murine fibroblasts (NIH 3T3), breast (MCF-7) and cervical cancer (CCl-2/Hela) cell lines. RESULTS: SL and EG were based on aromatic-polycarbonate matrix, whereas EL consisted of an aromatic polycarbonate-polyethylene terepthalate copolymer. A significant induction of cell death and a concurrent decrease in cell proliferation was noted in the EG eluent-treated cells. Moreover, EG eluent significantly reduced the levels of the estrogen signaling associated gene pS2, specifically in MCF7 cells, suggesting that cell death induced by this material is associated with downregulation of estrogen signaling pathways. Even though oxidative stress mechanisms were equally activated by all eluents, the EG eluents induced expression of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) and reduced Bcl-xL protein levels. SIGNIFICANCE: Some polycarbonate-based composite brackets when exposed to water release substances than activate mitochondrial apoptosis.


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Stress and burnout have been well-documented in graduate medical and undergraduate dental education, but studies among dental graduate students and residents are sparse. The purpose of this investigation was to examine perceived stressors and three dimensions of burnout among dental residents enrolled in the University of Bern, Switzerland. Thirty-six residents enrolled in five specialty programmes were administered the Graduate Dental Environment Stress (GDES30) questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Individual stress items and overall GDES30 scores were used to quantify perceived stress. To measure burnout, proportions of burnout "cases" and MBI subscale scores were computed in the domains of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and reduced personal accomplishment (PA). Analyses relied on descriptive and bi-variate methods. The mean GDES30 score was 2.1 (SD = 0.4). "Lack of leisure time", "meeting the research requirement of the programme" and "completing graduation requirements" emerged as the top three stressors. Thirty-six percent of respondents were burnout "cases" on the PA scale, while this proportion was 17% for EE and 8% for DP. Both stress and burnout levels increased according to year of study, whereas younger residents and females had consistently higher stress and burnout scores compared to older ones and males. Overall, low levels of perceived stress and burnout were found among this group of Swiss dental residents.


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This study aimed to investigate whether studies published in dental journals with the highest impact factor, representing the 5 major dental specialties and titled as randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are truly RCTs. A second objective was to explore the association of journal type and other publication characteristics on correct classification.


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In this study, we aimed to investigate whether studies published in orthodontic journals and titled as randomized clinical trials are truly randomized clinical trials. A second objective was to explore the association of journal type and other publication characteristics on correct classification.


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In orthodontics, multiple site observations within patients or multiple observations collected at consecutive time points are often encountered. Clustered designs require larger sample sizes compared to individual randomized trials and special statistical analyses that account for the fact that observations within clusters are correlated. It is the purpose of this study to assess to what degree clustering effects are considered during design and data analysis in the three major orthodontic journals. The contents of the most recent 24 issues of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO), Angle Orthodontist (AO), and European Journal of Orthodontics (EJO) from December 2010 backwards were hand searched. Articles with clustering effects and whether the authors accounted for clustering effects were identified. Additionally, information was collected on: involvement of a statistician, single or multicenter study, number of authors in the publication, geographical area, and statistical significance. From the 1584 articles, after exclusions, 1062 were assessed for clustering effects from which 250 (23.5 per cent) were considered to have clustering effects in the design (kappa = 0.92, 95 per cent CI: 0.67-0.99 for inter rater agreement). From the studies with clustering effects only, 63 (25.20 per cent) had indicated accounting for clustering effects. There was evidence that the studies published in the AO have higher odds of accounting for clustering effects [AO versus AJODO: odds ratio (OR) = 2.17, 95 per cent confidence interval (CI): 1.06-4.43, P = 0.03; EJO versus AJODO: OR = 1.90, 95 per cent CI: 0.84-4.24, non-significant; and EJO versus AO: OR = 1.15, 95 per cent CI: 0.57-2.33, non-significant). The results of this study indicate that only about a quarter of the studies with clustering effects account for this in statistical data analysis.


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To compare the alterations in esthetic appearance and slot morphology/integrity of two main types of esthetic brackets caused after clinical use.


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To assess human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2)-status in gastric cancer and matched lymph node metastases by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH).


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To provide estimates of mortality among HIV-infected patients starting combination antiretroviral therapy.


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Many children with sarcomas undergo whole body 2-deoxy-2-((18)F)fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ((18)F-FDG PET/CT) and technetium methylene diphosphonate ((99)Tc-MDP) studies. It is unknown whether the combination of both tests results in more accurate detection of bone lesions than (18)F-FDG- PET/CT alone.


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IgE antibodies bind the high-affinity IgE Fc receptor (FcεRI), found primarily on mast cells and basophils, and trigger inflammatory cascades of the allergic response. Inhibitors of IgE-FcεRI binding have been identified and an anti-IgE therapeutic antibody (omalizumab) is used to treat severe allergic asthma. However, preformed IgE-FcεRI complexes that prime cells before allergen exposure dissociate extremely slowly and cannot be disrupted by strictly competitive inhibitors. IgE-Fc conformational flexibility indicated that inhibition could be mediated by allosteric or other non-classical mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that an engineered protein inhibitor, DARPin E2_79 (refs 9, 10, 11), acts through a non-classical inhibition mechanism, not only blocking IgE-FcεRI interactions, but actively stimulating the dissociation of preformed ligand-receptor complexes. The structure of the E2_79-IgE-Fc(3-4) complex predicts the presence of two non-equivalent E2_79 sites in the asymmetric IgE-FcεRI complex, with site 1 distant from the receptor and site 2 exhibiting partial steric overlap. Although the structure is indicative of an allosteric inhibition mechanism, mutational studies and quantitative kinetic modelling indicate that E2_79 acts through a facilitated dissociation mechanism at site 2 alone. These results demonstrate that high-affinity IgE-FcεRI complexes can be actively dissociated to block the allergic response and suggest that protein-protein complexes may be more generally amenable to active disruption by macromolecular inhibitors.


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The interaction of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies with the high-affinity receptor, FcεRI, plays a central role in initiating most allergic reactions. The IgE-receptor interaction has been targeted for treatment of allergic diseases, and many high-affinity macromolecular inhibitors have been identified. Small molecule inhibitors would offer significant advantages over current anti-IgE treatment, but no candidate compounds have been identified and fully validated. Here, we report the development of a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay for monitoring the IgE-receptor interaction. The TR-FRET assay measures an increase in fluorescence intensity as a donor lanthanide fluorophore is recruited into complexes of site-specific Alexa Fluor 488-labeled IgE-Fc and His-tagged FcεRIα proteins. The assay can readily monitor classic competitive inhibitors that bind either IgE-Fc or FcεRIα in equilibrium competition binding experiments. Furthermore, the TR-FRET assay can also be used to follow the kinetics of IgE-Fc-FcεRIα dissociation and identify inhibitory ligands that accelerate the dissociation of preformed complexes, as demonstrated for an engineered DARPin (designed ankyrin repeat protein) inhibitor. The TR-FRET assay is suitable for high-throughput screening (HTS), as shown by performing a pilot screen of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Collection Library in a 384-well plate format.