891 resultados para Buildings Queensland Conservation and restoration


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A presente dissertação tem como tema central um modelo construtivo de arquitectura em terra, designadamente o tabique. Este modelo construtivo ancestral de alvenarias reserva na sua génese inúmeras particularidades, que vão desde as mais variadas formas de concepção do modelo por parte dos diferentes povos espalhados pelo mundo aos valiosos contributos sociais e ambientais. Na sua essência, o tabique foi muito utilizado por pessoas de parcos recursos económicos em soluções, por vezes muito engenhosas, levando-as a recorrer à mãe natureza para extrair dela os materiais necessários para a construção das suas casas. Um pouco por todo o mundo existem exemplares deste modelo tradicional contribuindo activamente para o enriquecimento dum vasto espólio de arquitectura em terra, matéria esta que tem vindo a ganhar um novo alento de acordo com as actuais “políticas" ecológicas. Deste modo e ao abrigo dos princípios gerais da conservação e restauro do património, o tabique detém informação relevante no que respeita à sustentabilidade do planeta, tornando o tema mais apelativo ao debate e à planificação de novas acções, envolvendo cada vez mais os profissionais em prol de um objectivo que garanta ao planeta um futuro mais próspero e equilibrado.


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Marine ecosystems are facing a diverse range of threats, including climate change, prompting international efforts to safeguard marine biodiversity through the use of spatial management measures. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been implemented as a conservation tool throughout the world, but their usefulness and effectiveness is strongly related to climate change. However, few MPA programmes have directly considered climate change in the design, management or monitoring of an MPA network. Under international obligations, EU, UK and national targets, Scotland has developed an MPA network that aims to protect marine biodiversity and contribute to the vision of a clean, healthy and productive marine environment. This is the first study to critically analyse the Scottish MPA process and highlight areas which may be improved upon in further iterations of the network in the context of climate change. Initially, a critical review of the Scottish MPA process considered how ecological principles for MPA network design were incorporated into the process, how stakeholder perceptions were considered and crucially what consideration was given to the influence of climate change on the eventual effectiveness of the network. The results indicated that to make a meaningful contribution to marine biodiversity protection for Europe the Scottish MPA network should: i) fully adopt best practice ecological principles ii) ensure effective protection and iii) explicitly consider climate change in the management, monitoring and future iterations of the network. However, this review also highlighted the difficulties of incorporating considerations of climate change into an already complex process. A series of international case studies from British Columbia, Canada; central California, USA; the Great Barrier Reef, Australia and the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, were then conducted to investigate perceptions of how climate change has been considered in the design, implementation, management and monitoring of MPAs. The key lessons from this study included: i) strictly protected marine reserves are considered essential for climate change resilience and will be necessary as scientific reference sites to understand climate change effects ii) adaptive management of MPA networks is important but hard to implement iii) strictly protected reserves managed as ecosystems are the best option for an uncertain future. This work provides new insights into the policy and practical challenges MPA managers face under climate change scenarios. Based on the Scottish and international studies, the need to facilitate clear communication between academics, policy makers and stakeholders was recognised in order to progress MPA policy delivery and to ensure decisions were jointly formed and acceptable. A Delphi technique was used to develop a series of recommendations for considering climate change in Scotland’s MPA process. The Delphi participant panel was selected for their knowledge of the Scottish MPA process and included stakeholders, policy makers and academics with expertise in MPA research. The results from the first round of the Delphi technique suggested that differing views of success would likely influence opinions regarding required management of MPAs, and in turn, the data requirements to support management action decisions. The second round of the Delphi technique explored this further and indicated that there was a fundamental dichotomy in panellists’ views of a successful MPA network depending upon whether they believed the MPAs should be strictly protected or allow for sustainable use. A third, focus group round of the Delphi Technique developed a feature-based management scenario matrix to aid in deciding upon management actions in light of changes occurring in the MPA network. This thesis highlights that if the Scottish MPA network is to fulfil objectives of conservation and restoration, the implications of climate change for the design, management and monitoring of the network must be considered. In particular, there needs to be a greater focus on: i) incorporating ecological principles that directly address climate change ii) effective protection that builds resilience of the marine and linked social environment iii) developing a focused, strong and adaptable monitoring framework iv) ensuring mechanisms for adaptive management.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2016.


