932 resultados para Bio medical Applications
“Seeing is believing” the proverb well suits for fluorescent imaging probes. Since we can selectively and sensitively visualize small biomolecules, organelles such as lysosomes, neutral molecules, metal ions, anions through cellular imaging, fluorescent probes can help shed light on the physiological and pathophysiological path ways. Since these biomolecules are produced in low concentrations in the biochemical pathways, general analytical techniques either fail to detect or are not sensitive enough to differentiate the relative concentrations. During my Ph.D. study, I exploited synthetic organic techniques to design and synthesize fluorescent probes with desirable properties such as high water solubility, high sensitivity and with varying fluorescent quantum yields. I synthesized a highly water soluble BOIDPY-based turn-on fluorescent probe for endogenous nitric oxide. I also synthesized a series of cell membrane permeable near infrared (NIR) pH activatable fluorescent probes for lysosomal pH sensing. Fluorescent dyes are molecular tools for designing fluorescent bio imaging probes. This prompted me to design and synthesize a hybrid fluorescent dye with a functionalizable chlorine atom and tested the chlorine re-activity for fluorescent probe design. Carbohydrate and protein interactions are key for many biological processes, such as viral and bacterial infections, cell recognition and adhesion, and immune response. Among several analytical techniques aimed to study these interactions, electrochemical bio sensing is more efficient due to its low cost, ease of operation, and possibility for miniaturization. During my Ph.D., I synthesized mannose bearing aniline molecule which is successfully tested as electrochemical bio sensor. A Ferrocene-mannose conjugate with an anchoring group is synthesized, which can be used as a potential electrochemical biosensor.
Magnesium alloys have been widely explored as potential biomaterials, but several limitations to using these materials have prevented their widespread use, such as uncontrollable degradation kinetics which alter their mechanical properties. In an attempt to further the applicability of magnesium and its alloys for biomedical purposes, two novel magnesium alloys Mg-Zn-Cu and Mg-Zn-Se were developed with the expectation of improving upon the unfavorable qualities shown by similar magnesium based materials that have previously been explored. The overall performance of these novel magnesium alloys has been assessesed in three distinct phases of research: 1) analysing the mechanical properties of the as-cast magnesium alloys, 2) evaluating the biocompatibility of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of in-vitro cellular studies, and 3) profiling the degradation kinetics of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization techqnique as well as gravimetric weight-loss methods. As compared to currently available shape memory alloys and degradable as-cast alloys, these experimental alloys possess superior as-cast mechanical properties with elongation at failure values of 12% and 13% for the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Se alloys, respectively. This is substantially higher than other as-cast magnesium alloys that have elongation at failure values that range from 7-10%. Biocompatibility tests revealed that both the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Cu alloys exhibit low cytotoxicity levels which are suitable for biomaterial applications. Gravimetric and electrochemical testing was indicative of the weight loss and initial corrosion behavior of the alloys once immersed within a simulated body fluid. The development of these novel as-cast magnesium alloys provide an advancement to the field of degradable metallic materials, while experimental results indicate their potential as cost-effective medical devices.
In the medical field images obtained from high definition cameras and other medical imaging systems are an integral part of medical diagnosis. The analysis of these images are usually performed by the physicians who sometimes need to spend long hours reviewing the images before they are able to come up with a diagnosis and then decide on the course of action. In this dissertation we present a framework for a computer-aided analysis of medical imagery via the use of an expert system. While this problem has been discussed before, we will consider a system based on mobile devices. Since the release of the iPhone on April 2003, the popularity of mobile devices has increased rapidly and our lives have become more reliant on them. This popularity and the ease of development of mobile applications has now made it possible to perform on these devices many of the image analyses that previously required a personal computer. All of this has opened the door to a whole new set of possibilities and freed the physicians from their reliance on their desktop machines. The approach proposed in this dissertation aims to capitalize on these new found opportunities by providing a framework for analysis of medical images that physicians can utilize from their mobile devices thus remove their reliance on desktop computers. We also provide an expert system to aid in the analysis and advice on the selection of medical procedure. Finally, we also allow for other mobile applications to be developed by providing a generic mobile application development framework that allows for access of other applications into the mobile domain. In this dissertation we outline our work leading towards development of the proposed methodology and the remaining work needed to find a solution to the problem. In order to make this difficult problem tractable, we divide the problem into three parts: the development user interface modeling language and tooling, the creation of a game development modeling language and tooling, and the development of a generic mobile application framework. In order to make this problem more manageable, we will narrow down the initial scope to the hair transplant, and glaucoma domains.
