845 resultados para Auroville, Ashram, Residenza, Collettiva, Anger, Utopia, Città, Ideale
A szerzők feltáró kutatásukban munkavállaló-barát szervezeti megoldásokat kerestek és vizsgáltak multiparadigmikus (Primecz, 2008) megközelítéssel, kritikai és funkcionalista szemszögből. Munkavállalóbarát szervezeti gyakorlatnak tekintették azokat a szervezeti kultúrában gyökerező szervezeti kereteket és gyakorlatokat, amelyek nagymértékben támogatják a munkavállalókat a munka és magánélet egyensúlyának elérésében és megtartásában (Toarniczky et al., 2011). Eredményeik szerint a munkavállaló-barát gyakorlatokat akkor értékelik legjobban a szervezeti tagok, ha a közvetlen vezető és kollégák jól értik a támogatandó munkavállaló helyzetét és rugalmasan fordítják le a hétköznapokra a HR-rendszereket. Ezzel együtt több feszültség keletkezik a szervezetben a munkavállaló-barát gyakorlatokban, amelyekre figyelni lehetne, anélkül, hogy a kialakított gyakorlatokat felszámolnák. _____ The authors in their research investigated employee friendly practices, which they defined as frameworks and practices rooted in organisational culture that gives maximum support for employees trying to reach and keep balance between work and private life (Toarniczky et al., 2011) through multiparadigm research (Primecz, 2008). They conducted exploratory research (interviews, focus groups, document-analysis, and questionnaire) at ten Hungarian-based organizations, and they investigated employee friendly work practices through functionalist and critical lenses. Their results shows that employee friendly practices work well, when the immediate boss and colleagues understand the need of organization al member, who are supported, and HR procedures are translated flexibly. At the same time tension within the organization al subgroups always present, and this should be handled by the organization without cancelling employee friendly practices.
There has been increasing interest in expanding the scope of the study of the "basic" emotions and their development in infancy to include more of the so-called "complex" emotions like jealousy. This dissertation investigated evidence for the divergence of jealousy in infants from both fear and anger, two of the basic emotions said to be precursors and contributors to the emergence of jealousy in the later part of the first year of life. Participants judged how well eight emotion-denoting terms (including jealousy, anger and fear) described infants' emotionality in fear-, anger-, and jealousy-provoking situations in which the social context of the emotion episodes was either included or excluded. Differences within and between participants' judgments of the eight terms in the two context conditions were examined across the three emotion-provoking conditions. Results suggested that infants' emotional behavior denoting jealousy was not judged differently from behavior denoting anger or fear in the absence of contextual information and, that when contextual information was provided, attributions of infant jealousy, anger, and fear were made "correctly" for their respective target emotion conditions. ^
My research attempts to demonstrate how Sábato’s essays have pursued a progressive path that reflects the evolving process of his vision. In light of his essays, I will delineate the themes of solitude, death, desperation, robotization of man, and finally, hope as the antithesis. In my analysis I examine the model created in Sartre’s Existentialism. I also visit the model followed by Nicholas Berdyaeff, who at least offers the possibility of salvation in a world conceived by and for Nothingness. I investigate how these and other tendencies had an initial influence on the essays studied in my research. I concentrate on those essays whose discourse is conditioned by the philosophical foundations of a being that inquires and discerns, discovers and denounces, and finally struggles with the impossibility of reaching the absolute. This foresight, at times apocalyptic, at times utopian, is already present in Sábato’s early works. In my study I attempt to establish how Sábato, in oscillating between the demonic and the romantic, the infernal and utopian, constructs his vision of the world through the symbiotic intertwining of both the fictional and essayistic genres. I focus on an author compromised by a constant debate with the paradoxes and dichotomies that, according to Sábato himself, define Modernity.
Utopia or Bust, more than many foundational alternatives, forcefully though with non-sectarian wisdom, re-implants the notion of utopia to the front-of-the-line of Left theory (whether economic, geographic, political, social, and/or cultural). Kunkel's introductory survey reminds us through Harvey, among others, that “Utopia exists and that other systems, other spaces, are still possible."
This paper analyzed the relation between participation and school autonomy, observing Director actions and School Council actions and if school has pedagogic, administrative and financial autonomy. This is a descriptive search, with quantitative approach, realized in 47 state schools in Rio Grande do Norte, and composed by 292 participants, divided in 3 groups (Direction, Coordination and School Council). The instrument to catch data was a questionnaire and the data treatment realized by way descriptive statistic and inferences using X 2 test. The results show that school administration is composed in great part by women with specialization grade. All schools have School Council and Financial Council, but have not Parents and Masters Association and just one of them has Student Guild. The direction choose process is, in 83% of the schools, by elective way. The indicators show that the relation involving family, society and school stays weak, but Directors, Coordinators and School Council members develop their functions with coherence. About autonomy, it is limited and presents correlation with participation, but the educational system stays rigid and centralizer
Partendo da un progetto su un servizio di trasporto di beni ortofrutticoli tramite bus, il mio progetto di tesi è andato a concentrarsi sui contenitori in cui si collocano frutta e verdura, tenendo in particolare considerazione la protezione degli stessi e un trasporto facilitato da parte dell'utente. Nel documento sono inoltre presenti la relazione del tirocinio svolto presso Open Project S.r.l. e la spiegazione sul progetto del portfolio lavori.
