1000 resultados para Brazil, Sao Paulo, Cerquilho
The purposes of this workwere to characterize postharvest injuries and to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of`Nra` and `Lima`oranges and `Murcott` tangor at Ceagesp market, as well as to characterize the environmental mycoflora in retail points at Ceagesp in 2006. Fruits collected at retail points were stored for 14 days at 25 degrees C and 85-90% RH. The incidence of injuries was visually evaluated every three days. The physicochemical characteristics analyzed were titratable acidity and soluble solids amount. The environmental mycoflora was sampled according to the gravimetric method, using Petri dishes containing potato-dextrose-agar medium+pentabiotic opened for two minutes. The average rot incidences in `Pera` and `Lima` oranges and `Murcott` tangor were 12.8, 14.9 and 25.8%, respectively, at the end of the storage period, and green mold was the main postharvest disease. Associations between physicochemical parameters and rot incidence was, in general, not significant. The environmental fungal population varied significantly between the sampling months in retail points with an average of 25.3 cfu/plate. Penicillium and Cladosporium were the most recorded genera of fungi. Positive correlation (r=0.96) was observed between frequency of P digitatum found in the environment of retail points and the green mold in on-sale fruits of `Pera` orange. However, for `Lima` orange and `Murcott` tangor such a correlation was not verified.
An important segmentation basis used by firms is related to consumers` personal values which are investigated in this study. It was used a descriptive research with the survey method of data collection in a sample of executives from Sao Paulo who are considered to be potential buyers of high value and innovative goods. An exploratory factor analysis was employed in order to reduce the values scale used and a cluster analysis was performed to identify the groups of executives according to the importance attached to different person values. Concluding, it was observed that there was a similarity among the three personal values dimensions, named as Civility (concerns about having a good conduct before society according to social rules of interaction), Self-Direction (intellectual aspects and practical orientation in their conducts) and Conformity (restriction of actions, inclinations and impulses, that are likely to harm others and would violate expectations) and the ones reported in the theory Rokeach`s theory about instrumental personal values. Furthermore, three groups of executives were identified (good conduct group, low restriction group and high restriction group). The differences observed in the importance of personal values here presented by the dimensions called Civility, Self-Direction and Conformity can lead to different buying behaviors and product preferences. From the results found in this study the companies could adapt their current and new products offers, as well as their communication in order to better serve these segments of executives from Sao Paulo.
Eight species of Kempnyia Klapalek were collected in the Mantiqueira Mountains at Campos do Jordao, of which six were known: K. colossica (Navas, 1934), K. flava Klapalek, 1916, K. neotropica (Jacobson and Bianchi, 1905), K. obtusa Klapalek, 1916, K. reichardti Froehlich, 1984 and K. tamoya Froehlich, 1984; two are new, K. pirata and K. tupinamba. One new synonymy is proposed. Comments are provided for all species from the area and a key to these species is presented.
Objective. To describe homicide mortality in the municipality of Sao Paulo according to type of weapon, sex, race or skin color, age, and areas of socioeconomic inequalities, between 1996 and 2008. Method. For this ecological time-series study, data about deaths in the municipality of Sao Paulo were collected from the municipal program for improvement of mortality information, using International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) codes. Homicide mortality rates (HMR) were calculated for the overall population and specifically for each sex, race or skin color, age range, type of weapon, and occurrence in social deprivation/affluence areas. HMR were adjusted for age using the direct method. The percentage age of variation in HMR was calculated for the study period. For areas of socioeconomic inequalities, the relative risk of death from homicide was calculated. Results. HMR fell 73.7% between 2001 and 2008. A reduction in HMR was observed in all groups, especially males (-74.5%), young men between 15 and 24 years of age (-78.0%), and residents in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation (-79.3%). The reduction occurred mostly in firearm homicide rates (-74.1%). The relative risk of death from homicide in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation, as compared to areas with some degree of socioeconomic deprivation, was 2.77 in 1996, 3.9 in 2001, and 2.13 in 2008. In areas of high socioeconomic deprivation, the relative risk was 2.07 in 1996 and 1.96 in 2008. Conclusions. To understand the reduction in homicide rates in the municipality of Sao Paulo, it is important to take into consideration macrodeterminants that affect the entire municipality and all population subgroups, as well as micro/local determinants that have special impact on homicides committed with firearms and on subgroups such as the young, males, and residents of areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.