Chaque année, le piratage mondial de la musique coûte plusieurs milliards de dollars en pertes économiques, pertes d’emplois et pertes de gains des travailleurs ainsi que la perte de millions de dollars en recettes fiscales. La plupart du piratage de la musique est dû à la croissance rapide et à la facilité des technologies actuelles pour la copie, le partage, la manipulation et la distribution de données musicales [Domingo, 2015], [Siwek, 2007]. Le tatouage des signaux sonores a été proposé pour protéger les droit des auteurs et pour permettre la localisation des instants où le signal sonore a été falsifié. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’utiliser la représentation parcimonieuse bio-inspirée par graphe de décharges (spikegramme), pour concevoir une nouvelle méthode permettant la localisation de la falsification dans les signaux sonores. Aussi, une nouvelle méthode de protection du droit d’auteur. Finalement, une nouvelle attaque perceptuelle, en utilisant le spikegramme, pour attaquer des systèmes de tatouage sonore. Nous proposons tout d’abord une technique de localisation des falsifications (‘tampering’) des signaux sonores. Pour cela nous combinons une méthode à spectre étendu modifié (‘modified spread spectrum’, MSS) avec une représentation parcimonieuse. Nous utilisons une technique de poursuite perceptive adaptée (perceptual marching pursuit, PMP [Hossein Najaf-Zadeh, 2008]) pour générer une représentation parcimonieuse (spikegramme) du signal sonore d’entrée qui est invariante au décalage temporel [E. C. Smith, 2006] et qui prend en compte les phénomènes de masquage tels qu’ils sont observés en audition. Un code d’authentification est inséré à l’intérieur des coefficients de la représentation en spikegramme. Puis ceux-ci sont combinés aux seuils de masquage. Le signal tatoué est resynthétisé à partir des coefficients modifiés, et le signal ainsi obtenu est transmis au décodeur. Au décodeur, pour identifier un segment falsifié du signal sonore, les codes d’authentification de tous les segments intacts sont analysés. Si les codes ne peuvent être détectés correctement, on sait qu’alors le segment aura été falsifié. Nous proposons de tatouer selon le principe à spectre étendu (appelé MSS) afin d’obtenir une grande capacité en nombre de bits de tatouage introduits. Dans les situations où il y a désynchronisation entre le codeur et le décodeur, notre méthode permet quand même de détecter des pièces falsifiées. Par rapport à l’état de l’art, notre approche a le taux d’erreur le plus bas pour ce qui est de détecter les pièces falsifiées. Nous avons utilisé le test de l’opinion moyenne (‘MOS’) pour mesurer la qualité des systèmes tatoués. Nous évaluons la méthode de tatouage semi-fragile par le taux d’erreur (nombre de bits erronés divisé par tous les bits soumis) suite à plusieurs attaques. Les résultats confirment la supériorité de notre approche pour la localisation des pièces falsifiées dans les signaux sonores tout en préservant la qualité des signaux. Ensuite nous proposons une nouvelle technique pour la protection des signaux sonores. Cette technique est basée sur la représentation par spikegrammes des signaux sonores et utilise deux dictionnaires (TDA pour Two-Dictionary Approach). Le spikegramme est utilisé pour coder le signal hôte en utilisant un