921 resultados para Brams, Steven J.: The win-win solution
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
Dissertação de mestrado Internacional em Sustentabilidade do Ambiente Construído
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Informação e Jornalismo)
Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada
გეომაგნიტური ქარიშხლის დასაწყისი ფაზის (DCF-აღრევების) პერიოდში, საპლანეტათაშორისო სივრცისა და გეომაგნიტური აქტივობის D – ინდექსის ერთობლივი ანალიზის შედეგად მიღებული დებულებები.
For the determination of exchangeable hydrogen ion in soils, the authors of the presente work made the extraction with normal calcium acetate solution that may have an initial pH between 7 and 8 without altering the amount of hydrogen ion extracted. The extraction was made by shaking 5,0 grams of air dry soil with 100 ml of normal calcium acetate solution, the pH of wich was ascertained to 7,0, 7,5 and 8,0 with acetic acid, in 250 mil conical flasks for 30 minutes in a Wagner shaker (30-40 rpm). The contents of the flasks were then, filtered. A 50 ml aliquot of each of the leachate was titrated with a 0,020 N NaOH solution and the volumes consumed sodium hydroxide were ploted against pH. The titration curves thus obtained showed to be straight lines between pH 8 and 9 and parallel to the curve obtained by the titration of the blank. Two ways of locating the end point of the titration showed to be possible: the use of a pHmeter or titrimeter or the use of phenolphtalein as indicator. When using a pH meter or a titrimeter, the end point may rest in any point between pH 8 and 9, and the volume of sodium hydroxide consumed is found by comparison with a similar curve obtained by the titration of the blank. When using phenolphtalein the calcium acetate solution must have a pH below 8.
Two sweet sorghum varieties, Brandes and Rio, were grown in full strenght and diluted nutrient solutions till completing the life cycle wherein mineral analyses were carried out. As a rule both varieties showed the same capacity to absorb nutrients in the two rates supplied. Dry matter yield, however was different in the dilute nutrient solution. The variety Brandes produced more fresh stalks in the full strength solution than Rio; under nutricional stress the yield was lower. Dry matter of stalks in the case of the variety Rio was consistently higher.
The writers report experiments performed with filtrates of old cultures od colon bacilli upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. According to the experiments the writers suppose to exist one or more substances in the filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli with physiological activity upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. Such activity is essentially characterised by a rapid increase of the intestine tonus. When the Ringer-Tyrode solution containing the filtrate is removed and replaced by a fresh one, the increase of the tonus disappears. Liver-broth medium causes a somewhat increase of the tonus of the gut but much less in intensity.
The writer reports experiments done with distilled water and hypotonic and hypertonic salt solutions of definite osmotic concentrations. The experiments were performed according to the Laewen-Trendelenburg technic using the vascular system of the frog's hind legs, and according to the Pissemski-Krawkow method using the capillaries of the rabbit's ear. Both preparations react to distilled water by marked vaso-constriction, the same phenomenon taking place in the case of the hypotonic salt solutions. The lower the concentration pf the hypotonic salt solution the stronger the vaso-constriction obtained. With hypertonic salt solutions was observed a strong but rather transient vaso-dilatation followed by secondary vaso-constriction. The later results were found only in the experiments with the frog's hind legs.
Ascorbic acid was determined in pure aquous solutions and in citrus fruit juices by iodometric, dichlorophenolindophenol and iodate methods. More constant values were obtained with iodate and Tillmans methods. Iodate is preferable owing to the stability of solution and the simplicity of the method. In the analysis of citrus juices the iodate method proposed by Ballentine is very accurate and suitable for routine work (Table I and II). Recovery experiments recorded in Table III show that the results are reproducible. The averages obtained for some fruits are shown in Table IV. Lemon: 45,4 to 67,3; orange: 28,0 to 60,8; lima: 25,2 to 38,2 and mandarine: 32,0 to 59,3. Values expressed in mg per 100 cc. of juice.
We consider a delay differential equation with two delays. The Hopf bifurcation of this equation is investigated together with the stability of the bifurcated periodic solution, its period and the bifurcation direction. Finally, three applications are given.
Per a altes freqüències, les connexions poden tenir un paper rellevant. Atès que la velocitat de propagació dels senyals electromagnètics, c, en el cable no és infinita, el voltatge i el corrent al llarg del cable varien amb el temps. Per tant, amb l’objectiu de reproduir el comportament elèctric de dispositius nanoelectrònics a freqüències de THz, en aquest treball hem estudiat la regió activa del dispositiu nanoelectrònic i les seves connexions, en un sistema global complex. Per a aquest estudi hem utilitzat un nou concepte de dispositiu anomenat Driven Tunneling Device (DTD). Per a les connexions, hem plantejat el problema a partir de tot el conjunt de les equacions de Maxwell, ja que per a les freqüències i longituds de cable considerats, la contribució del camp magnètic és també important. En particular, hem suposat que la propagació que és dóna en el cable és una propagació transversal electromagnètica (TEM). Un cop definit el problema hem desenvolupat un programa en llenguatge FORTRAN que amb l'algoritme de diferències finites soluciona el sistema global. La solució del sistema global s'ha aplicat a una configuració particular de DTD com a multiplicador de freqüència per tal de discutir quins paràmetres de les connexions permet maximitzar la potència real que pot donar el DTD.
Aquesta memòria ha estat realitzada per donar a conèixer el project que du per títol "Gestió de productes d'una empresa dedicada a la moda". Aquesta aplicació intentarà introduir en el mercat una solució per a les petites empreses que volen fer-se un lloc en el món de la moda i que necessiten un programari per poder gestionar les seves botigues. En aquest sector existeixen petits empresaris que van començar realitzant les peces de roba a les seves fàbriques i que han decidit fer petites col·leccions i posar-les a la venda al detall, a les seves propies franquícies. Aquesta aplicació mostra un mòdul d'un projecte molt més gran. El mòdul s'encarrega de la gestió dels articles creats a fàbrica, per poder distribuir-los entre les botigues. Un possible segon mòdul es dedicaria a la gestió de les vendes a les botigues.