For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents-mainly, new popular movements-of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in Latin American civil society as a displacement trend of actors of the first wave by the second wave-""NGOization""-""and even denounces new civil society as rootless, depoliticized, and functional to retrenchment. Thus, supposedly, NGOization encumbers social change. The authors argue that NGOization diagnosis is a flawed depiction of change within civil society. Rather than NGOization related to the depoliticization and neoliberalization of civil society, in Mexico City and Sao Paulo, there has been modernization of organizational ecologies, changes in the functional status of civil society, and interestingly, specialization aimed at shaping public agenda. The authors argue that such specialization, instead of encumbering social change, brings about different repertoires of strategies and skills purposively developed for influencing policy and politics. Their argument relies on comparative systematic evidence. Through network analysis, they examine the organizational ecology of civil society in Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
This article presents the results of a comparative study on socio-spatial structures in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in 2000. We drew on data from the national Demographic Census by weighted areas to construct the Erikson, Goldthorpe, and Portocarrero (EGP) classification and the International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI), both widely used in social stratification studies. This information was then submitted to group analyses for the two cities, allowing comparison of the presence of social groups in each city. Next, using spatial statistics, we assessed the spatial distribution of the socio-economic classes and the presence of social segregation in the two metropolitan areas. The results suggest the presence of strong similarity between the social structures in the two cities, also marked by similarly intense patterns of social segregation at the metropolitan level.
Background: HTLV-2 infections are almost always asymptomatic, and diseases associated with the infection are rarely reported. Little information is available on the relationship between HTLV-2 proviral load and gender or expression of disease, especially among patients with HlV-1 co-infection. Methods: We studied 77 HTLV-2-infected subjects followed in our clinic for the last 9 years; 53 (69%) of them were co-infected with HIV-1. HTLV-2 DNA proviral load (PVL) was measured by real time PCR, a test with a sensitivity of 10 in 10(4) PBMCs. Results: Six of 53 HTLV-2/HIV-1 cases had a myelopathy (all of them had undetectable PVL of HTLV-2). Only 3 of 35 women (2 out of 3 co-infected with HIV) had a detectable PVL, whereas 10 of 42 men had a detectable PVL. Regardless of their HIV status women had significantly lower PVL than men (10 vs. 43 CopieS/10(4) PBMCs, p < 0.05). Conclusions: We noticed the occurrence of myelopathy in HTLV-2/HIV-1 co-infected patients, with undetectable HTLV-2 viral load. There was a sex difference in viral load for HTLV-2, what may be the result in mode of transmission or acquisition of the virus. (c) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
This paper describes how watershed protection is being combined with settlement upgrading and land-use management within an area that serves as one of Greater Sao Paulo's main sources of fresh water. This is being undertaken in the municipality of San to Andre. Unlike previous watershed protection measures, which proved ineffective, it recognizes the need to combine the protection of water-sheds with the improvement of conditions in existing settlements and guiding, rather than prohibiting, further settlement. The paper describes how, the community-based watershed management involves the inhabitants of illegal settlements and other stakeholders in an adaptive planning framework that first seeks consensus on what is to be planned before developing the plan, its implementation and its operation, maintenance and monitoring.
Apresentaram-se os resultados das observações sobre o comportamento de formas adultas de Culicidae silvestres na área de Casa Grande, de zona de florestas primitivas situada na parte nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As investigações focalizaram os mosquitos de hábitos diurnos e crepusculares-noturnos, durante o período de 1963 a 1966. Foram obtidos dados concernentes à composição especifica, distribuição, ciclo anual da densidade, estratificação vertical na floresta e possíveis relações com o ambiente doméstico. A região estudada é considerada como bioma ou ecossistema do Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii e, dessa maneira, êsse mosquito compareceu de maneira predominante nas observações, merecendo por isso especial atenção. As outras espécies distribuiram-se predominantemente entre os Sabethini, além de alguns Culicini. No que concerne à domesticidade, o Anopheles cruzii apresentou-se como apreciável freqüentador das casas, seguido pelo Aedes serratus. Além disso, aquele anofelino mostrou-se acentuadamente acrodendrófilo, parecendo ser dotado de alguma ornitofilia.