dictionnaire de filtres gammatones. Pour le tatouage, nous utilisons deux dictionnaires différents qui sont sélectionnés en fonction du bit d’entrée à tatouer et du contenu du signal. Notre approche trouve les gammatones appropriés (appelés noyaux de tatouage) sur la base de la valeur du bit à tatouer, et incorpore les bits de tatouage dans la phase des gammatones du tatouage. De plus, il est montré que la TDA est libre d’erreur dans le cas d’aucune situation d’attaque. Il est démontré que la décorrélation des noyaux de tatouage permet la conception d’une méthode de tatouage sonore très robuste. Les expériences ont montré la meilleure robustesse pour la méthode proposée lorsque le signal tatoué est corrompu par une compression MP3 à 32 kbits par seconde avec une charge utile de 56.5 bps par rapport à plusieurs techniques récentes. De plus nous avons étudié la robustesse du tatouage lorsque les nouveaux codec USAC (Unified Audion and Speech Coding) à 24kbps sont utilisés. La charge utile est alors comprise entre 5 et 15 bps. Finalement, nous utilisons les spikegrammes pour proposer trois nouvelles méthodes d’attaques. Nous les comparons aux méthodes récentes d’attaques telles que 32 kbps MP3 et 24 kbps USAC. Ces attaques comprennent l’attaque par PMP, l’attaque par bruit inaudible et l’attaque de remplacement parcimonieuse. Dans le cas de l’attaque par PMP, le signal de tatouage est représenté et resynthétisé avec un spikegramme. Dans le cas de l’attaque par bruit inaudible, celui-ci est généré et ajouté aux coefficients du spikegramme. Dans le cas de l’attaque de remplacement parcimonieuse, dans chaque segment du signal, les caractéristiques spectro-temporelles du signal (les décharges temporelles ;‘time spikes’) se trouvent en utilisant le spikegramme et les spikes temporelles et similaires sont remplacés par une autre. Pour comparer l’efficacité des attaques proposées, nous les comparons au décodeur du tatouage à spectre étendu. Il est démontré que l’attaque par remplacement parcimonieux réduit la corrélation normalisée du décodeur de spectre étendu avec un plus grand facteur par rapport à la situation où le décodeur de spectre étendu est attaqué par la transformation MP3 (32 kbps) et 24 kbps USAC.
Las organizaciones y sus entornos son sistemas complejos. Tales sistemas son difíciles de comprender y predecir. Pese a ello, la predicción es una tarea fundamental para la gestión empresarial y para la toma de decisiones que implica siempre un riesgo. Los métodos clásicos de predicción (entre los cuales están: la regresión lineal, la Autoregresive Moving Average y el exponential smoothing) establecen supuestos como la linealidad, la estabilidad para ser matemática y computacionalmente tratables. Por diferentes medios, sin embargo, se han demostrado las limitaciones de tales métodos. Pues bien, en las últimas décadas nuevos métodos de predicción han surgido con el fin de abarcar la complejidad de los sistemas organizacionales y sus entornos, antes que evitarla. Entre ellos, los más promisorios son los métodos de predicción bio-inspirados (ej. redes neuronales, algoritmos genéticos /evolutivos y sistemas inmunes artificiales). Este artículo pretende establecer un estado situacional de las aplicaciones actuales y potenciales de los métodos bio-inspirados de predicción en la administración.
