906 resultados para Antirheumatic Agents
In the present work, studies on vulcanization, rheology and reinforcement of natural rubber latex with special reference to accelerator combinations, surface active agents and gamma irradiation have been undertaken. In vulcanization, the choice of vulcanization system, the extent and mc-zie of vulcanization and network structure of the vulcanizate are important factors contributing to the overall quality of the product. The vulcanization system may be conventional type using elemental sulfur or a system involving sulfur donors. The latter type is used mainly in the manufacture of heat resistant products. For improving the technical properties of the products such as modulus and tensile strength, different accelerator combinations are used. It is known that accelerators have a strong effect on the physical properties of rubber vulcanizates. A perusal of the literature indicates that fundamental studies on the above aspects of latex technology are very limited. Thereforea systematic study on vulcanization, rheology and reinforcement of natural rubber latex with reference to the effect of accelerator combinations, surface active agents and gamma irradiation has been undertaken. The preparation and evaluation of some products like latex thread was also undertaken as a part of the study. The thesis consists of six chapter
The work presented in this thesis is regarding the development and evaluation of new bonding agents for short polyester fiber - polyurethane elastomer composites. The conventional bonding system based on hexamethylenetetramine, resorcinol and hydrated silica was not effective as a bonding agent for the composite, as the water eliminated during the formation of the RF resin hydrolysed the urethane linkages. Four bonding agents based on MDI/'IDI and polypropyleneglycol, propyleneglycol and glycerol were prepared and the composite recipe was optimised with respect to the cure characteristics and mechanical properties. The flow properties, stress relaxation pattern and the thermal degradation characteristics of the composites containing different bonding agents were then studied in detail to evaluate the new bonding systems. The optimum loading of resin was 5 phr and the ratio of the -01 to isocyanate was 1:1. The cure characteristics showed that the optimum combination of cure rate and processability was given by the composite with the resin based on polypropyleneglycol/ glycerol/ 4,4diphenylmethanediisocynate (PPG/GL/MDI). From the rheological studies of the composites with and without bonding agents it was observed that all the composites showed pseudoplastic nature and the activation energy of flow of the composite was not altered by the presence of bonding agents. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, modulus, tear resistance and abrasion resistance were improved in the presence of bonding agents and the effect was more pronounced in the case of abrasion resistance. The composites based on MDI/GL showed better initial properties while composites with resins based on MDI/PPG showed better aging resistance. Stress relaxation showed a multistage relaxation behaviour for the composite. Within the-strain levels studied, the initial rate of relaxation was higher and the cross over time was lesser for the composite containing bonding agents. The bonding agent based on MDI/PPG/GL was found to be a better choice for improving stress relaxation characteristics with better interfacial bonding. Thennogravimetirc analysis showed that the presence of fiber and bonding agents improved the thennal stability of the polyurethane elastomer marginally and it was maximum in the case of MDI / GL based bonding agents. The kinetics of degradation was not altered by the presence of bonding agents
Diagnosis of Hridroga (cardiac disorders) in Ayurveda requires the combination of many different types of data, including personal details, patient symptoms, patient histories, general examination results, Ashtavidha pareeksha results etc. Computer-assisted decision support systems must be able to combine these data types into a seamless system. Intelligent agents, an approach that has been used chiefly in business applications, is used in medical diagnosis in this case. This paper is about a multi-agent system named Distributed Ayurvedic Diagnosis and Therapy System for Hridroga using Agents (DADTSHUA). It describes the architecture of the DADTSHUA model .This system is using mobile agents and ontology for passing data through the network. Due to this, transport delay can be minimized. It is a system which will be very helpful for the beginning physicians to eliminate his ambiguity in diagnosis and therapy. The system is implemented using Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE), which is a java-complaint mobile agent platform from TILab.
Cooperative behaviour of agents within highly dynamic and nondeterministic domains is an active field of research. In particular establishing highly responsive teamwork, where agents are able to react on dynamic changes in the environment while facing unreliable communication and sensory noise, is an open problem. Moreover, modelling such responsive, cooperative behaviour is difficult. In this work, we specify a novel model for cooperative behaviour geared towards highly dynamic domains. In our approach, agents estimate each others decision and correct these estimations once they receive contradictory information. We aim at a comprehensive approach for agent teamwork featuring intuitive modelling capabilities for multi-agent activities, abstractions over activities and agents, and a clear operational semantic for the new model. This work encompasses a complete specification of the new language, ALICA.