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A escassez de parâmetros técnicos e científicos e o caráter subjetivo que em regra preside à escolha de determinado material, produto ou técnica suscitaram o interesse pelo presente tema onde se procurou aumentar as ferramentas de análise e de apoio à decisão em intervenções de conservação do património azulejar. Procurou compreender-se o azulejo a nível histórico, estético, técnico e material, estudando-o do ponto de vista físico, químico e mineralógico. Comparando o azulejo com as réplicas produzidas para intervenções de conservação e restauro estudadas, concluiu-se que as suas composições, química e mineralógica, são diferentes, embora não se verifiquem tantas dissemelhanças ao nível das propriedades físicas. As linhas orientadoras da conservação e restauro de azulejo foram lançadas por Santos Simões a partir dos anos 40 do séc. XX e, desde então, foi-se desenvolvendo um pouco à margem das restantes áreas de especialidade, mesmo ao nível do ensino. Os resultados do inquérito internacional junto dos profissionais que trabalham em conservação e restauro de azulejo in situ corroboram de certo modo este facto e, simultaneamente, permitem uma apreensão da situação atual. Constatou-se uma quase total ausência de documentação sobre intervenções realizadas, mas a análise de casos de estudo e de relatórios permitiu uma primeira sistematização da informação disponível segundo os materiais correntemente utilizados. Procedeu-se a uma identificação e tipificação de patologias decorrentes das intervenções procurando entender qual o papel que tiveram os materiais utilizados e as técnicas de intervenção no desempenho das intervenções. Os processos de reintegração volumétrica e cromática mereceram uma maior atenção, procedendo-se à simulação de todo o sistema, em contexto laboratorial, com base nos materiais correntemente utilizados. Os resultados revelam comportamento diferenciado dos materiais de origem orgânica e inorgânica, evidenciando estes últimos uma maior compatibilidade com o azulejo, mas um pior desempenho a médio/longo prazo. O reconhecimento das soluções mais ou menos compatíveis permitiu delinear uma metodologia de avaliação da compatibilidade, da eficácia e do desempenho dos materiais e das técnicas utilizadas, contribuindo também para a definição de algumas recomendações e de critérios de atuação; Abstract The lack of information found, when selecting a material, product or technique, to apply on a specific conservation treatment contributed to the interest on this topic. The historical, aesthetic and technical characteristics of the azulejo was researched by studying their physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. Comparing original azulejos with the replicas produced for conservation treatments studied, it was concluded that the chemical and mineralogical composition is different, although there are less dissimilarities in terms of physical properties. The guidelines for conservation and restoration were launched by Santos Simões in the 40s and since then, it has been developing a bit on the sidelines of the remaining areas of expertise, even at an educational level. The results of an international survey, near professionals working in conservation and restoration of azulejo in situ, corroborate this fact and simultaneously allow an insight of the current situation. It was found an almost complete lack of technical documentation about previous conservation interventions, but the analysis of existent case studies and intervention reports permitted a systematization of the available information, also considering the materials commonly used. The identification and characterization of damages resulting from interventions, was performed trying to establish a correlation with the materials used and intervention techniques. The attention focused on the study of the infills and chromatic reintegration and a simulation of the entire system was developed, in a laboratory context, on the basis of commonly used materials. The results reveal a distinct behavior between the organic and inorganic materials, showing the latter greater compatibility with the azulejos but a worse medium/long-term performance. The recognition of more or less compatible solutions allowed to outline a methodology to evaluate the compatibility, efficiency and performance of materials and techniques used, also contributing to define some recommendations and action criteria.


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This study addressed the effects of salinity and pot size on the interaction between leguminous plant hosts and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in four pine rockland soils using a shade house trap-plant experiment. Little is known about the belowground diversity of pine rocklands and the interactions between aboveground and belowground biota – an increased understanding of these interactions could lead to improved land management decisions, conservation and restoration efforts. Following twelve weeks of growth, plants were measured for root and shoot dry biomass and percent colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Overall, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi had positive fitness effects on the four legume species (Cajanus cajan, Chamaecrista fasciculata, Tephrosia angustissima and Abrus precatorius), improving their growth rate, shoot and root biomass; pot size influenced plant-fungal interactions; and percent colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was influenced by soil type as well as salinity.