Epoxy resins are widely used in many applications, such as paints, adhesives and matrices for composites materials, since they present the possibility to be easily and conveniently tailored in order to display a unique combination of characteristics. In literature, various examples of bio-based epoxy resins produced from a wide range of renewable sources can be found. Nevertheless, the toxicity and safety of curing agents have not been deeply investigated and it was observed that all of them still present some environmental drawback. Therefore, the development of new environmentally friendly fully bio-based epoxy systems is of great importance for designing green and sustainable materials. In this context, the present project aims at further exploring the possibility of using bio-based compounds as curing agents for epoxy resin precursors. A preliminary evaluation of several amine-based compounds demonstrated the feasibility of using Adenine as epoxy resin hardener. In order to better understand the crosslinking mechanism, the reaction of Adenine with the mono-epoxy compound Glycidyl 2-methylphenyl ether (G2MPE), was study by 1H-NMR analysis. Then Adenine was investigated as hardener of Diglycidil ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), which is the simplest epoxy resin based on bisphenol A, in order to determine the best hardener/resin stoichiometric ratio, and evaluate the crosslinking kinetics and conversion and the final mechanical properties of the cured resin. Then, Adenine was tested as hardener of commercial epoxy resins, in particular the infusion resin Elan-tron® EC 157 (Elantas), the impregnation resin EPON™ Resin 828 (Hexion) and the bio-based resin SUPER SAP® CLR (Entropyresins). Such systems were used for the production of composites materials reinforced with chopped recycled carbon fibers and natural fibers (flax and jute). The thermo-mechanical properties of these materials have been studied in comparison with those ones of composites obtained with the same thermosetting resin reinforced with chopped virgin carbon fibers.
Integrins are α/β-heterodimeric transmembrane adhesion receptors that mediate cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions. Integrins are bidirectional signalling receptors that respond to external signals (“outside-in” signalling) and in parallel, transduce internal signals to the matrix (“inside-out” signalling), to regulate vital cellular functions including migration, survival, growth and differentiation. Therefore, dysregulation of these tightly regulated processes often results in uncontrolled integrin activation and abnormal tissue expression that is responsible for many diseases. Because of their important roles in physiological and pathological events, they represent a validated target for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The aim of the present Thesis was focused on the development of peptidic ligands for α4β1 and αvβ3 integrin subtypes, involved in inflammatory responses (leukocytes recruitment and extravasation) and cancer progression (angiogenesis, tumor growth, metastasis), respectively. Following the peptidomimetic strategy, we designed and synthesized a small library of linear and cyclic hybrid α/β-peptidomimetics based on the phenylureido-LDV scaffolds for the treatment of chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. In order to implement a fast and non-invasive diagnostic method for monitoring the course of the inflammatory processes, a flat glass-surface of dye-loaded Zeolite L-crystal nanoparticles was coated with bioactive α4β1-peptidomimetics to detect specific integrin-expressing cells as biomarkers of inflammatory diseases. Targeted drug delivery has been considered a promising alternative to overcome the pharmacokinetic limitations of conventional anticancer drugs. Thus, a novel Small-Molecule Drug Conjugate was synthesized by connecting the highly cytotoxic Cryptophycin to the tumor-targeting RGDfK-peptide through a protease-cleavable linker. Finally, in view to making the peptide synthesis more sustainable and greener, we developed an alternative method for peptide bonds formation employing solvent-free mechanochemistry and ultra-mild minimal solvent-grinding conditions in common, inexpensive laboratory equipment. To this purpose, standard amino acids, coupling agents and organic-green solvents were used in the presence of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite as a reusable, bio-compatible inorganic basic catalyst.
In the last decades, the possibility to generate plasma at atmospheric pressure gave rise to a new emerging field called plasma medicine; it deals with the application of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas (CAPs) or plasma-activated solutions on or in the human body for therapeutic effects. Thanks to a blend of synergic biologically active agents and biocompatible temperatures, different CAP sources were successfully employed in many different biomedical applications such as dentistry, dermatology, wound healing, cancer treatment, blood coagulation, etc.… Despite their effectiveness has been verified in the above-mentioned biomedical applications, over the years, researchers throughout the world described numerous CAP sources which are still laboratory devices not optimized for the specific application. In this perspective, the aim of this dissertation was the development and the optimization of techniques and design parameters for the engineering of CAP sources for different biomedical applications and plasma medicine among which cancer treatment, dentistry and bioaerosol decontamination. In the first section, the discharge electrical parameters, the behavior of the plasma streamers and the liquid and the gas phase chemistry of a multiwire device for the treatment of liquids were performed. Moreover, two different plasma-activated liquids were used for the treatment of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer cells and fibroblasts to assess their selectivity. In the second section, in accordance with the most important standard regulations for medical devices, were reported the realization steps of a Plasma Gun device easy to handle and expected to be mounted on a tabletop device that could be used for dental clinical applications. In the third section, in relation to the current COVID-19 pandemic, were reported the first steps for the design, realization, and optimization of a dielectric barrier discharge source suitable for the treatment of different types of bioaerosol.
