864 resultados para Brief literature review
Inappropriate treatments of frontal sinus fractures may lead to serious complications, such as mucopyocele, meningitis, and brain abscess. Assessment of nasofrontal duct injury is crucial, and nasofrontal duct injury requires sinus obliteration, which is often accomplished by autogenous grafts such as fat, muscle, or bone. These avascular grafts have an increased risk of resorption and infection and donor site morbidity. For these reasons, pericranial flap, which is vascular, should be used for frontal sinus obliteration. The pericranial flap presented with less morbidity procedure and has decreased infection rates, which justifies its use in frontal sinus obliteration. This study aimed to report a case of a comminuted frontal sinus fracture with a brief literature review, regarding the use of pericranial flap. The authors report a case of a 23-year-old male subject with a severely comminuted fracture of the anterior and posterior walls of the frontal sinus. The patient was successfully treated by cranialization with frontal sinus duct obliteration, using anterior pericranial flap. The patient was followed up for 16 months with no postoperative complication, such as infection. Pericranial flap is a good resource for frontal sinus duct obliteration because it is a durable and well-vascularized flap, which determines low rates of postoperative complications. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.
Background: Orbital infection is an uncommon devastating infection and is usually a complication of paranasal sinus infection. Without appropriate treatment, orbital infection may lead to serious complications, even death. Prompt treatment is mandatory to avoid visual loss or intracranial complications. The literature shows that initially, intravenous antibiotics should be administered, and after 48 h, if no improvement appears, the affected orbit and the sinuses must be surgically drained. The authors describe two cases of orbital cellulitis with a brief literature review. Case report: The authors describe two cases of orbital abscess caused by paranasal sinus infection. In case 1, the patient presented a decreased visual acuity associated with ophthalmoplegia of the right eye. In case 2, the patient presented a decreased visual acuity. Thus, administration of intravenous antibiotic combined with surgical drainage was performed. After surgical procedure, eye movements were normalized in case 1, and in both patients, the visual acuity returned to normal parameters. Discussion: The authors recommend early surgical drainage with parenteral antibiotic administration and careful postoperative observations by monitoring the signs and symptoms of the orbital complaint. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A migração internacional tornou-se um tema de grande importância no cenário mundial tanto para os países de destino quanto para os países de origem. Na Amazônia ainda existe certa falta de interesse com a questão. No entanto, já existem alguns trabalhos específicos de cada país amazônico sobre o assunto. Porém as informações tratam estudos de caso sem levar em consideração a análise de toda a região. Isto se dá entre outros motivos pela falta de um banco de dados sobre migrações para a Amazônia. Entretanto os censos demográficos tornam-se importantes instrumentos de análise. Com base nos censos demográficos brasileiros de 2000 e 2010 que se busca questionar a dinâmica migratória recente para a Amazônia brasileira a fim de dar prosseguimento a uma série de discussões sobre as mudanças de origem, a distribuição espacial e o perfil desse novo migrante. Em um primeiro momento cria-se uma breve revisão teórica sobre a migração internacional, posteriormente discute-se a história da migração internacional na Amazônia brasileira e logo após analisam-se os dados dos dois últimos censos demográficos brasileiros sobre a migração internacional Num segundo momento analisa-se a distribuição espacial da migração de brasileiros retornados a Amazônia brasileira com intuito de fazer uma comparação entre os municípios que evidenciam essa dinâmica tanto para estrangeiros quanto para brasileiros. Essa espacialização retrata o processo histórico de ocupação e urbanização da Amazônia e também a porosidade da fronteira. Assim como o perfil migratório dá indícios de ser resultante do crescimento econômico da exploração de recursos naturais na Amazônia. Contudo, diante da complexidade do tema migração, é necessário integrar conhecimentos para a análise do processo migratório que ultrapassem os limites dos paradigmas clássicos.
Because the biomechanical behavior of dental implants is different from that of natural tooth, clinical problems may occur. The mechanism of stress distribution and load transfer to the implant/bone interface is a critical issue affecting the success rate of implants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a brief literature review of the available stress analysis methods to study implant-supported prosthesis loading and to discuss their contributions in the biomechanical evaluation of oral rehabilitation with implants. Several studies have used experimental, analytical, and computational models by means of finite element models (FEM), photoelasticity, strain gauges and associations of these methods to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of dental implants. The FEM has been used to evaluate new components, configurations, materials, and shapes of implants. The greatest advantage of the photoelastic method is the ability to visualize the stresses in complex structures, such as oral structures, and to observe the stress patterns in the whole model, allowing the researcher to localize and quantify the stress magnitude. Strain gauges can be used to assess in vivo and in vitro stress in prostheses, implants, and teeth. Some authors use the strain gauge technique with photoelasticity or FEM techniques. These methodologies can be widely applied in dentistry, mainly in the research field. Therefore, they can guide further research and clinical studies by predicting some disadvantages and streamlining clinical time.
