957 resultados para Beijing (China)--Maps


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La península coreana ha sido desde la Guerra Fría y a la actualidad una zona convulsionada por intereses políticos, económicos e ideológicos. Ese panorama obliga un análisis sobre la configuración y los cambios que se han dado entre las potencias actuales, China y Estados Unidos, desde la existencia de un programa nuclear norcoreano que afecta a Corea del Sur y la definición de los intereses de Beijin y Washington.


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El siguiente documento da a conocer el comportamiento de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) de los países denominados BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) en Colombia. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en el presente trabajo, se realizó un análisis general de la IED entrante en el país suramericano que buscaba establecer los principales inversores; además de determinar los sectores más atractivos. Posteriormente, se observó la magnitud de la inversión que realizan los países BRIC en Colombia y en el mundo, con el fin de efectuar una comparación que permitiera determinar que tan significativa es la inversión que se realiza en el Estado Colombiano frente a la que es efectuada por estas naciones a nivel global. Igualmente, se consideró las industrias a las que la IED está dirigida, el grado de beneficio que representa para la población y si existe la posibilidad de enfocarla hacia otros sectores estratégicos o si se recomienda encauzarla hacia aquellos que hoy en día son el principal foco de inversión.


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China es un país aliado con la economía de Colombia debido a su alta importación de productos como café y madera. En los últimos años la exportación de madera desde Colombia hacia China ha presentado un crecimiento sin procedentes, debido a que los empresarios prefieren proveedores que ofrezcan productos con alguna transformación. Se ha elegido Guangdong, como una de las principales ciudades de China para la exportación de madera por el gran crecimiento de mercado que ha reflejado en los últimos años en la utilización de este producto para la diversidad de fines privados y comerciales. Este trabajo muestra el análisis que se ha realizado para la exportación de madera aserrada a dicho mercado meta, al igual que la presentación del producto, su proceso de elaboración y sus ventajas para ser una gran oferta de calidad en China. De igual manera se profundiza en el proceso de exportación que se planea realizar, el cual incluye los procesos de logística y distribución, las normas, la documentación necesaria y las reglas que se deben cumplir tanto en Colombia como en China. Los aspectos financieros también son incluidos como parte del proyecto con el fin de tener en cuenta el presupuesto necesario para incurrir con este tipo de negociación


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El resultado de la evolución de los años noventa muestra a una China con un alto grado de apertura económica, asociaciones estratégicas y crecimiento como potencia emergente en el Sistema Internacional. Para el gobierno de Ju Hintao (2003) la Política Exterior China se integraba a la economía global y sus instituciones dejando de lado el bajo perfil en el Sistema Internacional. La inserción de Beijing en la economía mundial implicó la búsqueda de nuevos socios comerciales que suplieran el suministro de materias primas para el gigante asiático. Frente la apertura, la economía China necesitaba fortalecer su mercado para competir en la estructura económica del Sistema Internacional. Para dicho objetivo, el gobierno de Beijing proyectó una campaña para fomentar programas para el desarrollo, el beneficio mutuo y la práctica entre iguales; marco que se dio principalmente en África rico en materias primas. A partir de lo anterior, el realismo defensivo como sustento teórico de la monografía traza enuncia un nuevo patrón en las relaciones de seguridad regional e internacional con base en la igualdad y el respeto entre las distintas soberanías nacionales.


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El artículo presenta la génesis, proceso e implicaciones de la expansión estratégica de la República Popular China hacia el Sudeste asiático. En ese sentido, la hipótesis que se presenta es que Beijing aspira a un renacer pacífico en el Sur con objetivos en el campo económico, estratégico y político. En el plano de la economía lo que se pretende es la estabilidad en el vecindario, condición fundamental para el éxito de su modelo económico, financiero y comercial. En el ámbito estratégico se busca un acceso a fuentes de energía alternativas al carbón, y en lo político, China ha buscado reducir la influencia americana y disminuir el margen de maniobra de Taiwán. En una primera parte se presenta un análisis histórico para introducir al lector en las variables históricas más relevantes para la comprensión del tema en cuestión. En la segunda se estudia el litigio del Mar del Sur de China y la importancia que éste posee política y geoestratégicamente. Finalmente, se examina la influencia china en el Sudeste asiático en tres campos: el cultural, el económico del cual hace parte el financiero y comercial y por último en el geoestratégico.-----L’article illustre la genèse, le processus et les implications de l’expansion stratégique de la République Populaire Chine dans le Sud-est Asiatique. De ce fait, l’hypothèse qui nous présenterons demeure Sur l’idée que Pékin cherche une renaissance pacifique vers le Sud en vue des objectifs économiques, stratégiques et politiques. En ce qui concerne l’économie, la Chine veux la stabilité dans la région, car ceci est une condition essentielle pour la réussite du modèle économique, financer et commercial. Quant à la question stratégique, elle cherche l’accès aux sources alternatives d’énergie. Dans le domaine politique, Pékin aspire à réduire l’influence américaine et à isoler le Taiwan. Dans une première partie, nous introduirons les variables historiques les plus essentielles afin d’expliquer les racines de la problématique en question. Dans la deuxième, le contentieux pour la Mer du Sud de Chine sera analysé ainsi que son importance politique et geoestratégique. Finalement, nous étudierons le processus de l’influence chinoise dans le Sud-est Asiatique. Cela sera divisé en trois domaines, le culturel, l’économique dont le commercial et financière, et le geostratégique.-----This article illustrates the genesis, the process and the implications of the strategic expansion of the People’s Republic of China towards South East Asia. Therefore, the hypothesis that we present is that Beijing is pursuing a Pacific rise in the South aiming for economic, strategic and political goals. Regarding the subject of economy, China seeks stability in the region, due to the fact that it has become essential in the success of its economic, financial and commercial model. Regarding the strategic field China is looking for a way to access alternative energy sources. Politically speaking, Beijing has sought to reduce American influence in the region as well as the isolation of Taiwan. In the first part of the article the reader will find a historical introduction for a better understanding of the subject here treated. In the second part, the litigation of the South China Sea is analyzed due to its political and geostrategical importance. Finally, Chinese influence on South East Asia is examined in three fields: cultural, economic, including financial and commercial aspects as well as the geostrategic field.