Driven by environmental reasons and the expected depletion of crude oil, bio-based polymers are currently undergoing a renaissance in the attempt to replace fossil-based ones. The present work aims at contributing in the development of the steps that start from biomass and move to new polymeric multifunctional materials. The study focuses on two bio-based building blocks (itaconic and vanillic acids) characterized by exploitable functionalities, i.e. a lateral double bond and a substituted aromatic ring respectively, able to confer interesting properties to the final polymers. The lateral double bond of dimethyl itaconate was functionalized via thia-Michael addition reaction obtaining a thermo-stable building block that can undergo polycondensation under classical conditions of reaction. The addition of a long lateral chain allows the polymer to express antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus making it attractive for packaging and targeting antimicrobial applications. Moreover, the architecture of the homopolymer was modified by means of copolymerization with dimethyl 2,5-furandicarboxylate thus improving the rigidity and obtaining a thermo-processable material. Potential applications as thermoset or thermoplastic material have been discussed. As concerns vanillic acid, the presence of aromatic rings on the polymer backbone imparts high thermal stability, but brittle behaviour in the homopolymer. Therefore, the architecture of the polyester was successfully tuned by means of copolymerization with a flexible bio-based comonomer, i.e. ω-pentadecalactone, providing processable random copolymers. An in depth investigation of water transport mechanism has been undertaken on the synthesized polyesters. Since the copolymers present a succession of aromatic and aliphatic units, as a consequence of the chemical structure water vapor permeability interposes between polyethylene and poly(ethylene terephthalate) proving that the copolyesters are suitable for packaging applications. Moving towards a sustainable model of development, novel sustainable synthetic pathways for the eco-design of new bio-based polymeric structures with high value functionalities and different potential applications have been successfully developed.
This PhD project has been mainly focused on the synthesis of novel organic compounds containing heterocyclic and/or carbocyclic scaffold and on the study of stearic acid derivatives and their applications in biological field. The synthesis of novel derivatives of 9-hydroxystearic acid (9-HSA) evidenced how the presence of substituents on C9, able to make hydrogen bonds is of crucial importance for the biological activity. Also the position of the hydroxy group along the chain of hydroxystearic acids was investigated: regioisomers with the hydroxy group bound to odd carbons resulted more active than those bearing the hydroxy group on even carbons. Further, the insertion of (R)-9-HSA in magnetic nanoparticles gave a novel material which characterization remarked its suitability for drug delivery. Structural hybrids between amino aza-heterocycles and azelaic acid have been synthesized and some of them showed a selective activity towards osteosarcoma cell line U2OS. Several Apcin analogues bearing indole, benzothiazole, benzofurazan moieties connected to tryptaminyl-, amino pyridinyl-, pyrimidinyl- and pyrazinyl ring through a 1,1,1-trichloroethyl group were synthesized. Biological tests showed the importance of both the tryptaminyl and the pyrimidinyl moieties, confirming the effectiveness against acute leukemia models. The SNAr between 2-aminothiazole derivatives and 7-chlorodinitrobenzofuroxan revealed different behaviour depending from amino substituent of the thiazole. The reaction with 2-N-piperidinyl-, 2-N-morpholinyl-, or 2-N-pyrrolidinyl thiazole gave two isomeric species derived from the attack on C-5 of thiazole ring. Thiazoles substituted with primary- or not-cyclic secondary amines reacted with the exocyclic amino nitrogen atom giving a series of compounds whose biological activity have highlighted as they might be promising candidates for further development of antitumor agents. A series of 9-fluorenylidene derivatives, of interest in medical and optoelectronic field as organic scintillators, was synthesized through Wittig or Suzuky reaction and will be analyzed to test their potential scintillatory properties.
