994 resultados para British Museum


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Este artículo investiga algunos de los valores plásticos y estéticos que presidieron la selección y la preparación de las materias colorantes empleadas para iluminar los códices creados por los nahuas del México Central durante el Posclásico Tardío. Estos códices son interesantes porque análisis arqueométricos y exámenes codicológicos recientes han permitido conocer la materialidad de su capa pictórica, así como las características formales y el comportamiento de los colores en estas obras. Uno de los aportes trascendentales de estos estudios ha sido averiguar que la paleta cromática que sirvió para pintar los códices del México Central era principalmente de origen orgánico, lo que contrasta con la naturaleza de los pigmentos detectados en restos de pintura mural y en esculturas creadas por los nahuas que son sobre todo minerales. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las razones de esas diferencias y demostrar que el uso de los colorantes orgánicos en los códices respondía a un fin plástico específico que concordaba con el canon estético imperante en la sociedad náhuatl.


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar las observaciones realizadas durante la consulta de los originales de los códices Borgia (Borg. Mess. 1) y Vaticano B (Vat. Lat. 3773) en la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana en 2014. Este estudio codicológico, aunque a la fuerza parcial, dado que fue realizado solamente por medio de una observación directa, revela nuevos datos acerca de la elaboración de los manuscritos prehispánicos, tanto en la preparación de la piel como soporte como en los procedimientos aplicados a la hora de trazar las imágenes y corregir las equivocaciones.


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The first British legal treatise dedicated specifically to the law of copyright written by a strong advocate of the common law rights of the author. Maugham, in addition to providing a commentary upon the law of copyright, also used his work to lobby for both an extension to the copyright term (ideally resulting in a perpetual right) and a reduction in the library deposit requirements (arguing that authors should only be required to deposit one copy of their work for the British Museum). In proselytising the need for a change to the law in both areas he drew frequent comparisons with the law of other jurisdictions (in particular France and Germany). The work became a standard point of reference for many British and American authors who followed.


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Les études historiques menées en héraldique sigillaire des femmes depuis une décennie permettent d’observer que l’emploi du sceau armorié par la femme apparaît au XIIe siècle. À ce titre, Yseult de Dol détient le sceau armorié féminin le plus anciennement répertorié en France, un fretté surmonté d’un chef plain, appendu à un acte de 1183. En fait état le Corpus des armoiries de femmes que j’ai constitué. Celui-ci comprend 1250 sceaux armoriés médiévaux. L’étude analytique du Corpus révèle que le sceau armorié féminin est en plein essor au XIIIe siècle, alors que son emploi décroît à partir du XIVe siècle, ce jusqu'à la fin du Moyen Âge. Cette décroissance s’explique par le développement du notariat, l’apparition de l’imprimerie, l’utilisation plus courante du papier au lieu du parchemin et le passage d’une société de l’oral à une société de l’écrit. Ce constat invite le chercheur en histoire sociale à se questionner. D’abord, sur les raisons qui amenèrent la femme de toutes classes sociales à faire usage du sceau armorié au XIIe siècle et subséquemment, sur les causes profondes qui expliquent le déclin de l’utilisation du sceau armorié par la femme à partir du XIVe siècle. Le sceau est l’empreinte, le signe, qui authentifie un document. Les armoiries sont des marques de reconnaissance, puis des marques de propriété. Ce sont notamment des symboles qui inscrivent la sigillante dans un système de références et de représentations. Ce système référentiel, constitué par les symboles héraldiques, peut être reconnu, mais surtout lu ou décodé, par la société et la pensée médiévale qui l’ont mis en place. Utilitaire et pragmatique, cette codification à visée cognitive permet de se souvenir. En somme, le sceau armorié renseigne sur l’identité sociale et juridique de la femme. Cette représentation iconographique sigillaire s’insère dans un système référentiel à usage mnémonique.


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In Edo-Japan (c.1603 – 1868) shunga, sexually explicit prints, paintings and illustrated books, were widely produced and disseminated. However, from the 1850s onwards, shunga was suppressed by the government and it has largely been omitted from art history, excluded from exhibitions and censored in publications. Although changes have taken place, cultural institutions continue to be cautious about what they collect and exhibit, with shunga largely remaining a prohibited subject in Japan. Since the 1970s there has been a gradual increase in the acceptance of shunga outside Japan, as evidenced in the growing number of exhibitions and publications. The initial impetus behind this thesis was: Why and how did shunga become increasingly acceptable in Europe and North America in the twentieth century, whilst conversely becoming unacceptable in post-Edo Japan? I discuss how and why attitudes to shunga in the UK and Japan have changed from the Edo period to the present day, and consider how definitions can affect this. My research examines how shunga has been dealt with in relation to private and institutional collecting and exhibitions. In order to gauge modern responses, the 2013 Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art exhibition at the British Museum is used as an in-depth study – utilising mixed methods and an interdisciplinary approach to analyse curatorial and legal decisions, as well as visitor feedback. To-date there are no official or standardised guidelines for the acquisition, cataloguing, or display of sexually explicit artefacts. It is intended that institutions will benefit from my analysis of the changing perceptions of shunga and of previous shunga collections and exhibitions when dealing with shunga or other sexually explicit items in the future.