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El interés de la presente monografía es evaluar las implicaciones geopolíticas que ha tenido la política exterior energética China dentro la región de Asia Central. De esta manera, se analiza el papel de los recursos energéticos en las dinámicas geopolíticas que se están dando en la región centroasiática, al igual que la influencia de grandes potencias en esta zona. Así, teniendo en cuenta la teoría geopolítica de Saúl Bernard Cohen se sostiene que el acercamiento de China, a través de su política exterior energética, ha ayudado a transformar a Asia Central en un shatterbelt debido a su intención de ejercer influencia y control sobre los recursos de la región.


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El propósito principal de esta monografía es ofrecer una perspectiva crítica sobre el conflicto latente en la Península Coreana, haciendo un acercamiento al mismo desde un marco teórico asentado en el realismo estructural de Kenneth Waltz. De este modo, se busca responder a cuestiones sobre los intereses estatales como fundamento básico de las estrategias de mantenimiento de la Estructura en regiones geopolíticamente sensibles. Al final, se llega a la conclusión afirmando que la Estructura ejerce una serie de funciones para garantizar su preservación mediante una acción de convergencia en la conducta de los Estados. Esta realidad ha mantenido a la Península Coreana sin un conflicto bélico en los últimos 50 años, muy a pesar de estar al borde del mismo en varias ocasiones, ya que de llegarse a presentar se rompería la estabilidad de la región, y por ende el Equilibrio de Poderes estaría en grave riesgo.


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This paper presents an investigation of the natural ventilation cooling potential (NVCP) of office buildings in the five generally recognised climate zones in China using the Thermal Resistance Ventilation (TRV) model, which is a simplified, coupled, thermal and airflow model. The acceptable operative temperature for naturally conditioned space supplied by the ASHARE Standard 55-2004 has been used for the comfort temperature setting. Dynamic simulations for a typical office room in the five representative cities, which are Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming and Guangzhou, have been carried out. The study demonstrates that the NVCP depends on the multiple impacts of climate, the building's thermal characteristics, internal gains, ventilation profiles and regimes. The work shows how the simplified method can be used to generate detailed, indoor, operative temperature data based on the various building conditions and control profiles which are used to investigate the NVCP at the strategic design stage. The simulation results presented in this paper can be used as a reference guideline for natural ventilation design in China.


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The People's Republic of China and its 1.3 billion people have experienced a rapid economic growth in the past two decades. China's urbanisation ratio rose from around 20% in the early 1980s to 45% in 2007 [China Urban Research Committee. Green building. Beijing: Chinese Construction Industrial Publish House; 2008. ISBN 978-7-112-09925-2.]. The large volume and rapid speed of building construction rarely have been seen in global development and cause substantial pressure on resources and the environment. Government policy makers and building professionals, including architects, building engineers, project managers and property developers, should play an important role in enhancing the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the building energy efficiency process in forming the sustainable urban development. This paper addresses the emerging issues relating to building energy consumption and building energy efficiency due to the fast urbanisation development in China.


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Jingju (‘Beijing opera’) is China's most iconic traditional theatre, marketed as a global signifier of Chinese theatre and national identity. Although troupes from mainland China regularly tour Europe, audiences in the UK have also had access to Jingju via two indigenous organizations: the UK Beijing Opera Society (now defunct) and the London Jing Kun Opera Association (now in its ninth year). These organizations consist of Chinese, overseas Chinese and Western performers performing both Jingju and Kunju (‘Kun opera’). Where there is a mix of ethnicity, can ‘traditional Chinese theatre’ still be conceived of as ‘traditional’? How is Jingju mapped onto non-Chinese bodies? Can Jingju performances by ethnically white performers reflect diasporic identities? Drawing on the theories of Judith Butler and Homi Bhabha, this article argues that by highlighting the performativity of identity, the performance of Jingju by non-Chinese performers challenges the notion of Jingju as a global signifier of ‘authentic traditional Chinese theatre’.