A Plasma Focus device can confine in a small region a plasma generated during the pinch phase. When the plasma is in the pinch condition it creates an environment that produces several kinds of radiations. When the filling gas is nitrogen, a self-collimated backwardly emitted electron beam, slightly spread by the coulomb repulsion, can be considered one of the most interesting outputs. That beam can be converted into X-ray pulses able to transfer energy at an Ultra-High Dose-Rate (UH-DR), up to 1 Gy pulse-1, for clinical applications, research, or industrial purposes. The radiation fields have been studied with the PFMA-3 hosted at the University of Bologna, finding the radiation behavior at different operating conditions and working parameters for a proper tuning of this class of devices in clinical applications. The experimental outcomes have been compared with available analytical formalisms as benchmark and the scaling laws have been proposed. A set of Monte Carlo models have been built with direct and adjoint techniques for an accurate X-ray source characterization and for setting fast and reliable irradiation planning for patients. By coupling deterministic and Monte Carlo codes, a focusing lens for the charged particles has been designed for obtaining a beam suitable for applications as external radiotherapy or intra-operative radiation therapy. The radiobiological effectiveness of the UH PF DR, a FLASH source, has been evaluated by coupling different Monte Carlo codes estimating the overall level of DNA damage at the multi-cellular and tissue levels by considering the spatial variation effects as well as the radiation field characteristics. The numerical results have been correlated to the experimental outcomes. Finally, ambient dose measurements have been performed for tuning the numerical models and obtaining doses for radiation protection purposes. The PFMA-3 technology has been fully characterized toward clinical implementation and installation in a medical facility.
The field of medical devices has experienced, more than others, technological advances, developments and innovations, thanks to the rapidly expanding scientific knowledge and collaboration between different disciplines such as biology, engineering and materials science. The design of functional components can be achieved by exploiting composite materials based on nanostructured smart materials, that due to the inherent characteristics of single constituents develop unique properties that make them suitable for different applications preserving excellent mechanical proprieties. For instance, recent developments have focused on the fabrication of piezoelectric devices with multiple biomedical functions, as actuation and sensing functions in one component for monitoring pressure signals. The present Ph.D. Thesis aims at investigating nanostructured smart materials embedded into a polymeric matrix to obtain a composite material that can be used as a functional component for medical devices. (i) Nanostructured piezoelectric material with self-sensing capability was successfully manufactured by using ceramic (i.e. lead zirconate titanate (PZT)) and (ii) polymeric (i.e. poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoro ethylene (PVDF-TRFE)) piezoelectric materials. PZT nanofibers were obtained by sol-gel electrospinning starting from synthetized PZT precursor solution. Synthesis, sol-gel electrospinning process, and thermal treatment were accurately controlled to obtain PZT nanofibers dimensionally stable with densely packed grains in the perovskite phase. To guarantee the impact resistance of the laminate, the morphology and size of the hosting filler were accurately designed by increasing the surface area to volume ratio. Moreover, to solve the issue relative to the mechanical discrepancy between rigid electronic materials/soft human tissues/different material of the device (iii) a nanostructured flexible composite material based on a network of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) made of curled nanofibers that present a tuneable mechanical response as a function of the applied stress was successful fabricated.