OBJETIVO : Analisar a expansão da ocorrência de leishmaniose visceral americana em humanos e identificar localidades prioritárias para o desenvolvimento de ações de vigilância e controle. MÉTODOS : A área de estudo constituiu-se dos 316 municípios do estado de São Paulo pertencentes às cinco regiões de saúde com ocorrência da leishmaniose visceral americana em humanos, utilizando os casos autóctones e óbitos, com ano de notificação e município de ocorrência. Calcularam-se taxas de incidência e de mortalidade e letalidade por município, por região e para a área de estudo. Utilizaram-se o estimador bayesiano empírico para obtenção de taxas de incidência e de mortalidade bayesianas locais para cada município e a krigagem para visualização da distribuição espacial das temperaturas e das precipitações pluviométricas. RESULTADOS : Foram detectados 73 municípios com transmissão da doença. As primeiras ocorrências deram-se em áreas com maiores temperaturas e menores pluviosidades, mas sua disseminação também ocorreu em áreas menos quentes e mais úmidas. A expansão da leishmaniose visceral americana em humanos apresentou um eixo principal de disseminação no sentido noroeste para sudeste, acompanhando a rodovia Marechal Rondon e o gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil, e um eixo secundário, na direção norte-sul, acompanhando a malha rodoviária. As taxas de incidência, segundo regiões de saúde, apresentaram um pico seguido de queda, com exceção da região de São José do Rio Preto. Observou-se maior concentração de municípios com altas taxas de incidência e mortalidade nas regiões de saúde de Araçatuba, Presidente Prudente e Marília. CONCLUSÕES : Possíveis fatores determinantes da expansão da doença incluíram a rodovia Marechal Rondon e a construção do gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil. Fatores climáticos pareceram não ter papel determinante nessa expansão. O uso de técnicas de análise espacial permitiu identificar municípios com possível subnotificação de casos e óbitos e indicar municípios prioritários para o desenvolvimento de ações de vigilância e controle.
OBJETIVO Analisar a situação do trabalho com determinantes sociais da saúde no âmbito do Programa Saúde da Família. MÉTODOS Estudo de caso com métodos mistos de pesquisa, ancorados em estratégia sequencial explanatória, com 171 gerentes das unidades do Programa Saúde da Família em São Paulo, SP, em 2005/2006. Questionários autopreenchíveis foram aplicados. Entrevistas semiestruturadas e grupos focais foram realizados com amostra intencional de profissionais envolvidos no trabalho com determinantes sociais da saúde. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados por análise descritiva, análise de correspondência múltipla, análise de agrupamento e testes de correlação entre variáveis. Os dados qualitativos foram apurados por análise de conteúdo e a criação de categorias temáticas. RESULTADOS Apesar da concentração de atividades direcionadas ao cuidado com a doença, o Programa Saúde da Família realizou atividades relacionadas à determinação social da saúde, contemplando todas as formas de abordagem da promoção da saúde (biológico, comportamental, psicológico, social e estrutural) e os principais determinantes sociais da saúde descritos na literatura. Houve diferença significativa quanto à abrangência dos determinantes trabalhados nas unidades em relação às diferentes regiões do município. Constatou-se fragilidade das iniciativas e a sua desconexão com a estrutura programática do Programa Saúde da Família. CONCLUSÕES A quantidade e variedade de atividades com determinantes sociais da saúde realizadas no Programa Saúde da Família mostram potencial para trabalhar a determinação social da saúde. Mas a fluidez de objetivo e o caráter extraordinário das atividades descritas questionam sua sustentabilidade como parte integral da atual estrutura organizacional do programa.
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Se presenta la propuesta de prácticas de enseñanza que el curso de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Naturaleza de la Universidad de Sao Paulo de Brasil organizó para sus alumnos que se gradúan como profesores. El grupo elegido para las prácticas de enseñanza son alumnos de enseñanza básica del grupo que en Brasil corresponde al segundo segmento, esto es, estudiantes que cursan el sexto y noveno año, con edades entre once y catorce años. La organización de la práctica fue ideada y organizada por el grupo de profesores responsables por dictar las disciplinas pedagógicas del citado curso. Se busca proporcionar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de entrar en contacto con la realidad escolar. Se elabora un proyecto de prácticas de enseñanza realizado a lo largo de tres semestres en una única escuela pública.