Diese Dissertation hat das Ziel, zum einen die Transformation des Handelssystems von der GATT zur Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) im Kontext einer vernderten Weltordnung und zum anderen die Rollen von transnationalen Unternehmen im Rahmen dieser Transformation zu untersuchen und zu verstehen. Die Arbeit wird theoretisch vom Neogramscianismus angeleitet, da die etablierten Anstzen in den Internationalen Beziehungen und der International Politischen konomie nur unzureichend die intersubjektive Natur von Regimen und nicht-staatlichen Akteuren darstellen. Fr Anhnger des Neogramscianismus sind internationale Regime intersubjektive Einheiten, deren Zusammenspiel von Ideen und Machtkonfigurationen historische Strukturen prgen. Die Hegemonie ist ein Konzept, das soziale Einflsse als Agenten historischen Wandels in international Regimen und der Weltordnung zusammenbindet. Mit dem Konzept der Hegemonie wird eine Machtsituation beschrieben, in der politische Macht in legitime Autoritt bersetzt wird, indem die Zustimmung subalterner Akteure eingeholt wird. Hegemonie beinhaltet die konsensuellen Aspekte von Machtausbung in einer jeweiligen Weltordnung. Diese Dissertation argumentiert vor allem, dass die Transformation des Handelssystems als hegemonisch bezeichnet werden kann, da sie parallel mit der Transformation der Weltordnung von einer von den USA dominierten Nachkriegszeit zu einer neoliberalen Hegemonie stattfand. Mit der Transformation zur Welthandlungsorganisation wird der legale Rahmen des Handelssystems neu strukturiert und ihre normative Grundlagen neu definiert, wodurch der ethische Rahmen des Neoliberalismus reflektiert wird. Diese nderungen werden in der neuartigen Anerkennung der legitimen Autoritt des Marktes gegenber Nationalstaaten und der Anerkennung von der Notwendigkeit von bindenden Disziplinen, die Regierungen bergeordnet sind, reflektiert. Diese Dissertation analysiert zwei Flle, um die Rolle von transnationalen Unternehmen innerhalb diese Transformationsprozesses zu erklren. Dabei wird der Fokus vor allem auf die Aktivitten und Fhigkeiten der Unternehmen gerichtet, die Ausrichtung des Handelsregimes zu bestimmen. Die erste Studie untersucht die Eingliederung von Dienstleistungen in das GATT Regime vor und whrend der Uruguay-Runde (1986 1994) und argumentiert, dass diese Eingliederung zu einer Neudefinierung von Liberalisierung und Normen der Nichtdiskriminierung fhrte. Die zweite Studie analysiert den gescheiterten Versuch, auslndische Direktinvestitionen noch bevor und whrend der 2001 begonnenen Doha Runde in die Welthandelsorganisation zu integrieren. Letztendlich wird in dieser Dissertation argumentiert, dass transnationale Unternehmen, die in den Vereinigten Staaten ansssig sind, hegemonische Agenten der Regimetransformation waren und eine wichtige Rolle dabei gespielt haben, Dienstleistungen in das GATT einzubinden. Und zwar gelang ihnen dies durch eine in den spten 1970er Jahren begonnenen Kampagne. Auf der einen Seite war die Kampagne darin erfolgreich, etablierte Denkstrukturen zu Handelsthemen systematisch im Sinne des Neoliberalismus zu verndern und zwar sowohl hinsichtlich der normativen Inhalte als auch der intersubjektiven Bedeutungen des Regimes. Auf der anderen Seite deutet der Fall des Investitionsabkommens die Grenzen der hegemonischen Ideen, Institutionen, und Strmungen seit den frhen 90er Jahren an. Transnationale Unternehmen, die in Europa ansssig waren, sind mit ihren Bemhungen gescheitert, das Regime weiter zu transformieren und das Thema Investitionen in die legalen und normativen Rahmenbedingungen der WTO zu integrieren. Die Prioritten und Strategien der transnationalen Unternehmen, die Agenda der WTO zu beeinflussen, waren beschrnkt und wurden im Kontext einer angefochtenen neoliberalen Hegemonie geformt, die wiederum von dem Widerstand und anti-hegemonischen Kampagnen der Zivilgesellschaft beeinflusst wurden. Die Analyse in dieser Dissertation wurde durch eine qualitative Diskursanalyse von Sekundr- und Primrquellen durchgefhrt: Regierungsvorschlge, Verhandlungstexte, Konferenzzusammenfassungen und Statements von Unternehmen.