Sustainability is the ability of human beings interact with the world, preserving the environment to not compromise the natural resources of future generations. This is the main goal of Green Chemistry, which is based on twelve basic principles. One of its branches, the Green Analytical Chemistry, apply these principles in their techniques, such as Green Chromatography. The aim of this study was to do a brief literature review on some chromatographic techniques (Gas Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, High Temperature Liquid Chromatography, Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatograph, Micro Liquid Chromatography and Super Critical Chromatography) and measure their impact on the environment
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
It is the aim of this paper to examine iron supplementation programs which receive funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) but approach combating iron deficiency anemia in two vastly different ways. A brief literature review and background information on iron deficiencies and the differences between supplementation programs and micronutrient fortification were reviewed. Two non-governmental organizations (NGO's) were examined for this paper: the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II (FANTA) and the MicroNutrient Initiative. The FANTA program included an educational component to their supplementation program while the MicroNutrient Initiative solely used supplementation of micronutrients to their population. Methods used were cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis to determine the overall effectiveness of each program in reducing iron deficiency anemia in each population, if the added costs of the incentives in the FANTA program changed the cost-effectiveness of the program compared to the MicroNutrient Initiative program and to determine which program imparted the greatest benefit to each population by reducing the disease burden in Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY). Results showed that the unit cost of the FANTA program per person was higher than the MicroNutrient Initiative program due to the educational component. The FANTA program reduced iron deficiency anemia less overall but cost less for each percentage point of anemia decreased in their respective populations. The MicroNutrient Initiative program had a better benefit cost ratio for the populations it served. The MicroNutrient Initiative's large scale program imparted many advantages by reducing unit cost per person and decreasing iron deficiency anemia. The FANTA program was more effective at decreasing iron deficiency anemia with less money: $5,660 per 1% decrease in iron deficiency anemia versus $18,450 per 1% decrease in iron deficiency anemia for the MicroNutrient Initiative program. ^ In conclusion, economic analysis cannot measure all of the benefits associated with programs that contain an educational component or large scale supplementation. More information needs to be gathered by NGOs and reported to USAID, such as detailed prevalence rates of iron deficiency anemia among the populations served. Further research is needed to determine the effects an educational supplementation program has on compliance rates of participants and motivation to participate in supplementation programs whose aim is to decrease iron deficiency anemia in a targeted population.^
Factor markets that function well are a crucial condition for the competitiveness and growth of agriculture. Institutions and regulation may give rise to agricultural labour market heterogeneity, which could have important effects on the functioning of the labour market and other agricultural factor markets in EU member states. This paper first defines the institutional framework for the labour market, and then presents a brief literature review of previous studies of labour market institutional frameworks. Based on the literature, a survey to characterise agricultural labour markets was undertaken, which was implemented for a selection of EU27 and EU candidate countries, with responses based on expert opinion. The survey data were then used to construct indices of labour market flexibility/rigidity for the countries examined. These indices were used to make inter-country labour market comparisons and to draw inferences about the institutions and functioning of the agricultural labour market.
Os dentes decíduos têm, além de outras funções, manter o espaço para o correto posicionamento dos permanentes, mas quando são perdidos precocemente, há uma migração dos dentes adjacentes para este local da perda, o que pode levar ao fechamento ou redução do espaço destinado à erupção do dente sucessor, ao encurtamento do arco e também à extrusão do dente antagonista. Caso aconteça, a manutenção do comprimento do arco dentário é extremamente necessária, visando a prevenção de futuras más oclusões. Este estudo tem por objetivo fazer uma breve revisão da literatura de um aparelho muito utilizado e extremamente útil na manutenção de um espaço criado por perdas precoces indesejáveis, que é o arco lingual de Nance. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nas bases de dados: Pub Med e bibliotecas online. As palavras chave utilizadas foram “dentição mista”, “mantenedor de espaço” e “arco lingual de Nance”, em conjunto ou individualmente. Também foram consultados livros e teses. Concluiu-se que, quando ocorrem perdas uni ou bilaterais de um ou mais molares decíduos mandibulares, o mantenedor de espaço de eleição é o arco lingual.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras
O presente relatório foi elaborado com o objetivo de descrever as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora. Numa primeira parte é apresentada a casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio, com referência mais pormenorizada a alguns dos casos clínicos acompanhados nas diversas áreas de intervenção da clínica de espécies pecuarias. A segunda parte deste relatório é composta por uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema “Cetose em bovinos”. Termina com um estudo que tem como objetivo principal avaliar a relação entre a ocorrência de cetose e os valores do índice de condição corporal no pré-parto e nas primeiras semanas de lactação. Os resultados não evidenciaram qualquer associação estatisticamente significativa entre os valores do índicie de condição corporal e a prevalência de cetose; Clinical medical and surgery in livestock species Abstract: This report was prepared in order to describe the activities developed during the integrated internship of the master's degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Evora. The first part describes the casuistics followed along the traineeship with more detailed reference to some of the clinical cases assisted in different areas of intervention of clinic livestock species. The second part of this report consists of a brief literature review on the topic "ketosis in cattle". It ends with a study that aims to evaluate the relationship between the occurrence of ketosis and the values of body condition score in antepartum and during the first weeks of lactation. The results did not show any statistically significant association between the values of body condition score and the prevalence of ketosis.
The increasing availability of mobility data and the awareness of its importance and value have been motivating many researchers to the development of models and tools for analyzing movement data. This paper presents a brief survey of significant research works about modeling, processing and visualization of data about moving objects. We identified some key research fields that will provide better features for online analysis of movement data. As result of the literature review, we suggest a generic multi-layer architecture for the development of an online analysis processing software tool, which will be used for the definition of the future work of our team.