Peer reviewed
Inscription: Verso: women's rights demonstration, New York.
Before envisioning the future of marketing, as the conference theme suggests, it may be worthwhile examining our desire to envision the future of marketing. This paper argues that our need to imagine the future is part of an innate utopian propensity. It examines the relationship between marketing and utopianism, contends that marketing is inherently utopian in ethos, and concludes that, necessary though they are, future visions of marketing cannot and should not be enacted.
L’elaborato illustra come il cambiamento delle abitudini quotidiane, nel corso degli anni, ha portato alla nascita di un tipo di ristorazione capace di conciliare i bisogni di tipo nutrizionale e relazionale con l’aspetto qualitativo fondato sulla salubrità degli alimenti. Il settore della ristorazione collettiva è disciplinato dai Reg. CE 178\02 e 852\04, i quali stabiliscono rispettivamente i principi ed i requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare e le linee guida sull'igiene dei prodotti alimentari. Le principali categorie di ristorazione collettiva sono quella aziendale, scolastica e sociosanitaria che soddisfano le esigenze di un numero ampio di persone accomunate dall’esigenza di usufruire dei pasti, al di fuori della propria abitazione (lavoratori-studenti- degenti di un ospedale). Le fasi principali da affrontare nell’analisi della ristorazione sono la preparazione e la distribuzione dei pasti con attenzione alla prevenzione delle tossinfezioni alimentari e la salubrità degli alimenti prodotti, trasformati e somministrati. La qualità non deve rappresentare un costo bensì un investimento: le aziende che operano nel settore alimentare hanno necessità di certificare ufficialmente il proprio adeguamento alla Normativa HACCP,al fine di aumentare la trasparenza, fornire sicurezza al consumatore e diminuirne l’incertezza, nel rispetto di quanto previsto dalle Leggi. I centri di produzione durante l’intero ciclo di lavorazione dei pasti, dalla preparazione alla commercializzazione, si affidano all’autocontrollo igienico fondato sui principi del modello HACCP che racchiude tute le misure da adottare per garantire la sicurezza igienico sanitaria e l’integrità degli alimenti. L’adempimento dei principi dell’HACCP nelle catene ristorative viene garantito dai controlli ufficiali svolti dalle autorità sanitarie con programmi ed interventi di vigilanza atti a ridurre i pericoli fisici-biologici che possono rendere dannoso un alimento per il consumatore.
Agnes Heller recently described her position as 'postmodernist', suggesting a move from a political radical to a politically liberal or 'neoconservative' position. The aim of this paper is to assess the degree to which Heller can still be regarded as a radical political thinker through an evaluation of her work on autonomy, democracy and contingency all of which remain key concepts in her thinking about the political. We find in each case that whilst many of the motifs of her critical Marxist period recur in her recent work, they are losing their oppositional or 'negative' character in the sense that making these motifs operational would require changes to the structure or functioning of liberal-capitalism. Whils remaining in some sense a radical thinker Heller has moved from the advocacy of a 'rational utopia' to a form of theorising which I describe as 'will-to-utopia': radical at the surface yet conservative at the core.
The volume contains the results of the research project "Governance Analysis Project (GAP) for the Smart Energy City. The actualization of Smart Cities in the Metropolitan Areas of Europe and Italy” conducted within the PON “Smart Energy Master for the energy management of the territory” at the University Federico II of Naples (TeMA Lab of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering). Smart Cities have gained increasing relevance in the scientific debate and in the national and international operational practice, emerging as one of the opportunities to rethink cities and, more generally, the life of urban communities. First reflections, researches and projects on the issue seem to converge towards the idea that a “smart” urban development should not only be a result of the yet necessary and unavoidable infrastructural endowment (physical capital) and of its continuing innovation, but also of the quality of human, social and environmental capital, conceived as strategic factors for development. A “smart” city is, primarily, a city able to effectively satisfy the needs of its citizens respecting the rules imposed by the environmental context. It is in such a debate that the project GAP fits with the aim to address Smart Cities in light of the administrative reorganization of Italian large cities as a consequence of the Law 56/2014. With a scientific approach, the volume provides a comprehensive and updated framework of how Italian and European Metropolitan cities are declining the Smart City issue and this thanks to the collection of a wide-ranging screening represented by more than 1.000 initiatives including researches, projects, interventions, technologies, etc. Furthermore, one original element of this research is that after an analysis conducted through indirect sources, a phase of dialogue with “stakeholders” was carried out (and of this there is a wide picture in the volume in which, by the way, are reported long excerpts of the interviews). This has enabled to give a clearer framework of what is now experimenting in Italian and European cities, avoiding being totally naïve for interventions and projects labelled as “smart”, but often lacking of innovative methods and contents.