Plasma medicine is a branch of plasma-promising biomedical applications that uses cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) as a therapeutic agent in treating a wide range of medical conditions including cancer. Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is a highly malignant and aggressive form of ovarian cancer, and most patients are diagnosed at advanced stages which significantly reduces the chances of successful treatment. Treatment resistance is also common, highlighting the need for novel therapies to be developed to treat EOC. Research in Plasma Medicine has revealed that plasma has unique properties suitable for biomedical applications and medical therapies, including responses to hormetic stimuli. However, the exact mechanisms by which CAP works at the molecular level are not yet fully understood. In this regard, the main goal of this thesis is to identify a possible adjuvant therapy for cancer, which could exert a cytotoxic effect, without damaging the surrounding healthy cells. An examination of different plasma-activated liquids (PALs) revealed their potential as effective tools for significantly inhibiting the growth of EOC. The dose-response profile between PALs and their targeted cytotoxic effects on EOC cells without affecting healthy cells was established. Additionally, it was validated that PALs exert distinct effects on different subtypes of EOC, possibly linked to the cells' metabolism. This suggests the potential for developing new, personalized anticancer strategies. Furthermore, it was observed that CAP treatment can alter the chemistry of a biomolecule present in PAL, impacting its cytotoxic activity. The effectiveness of the treatment was also preliminarily evaluated in 3D cultures, opening the door for further investigation of a possible correlation between the tumor microenvironment and PALs' resistance. These findings shed light on the intricate interplay between CAP and the liquid substrate and cell behaviour, providing valuable insights for the development of a novel and promising CAP-based cancer treatment for clinical application.
The development of new “green” and sustainable approaches to reduce food wastes, guaranteeing food quality, microbiological safety and the environmental sustainability, is of great interest for food industry. This PhD thesis, as part of the European project BioProMedFood (PRIMA–Section2 Programme), was focused on two strategies: the use of natural antimicrobials and the application of microbial strains isolated from spontaneously fermented products. The first part concerned the valorisation of microbial biodiversity of 15 Mediterranean spontaneously fermented sausages, through the isolation of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains, mainly Latilactobacillus sakei, that were characterised regarding their safety and technological aspects. The most promising strains were tested as bio-protective cultures in fresh sausages, showing promising anti-listerial activity, or as starter cultures in fermented sausages. The second part of the research was focused on the use of natural compounds (phenolic extracts and essential oils from Juniperus oxycedrus needles and Rubus fruticosus leaves) with antimicrobial potential. They were tested in vitro against List. monocytogenes and Enterococcus faecium, showing differences in relation to species and type of extracts, but they hint at important possibilities for applications in specific foods. Concluding, this PhD thesis highlighted the great potential of traditional meat products as an isolation source of new strains with industrial importance. Moreover, the antimicrobial potential of compounds obtained from plant matrices opened promising perspectives to exploit them as “green” strategies to increase fresh food safety. The last topic of research, carry out in collaboration with Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences (University of Granada), investigated the effect of LAB fermentation on avocado leaves by-products, focusing on the bio-availability of phenolic compounds in the plant extracts, caused by microbial metabolism.
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) is an advanced magnetic resonance technique that can quantify in vivo biomarkers of pathology, such as alteration in iron and myelin concentration. It allows for the comparison of magnetic susceptibility properties within and between different subject groups. In this thesis, QSM acquisition and processing pipeline are discussed, together with clinical and methodological applications of QSM to neurodegeneration. In designing the studies, significant emphasis was placed on results reproducibility and interpretability. The first project focuses on the investigation of cortical regions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. By examining various histogram susceptibility properties, a pattern of increased iron content was revealed in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis compared to controls and other neurodegenerative disorders. Moreover, there was a correlation between susceptibility and upper motor neuron impairment, particularly in patients experiencing rapid disease progression. Similarly, in the second application, QSM was used to examine cortical and sub-cortical areas in individuals with myotonic dystrophy type 1. The thalamus and brainstem were identified as structures of interest, with relevant correlations with clinical and laboratory data such as neurological evaluation and sleep records. In the third project, a robust pipeline for assessing radiomic susceptibility-based features reliability was implemented within a cohort of patients with multiple sclerosis and healthy controls. Lastly, a deep learning super-resolution model was applied to QSM images of healthy controls. The employed model demonstrated excellent generalization abilities and outperformed traditional up-sampling methods, without requiring a customized re-training. Across the three disorders investigated, it was evident that QSM is capable of distinguishing between patient groups and healthy controls while establishing correlations between imaging measurements and clinical data. These studies lay the foundation for future research, with the ultimate goal of achieving earlier and less invasive diagnoses of neurodegenerative disorders within the context of personalized medicine.