L objectiu del projecte s la implementaci dun simulador de sistema de recomanaci que permeti estudiar algoritmes de dissociaci entre agent-recomanador i usuari, combinant-los amb diverses tcniques de recomanaci i fent servir infohabitants com Agents Recomanadors i veure com treballen en un sistema recomanador
We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation. The proposed system is completely distributed and automates the mechanisms for adapting the logical network to the offered load. The system is able to manage dynamically a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switched path network in MPLS or GMPLS. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS) which make the decisions of when and how to change a logical path. Despite the lack of a centralised global network view, results show that MAS manages the network resources effectively, reducing the connection blocking probability and, therefore, achieving better utilisation of network resources. We also include details of its architecture and implementation
We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation and path restoration mechanisms. Our focus is on the dynamic bandwidth management results, although the main goal of the system is the integration of the different mechanisms that manage the reserved paths (bandwidth, restoration, and spare capacity planning). The objective is to avoid conflicts between these mechanisms. The system is able to dynamically manage a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switch path network in MPLS. This system has been designed to be modular in the sense that in can be activated or deactivated, and it can be applied only in a sub-network. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS). We also included details of its architecture and implementation
Expert supervision systems are software applications specially designed to automate process monitoring. The goal is to reduce the dependency on human operators to assure the correct operation of a process including faulty situations. Construction of this kind of application involves an important task of design and development in order to represent and to manipulate process data and behaviour at different degrees of abstraction for interfacing with data acquisition systems connected to the process. This is an open problem that becomes more complex with the number of variables, parameters and relations to account for the complexity of the process. Multiple specialised modules tuned to solve simpler tasks that operate under a co-ordination provide a solution. A modular architecture based on concepts of software agents, taking advantage of the integration of diverse knowledge-based techniques, is proposed for this purpose. The components (software agents, communication mechanisms and perception/action mechanisms) are based on ICa (Intelligent Control architecture), software middleware supporting the build-up of applications with software agent features
This paper proposes to promote autonomy in digital ecosystems so that it provides agents with information to improve the behavior of the digital ecosystem in terms of stability. This work proposes that, in digital ecosystems, autonomous agents can provide fundamental services and information. The final goal is to run the ecosystem, generate novel conditions and let agents exploit them. A set of evaluation measures must be defined as well. We want to provide an outline of some global indicators, such as heterogeneity and diversity, and establish relationships between agent behavior and these global indicators to fully understand interactions between agents, and to understand the dependence and autonomy relations that emerge between the interacting agents. Individual variations, interaction dependencies, and environmental factors are determinants of autonomy that would be considered. The paper concludes with a discussion of situations when autonomy is a milestone
Resumen tomado del autor. Artculo seleccionado del VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de informtica Educativa RIBIE 2006, (San Jos, Costa Rica 2006), extendido y revisado para su publicacin en IE Comunicaciones
Se repasa las actividades que realizan durante una jornada de trabajo los agentes de medio ambiente. Las funciones de estos trabajadores son la vigilancia de la flora y la fauna, de los ecosistemas marinos, de las actividades humanas en el medio ambiente -control de recursos hdricos, control de residuos, etc-. Hasta el ao 2003 slo existan los guardas forestales pero haca falta un cuerpo de personal ms complejo que respondiera a las necesidades de la sociedad actual y los problemas del medio ambiente..
Descriptive study that identified chemical agents (AQ) use and training on risk management and waste disposal techniques in a public Hospital in Valencia. A questionnaire was answered by 48 workers. Information obtained was: personal data, occupational history, AQ used; knowledge of risk management and waste disposal. There were 16 occupations from 12 High Risk areas. Adult emergency was the one with more workers (11 individuals), followed by sterilization and clinical laboratory (7 each) and oncology (5). The remained areas had less than 8.3% workers. The most used anesthetic agents were: Halothane, Enfluorane and Isofluorane 4.17% each and main antineoplastics used were: Doxorubicin 16.67% and Paclitaxel, 5-Fluoracil and Etoposide, 8.33% each. The most mentioned substances were: alcohol (70.8%) and Chlorine (64.6%). None of the answers regarding knowledge of AQ risk management and waste disposal was satisfactory. Statistical associations between training and several variables such as age, time in their job and being or not a professional, resulted non-significant. The correlation between training and the knowledge of AQs management was significant (p < 0.001). Participants showed that their knowledge about chemical occupational risk factors they are exposed to is still insufficient. Therefore, this theme should be included in graduate course curricula. These results provide important data and will serve as a pilot research for the follow up Phase II study that will include clinical aspects and environmental and biological monitoring.
Resumen del autor en cataln
Resumen del autor. Este art??culo pertenece al monogr??fico 'John Elliott: su pensamiento y su influencia'