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O presente trabalho surge como resultado da investigação efetuada ao longo das margens do rio Bestança, no concelho de Cinfães, consistindo este não só num contributo para a defesa, preservação, conhecimento e divulgação do notável património molinológico que as margens deste rio albergam, mas também, no estudo do seu estado atual e numa reflexão que questiona o futuro destas, outrora imprescindíveis, estruturas. No sentido de uma melhor fundamentação desta investigação, assim como do estudo e reflexão do tema, foi elaborado o inventário dos moinhos de água localizados nas margens do rio Bestança. Além do inventário, foi também recolhida, analisada e tratada, informação respeitante às suas características, ao seu estado de conservação, sistemas e materiais de construção utilizados. Para um melhor entendimento e contextualização dos temas (moinhos e património), apresentase, de forma sintética, no decurso deste trabalho, um resumo da evolução histórica e tecnológica dos moinhos, assim como uma descrição das várias tipologias existentes. Assim, e da mesma forma, se procede relativamente ao tema património, elaborando-se uma descrição da evolução que o conceito de património, da sua proteção, conservação e restauro, sofreu ao longo dos tempos, assim como de algumas teorias de intervenção a ele associadas. Este trabalho tem o intuito de não só alertar para o estado de degradação e abandono em que se encontra este importante património e de sensibilizar a população, e os poderes administrativos, da sua importância enquanto elemento cultural e identitário do vale do Bestança, como também de apresentar soluções que visem a sua recuperação e valorização, integrando-o de forma sustentável numa nova realidade. Para tal, apresenta-se no final deste trabalho uma proposta de recuperação e adaptação de um moinho a novas funções, que visem potenciar o desenvolvimento económico e social, do local onde este se insere. Apesar de esta investigação se limitar às margens do rio Bestança, foi possível apurar que este património se encontra disseminado por todo o vale, marginando os afluentes deste rio, com capacidade para mover "rodas", espera-se também, que este trabalho seja o mote inicial para a realização da inventariação, estudo, conservação e restauro de todo o extenso espólio patrimonial, molinológico ou não, do vale do rio Bestança.


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The Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) concept and approach were developed to simultaneously face challenges such as risk mitigation and biodiversity conservation and restoration. NBSs have been endorsed by major International Organizations such as the EU, the FAO and World Bank that are pushing to enable a mainstreaming process. However, a shift from traditional engineering “grey” solutions to wider and standard adoption of NBS encounters technical, social, cultural, and normative barriers that have been identified with a qualitative content analysis of policy documents, reports and expert interviews. The case of the region Emilia-Romagna was studied by developing an analytical framework that brought together the social-ecological context, the governance system and the characteristics of specific NBSs.


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ABSTRACT This thesis will determine if there is a discrepancy between how literature defines conservation, preservation, and restoration, and how natural resource professionals define these terms. Interviews were conducted with six professionals from six different agencies that deal with natural resources. These agencies consisted of both government and non-government groups. In addition to interviewing these professionals regarding how they define the terms, they were asked where their work fits into the context of these terms. The interviewees’ responses were then compared with the literature to determine inconsistencies with the use of these terms in the literature and real world settings. The literature and the interviewees have agreed on the term conservation. There are some different points of view about preservation, some see it as ‘no management’ and some others see it as keeping things the same or ‘static.’ Restoration was the term where both the literature and professionals thought of moving an ecosystem from one point of succession or community, to another point on a continuum. The only thing in which they disagree on is the final goal of a restoration project. The literature would suggest restoring the ecosystem to a past historic condition, where the interviewees said to restore it to the best of their abilities and to a functioning ecosystem.