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La comprensione del contesto funerario rappresenta per l’archeologo uno degli aspetti più complessi da interpretare della società antica a causa dell’interazione tra numerosi, diversi fattori culturali. È quindi fondamentale condurre un’attenta e accurata analisi che tenga conto di tutti gli aspetti inerenti la sepoltura e il corredo. La riapertura nel 2011 degli scavi sul sito di Karkemish da parte della missione turco-italiana del Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, in collaborazione con le Università di Istanbul e Gaziantep, ha reso necessaria una rilettura dei dati di scavo emersi durante le precedenti missioni organizzate dal British Museum, condotte tra il 1913 e il 1914 nella necropoli di Yunus, per metterli in correlazione anche con i dati inediti ottenuti nelle nuove campagne di scavo all’interno del sito di Karkemish e Yunus. Lo scopo finale di questo progetto consiste in una nuova analisi dei contesti funerari databili all’Età del Ferro volta a definire, ove possibile, lo sviluppo sia della necropoli, sia della cultura materiale con l'intenzione di apportare un significativo contributo alla ricostruzione e alla comprensione di una delle più importanti necropoli dell’Età del Ferro


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Tony Mann provides a report of a two-day meeting "Magic and mathematics: The life and work of John Dee" held from 13-14 June 2003 at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.


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This essay seeks to contextualise the intelligence work of the Royal Irish Constabulary, particularly in the 1880s, in terms of the wider British and imperial practice and, as a corollary, to reflect upon aspects of the structure of the state apparatus and the state archive in Ireland since the Union. The author contrasts Irish and British police and bureaucratic work and suggests parallels between Ireland and other imperial locations, especially India. This paper also defines the narrowly political, indeed partisan, uses to which this intelligence was put, particularly during the Special Commission of 1888 on 'Parnellism and crime', when governmentheld police records were made available to counsel for The Times. By reflecting on the structure of the state apparatus and its use in this instance, the author aims to further the debate on the governance of nineteenth-century Ireland and to explore issues of colonial identity and practice. The line of argument proposed in this essay is prefigured in Margaret O'Callaghan, British high politics and a nationalist Ireland: criminality, land and the law under Forster and Balfour (Cork, 199


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This thesis investigates the use and significance of X-ray crystallographic visualisations of molecular structures in postwar British material culture across scientific practice and industrial design. It is based on research into artefacts from three areas: X-ray crystallographers’ postwar practices of visualising molecular structures using models and diagrams; the Festival Pattern Group scheme for the 1951 Festival of Britain, in which crystallographic visualisations formed the aesthetic basis of patterns for domestic objects; and postwar furnishings with a ‘ball-and-rod’ form and construction reminiscent of those of molecular models. A key component of the project is methodological. The research brings together subjects, themes and questions traditionally covered separately by two disciplines, the history of design and history of science. This focus necessitated developing an interdisciplinary set of methods, which results in the reassessment of disciplinary borders and productive cross-disciplinary methodological applications. This thesis also identifies new territory for shared methods: it employs network models to examine cross-disciplinary interaction between practitioners in crystallography and design, and a biographical approach to designed objects that over time became mediators of historical narratives about science. Artefact-based, archival and oral interviewing methods illuminate the production, use and circulation of the objects examined in this research. This interdisciplinary approach underpins the generation of new historical narratives in this thesis. It revises existing histories of the cultural transmissions between X-ray crystallography and the production and reception of designed objects in postwar Britain. I argue that these transmissions were more complex than has been acknowledged by historians: they were contingent upon postwar scientific and design practices, material conditions in postwar Britain and the dynamics of historical memory, both scholarly and popular. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one explores X-ray crystallographers’ visualisation practices, conceived here as a form of craft. Chapter two builds on this, demonstrating that the Festival Pattern Group witnesses the encounter between crystallographic practice, design practice and aesthetic ideologies operating within social networks associated with postwar modernisms. Chapters three and four focus on ball-and-rod furnishings in postwar and present-day Britain, respectively. I contend that strong relationships between these designed objects and crystallographic visualisations, for example the appellation ‘atomic design’, have been largely realised through historical narratives active today in the consumption of ‘retro’ and ‘mid-century modern’ artefacts. The attention to contemporary historical narratives necessitates this dual historical focus: the research is rooted in the period from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s, but extends to the history of now. This thesis responds to the need for practical research on methods for studying cross-disciplinary interactions and their histories. It reveals the effects of submitting historical subjects that are situated on disciplinary boundaries to interdisciplinary interpretation. Old models, such as that of unidirectional ‘influence’, subside and the resulting picture is a refracted one: this study demonstrates that the material form and meaning of crystallographic visualisations, within scientific practice and across their use and echoes in designed objects, are multiple and contingent.