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This paper fully describes a nation-wide field study on building thermal environment and thermal comfort of occupant, which was carried out in summer 2005 and in winter 2006 respectively in China, illustrating the adaptive strategies adopted by occupants in domestic buildings in China. According to the climate division in China, the buildings in Beijing (BJ), Shanghai (SH), Wuhan (WH) and Chongqing (CQ), Guangzhou (GZ), Kunming (KM), were selected as targets which are corresponding to cold zone, hot summer and cold winter zone (SWC-SH, WH, CQ), hot summer and warm winter zone and temperate zone, respectively. The methodology used in the field study is the combination of subjective questionnaire regarding thermal sensation and adaptive approaches and physical environmental monitoring including indoor air temperature and relative humidity. A total of 1671 subjects participate in this investigation with more than 80% response rate in all surveyed cities. Both physiological and non-physiological factors (behavioural and psychological adaptations) have been analysed.


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The built environment in China is required to achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 against the 1980 design standard. A particular challenge is how to maintain acceptable comfort conditions through the hot humid summers and cold desiccating winters of its continental climate regions. Fully air-conditioned sealed envelopes, often fully glazed, are becoming increasingly common in these regions. Remedial strategies involve technical refinements to the air-handling equipment and a contribution from renewable energy sources in an attempt to achieve the prescribed net reduction in energy use. However an alternative hybrid environmental design strategy is developed in this research project. It exploits observed temperate periods of weeks, days, even hours in duration to free-run an office and exhibition building configured to promote natural stack ventilation when ambient conditions permit and mechanical ventilation when conditions require it, the two modes delivered through the same physical infrastructure. The proposal is modelled in proprietary software and the methodology adopted is described. The challenge is compounded by its first practical application to an existing reinforced concrete frame originally designed to receive a highly glazed envelope. This original scheme is reviewed in comparison. Furthermore the practical delivery of the proposal value engineered out a proportion of the ventilation stacks. The likely consequence of this for the environmental performance of the building is investigated through a sensitivity study.


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Growing criticism of Chinese engagement in Africa centres on the risk to African development posed by China's aggressive export policies and the threat to the Washington Consensus and African governance posed by China's 'non-interference' approach to engagement. This article challenges both these assumptions. The growth of Chinese trade has a wide range of impacts, depending on the sector in question, and the current terms of trade Washington extends to Africa under the auspices of the AGOA do not result in uniformly beneficial effects. With regard to African governance, it is argued that the 'Washington Consensus' has been based on competing and often muddled perceptions of US national interest. This fact tempers the regret felt at Washington's loss of influence over the good governance agenda. Evidence is provided to show that China can work within properly regulated countries and industries, if the African governments in question can provide fair, efficient and transparent environments in which to operate.


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This paper examines the concept of ‘culture’ and its relationship to HIV prevention. Culture is here seen as the interaction between human beings and the various ‘cultural tools’ they appropriate when taking action. Among these tools are ways of speaking which encode certain meanings, ideologies and social practices. When individuals take action with regard to AIDS, what they do is mediated through voices which they borrow strategically from their environ- ment. The textual tools that are available and the ways individuals adapt and combine them work to either limit or amplify their participation in HIV prevention. What are traditionally seen as ‘cultures’ or ‘sub-cultures’, or worse, ‘risk groups’, are, in this perspective, viewed as ‘communities of practice’, groups of individuals who share particular cultural tools and ways of using them. This conceptual framework is applied to recent discourses of homosexuality and AIDS prevention in China. An instance of ‘of� cial’ discourse in the form of an AIDS education pamphlet for ‘gays’ is analysed for the voices it contains and how these voices are strategically marshalled by the authors and mixed with other voices in ways which amplify participation in AIDS prevention for some and limit it for others. This ‘offical’ discourse is then compared to the discourse of homosexually active Chinese men recently interviewed in Beijing and Fuzhou to examine which of these of� cial voices and other voices they appropriate, and how they adapt these voices in responding to HIV.


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Recent years have seen an emerging civil society in an authoritarian China. The authoritarian embrace of civil society challenges the conventional wisdom that civil society is closely linked to democracy. In Beijing, the rhetoric of civil society linked less to democracy than to modernization. However, does civil society development have any impact on democratization in authoritarian regimes? The thesis tries to provide a tentative answer by studying civil society and democratization in post-Mao China. As a result of economic development and political reforms, gradual political liberalization has marked a shift of state-society relations that gives rise to a certain degree of democratization and a growing civil society. The thesis uses a statistical correlation study to examine the relations between grassroots democratization and civil society development. The study concludes that civil society development may have contributed to democratization at the grassroots level but not on the national level. The impact of civil society on democratization depends on the political structure of the state and will remain limited unless the government allows for further state-led democratic openings.