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Over the past 150 years, Brazil has played a pioneering role in developing environmental policies and pursuing forest conservation and ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems. In particular, the Brazilian Forest Act, first drafted in 1934, has been fundamental in reducing deforestation and engaging private land owners in forest restoration initiatives. At the time of writing (December 2010), however, a proposal for major revision of the Brazilian Forest Act is under intense debate in the National Assembly, and we are deeply concerned about the outcome. On the basis of the analysis of detailed vegetation and hydrographic maps, we estimate that the proposed changes may reduce the total amount of potential areas for restoration in the Atlantic Forest by approximately 6 million hectares. As a radically different policy model, we present the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP), which is a group of more than 160 members that represents one of the most important and ambitious ecological restoration programs in the world. The AFRP aims to restore 15 million hectares of degraded lands in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome by 2050 and increase the current forest cover of the biome from 17% to at least 30%. We argue that not only should Brazilian lawmakers refrain from revising the existing Forest Law, but also greatly step up investments in the science, business, and practice of ecological restoration throughout the country, including the Atlantic Forest. The AFRP provides a template that could be adapted to other forest biomes in Brazil and to other megadiversity countries around the world.


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The nature of an experiment involving 204 residents is outlined and the results are reported and analysed. Two consecutive surveys of the respondents provide data about their stated knowledge of 23 wildlife species present in tropical Australia, most of which exclusively occur there. In addition, these surveys provide data about the willingness of respondents to pay for the conservation of those species belonging to three taxa; reptiles, mammals, and birds. Thus it is possible to compare the respondents’ stated knowledge of the species with their willingness to pay for their conservation, and to draw relevant inferences from this. From the initial survey and these associations, interesting relationships can be observed between those variables (knowledge and willingness to pay). The second survey was completed after the respondents’ knowledge of the species was experimentally increased and became more balanced. This is shown to result in increased dispersion (greater discrimination) in willingness to contribute to conservation of the different species in the set of wildlife species considered. Both theoretical and policy conclusions are drawn from the results.


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The main purpose of the research is to present a proposal for a methodology to support the rehabilitation project of renders of old buildings in Portugal. To achieve the objective it was considered essential to define the main types of participants and aspects to integrate the proposal. The research methodology consists in an inquiry presented to professional participants in rehabilitation, a market study of materials and products available in Portugal, the design of a methodology proposal and its application to a case study. The inquiry sample totals 24 answers from the targeted professionals. A sequence of relevant supporting procedures consists in the proposal, which aims to provide a supporting methodology to decide and project in this context and also to be tested with its application to the building. This proposal was applied to an old building with load-bearing stone masonry walls and air-lime based renders. It was concluded that the assessment of the building and external renderings’ condition, its diagnosis and of the supporting walls, the definition of intervention, the specification of materials to be used and performance requirements to comply, and also plans for conservation and periodic maintenance, are crucial. From the inquiry, compatibility between materials and complementary roles and points of view of different types of participants in rehabilitation must be highlighted. A proposal for a methodology to support the project could provide useful guidance particularly for architects and construction engineers, and improve the understanding of direct participants on site, therefore contributing for the correct implementation of intervention.


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The main purpose of the research is to present a proposal for a methodology to support the rehabilitation project of renders of old buildings. To achieve the objective it was considered essential to define the main types of participants and aspects to integrate the proposal. The research methodology consists in an inquiry presented to several professional participants in rehabilitation, a market study of materials and products available in Portugal, the design of a methodology proposal and its application to a case study. The inquiry sample totals 24 answers from the targeted professionals. A sequence of relevant supporting procedures consists in the proposal, which aims to provide a supporting methodology to decide and project in this context and also to be tested with its application to the building. This proposal was applied to an old building with load-bearing stone masonry walls and air-lime based renders. It was concluded that the assessment of the building and external renderings’ condition, its diagnosis and of the supporting walls, the definition of intervention, the specification of materials to be used and performance requirements to comply, and also plans for conservation and periodic maintenance, are crucial. From the inquiry, compatibility between materials and complementary roles and points of view of different types of participants in rehabilitation must be highlighted. A proposal for a methodology to support the project could provide useful guidance particularly for architects and construction engineers, and improve the understanding of direct participants on site, therefore contributing for the correct implementation of the intervention.